~Thank you all for being patient with me, here is the final installment. As always, enjoy.~

All characters belong to Prodigy Pictures, Lost Girl, and Showtime.


It had been one year since I had left White Collar. There were days that I missed it but today was one of those days I was happy I left.

"What's up babe?" I couldn't contain my grin at the sound of Bo's voice as she waltzed into my office. She placed the take out bag on my desk before placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I think I just made a breakthrough." Her eyes grew wide with understanding and she urged me to continue while she started removing the contents of the bag. I stood and grabbed two bottles so of water out of the small refrigerator in the corner.

"The holy grail of prosthetics is to create a replacement limb that feels like its real. I've been working constantly with Dr. Frost and we've been so blind, Bo. The whole time I was trying to create a leg for Declan that seemed real, and natural, but what I thought was natural; not what he thought. I talked to him and he told me that it felt like he was lugging around this piece of machinery and that every time he put it on it felt off to him. I fixed it Babe. I looked again and started form scratch 5 months ago and it paid off. We looked at it from a completely different point of view, his nerves need to grow and move around; they're not going to integrate with a hardened prosthetic. The material we were using was all wrong, its wasn't light in weight or easy to move around it. Declan said that he dreamed of something that aloud him to move around freely, but it also needed to be extremely conductive. Nerve signals are highly localized, and also very, very subtle. An effective neural-prosthetic interface would need to transmit thousands of different signals per second to mimic the behavior of a real limb and its relationship to the brain and body. I was thinking it from my point of view, not as someone who had lost his or her arm or leg, I was thinking of it all to technically. The first handful of prototypes were what I thought would work, I wasn't taking into account what it would be like to walk around with one leg and then have this thing strapped on and be told that it should be perfect." I took a breath realizing that at some point I had stood up and began to walk around while rambling on and on. I grinned at Bo who smiled at me

"Go on, I love it when you totally geek out." I blushed slightly and began again

"To create that ideal interface, we developed our own biocompatible polymers, meant to mimic the properties of nerve tissue. The material is also porous, so that nerves can extend through it, and lined with electrodes, to enhance conductivity. We did some tests on Lola and Steve and they passed with flying colors, no infection, no rejection of the new limbs." Bo was sitting in the chair across from my desk watching my every move. I had to stop and laugh when I mentioned my test subjects. Lola and Steve were two lab rats that had been mistreated and lost limbs. Kenzi had broken them out of a secret location I was not aloud to know the name of. She of course named the two of them and told me to take good care of her little babies or she would quote kick my ass, I couldn't wait to tell her the good news.

"I didn't understand all of that, but you pretty much think you found a material that can provide a realistic replacement for Declan's leg? One that can connect to the nerves in his leg?" I sat down in the chair next to her buzzing with excitement

"That is exactly what I'm saying. We're still a year or two away from creating a version for Declan, but Honey I actually think I can do this. This is big." Soft lips were pressed to mine as Bo kissed me. Once I caught my breath I kissed her back with the same energy and passion she had. She separated us and smiled so wide it reached her eyes. I ran my thumb over her dimple and laughed

"What was that for?" She handed me a box of rice and fork

"I couldn't help myself, you're gorgeous and brilliant and when you start throwing out all that medical jargon I can't help but jump you." She winked and opened a box of orange chicken and we dug in. We spent the rest of our lunch date talking about this or that. She was close to breaking the Gold case and was confident that by this time tomorrow he would be locked up in the basement of the FBI.

"We're going out tomorrow morning and tracking him down. Tamsin has a guy on the inside so there's no way we wont catch him right?" Bo looked at me waiting for an answer

"In my experience having a man on the inside makes it a whole lot easier." I stole the last piece of chicken away from her and winked as I stuffed it in my mouth

"You sneak." We shared a playful laugh enjoying the lightness of our conversation

"I think Kenzi is rubbing off on me." Bo smiled at that, as did I

"Thanks for you know, not arresting her by the way." I set my fork down and moved to sit on Bo's lap.

"Even back then I knew that if something happened to Kenzi then you would be an unbeatable force to reckon with. Plus you would have been a major pain in my ass." She laughed and kissed the underside of my jaw sending a chill throughout my body

"That's probably true… Have I told you how sexy you are today?" Bo's voice was deeper than normal, a sign that I was in for the playfully sexy side of the brunette.

