I Do Not Own Glee

Any mistakes are my own, so I apologize.

Farmer's Daughter

He passes the sign by chance on a Saturday morning. It happens that he just quit the job he had because of poor management, so when he sees the "Help Wanted" sign, he slams on the breaks and turns around. He pulls slightly into the long driveway, just enough so he can get out and look at the sign. He jogs over to where it's placed and he begins to read what type of help is wanted.

"Berry Family Farm

Looking for a hardworking, strong man to take care of mowing the lawn, baling hay, feeding animals and fixing up around the house and barn.

Must have a truck and be willing to work long hours in the day.

Pay can be discussed upon application for job."

He smiles widely, because hey, he's a strong and hardworking man. Hell, he even has a truck! He could for sure handle a job like this for the time being. He doesn't have any plans now that he's graduated, so maybe this could lead him in the right direction. Plus, he could really use the money and for some reason, he thinks that this is something he should do. So, before thinking about it any longer, he hops back in his truck and begins the drive up the long driveway.

He comes to a stop right outside a big, white house that seems to fit the scene of a farm. Behind it, there is a huge span of farmland that is being grazed by cows and horses. A giant red barn sits away from the house and he can hear pigs moving about. A chicken coop also resides near it where chickens freely roam on the outside. He takes a step out of the truck, gaining the attention of a border collie the sits at the patio of the house. The dog begins to bark and runs straight towards him, its tail wagging madly. He crouches down to pet the dog, grabbing its' collar and seeing the pink tag with the name 'Barbra' etched on it in gold lettering, followed by a gold star. Before he has any time to think about it, a man opens the front door and begins walking towards him.

"Can I help you, son?" The man, almost as tall as him, asks as he gets closer.

"Yes, sir. My name is Finn Hudson and I was inquiring about your help wanted sign that you had out in front of your farm." He holds out his hand to the man, who doesn't hesitate to take it.

"Ah yes, it's nice to meet you, Finn. My name is Hiram Berry and my husband and I own this farm," The man begins. "You see, we've had that sign up for nearly two weeks and you are the first one to stop up here. Summer has just started, so we need lots of help here. Especially because our daughter is on vacation for the next few weeks and she's never been a big help anyways." Hiram chuckles and Finn laughs lightly too.

"Well, sir, I could definitely be of assistance." He states and Hiram smiles and holds out his hand.

"Well, I guess you're hired then, Finn. How about starting right now and I can show you what to do?" He eagerly nods, shaking the man's hand.

"Thank you, sir."

"Please, call me Hiram." Hiram says as he leads Finn to the back where he will start his new job.

He has a really good feeling about this.

He hates it.

His job sucks so much. It's so hot out in the June heat and the hard labor for sure isn't helping with that. He works from sunup to sundown every day, occasionally getting a few days off. Hiram and Leroy, his husband, had him fixing the fence for the past few weeks, which meant putting it up and painting it until it met their standards. After that, He had to pick the peaches from the giant peach trees that resided on the edge of the property. He's almost fallen out of that tree so many times and he's glad that he finally finished that job. Next, he has to bring all the cows in, which is probably the most difficult. Luckily, Barbra helps him with that, but still. He's tired of the cows chasing after him.

He's hauling hay on a rather hot day, sweat dripping from him as the sun blazes down. As soon as he finishes, he moves on to feeding the hogs. He hears a car pull up in the drive from the barn, so he casually peeks around to get a look.

He barely catches the glimpse of a baby pink truck pulling up and in front of the house, parking right next to his car. He can't see who's inside of it though, seeming that the person is parked on the opposite side of his truck. The truck door opens and he leans back a little more to try and catch a glimpse. He's just about to see when one of the pigs rams into his legs and knocks him completely over, so they can get the slop from the bucket. Problem is, it's now dumped all over him. He curses and tried to wipe as much as he can off of himself. Checking the time, he realizes that it's time for him break, so he just decides to clean off in the creek instead.

He makes his way back and peels off his shirt and trudges into the creek. He wants to quit, he decides. Sure, he'll lose a lot of money, but this work is really hard and there are so many easier jobs out there. He continues washing off his body while he contemplates quitting. He jumps when he hears a snap of a branch and a low whistle escape from the mouth of something. His eyes flash open quickly and he turns around just in time to watch a girl with long, brown hair and tanned legs rushing out of the woods.

He blinks slowly, trying to figure out who that was or could have been. He knows the Hiram said they had a daughter, but she is on vacation, right? He shakes his head and goes to put back on his shirt before making his way to the farm again.

