For the first time in the number of years that the Phantom Thief had strode his way into the news, the radio, the shirts and words of adoring fan girls, Nakamori-keibu looks into the eyes of the thief. It was right then, that moment where everything had become unstable. Everything begins to crumble in that moment.
The magician looks back at him, unmoving, his body stiff. Just like the one lying beside him. Finally for the first time, the inspector sees the international thief as he really is. A scared, young boy.
"Kaito," the inspector whispers, blowing a soft wind of words that knock the teen down onto the cold, marble flooring. The cocky, confident magician with a smile always splayed on his cheeks is almost unrecognizable. His prideful white suit is wrinkled and stained a worrisome red. The monocle he saw the world through is cracked and shows many fragments of his right eye. Crouching pitifully, he even has tears running down his flat cheeks. The poker face that seemed to never leave the thief is suddenly broken, shattered beyond a hope of repair.
"I'm sorry," he whispers. Quietly. Apologetic. It sounds like a beaten dog asking for forgiveness of a wrong he did not commit. It sounds like the cries of a boy's anguished yells. It chokes him, drowns him, ripping through the silent, black night. Nakamori-keibu watches him, so beaten. Watching the young boy in such depth of agony, it almost hurts the inspector himself, without the pain that engulfs him himself. He's never seen anyone so broken.
After all this time, the inspector finally takes this moment to look past the monocle, past the masquerade he had taken up for so long and sees himself, old and tired. And a teenage boy, old and tired. Emotionally wrecked. The witty magician that had so many times took pride in taunting the police as they ran after him and has taken a final magic trick and disappeared forever. He had left behind this crying boy, begging to be taken away from the reality that resides in the bloody mass that lies next to him. This appalling magic trick has left Kaito's raw, real emotions to bleed out in his tears.
Kaito cries over a body. He kneels down to pull the body closer to him. Cradles it gently. Embracing the limp body for everything that could've happened. Everything that would've happened. He pushes her messy hair out of her closed eyes. "You were always so pretty. I wish you knew how beautiful you were."
Her peaceful face shows through the curtain of hair and the inspector collapses. It can't be. Anyone but her. It can't be the girl that would've always gotten mad and so lively chase her friend around the school. It can't be the daughter that would make dinner and stay up for her father who never made it home in the time he promised. Kaito looks at the inspector in the eyes. A grim smile crosses his lips. "I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I'm sorry for everything, keibu."
Kaito right then steals his final gem from the girl he always loved. He kisses her full on the rosy lips, half expecting her eyes to flutter open like the outdated romance movies that Aoko always loved, but her beautiful blue eyes never shined to meet Kaito's. He kisses her with raw emotions so fierce, the nearly flawless, straight-A student miscalculates and his teeth crashes onto her cold lips, breaking into the cruel reality of the world.
I hope you enjoyed, or should I hope that I don't get attacked by angry fan-girls? Please leave a review!