"I think you did once or twice, but I don't mind hearing it again." I shifted so I was straddling her; she smirked at me and began peppering my neck with kisses

"You Lauren Lewis are the sexiest woman I have ever met. No one has ever had this effect on me." I forced myself to quiet the moan that came from my throat.

"Bo, not now, not here…later I promise." To my surprise she removed her lips from my neck and pulled her hands away from the buttons on my shirt

"I just remembered I have to meet Tamsin somewhere." I was confused and slightly disappointed at the sudden change in mood that was radiating off my girlfriend. I awkwardly stood up and straightened myself before going to throw away the empty containers. I heard her shuffle around behind me and jumped when I felt her arms snake around me from behind

"I didn't mean to be so abrupt." I removed her hands and continued to clean up. I was thrown off by her mood swing

"Lauren, you seem mad." I shook my head and looked at her

"No of course I'm not mad Bo.. Sorry I don't know what that was about, its just.." I drifted off and threw the last of the napkins into the small wastebasket

"Just what? Laur, don't do that thing where you shut down. Even if you think it's stupid I want to hear it." I leaned on the edge of my desk and motioned for Bo to come close. She stepped into my personal space and I wrapped my arms around her waist and waited for her to respond by draping her arms over my shoulders before I spoke again

"I'm not trying to shut down.. You don't just turn off Bo. Once you're on you don't just flip the switch and turn off, usually I have to rip myself away from you… What aren't you telling me?" She shifted uncomfortably in my arms

"I can turn off if I want to." I smirked and looked into her eyes

"That's not the point, what's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm just stressed out about the Gold case. It's the only case Tamsin and I haven't closed yet."

"Bo, you don't need to worry about the number of cases you've closed, you're a CI it's not something you should concern yourself with. Tamsin shouldn't be pushing her stress on to you, maybe I should talk to her?" Bo shook her head at me

"Tamsin hasn't been stressing me out. It's my own doing, I'm sorry its stupid of me… I really do need to go meet her though." I knew I wasn't getting the truth from her, I could see it in her eyes there was something there. Something that had been there since the second she had walked into my office, it just took me a while to notice it. I would let her slip away and bring up the subject later.

"Well don't worry too much, by tomorrow you two will have a perfect case record. I'll see you later?" I kissed her on the cheek and watched as she put her coat on and winked at me before leaving. I had that gut feeling that Bo was up to something.


"Kenz, I barely held it together in there." I said as I got into cab that was waiting for me outside of the medical center. The dark haired girl rolled her eyes at me and told the driver our destination.

"Bo you are over-reacting, its not like she can read your mind."

"But she can Kenz, she knows me better than I do. She sensed something was off and I had to lie to get out of there."

"Oh yeah her weird super power… Well we will just have to work a harder top keep her off the scent. What's up with Agent Slamsin?"

"She is gunna cover for me if it comes to that, but I really don't think Lauren would go talk to her just because I was acting a little strange."

"Good then you settle down and get focused, we gots things to do and peeps ta see!"


"Ready BoBo?" I smiled the blue-eyed girl lead the way into the small office.

"Ms. Dennis please sit down I'll be with you in a second." I smiled at the Director and took a seat.

"Ms. Malikov you're welcome to join us." Director Gilmore left the two of us in his office.

"I'm still not used to him being so nice."

"He says he likes your fire." I teased at her. She rolled her eyes at me. That seemed to be what people like the most about the young Russian girl, that's what drew me to her. I found that Kenzi slowly grew on people; it was a sight to see. Over the past year she had befriended almost every field Agent, as well as everyone else in the building. She was the type of person you couldn't help but trust, I was glad that she was my best friend.

"Act cool babe, don't do that thing where you act overconfident, but also don't be a pushover." Kenzi was sitting on the arm of my chair resting her arm on my shoulder

"I always act cool… Okay except for that one time." We both broke into laughter

"Seriously Bo, it's gunna be good news." I was about to reply when the Director reappeared.

"Thornwood, Tamsin the floor is yours." I looked up to see Dyson and Tamsin follow behind the Director. I began fidgeting with my sleeves until Kenzi's hands silenced mine. I looked up into her supportive blue eyes and thanked her silently.

"Bo, Kenzi, nice to see you." We both nodded at Dyson and smiled at Tamsin who stood next to him

"As you know we've been reviewing your case with the board for the past two months. We've come to a decision." Dyson stated resting his hands around his belt buckle.

"Tamsin, would you like to share the news with your CI." Tamsin nudged Dyson with her shoulder and stepped forward leaning on the Director's desk.

