Back to Equestria

It was yet another slow day at the Wright Anything Agency and looked as messy as always.

Athena and Apollo were watching TV along with Trucy, who was even so bored that she wouldn't train her magic tricks. Eventually she got so bored that she walked over to the desk where her adoptive father was sitting and reading some old case files of his old mentor Mia Fey. Trucy grabbed one of her father's case files and started reading it like it was a novel. She sure wished she'd have been there when her father 'exorcised' the spirit who possessed Maya during a trial.

There were times when Trucy thought about studying to become a lawyer herself. Of course she wanted to become a famous magician and nothing was going to stop her from that, but prosecutor Gavin was not only that, but a famous rock star too. But then again, how exactly did prosecutor Gavin manage to handle both lives, even if his band broke up? Maybe she should ask him the next time she saw him.

Suddenly the tune of the Steel Samurai could be heard, from her father's cell phone. Everyone looked up excited hoping it was a case they could take.

"Phoenix Wright speaking."


"TWILIGHT?! How did you get my phone number?!"


"No, I'm not hearing you inside my head."

Everyone titled their heads, when they heard what Phoenix said. Did this Twilight person lost it a little? It certainly wouldn't surprise anyone. Mr. Wright knew a lot of strange and shady characters.


"Well, is a bit slow lately. Wait, nothing happened, right?"


"That's good to hear. For a moment I thought you'd call me because another one of your friends is in trouble."


"Well...I was thinking about closing the agency for two weeks and go on vacation. I saved up a little, so the rent won't be a problem for once, hehe."


"Defense attorneys don't get well paid."


"Uhh, I'm not sure if that is a good idea. You see I have two employees now and a daughter-"


"Yes, yes, at THAT time I didn't have a daughter. It's a long story, a lot happened. Heh, did you know I cross-examined a wale?"

"WHAT?!" Everyone could hear that outburst. It easily rivaled Apollo's chords of steel.

"Ow, Twilight! What's up with that voice?"


"Royal...what now? Whatever. Anyways, a lot has happened and I don't think it would be a good idea to pull me out of here just like that, like last time. My friends here got really worried."


"H-huh? Bringing them along? Twilight, you do remember how I reacted the first time I saw you?"


"I guess it would be the surprise of their lives. How about I speak to them and you call me again tomorrow?"


"Today?! I don't think that would be a good idea at all. I don't know if they have any plans themselves."


"*sigh* Fine. I guess it really would be funny to see their reactions. Wait a minute."

Mr. Wright looked up and everyone looked back. "What's up boss? Is that a friend of yours?" Athena asked. "Yeah, she invited us to a party and asks if we could stay for a couple of weeks."

"Sounds nice, but what's the catch?" Apollo asked. "The party is tomorrow already, so we'd have to leave today."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Well, I don't have any plans for this month." Athena shrugged. "Same here." Apollo joint. "I'm taking some R&R anyways." Trucy had her hands behind her back and was jumping up and down a little.

"Alright Twilight we're...well I know I'm ready. I don't really know about the rest. See you later."

Phoenix hung up. "Well guys, I better head home and pack my-uurgh!" Athena bend over as a headache started growing inside her and so did the rest, except Phoenix for some reason. 'Maybe I'm already used to it. When Twilight sent me back it didn't hurt at all. Uff, now I'm feeling dizzy too.' he thought.


"Uff, so much for already being used to teleportation." Phoenix mumbled as he woke up. "Phoenix!" a female voice cheered. "Just a second Twilight. I still can't open my eyes."

Slowly Phoenix could move his limps again, until he finally could get up and open his eyes. "Hey Phoenix."

"Hey Twilight. Long time no see. WHOA! Where are we?!" Phoenix exclaimed totally awed as he found himself in a throne room with six thrones inside. "The short version? My old home got burned down and this is what I got in exchange." Twilight chuckled.

"I guess we have a lot to catch up. Actually, we never really had a casual conversation, huh?" Phoenix looked around and found his two employees and Trucy still unconscious. "Mind if we bring them somewhere more comfortable?"

"Not a problem. Guards?"

"Yes princess."

'Whoa, those guards almost look like the one Celestia had with her. Wait a second.' "Princess? Hey, are those wings?" Phoenix pointed at Twilight's wings. "We really need to catch up, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, do I need to bow before you now, every time we meet?"

Both laughed a little.

"So, while we wait for them to wake up, why don't we catch up on some stuff?" Twilight asked. Phoenix nodded. "Sounds good."

"Follow me. Oh, but we can't go to a certain area. You see, Pinkie is preparing for the party tomorrow and when she heard there would be even more humans there, she got all excited. And she wants it to be a surprise. Let's hope she doesn't blow up half of the castle again."

Phoenix laughed and followed Twilight to the new library, which was bigger than the last one and still open to the public. And there was still no customer. 'I bet she read all those books five times too. Uff, how did she do that anyway? Even with her magic she shouldn't be able to do so.'

Phoenix followed Twilight out of the library and into a long hallway, which ended in a gigantic living room with comfortable couches. Phoenix took a seat on one of them, with Twilight sitting down across from him. A glass table was in the middle of the two.

