Note: I do not own Pokemon.

So for now this story has begun, every Monday a new episode, we'll see how it goes with this chapter. And without further ado, let's get this story.

"Can you give me a clue of what is going to happen today"-said a voice.

Shawn are you doing here, you should be in your room?

"I escape, I wanted to know what will happen"-said Shawn.

I know what will happen in the story, I've created, and if you do not go back to your room, I will change what will happen in the next chapter and believe me you will not be pleased, and I'll give you a hint of what will happen: You and Melany are going to kiss.

"What, no, no please kill me before I'd rather that than have to kiss that hateful"-said Shawn.

So either you go or you go. Sorry for the interruption, and now begins the story.

Chapter 2: Memories of Childhood

"So I just started my first day and I already have 4 friends, Roger, Teresa, Ash and Serena. And also I discovered that Serena is in love of Ash, and Ash also has feelings for Serena, but he have not confirmed yet, but I'm sure that he has feelings for Serena much stronger than by the other girls within the jurisdiction of Serena"-I said.

While looking for my books to go to school, I found a picture of when I was a kid, and with a child with black hair, and a girl of blonde hair (that's what I thought), I do not remember very well what had happened there, but I had no time, I decided to take what I need including the photo and went to school in addition to discover that nothing more was to tell Ash that had to do with him and Serena...

Now in college, everything was normal as on the first day, everyone was there, so I decided to go find Ash in lockers, but still did not know what was going through my head in that picture...

In the locker room, it was hard to find Ash and they had different sections of lockers and I find him, it took a while, but finally found it, he was talking to Roger and Teresa.

"Hey Ash, Teresa and Roger how are you?"-I asked.

"Well Shawn"-said Ash.

"And where is Serena?"-I asked.

"The bus is going to take a while for traffic"-said Ash.

"Ah OK, do you remember what you were going to say yesterday?"-I asked. "Oh yeah I was going to talk to you and Roger and Teresa"-Ash said.

"Tell us what?"-asked Roger.

"About how I met Serena"-said Ash.

"Ah that's what you were going to tell us"-I said.

"If you let me explain: All started in a picnic day when I was about 9 years"-said Ash.

(Time for a flash back)

It was a quiet afternoon, and the Ketchum family were going to have a picnic while they were getting ready the meal, Ash had the permission of his mother that he will venture into the forest...

On the forest, which was covered by many trees and there was no noise from the city, Ash was going all over the place to relax felt that everything was fine, but suddenly a scream of a girl was heard and Ash decided go to see what happened...

Whose voice had come, it was a little girl short hair honey with a straw hat and a pink dress, she was sitting in a tree, it seemed that she had hurt her right leg.

"My leg, I can not feel"-said the little girl.

Then something in the bushes began to move, the scared little began to cry. That was Ash on the bushes.

"Uh why do re you crying?"-Ash asked. "My name is Ash, and yours?"-He asked.

"My name is Serena, and a bug with many legs bit my leg"-Serena said still crying.

"Do not worry, you'll get better with this"-Ash said as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and tied it to the bited leg of Serena. "And are you better?"-Ash asked.

"Auuu" Serena said this time with a weak voice.

"And if we try this: Pain go now, and leave Serena free"-said Ash moved his hands like trying to make a spell.

"It does not work, I still feel the pain"-said Serena.

"Never give up until the end"-said Ash, as he stood and gave his hand to Serena.

Serena didn't know what to do, rather than brought her hand to his, then Ash grab her's and impulse her. It looked like she would fall, so she closed her eyes, and during that time she felt something warm over her body, that was Ash, who had caught her with his arms in a kind of hug, and when Serena opened her eyes, she looked (still hugging Ash) Ash.

"Are you okay Serena?"-Ash asked.

And when Serena was going to respond, she fainted but still holding Ash's hand and her hat fell also; this left very worried Ash.

"Serena please answer please, what kind of bug bit you, there are some with completely fatal bites?"-Ash said worried about the state of Serena.

"One ... with ... 8 feet very thin... and black color ..."-Serena said very weak. "Don't worry I'll take you to a doctor as soon as possible"-Ash said as she led Serena in his arms where his parents to take her to a doctor.

As Ash did not know very well the bug bites he decided to hurry, because he felt that Serena did not have much time in this world; as he ran out of the forest, a boy with brown hair top with them.

"Sorry I do not have so much time, do you know where is the way out of this forest?"-Ash asked.

"What, and why are carrying that girl ..?"-the brown boy said.

"It's a bug that bit her, it had 8 very thin legs and black color, I don't have so much time left, you know please where is the exit?"-Ash asked desperately for the life of Serena.

"Look I do know the way out, but let me analyze the bug bite, this forest is full of healing plants that can help us"-said the brown.

"Okay"-Ash said as he put Serena down gently.

"Mmm ..." -was analyzing the boy. "We have not so much time, the bite is from a black widow, is one of the most deadly, stay here and take care of the girl, I know very well what kind of plants can help us"-said the boy as he walked away from Ash and Serena.

"OK, thanks for everything"-said Ash.

As the boy began his quest in search of healing plants, Ash (who still would not let Serena's hand) was very worried about her.