"After many long debates and discussions over you're personal file we have come up with something that I think you might like. You too Kenz… As you know your deal with the FBI is a unique one. The deal you have now is that you act as a criminal informant for the White Collar division instead of spending your time in prison. Your deal is dependent on a certain set of rules. You are monitored with a tracking device, as long as you stay within your radius, report to work everyday, and don't commit any crimes."

"This isn't exactly new information Tamsin." I felt and jab to my ribs form Kenzi

"What's the sitch Tam-Tam? Is there a new deal?" Kenzi asked bluntly

"After reviewing your file the board has come to new of terms and conditions. You and I have near perfect record Dennis, the board is aware of the work you've been doing. There is no way we would have caught Black Beard, the Greens or Galileo without you Bo. You've done a great job this past year and a half. While we can't let you walk away a free woman just yet, we can improve things for you. You've shown that you've changed while working with us." Tamsin looked like she was at a loss for words so Dyson picked up where she left off

"I never thought you'd make it. I told Lauren she was a fool for handing you this deal." Kenzi chuckled and glared at the sandy haired man

"Gee, thanks Dyson." He smiled at me and continued on

"I thought for sure you were going to make a run for it the first month you were here, you proved me wrong. You're smarter than I thought you were because you stayed. You took this last chance to heart and you made it work for you. I'm proud of you." I squeezed Kenzi's hands harder my nerves increasing

"You've become a good friend to us Bo, we fought to give you the best deal we could." The blonde said apparently finding her voice again.

"Like I said before you're not off the hook just yet but this one step closer to freedom." Dyson handed her a small silver key and I felt the air escape from my lungs. Green eyes looked at me with excitement and genuine happiness.

"Holy shit-balls is that what I think it is?!" Kenzi exclaimed taking the words right out of my mouth. The Agents laughed and Dyson nodded his head

"That there is on step closer to freedom, don't screw it up." I smiled at the familiar phrase that he spoke to me on my first day in Lauren's office.

"If you would Ms. Dennis." I stood and put my left ankle up on the edge of the desk next to the blonde. She carefully inserted the small key and turned until there was an audible click and the light turned red on the small anklet. She removed the tracking device and placed it on the desk. I straightened myself out and beamed at the young Agent who winked at me.

"So what does this mean then?" I asked

"You are still my CI but this is going to work as a partnership from now on. You still report to me but as long as you do that you are free to do whatever it is ex-cons do. Two very important rules before you tune me out. You can't leave the state, and you have to let me know when you're leaving the city. If you fail to do either of those the anklet goes back on. The second rule is that you have to report to me everyday. If you miss a day or are 20 minutes late for work we're going to assume the worst. Do not do anything illegal, and do not test me. If you break any of these rules your life will be a lot harder than it right now. Do you understand?" I looked at the hand outstretched and gladly took it. I pulled Tamsin in for a hug squeezed tight.

"I wont let you down." I whispered to her

"I did this for Lauren." She whispered back before pulling away

"I know you did, thank you."


"What can I do for you today?" an older woman with curly grey hair and name tag that read "Beth" asked as she approached Kenzi and I

"My friend here is looking for something that takes your breath away, you have anything like that?" The old woman looked excitedly at us and led us to the back of the store.



"Hey Kenzi, is Bo here?" I asked as I settle onto a chair at my kitchen table.

"She's catching a bad guy tonight." The Russian reminded me as she set a pair of glasses and bottle of wine in front of me.

"I guess I forgot." I motioned for her to pour me a glass of the white wine not even minding the fact that this was one of my bottles she had confiscated from my room.

"You don't forget anything, what's going on in that brain of yours Doc?" She questioned filling bot of our glasses before plopping down in the seat next to me.

"My favorite bonus feature of loving Bo is having you around… Have I ever told you that?" In a rare moment I saw the exuberant woman blush, and when blue eyes met mine I saw the child in her. I often forgot just how young Kenzi was, but in this moment I saw the shyness of a young girl who wasn't used to being complimented.

"Buttering me up for any particular reason Hotpants?"

"You did ask what I was thinking." I stated plainly, sure I had a lot more on my mind than just that but if I knew Kenzi then she'd get the rest of it out of me in due time.

