Hey. Long time no see.

This is sadly not an update to the story, but to the fate of the story. It's gone the route of many-a-story and it is time to officially retire it.

The original idea for this fiction came to me because of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged and Nullmetal Alchemist, two amazing abridged series on YouTube. It wasn't meant to last. I never made an end goal and so each chapter was written only to complete a story I had lost interest in. I have dozens of these unfinished stories scattered everywhere under different accounts and emails for various reasons and none of them caught my attention as a writer.

I'm handing the reigns over to the people that want this story. It was a fun project that was poorly timed and never went anywhere, and that's partly my fault. It's the fate of every single one of my creations... save one. And that is why I will no longer write for this site or any other that is not my own. I found my story. It's original, entertaining, and all mine. It has captivated me for a year and a half now and yet still it persists in my mind, slowly writing itself.

This is what I needed. A story I wanted to share from start to finish. Not a snippet or a single moment, but an entire universe I want you to see. For me it took hundreds of tries to find my one story. For others it could take thousands. Keep writing your paper boats. Those little ideas that come to you before you fall asleep, or in the shower. Keep them somewhere. Share them. They either fall apart or dont. The ones that don't are the ones you develop until you have to show them.

It's time I started working on my story. MY story. Not someone else's plot or characters, but mine. My very own universe that will spawn stories just like this fictional crossover that will lead others to create their very own.

I am sorry if this rambled on but I needed to write this before I forgot about you. The original three accounts that favourited my story. Thank you. To those that reviewed telling me it was a concept they loved. Thank you. And now to you. Thank you for leading me to my story. To a story worth writing.