The sun continues to blaze on and he's dying out in the het right now. He decides that after he's finished working, he's going to tell the Berry's that he's quitting. It makes him sad, but this job is just way too hard for him and he should probably move along and figure out his life more.

He's putting away the tractor and locking up the shed and barn, when he hears the front door open. He braces himself to let them know he's leaving, but he's taken aback by a feminine voice calling from the porch.

"Barbra! Come here, girl." He hears the girl whistle, the same whistle that he heard some hours ago. He moves slowly around the side, where he can see her in the porch light. She wears pink cowgirl boots with very, very short shorts paired with a blue flannel. She has dark brown hair and this tanned skin with legs that go on for miles. He watches her crouch down to pet the dog, a large smile growing on her face. The smile is infectious to him and he finds his mouth forming a smile as well.

"Rachel! Dinner!" He hears Leroy call from inside the house. She looks back at the door and then back at the dog again.

"Coming, daddy!" She yells back. She stands up to open the door, allowing Barbra to run in past her. Just before she walks inside, she does a quick sweep of the area with her eyes, allowing him to get a better glimpse of her face. He makes sure she can't see him, because he must look really creepy watching her, and as soon as she's inside, he lets go of the breath he didn't know he was holding in.

Smiling, he gets into his truck, and begins to pull out of the driveway. Every thought of quitting left his head as soon as he caught a glimpse of the farmer's daughter.

He arrives the next morning eager to begin his day at work for the first time in a long time. He's whistling as he exits his car, making his way to the chicken coop to collect the eggs for the day. By the time he finishes trying to get around all the chickens, the sun is barely peaking over the land, creating this really pretty orange color. He stands admiring it for a moment before continuing to the barn so he can let the cows out for the day.

He stops abruptly when he hears singing coming from inside. The voice is angelic and it sends chills up his body. He rounds the corner quietly, trying to get a glimpse of the singer. His heart begins to hammer as soon as he realizes that it's the farmer's daughter. She's brushing her horse as she sings the song he doesn't know. She seems to be in his own little world, and he doesn't want to disturb that.

She finishes the song after another moment, allowing the only sound left to be an occasional moo. He figures that this is probably the best time to make his presence known, so he clears his throat lightly. She jumps, of course, because she doesn't expect him to be standing there. As soon as her eyes meet his, its' like there's this spark between them.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He timidly says. She shrugs, putting the brush away and closing the horse stall.

"No worries," She begins, turning to him with a smirk on her face. "No need to make excuses for wanting to stare at me." His mouth falls slightly open.

"What?" She chuckles lightly, crossing her arms.

"I know you were standing there for a while. You couldn't help but get a look at me." She teases and he finds himself raising his eyebrows.

"Really now, because if I'm remembering correctly, you were watching me yesterday at the creek," He watches a blush slowly rise on her cheeks as she avoids his gaze. "But, then you ran off before I could even see you. Sounds a bit, hmm, how do I put this, stalkerish?" She gasps lightly, feigning offense.

"I was not stalking you! I was merely observing who the new worker for my family farm was. It was completely out of curiosity." He laughs lightly, thinking the way her brow furrows is the cutest thing ever.

"Hey, I'm not judging!" She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I'm Finn, by the way. Finn Hudson." He holds out his hand and she seems to stare at it for a moment before grasping it lightly. Something happens when their hands connect, like they were always meant to hold each other.

"Rachel." She responds quietly. They continue just staring each other in the eyes and holding hands, neither making a move to let go. Eventually, she blinks and releases her hand from his grasp, coughing lightly and moving towards the cows. He absentmindedly follows her, helping her open the gate and get the cows out.

"So," he begins a light conversation to get to know her more. "Where did you go on vacation?" He asks. She turns and gives him an odd look and suddenly he feels like a creep because he knew she was on vacation. "Oh, Hiram-I mean, your dad told me you were on vacation when he hired me." She nods her head in understanding.

"Panama City. It was amazing there!" She gushes. "So much better than Lima, in my opinion. I was able to just relax and drink martini's poolside, all the while tanning and getting that perfect summer glow." She finishes, a smile on her face. He smiles too because she really is very tan and it looks amazing on her.

She's definitely his kind of pretty.

Rachel is the most awesome person he's ever met.

As the days begin to get shorter, they start to talk more and more. Every night after he gets off work, they just sit out in the barn and talk for hours on end. Usually, one of her dads' come to get her and send him home, but they always have this small hint of a smile on their faces. Rachel tells him that it's because they like him a lot and would approve of him dating her. This causes a huge blush to appear on his face because man, would he love to date her.