"I'm not very good at accepting compliments so I'll just say thanks and move on. BoBo told me you made some awesome break through with your science stuff today, I thought you'd be in a more celebratory mood." She scrunched her eyebrows together in way that was very similar to what Bo did when she was trying to work something out, her head tilted slightly to the side, as her eyebrows grew closer together. The only difference was that Kenzi was better at hiding what she found out during those little moments of processing. I also didn't know Kenzi quite like I knew Bo, which is a good thing.

"I'm one step closer to making Sgt. Declan's life easier. I'm happy to report that Steve and Lola are doing great, they're driving our newest intern insane." Kenzi chuckled and clinked our glasses together

"That all sounds good to me, why am I getting the ice queen vibe from you?"

"I'm just tired is all. I was hoping Bo would be home, there was something off with her today that's been bugging me." I took a sip of the sweet wine holding the cool glass to lips a moment longer than was necessary relishing in the coolness it brought to my lips.

"Don't you think you're overreacting a bit?" Kenzi quipped

"I guess so, but I just have this gut feeling there's something she's not telling me." Kenzi placed her hand on mine and urged me to look up at her

"People are entitled to their secrets Lauren… I do happen to know that Bo can't keep anything from you for too long." She did have a point.

"You're right I'm just overreacting." I saw her relax at my words and wondered if there really was something wrong, I pushed the thought aside and tried to relax.


"What's wrong Kenzi?" I looked at the outdated alarm clock that I barely used and the time read 4am. The bff of my lover usually snuck into our room late at night to take food, alcohol, or even stumble into our bed by "mistake". I knew she did it because she was lonely, after hearing about her childhood and time on the streets I knew she also had the occasional nightmare and would come to our room for comfort. Bo was usually with me and usually did the comforting. I turned the lamp on and slowly sat up.

"Sorry, not Kenzi." Her soft voice erased the sleep away from my eyes.


I had been standing at the door to the apartment for far too long. I was listening to her even breaths as I removed my jacket and boots. It was a sight I loved to see. Up until 6 months ago she had been having nightmares almost every night, she would wake up screaming and shaking and I would have to hold her and remind her where she was until she fell back into a restless sleep. She been putting too much pressure on herself at the lab and had reverted to her old ways of pulling away and succumbing to the darkness. We had a big fight about weather or not she should go see a professional. I watched as she struggled with her inner demons, I've never felt more helpless. She was stubborn but Tamsin and I eventually talked her into to going to at least one session. She was better now, she was herself and she seemed to be out of that dark place she put herself in all those years ago, for good this time she would tell me. So to see her sleeping peacefully and alone was a sight I was happy to see.

"Go back to sleep." I whispered changing to cotton shorts and one of Lauren's FBI t-shirts. She ran a hand through her hair and watched as I made my way over to her.

"It's late, you must be exhausted." I slid under the covers and curled into her resting my head in the crook of her neck. She hummed in a approval and pulled me closer to her.

"I didn't know if you would be home tonight I thought you might still be a the lab." She ran her fingers through my hair while she spoke

"I missed our bed and sleeping next to you." She chuckled lightly at her admission

"I'm sorry I was late."

"It's okay. How did it go by the way?" She was referring to the Gold case.

"It went amazingly. They got him babe, finally. He almost escaped but Tamsin pulled a Lauren and cornered him on the roof. Dyson is taking him into custody as we speak." I felt her press her lips to the top of my head

"That's wonderful news."

I told her the rest of the details and we succumbed to sleep.

~x 3weeks later x~

"I said it's a surprise so stop asking questions." Lauren and surprises didn't go very well together, she had a way of always getting me to break and tell her my plan. This time I was determined to stand my ground.


Bo was leading me through the streets of Boston towards my surprise. I hated surprises but Bo was adamant about keep this one to herself. I found it absolutely adorable and decided to go along with it this one time.

"Bo, we just went in a circle twice." I expected her to say something sarcastic but instead she looked like a ball of nerves.

"Lauren, just.. Can you just, like go along with it okay?" She pleaded. I was definitely curious as to what she was up to; lately she had been treating me like a queen. At first I thought she was going to propose to me, I knew she wanted to wait until she was a free woman but I also knew she was impatient. We had gone to a fancy Italian restaurant in the north end 2 weeks ago that I thought for sure was going to end with a proposal. Instead she gave me a map of Massachusetts.

"What is this for?" I had asked. She stole the pen off the table next to us and circled the center of the city. I knew instantly that it was her 9mile radius.

"Dyson was so happy about closing the Gold case that he gave me some extra room. I got the whole 90 square miles as a gift from Director Gilmore himself." She said excitedly as she circled the entire city on the map.