"Serena resists, please" Ash said while his other hand stroked her face and hair of Serena, and then kisses her on the cheek.

"I'm back, and I have the plants"-said the child.

"Okay, now how are you going to use them?"-Ash said.

"We must crush and combine them with some water, then you have to rub the mixture into the leg, exactly where the bite is"-said the child.

"Okay, I'll help"-said Ash.

After getting the mixture, Ash rub it on Serena's leg and let her to repose.

"She'll be fine, right?"-Ash asked concerned because Serena did not respond. "Uhh ..."-said the child, as he check his watch and thought it was very late, and it would be difficult to tell Ash that Serena is death, they had been slow to make the mixture.

But something unexpected happened, Ash began to feel that someone was squeezing her hand, and when he turned his face to see what was happening, and saw that Serena was reacting.

"Ash, is that you?"-Serena asked.

"Serena" said Ash happy that hug Serena, which left her with a blushing face, while the child was confused, he knew how long it would take for Serena's dead, he did not know how to explain how it is that the poison had been delayed react.

(End of Flashback)

"And that's how I met her, after that I do not remember what happened next and who was the brown guy"-Ash said.

"Wow, so you save Serena's life"-said Roger.

"So romantic"-Teresa said wiping tears from her face.

"Mmm, sounds like something familiar"-I thought. "And Serena knows that you carry her all the way and you carres her face and hair?"-I asked Ash.

"Uhhh ..."-Ash said little nervous. "Oh, wait I have something more to show"-Ash said, I'm sure that Serena did not know what happened when she was faint and Ash didn't said her.

And Ash takes a photo of his backpack as a child.

"Look this is a picture I found in my house, in this photo I'm with Serena, and with that brown boy"-Ash said showing the photo to me, Roger and Teresa.

"No way"-I said.

"Uhh ..."-they all said.

"You have to see this"-I said as I took the photo that I found in the morning. "Look at this"-I said, as I showed the photo to Ash, Teresa and Roger.

"WHAT, how is that you have the same picture of me, unless ... You're the boy with brown hair, you helped me to save Serena"-Ash said surprised as Teresa and Roger.

"Yes, and now I remember something that happened that day"-I said, remembering what happened after saving Serena and told them to Ash, Roger and Teresa; but before he can tell, Serena arrived.

"Hey guys"-Serena said.

"Serena you are not gone believe it, remember the time we met"-said Ash.

"Yes Ash" Serena said blushing a little.

"Well you still remember the guy who also helped me to save you"-Ash said. "Yes"-said Serena.

"As you go forward, Shawn knew us since when we were children"-said Ash. "Seriously, thanks Shawn"-Serena said.

"Yes, Ash told me, Teresa and Roger how you met and extras and other things"- I said.

"What other things did you tell them Ash, perhaps something what happened when I was unconscious?"-Serena asked.

"Uhh, Shawn why do not you tell what else happened after we saved Serena"-Ash said blushing a little bit avoiding the question of Serena.

"Okay"-I said.

(Another Flashback)

After saving Serena, Ash hugged her, and this happened when Ash broke the hug.

"Sorry for the hug Serena, is that even though we just met, I was so afraid to lose you"-said Ash bit nervous.

"Ash is okay" Serena said still blushing.

"Well, my name is Shawn, what are your names?"-I asked.

"Ohh, mine is Serena"-Serena said.

"And mine is Ash" Ash said.

Suddenly some adults approached to the kids...

"Shawn are you there"-said an adult

"Mom"-I said.

"But what are you doing here and who are these children?"She asked.

"Well, I was walking around and I found them and helped them"-I said.

"And something more that you should say?"-asked again.

"Nothing else"-I said.

Suddenly other women's voices were heard, and then there were 2 women.

"Serena you had worried me"-said Grace.

"Ash thank Arceus you're fine"-said Delia.

"Well tell me what is happening?"-asked my mother.

"Leave it to me"-Ash said getting up from the ground with Serena.

After Ash explained all mothers ...

"And that's what happened"-said Ash, but he missed what happened when Serena was unconscious.

"Serena you should be more careful, and thanks Ash and Shawn for helping my daughter"-said Grace.

"Ash I'm impressed"-said Delia.

"Me too Shawn"-said my mother.

"And what if we have lunch together every, if they want, because you probably have to get back to work?"-She asked.

"It would be perfect"-said Delia.

"Come on"-said Grace.

And so after finishing lunch, mothers were good friends, like their children, and spent a short childhood together.

(End of Flashback)

"And that is what it happened after Ash saved Serena"-I said.

"I remember now"-said Ash.

"Yes"-said Serena something red.

"But what happened next, because yesterday you did not know Shawn, and there are still more questions, you know what happened next?"-Teresa asked. "Well yes, you see, I'm wasn't moving to the U.S., I was just visiting, I stayed less than a month and then went back to Peru"-I said.

"Ahh"-said Teresa.

"And then what happened between Ash and Serena?"-asked Roger.

"For me, my mother received a better job offer in another state of the United States, and I had to go with her"-said Serena.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh"-said all except Ash.