"Do you want something?"

"No, I already had my morning coffee. A special blend from a former prosecutor and rival. I don't get how he can drink eleven of that in the morning."

"Eleven? I've actually bought some coffee from Canterlot and you were right it really helps in the morning. But how can someone drink eleven cups in the morning?" Twilight asked, a slight frown on her face.

"Not to mention he drinks 17 cups in every trial or rather used to."

"Used to?"

"It was actually shortly before I met you guys. He protected a friend of mine, but needed to kill another person for that. I better start from the beginning of it. Or should I say from the beginning of what lead to it?"

"Now you got my interest." Twilight perked up and looked as excited as if she would read a really exciting novel.

"Well, it actually started the first time where I was falsely accused of murder."

"Hold it!"

"The first time?" Twilight asked.

"My ears...what? Are you cross-examining me? And seriously, what's up with that voice?"

"Oh, oops. Sorry Phoenix." Twilight giggled. "It's the royal canterlot voice. Every princess can use it. It's kind of an old tradition or something." she explained.

"Uhuh, anyway, yeah. It had been the first time. The other time was when I was investigating my second case and was framed by the real murderer, when I got too close to the truth. Back to the matter at hand, I was still studying, when some day my friend walked up to me and..."

Phoenix told Twilight the story about how he met his mentor and how he was deceived by a woman he thought she loved him. "Wow. That must have been harsh."

"You haven't heard the best part. But I'll come to that later. Actually, shouldn't we-"


The sudden scream could be heard through the entire castle. "Looks like one of your friends is awake." Twilight smiled. "And wow. His voice rivals even mine, when I use the royal version."

"Guess Apollo's workout on his 'chords of steel' has one benefit after all. Normally he's making every second witness deaf with his voice." Twilight laughed. "Sounds like an interesting pony- eh guy."

When Phoenix and Twilight entered they not only found a startled Apollo, but a gaping Athena and a beaming Trucy. 'I didn't know she was into that kind of stuff.' Phoenix thought. 'Does that make me a bad father?'

"M-Mr. Wright! What's going on?!" Apollo asked startled. "Well, so far I think he takes it better than you." The princess remarked. "WHY'S THE HORSE TALKING!?" Apollo and Athena screamed. Trucy's fangirlish squeal wasn't heard over the screams. "Forget I said anything."

"She's a pony guys."

"That doesn't change anything!"

"Guys, relax already and let me explain a few things." Phoenix tried to calm his employees down. Trucy was the first one to recover and jumped out of her bed. Athena and Apollo followed slowly. "I can't remember any condition in the contract that I'd have to meet talking ponies." Athena remarked dryly.

"Well at least you guys were forewarned." Phoenix grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.


It went on like that for a little while until Phoenix could finally explain on how exactly they got here and what kind of relationship he had with the local ponies. At the end of it Athena and Apollo were even more baffled.

"Seriously? Are you sure you didn't give us LSD or something like that?" Athena asked. Phoenix shrugged. "You can always ask the Judge when we're back home. He was the one supervising the trial."

"Okay, that's it. Give me the bullet. I'm done for." Apollo deadpanned. Trucy giggled at his antics. "What's wrong with you Polly? Thena? I think this is TOTALLY AMAZING!" she cheered. "Oh, oh, maybe I can learn some REAL magic here! Then I can cut you in half for real, Polly! Isn't that great?!"

"Actually, doesn't sound too bad." Athena mused with the most serious face she could put on. But eventually her facade broke and she started laughing really hard.

"Is that even possible?" Phoenix asked, barely suppressing his own laughter. "Well, it is possible to create an illusion of something like that happen, but that alone is difficult to hold up. But cutting someone in half without injuring him is impossible." Twilight explained.

Apollo sighed in relief. "Saved."

Twilight giggled. "Well now that you've calmed down. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It is nice to meet you all."

"Apollo Justice, attorney at law."

"Athena Cykes." She made the peace sign.

"I'm Trucy Wright! Ace magician. But only tricks, no real magic. At least not yet."

'She really wants to learn real magic. Oh boy.' Everyone thought. Twilight giggled. "Well, I don't know if a human can learn real magic, but it sure would be an interesting experiment."

"NO!" Apollo shouted on top of his lungs.

"Turn down your chords of steel." Athena complained rubbing her ears, widget glowing yellow with his eyes turned into scrolls. Twilight noticed this, but decided to ask later. "Well, since you guys are all awake now, I can introduce you to the rest of our friends."

"I'm still not sure what to think of this." Apollo sighed.

"Make that two." Athena added.

"I think this is awesome!" Trucy cheered.

The four humans followed Twilight back into the throne room. The others looked around in awe. "So Twilight, since you're a princess now and here are six thrones, does that mean the rest are princesses too?" Phoenix asked.

"No, it's a little bit more complicated than that. I'll tell you the rest story this evening, when the others are here too."

"Wait, you're a princess?" Athena asked in disbelief. "Yes, but no need for formalities or anything."

"Excuse me" A new voice interrupted. The group turned around. "Sonata?!" Phoenix exclaimed in surprise.