A/N : Apologies for the month long break, I couldn't afford to mess up my grades and exams were superrr hectic especially with all of it being online. I'd just handed in my last assignment so YAY! for that. Anyways am really glad to be back, and here's a longer than usual chapter to make up for it! Thank you so much for everyone who reviewed, the new follows and favourites, WELCOME! I hope you like this and do let me know what you think.

Chapter 28

Today was supposed to be a big day. Despite her permanent (for the foreseeable future at least) residence at Cair Paravel, Aline had never once been to the Narnian Court, least not when it was in session. A shame, most would agree since the workings of the Narnian Court were wildly heralded and acclaimed across all the lands. And under the Reign of the Pevensie siblings it's reputation only grew notoriously with nobilty visiting from nations far and wide to witness the unheard of before phenomenon of 2 Kings and 2 Queens, ruling United as one. Anyways, today that was about to change. And the way the Royal sisters spoke of it, Aline couldnt help but feel quite excited for it herself despite her previous indifference to the whole affair.

Following Willoa, her assigned lady-in-waiting in through the highly arched doors, Aline gasped at the sight that awaited her. It was surely something that could give all the modern architectural structures that existed back in her world a run for their money. Sitting on a raised dias in the middle of a wide hall- even wider than the Ballrooms and Banquet Halls of the Cair- sat four thrones above which hung the banners of each respective Sovereign. The thrones looked completely identical to each other in every way excepting the fact that the ones in the middle sat on a slightly raised platform that the others. Those must be Peter's and Susan's Aline realised with a start, pertaining to their titles of High King and Queen. For a moment she couldn't help but wonder what would become if either of them were to marry or how the line of succession would proceed. Aline made a mental not to ask Ed- not with the way they were right now, she felt more closer and comfortable with the eldest Pevensie brother than his much broodier sibling.

However, what amazed her the most was the seemingly completely glass ceiling through which spilled the radiant Narnian Sun's beams lighting everything inside in raw natural light. "It looks-"

"Beautiful. Right?" Willoa finished for her as a sigh escaped her lips, "I remember the first time I beheld the Narnian Court. I was awestruck." Aline could only grin at her in agreement as they hurried forth to their places just as the Court began and filling in and numerous nobles, foreign dignitaries and Narnians mingled as they found their places amongst them.

Aline had watched enough Game of Thrones to have an idea of how the Court worked yet she found herself growing more restless as the Great Hall gradually filled up to it's capacity yet there was no sign of the Monarchs.

Then as if on cue, came the sharp noise of a horn being blown just as the huge floor to ceiling doors were pulled open by a four blue clad soldiers, just as every, man, woman and creature in there rose up to their feet in respect.

She did the same.

Aline felt her heart drop to her stomach as a certain Royal walked through that door. A silver circlet sat on his head and clad in a black tunic as opposed to his siblings bright colors. Much to Susan's disappointment, Aline guessed.

His gaze seemed to seep throughout the room ignoring the flustered squealing ladies who desperately tried to meet his eyes. And then for a second- a split second- they seemed to stop right at her but before she could allow herself time to react he'd moved on and Aline couldn't help but feel again that deflated feeling that always seemed to accompany her interactions with a certain Dark King.

His gaze had sought her the first thing when he'd entered the Court. He knew she was going to be here but not until he laid eyes on her did he find out that despite his staunch decision he surely wasn't prepared to actually meet the object of his decision no matter the cause behind his reasoning. She was dressed in an elegant red gown of Narnian fashion. Unlike the few times he had seen her is simple dresses or her usual attire of trousers and a shirt, this was a rather drastic change. It took his breath away. Elegant pleats of red fabric fell from her chest down with a somewhat deep sweetheart neckline that her ample bosoms seemed to almost spill out of. At that, Edmund knew for a fact that he wasn't the only one whose attention this girl had captured and looking across the room at Lord Gilbert of Archenland's sons ogle at her only sent his blood boiling.

Edmund was pulled out of his reckless thoughts rather suddenly just as the Court quieted down at his Royal brother's words- "Bring them in." and tension hung heavily in the air. At the corner of his eye Edmund could make out Peter straightening himself on his Throne just as he couldn't help rap his knuckles against the arm rest of his Silver Throne. The weight of the circlet on his head sat heavy and Edmund wished they did not have to go through this Courtly nonsense of feigned courtesy. If he had his way he'd march right up to Rabadash and his Calormene congregation and ask him what the fuck his deal was, preferably the Prince's head at the edge of his sword at that.

The doors opened and in came their uninvited guests. Ridiculous, was the first thought that came to the Just Kings mind as one after the other the Calormene poured in when finally, on the shoulders of four bearers in a litter came in the spoilt Crown Prince, Rabadash. It was all he could do to not roll his eyes as a Page read out the Princes various empty titles which everyone present knew he never deserved.