"And then at the beginning of high school, Serena moved again, just returned to the same state as me, and we became friends again"-said Ash, and I saw Serena, somewhat sad note insurance because Ash still considered her as a friend and do not realize the immense love she feels for him, and the blind love he feels for her.

"I see, now it makes sense"-I said.

Suddenly the bell rang and we all went to our rooms to tolerate another day at school.

Then at recess after registering to become the presidence of the grade, I came across Melany (what bad)...

"Well, well, look what Peru brought to this country"-Melany said with a sarcastic tone.

"I do not want any trouble with you, I did nothing wrong to you, I just want to go to my locker"-I said.

"You have guts to compete against me after what happened in Peru remember"-Melany said.

"Maybe you won the elections there, but I have to remind you that you cheat"-I said annoyed.

"Seriously, that lie from you Shawn"-she said.

"But I assure you that in this school if I win the election no matter what you do, and not resort of cheating you do."-I said with a serious tone.

"I'll see you soon"-Melany said as she leave away from me.

Then a familiar voice came to me...

"Wow, I never knew that was the real attitude of Melany"-said the voice.

"Ohh, hello Serena, yeah this is the true form of Melany. And by the way, I notice you something sad when the doorbell rang"-I said. "It is what Ash said?"- I asked.

"That's why. He still considers me a friend"-Serena said something blushing.

"I suspected from the beginning"-I said.

"Ahhh damn, I'd like to tell her what happened when she was unconscious"-I thought.

"And if he forgot the times we had when we were little, and if he have already fell in love with another girl"-Serena said very sad.

"Come on Serena don't get discouraged, I know that your love for Ash is very strong, you and he know since childhood (which in many cases people who had a friendship of children, rather than Ash saved Serena is equal to future love), and it is impossible for him to forget the moments you shared on your childhood, and I am sure that you and Ash before finishing this school year will be more than just friends"-I said with much confidence.

"Thanks Shawn" Serena said.

(Change of narrator omniscient now) While near were Shawn and Serena were talking...

"What an interesting secret Shawn"-said a mysterious voice.

(Now as narrator Shawn) After completing the recess and classes, I ended up having lunch in the cafeteria with Ash, Serena, Roger and Teresa, we were discussing how to help me in the presidential elections...

"All right, since you are already registered first of all have to think about that will promise to school for students votes"-Ash said.

"What could I promise?"-I asked.

"You could promise more time to do homework"said Ash.

"Good idea"-I said.

"After that, you have to make your campaign"-said Ash.

"What?"-I asked.

"Posters" said Ash.

"Advertising in the school newspaper"-said Serena.

"Serena great idea"-said Ash, which left a little blush on Serena's cheeks.

"How about if I sell things to increase my campaign"-I suggested myself.

"It's perfect, you can sell not only school supplies, you can sell desserts and this money will be for the needy people"-said Ash.

"I can help with desserts"-said Serena.

"My friend, of all people I've met who can cook, Serena is the perfect girl for that"-Ash said, which made Serena blush a lot.

"Teresa and I can get them school supplies"-said Roger

"This is perfect, my campaign will be amazing"-I said.

"But remember, do not get to celebrate too soon"-said Ash.

"Right," I said. "Well you know what to do next week"-said Ash.

"Thank you all, I promise that will not disappoint you"-I said.

(Changing to omniscient narrator)

While somewhere else in the cafeteria, at the lockers some students were having a private conversation.

"What I am here and why you called him?"-asked a girl with her hair tied up. "Yes, it had better be important"-said a boy with black hair.

"Well it is, and if you help me, I will help you with your love problems"-said the girl.

"What?"-said the girl with her hair tied up, and the boy.

"Does these names sound familiar... Ash and Serena"-said the girl.

"That s%#&"-said the girl with her hair tied up angry.

"That b#%$&"- said the boy.

"Well, you have the resources needed, and at the end everyone will be satisfied: you stay with the people you love most, those people do not end up together, and I'll take what I want"-said the girl. "Do we have a deal?"-asked girl offering him her hand.

"We have a deal"-the boy and the girl said accepting her hand.

"Perfect"said the girl. "If this does not work, I still have other baits tomanipulate easily"-thought the girl...

To be continued ...

And that's all please leave your reviews bye.

"Hey what happens to you, you should do something nice for them after what happened yesterday and today"-said a mysterious voice.

Shawn you again

"Yes, but what I say is seriously"-said Shawn.

You're right, what happened yesterday is that Titanic did not post because I went light and my DVD got wrong, but I'll fix it. And today I was checking my fanfic "The battle for the love of Ash" and also I got some more reviews, and it has been seen 10,000 visits, that joy it is for me to give information about my fanfics:

'This story will have special episodes which were held at a known, new holiday, etc, there will be in August, but in September there will be one hint:

It is celebrated on China.

As long as that "Medieval Chronicles of a true love" this or next Wednesday premiere, there will be princesses, separate kingdoms, a love, maybe someone dies, family memories.

"Hallelujah, well done"-said Shawn. "Respond to the user also leave you a question"-said Shawn.

Okay: Guest: Neither of the pokemon made up, better read the chapters (8) and maybe you can get some conclusions. That's all Chau.