That following weekend I thought she might pop the question, but again I was wrong.

"How did you get us a table so last minute Bo? You didn't tell them you were a senator or anything did you?" I asked anxious to hear her answer.

"No Lauren I didn't lie to get us a table. I called in a favor that was owed to me." She pulled my chair out and then took her seat across from me.

"This view is amazing. I've never actually been here before." We were at the Top of the Hub, which was a very expensive restaurant in Boston. Not only was the food amazing but it also had one of the best views of the city. We shared a romantic dinner and I thought that she would produce a tiny black box by the end of the night. I wasn't completely wrong this time. She did slide a long black velvet box towards me at the end of dinner.

"I recently went to the bank and opened my Mother's safety deposit box. I found this in there." I opened the box and there sat a thin gold chain with a golden key at the end of it.

"It's beautiful, but you're not giving it to me are you?" She stared at me with those big brown eyes and stood up, she stood behind me and gently placed the necklace around my neck.

"My mother used to tell me to protect my heart. She didn't want me to make the same mistakes she had, she didn't want me to give my heart to just anyone. She told me that one day someone special would come along, someone who would protect my heart with all they had, someone who would love me even more than she loved me. She never gave it to anyone, she told me that no one had earned the right to wear it."

"The key to her heart." I finished for her. She sat down again and nodded her head at me.

"You hold my heart, the necklace belongs to you." I leaned across the table and kissed her hard trying to convey how much this meant to me.

"I will protect it all I have, I promise."

I was taking her grand gestures to be something that she needed to do. She was irritated with the anklet, the radius, the FBI in general, the fact that an Agent had to keep watch at the appointment. I had to remind her several times that she could be in prison, and that she should be patient. One day her deal would be done, and she could be free to do whatever she wanted and go wherever her heart desired.

The other day she took me to meet her Mother.

"Mom, I want you to meet someone very special to me." She squeezed my hand and urged me to say something.

"Hi, Ms. Dennis it's nice to finally meet you." Bo had brought a few blankets and placed them in front of the headstone. I followed her to the ground and sat close to her.

"I'm sorry I haven't been to visit in the past few years Mom… I got a little lost, did some not so good things, did a lot of running. But I'm done with that now, and it's because of this girl right here." She paused to look at me and all I saw was pure adoration.

"She spent a lot of time chasing me, fixing my mistakes. She gave me one last chance and I took it. She's so beyond brilliant and wonderfully kind, and she loves me almost as much as I love her, I wish you could meet her." I heard her voice break at the end of her sentence and forced her to look at me

"You give me too much credit, you did all the work I just helped along the way. Ms. Dennis, your daughter helped me through the hardest time of my life. She is stubborn, and brave, and leads with her heart and I thank you for raising such a lovely daughter. I will take care of her, protect her, and love her, even when she doesn't want me to. I'll keep an eye on her until the time comes for you two to reunite." At this point the two of us were both crying like children. That day was extremely therapeutic, I felt closer to Bo than I thought was possible.

"Okay we're here." I was pulled out of my day dream and back to reality. I looked up and smiled

"The Boston Commons? That was the surprise?" I teased her. She rolled her eyes at me and dragged me along with her.

"That's it, that was the whole surprise! Time to go home." She joked back

"I remember all the stories you've told me, the time you skipped school to get an autograph form Leonard Nimoy, the first time you read To Kill A Mockingbird, How you used to correct your professors, the days you spent here with you Dad as a little girl. I remember it all Lauren." I went to tease her about sounding like a stalker when I realized where we were. We were at the George Washington statue, it was an impressive 38 feet tall and was built in 1869 and was my favorite part of the commons. I remember telling Bo how I forced my dad to take me here after school, I used to spend hours sitting at the base of the statue reading, studying, and talking with my dad.

"I have something to tell you." She said seriously. I turned to look at her and felt the frown creep onto my face.


"What's wrong?" The blonde couldn't hide the fear from her eyes as she awaited my answer.

"I've been dishonest with you, don't get mad at me." The color had left her face and she was trying her best to play it cool. I led her to a bench and waited for her to respond

"You're making me nervous Bo." She said as she forced a smile to her lips, I knew on the inside her brain was thinking of all the things that could go wrong. I almost felt bad for teasing her. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small silver key. Lauren's eyes grew wide when she realized what I was holding.