They kiss for the first time one of the many nights in the barn. They are just having a good time like normal when Hiram tells her it's time to come inside. Just as she's about to leave, she races back and pulls his head down to have their lips meet. His immediate reaction is to kiss back and kissing Rachel quickly becomes his favorite thing to do. She pulls away shyly and whispers goodnight to him before giggling and running off to her house.

From then on, every break he has, they spend it out by the creek making out and trying to cool off. During the nights, she sneaks out after dark when he parks his car all the way at the end of the driveway so her dads don't see or hear it. They usually go driving around for a while, stopping at different places so they can get all tangled up in the back. Then, he takes her back and they spend the rest of the night by the creek. He helps her sneak back in the morning, right before her dads wake up and he has to be at work. He thought they were going to be caught once when her dad smelled Rachel's perfume on his shirt and he just says that she sprayed him with it because he 'smelled'. She laughs at this and he just kisses her and he knows that he's falling hard for this girl.

Just when he thought that it couldn't possibly get better than this, he finds that he's fallen in love with the farmer's daughter.

He asks her to marry him after they've been exclusively dating for a year (even though they've technically been together for longer than that-but he dads don't need to know that). She doesn't hesitate to say yes and he's so happy that she's the one he gets to spend the rest of his life with.

They plan the wedding for the spring and he's thankful because he deals with the summer heat enough. She's so excited and his mom is really proud of him and he can't help but think that it's going to be a good life. Her dads help with everything, especially because they've considered him a son for so long.

Rachel confesses to him a month before the wedding that she's sad they are going to be leaving the farm life.

"It's just that I grew up with it and it was the best childhood I've ever had. I'm just going to miss it, that's all." She shrugs it off and he knows exactly what he has to do.

When she walks down the aisle a month later in front of all their close family and friends, he can't help but tear up because she is gorgeous and he will never understand how he got so lucky with her. She cried when she gives her vows and he can't help but cry with her. It's a beautiful ceremony and soon they are rushing off to the reception. The have the night of their lives and before they know it, they are being rushed into a car so they can go on their honeymoon.

He takes her to Panama City and she smiles knowingly at her. They spend their time by the pool of their resort, drinking cocktails. When they're not there, they are having mind-blowing sex in their room. She tells him she loves him and he says it back without a doubt in his head.

They come back a few weeks later and he tells her that he has a pretty big surprise for her.

"Don't you surprise me enough, Mr. Hudson?" She teases and he smiles and kisses her cheek as they make their way out of the airport.

"Trust me, babe. I'll continue surprising you for the rest of your life." He promises and she takes hold of his hand tightly, looking for the rental car.

"You're sure your mother doesn't mind us staying with her for a little while until we find a new home, right?" She asks as they sit in the car. He smiles at her and continues paying attention to the road.

"I've got it all figure out, okay? No need to worry, Mrs. Hudson." She blushes and starts singing to a song on the radio. His heart is beating faster and faster the closer they get and he can hardly contain his excitement. When they pass his house without stopping, she gets this cute little confused look on her face, questioning where they are going. He doesn't answer, just smiles and continues to drive.

He pulls partly up the driveway, where the sign sits with a white sheet hanging over it. He walks over and opens up her door and helps her out of the car.

"Finn, what are we doing at my father's farm?" She asks curiously. He walks over to the sign and pulls the sheet off, revealing the new name: 'Hudson Family Farm'

"I think you mean our farm." He grins and she races over to him, jumping up and placing kisses all over his face. He explains how he spoke to her dads' and they agreed that they were done running the farm. They were going to travel the world a bit with the money they saved up and Finn could have the farm for them to start their life in.

"This is the best, Finn. I love you so much." She deeply kisses him and he swoops her up bridal style, carrying her back to the car and driving up to their new home.

So, he's still hauling hay and feeding the animals, just like he's done for the past year. The sun is still as hot as ever and it honestly kills him to ride those tractors every day. He still has to fix everything up and make sure things are running right, just like he's always done.

Instead now, he gets to cool off to his wife's amazing sweet iced tea and banana bread that she makes just for him all the time. He gets to talk to her on his breaks out by the creek, just like they used to do all those times before. He gets to kiss her whenever he wants because she's his and he's hers.

So, when she comes out with that glass of tea and that banana bread with her six month pregnant belly, he knows that it's only a little while until he gets to go inside and be with her for the rest of his life.

He gets to come home to the farmer's daughter.

Sorry it has taken me so long to update! I just started college so I have been very busy lately! I've been sick the past few days, so I was able to write this one in between papers for school! I hope you enjoyed it!

Please leave song suggestions for the next chapter! I will give credit to any song ideas I take.

I love reading reviews from you guys, so don't hesitate to leave one! Love you all .xoxo.