"Your Majesties," Rabadash bowed before the Sovereign Four, "My sincerest greeting from the Calormene Kingdom."

"Welcome, Prince Rabadash to Cair Paravel and our beloved Kingdom of Narnia," Peter gushed a fake smile lighting up his entire face though to give him credit none save for his siblings could tell. "If you had informed us beforehand we'd be much more prepared for a grand welcome that befitted your Royal Person."

"That is of no worries or a matter for concern, my King-" then at a nudge from one of his delegations the Prince amended, "Kings," and then at another nudge added with a distinct frown on his face- "and esteemed Queens of this beautiful Kingdom! However, there is a reason behind the urgency of my visit, if you would grant me the honor of presenting."

At a lift of the High Kings hand, the Prince proceeded-

"Great tales of your kingdom have spread throughout the lands and ever since these whispers reached my Royal home, I've found myself curious, especially of one in particular." Edmund felt a shiver run up his spine as the Prince's sly gaze fell onto his sister, sitting regal on her throne head up.

That bastard doing it! Edmund thought livid. He's making his proposal public in front of the Whole Narnian Court and the the presence of his own delegation it would be virtually impossible to deny a consideration now.

"Thus, I've made this journey trekked day and night across the harsh expanse of the Great Desert-" your dumbass should've just taken the sea route, Edmund almost rolled his eyes. "-so that I might see for myself if the rumors were true and might I say, Indeed my lady, the whispers of your beauty do you no justice, thou art indeed the most fairest I've laid eyes on. In fact I find it only proper I speak out on my intentions which have become more clearer by the minute as I'm standing in front of you revelling at the divinity that is your beauty,"

He could almost feel his brother's fuming rage across the space between them and Edmund only felt the same, if not more. They knew this was going to happen and they were prepared for it indeed, however that sure as hell did nothing to help this growing feeling of wanting to bash the arrogant Prince's head to a wall.

At those words, Edmund's gaze couldn't help but look for Carissa from amongst the Court staring at the scene with rapt focus, and when he found her, he wished he had done something to make her sit this one out. The poor girl, definitely did not deserve this.

"So if it deigns your Royal brothers, I would like to extend you the formal proposition of an alliance in between our two nations but not the kind as of a treaty but of a mutual bond born of matrimony, respect and perhaps even love. I request your Highness' consider this as an official proposal for the hand of your fair sister High Queen Susan, the Gentle."

Edmund looked for Carissa if only to see the girl's reaction to the proposal but he found the spot she'd vacated taken up by some other Lady of the Court as they catered and careened to have a better view of what would be considered a historic moment in the history of the two nations.

"That decision would be for my Royal sister, High Queen Susan to make, until then you are welcome to our home and to wine and dine at our table until she Grace's you with her answer."

If Rabadash was surprised at the autonomy the High King placed to his sister's decision he masked it quite well.

"There won't be a need for it, Royal Brother. It would deign me the pleasure to consider this proposal extended by His Grace, Prince Rabadash of Calormene. However I would like to get to know you more before I make any final decisions regarding. Thus I, Queen Susan of Narnia do take up your offer on a Royal Courtship." A look of shock crossed his face as the Rabadash turned his gaze from the Gentle Queen to face the High King, almost as if waiting for his to affirm her views but they never came. Instead Peter sat silent on his Throne letting his sister speak for herself.

"In that case, my fair lady," Rabadash spoke, turning back to the Queen, "with the blessing of your Royal Siblings I would like to extend you and any of your Court you are willing to bring along the invitation to my home, the great Citadel of Tashbaan as is customary of Calormene men, to entertain the families of their betrothed thus that they could make a choice if that is what they want for their daughters." Bullshit. Edmund thought, this was nothing more than a custom to show off of one family's priviledge and power. Moreover, he'd heard accounts of various atrocities swept under the floor in the name of tradition such as holding the Bride's family captive till an amount of dowry was settled or defiling the bride to be..

"We have heard about the customs of Calormene, your Grace." Susan spoke once more, "Though there is nothing of the sort in place here in Narnia it would not befit us a good start to deny the customs of your people, therefore I do gladly accept your invitation to the Citadel of Tashbaan. I've heard it's rather warm over there at this time of the year."

What was Susan playing at? Edmund thought. Will it not be better to play the guy in the place where they had the upperhand rather than stepping into the viper's pit?

The crooked smile that crept it's way up Rabadash's lips said all that he needed to know. They needed to keep their wits around now more than ever. His hand moved to the hilt of his blade and never came off throughout the rest of the Courtly session.