"You stole the key to your anklet! Bo Dennis, that was a stupid and foolish thing for you to do. I thought you had changed, but then you go and pull something like this? You put me in a very difficult situation, I swear-" I silenced her with a kiss and pulled away to finish explaining

"Hear me out before you melt me with your eyes would ya? I have a lot to say so just keep quiet until I'm finished. Can you do that for me, please?" Reluctantly she nodded at me

"I'll do my best but no promises." I laughed at the look on her face, it was the same look a mother gave her child when they did something wrong.

"Just remember I love you… a few weeks ago when we had lunch at your office you sensed that something was off about me. You were right. I had a meeting with Dyson, Tamsin and Director Gilmore that day, Kenzi picked me up after we were done with lunch and we went to see what they had to say. They reviewed my file and took into account all the work I've been doing for the White Collar division. I've still got a few years ahead of me until my record is wiped clean, but the terms of my deal have changed." I watched as Lauren tried to hold her tongue. I stood and unzipped my boot to expose the electronic anklet. I unlocked the device and removed it from my ankle, zipping my boot up and taking my seat I grinned at Lauren who was still trying to figure out what was going on.

"I didn't steal the key, Tamsin gave it to me. I lied when I said that my radius had been expanded, they not only gave me permission to go outside of the city but I can go anywhere in the state. The best part is that I'm done with this anklet, as long as I follow the rules I never have to wear it again. I've entered a partnership with FBI, I still report to Tamsin but I'm not being tracked every second of everyday. That means no more Agents in front of our door, we don't have to worry about how far away a restaurant is. I know it's not complete freedom but it's an improvement."

"So when we were at the Italian restaurant and you showed me the map you ahd already met with the Director? That doesn't make sense, you've been wearing that anklet everyday for the past 3 weeks, I've seen it with my own eyes." I took my lovers hands in my own and waited for her to let me speak.

"I asked Tamsin to put it back on after we caught Gold, she gave me the key, and her blessing." I could almost see Lauren's heart stop as I finished my sentence. I let go of one of her hands and reached into my pocket and pulled out an envelope. I handed it to her and sat back while she read it.

My love,

I'm sure you've got a million questions for me but silence that overactive mind of yours and just read.

The letter you wrote to me was so beautiful and honest and while I could never come close to writing something as flawless as that letter, I'm going to try my best to come close to it.

I know I had to lie a little to get you here but it's worth it to me. I'm sure you've noticed the lack of FBI Agents surrounding us, so you know I'm not lying about the anklet. I also know that you want to yell at me for giving you a heart attack and kiss me for not being an idiot and actually stealing the key to my avatar anklet. Feel free to kiss me at anytime.

The day Gold was locked away was the day I bought your engagement ring. Don't freak out just take a deep breath and keep reading. I once told you the day I was free would be the day our new life would start together. I want to marry you Lauren Lewis and I can't wait any longer. You make my palms sweat and my heart skip a beat when you look at me, I can't believe you let me into your heart but I promise I'll never do anything to break it. You're it for me Lauren. You remind me I'm not just my past that I can be whoever I want to be. You're my voice of reason when I freak out, my number one fan even when I hate myself, you're the light to my dark and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

If you told me 7 years ago that one day I would be planning to propose to you I would have died of laughter. The only thing I would change about our unique past is that you would have arrested me sooner.

With all the love I have,


Now look up.

I had been playing with the cool platinum band in my hand for the past five minutes while Lauren slowly read my letter waiting for the moment her eyes met mine. I held up the ring and grinned at the gasp that came from the blonde. The sapphire halo diamond glimmered in the afternoon sun

"I love you Lauren, every version of you the Agent, Hotpants, Doctor, lover, geek, the brave warrior in you, the shy version of you who blushes when I call her beautiful, every part of you even the parts you hate about yourself. I love all of you, and I always will. Spend forever with me Lauren Lewis and make me the luckiest person in the world. Marry me?" She only took one second to respond but it was the longest second of my life.

"Yes." Was her simple reply as I slid the ring onto her finger, it was a perfect fit. She jumped into my lap and kissed me like I had never been kissed before.

Like so many times before she took my breath away and I would never get tired of it. I had finally found happiness, we both had and the magical part was that we found it in each other.

The End.

~And thats all she wrote. I hope you enjoyed it. I will be going back to do some editing so I apologize for any mistakes. Check my twitter for the arrival of my new story and updates on World's Collide. Thanks for sticking with me, reviews are welcome as always. Until Next Time ~ xo~