"So how was your first day at Court?" Peter questioned her as they reached the Cair's training grounds.

"Meh, it wasn't as Game of Throne'y as I'd expected but-" Aline stopped as she realised from the blank expression on the High King's face

"It's a television show about well kingdoms and knights and fights and well-"

"Well?" he nudged at her sudden pause.

"A lot of sex," Aline deadpanned much to the High Kings amusement.

"The future sure seems fun," he commented.

"Aha, you would definitely say so of course!"

"High King!" a distinctly accented voice called from ahead of them. It was the Prince, the one she recognized from Court earlier. "My Lady," he acknowledged her, reaching closer his arm outstretched looking to her expectantly that for a minute Aline wondered if he wanted to shake her hand? And then with a start she realised.. "Oh! Your Grace."

His cold lips at the back of her hand felt slimey. She did not know what it was but something about the Prince put her off. Maybe it was the cruel gleam in his eyes and the frown lines etched deep into his skin like he spent more time frowning than anything else, or perhaps it was the pompous gait in his steps. He reminded her of a slithering snake.

"I hope your tour of the Castle went well today," Peter spoke as he plastered a bit too wide smile on his face.

"Yes it sure did. Cair Paravel is majestic indeed, just like the legends portrayed."

"Yes it indeed is," the High King replied and Aline could make out the subtle exasperation in his tone like he wanted the Prince to just get lost, but Rabadash seemed to not take the hint. Well, this sure was amusing, she thought. She barely saw Peter lose his cool.

"In fact, I was hoping to catch you or perhaps your Royal brother here." Rabadash gestured to the training grounds and for the first time Aline noticed he was dressed in light armor and a huge sword, its hilt adorned in various huge precious stones sat on the side of his hip.

"In that case, how may I help you?"

The same evil grin that she'd noticed spread on his face at Susan's acceptance of his proposal and yet again, Aline felt chills creep up her spine.

"It wasn't only praises of High Queen Susan's beauty that have reached the ears of my kingdom. And I'd be to witness for myself the rumored prowess of the Kings of Narnia, that some call even God-like."

Peter straightened beside her. The fake smile on his face transformed to a real smirk.

"Well unfortunately, I fear you're not exactly in luck today, Prince. I am here not to fight but train Lady Aline today."

"The lady?" Rabadash all but sputtered, his eyes widening bewilderment clearly marking his features.

"Yes, the Lady." Peter reassured.

"But- but she's a Lady!"

"That I sure am. Why, you think I can't handle a sword just because I'm a lady?" This guy was ridiculous! "Your Grace." Aline added, the touch of sarcasm in her voice not lost as Peter flashed her a barely concealed grin.

The Prince's gaze turned to her perhaps the first time during this conversation since he'd greeted her. For a moment the courteous mask he had on fell through and a look of was it anger? Indignation?- crossed his features as if startled by the fact that she, a woman dared directly address much less question him.

But then just as if had come, it disappeared, the mask back on. "Nay, of course not milady, but why would you want to put yourself through this strenuous task when it is for nothing?"

"For nothing?" Aline echoed.

"Of course, it is great to know to protect yourself. But well," he laughed, "when it actually comes down to a fight. Women are delicate, beautiful creatures, very much like yourself and deserve to be appreciated and treated such. You could always rely on a man- chivalrous men, like myself to defend your honor if anything were to befall you."

If her jaw wasn't securely attached to her face, Aline knew it'd have fallen to the ground at his words. She felt Peter's hand on her arm but she couldn't help but shrug it off.

"Then pray tell me, your Grace, what if its chivalrous men like yourself, that I do need protection from?"

Rabadash grinned, his eyes lit up as they roamed her figure from her head to her toes as if he was checking her out. "In that case, my fair lady, I'd say there is not much you can do can you? After all, you are a woman. And if a man truly wanted he would overpower you with ease." From beside her Aline could almost hear Peter suck in his breath that she could almost feel the anger radiate off the High King.

She looked to him a silent question in her eyes to which Peter subtly nodded. She could see the rage in his features. If he didn't have to be courteous for diplomacies sake, Aline knew the High King would've ripped off this man's head with his bare hands, but this wasn't about him. This was about her and she wanted to be the one to teach him a lesson. Go for it, Peter's eyes seemed to say, and give him hell. Aline grinned.

A/N: I hope you do like Rabadash's character in this. I've tried my best to stay true to the canon timeline as well so for book fans, I hope you enjoy this direction!

Now that my exams are over, do expect a back to regular (once a week) update schedule! I'm so excited to be back, I did miss Ed and Aline a lot! PLEASE, do review though, hearing from yall is truly the only motivation I need!