notes: I feel terrible about the fact that I went on this impromptu 3 month hiatus. I guess the only thing I can do is try my best to write this fic as often as I can. Which might not be so often because multichaptered fics are not my forte. But I promise to not abandon this fic for now, hope this chapter makes up for my tardiness!

maybe you were the ocean
when I was just a stone

xiii: i wanna be sunny
and bright as sunshine

Esther's gift to her is a snow white dress.

Hayley is a true vision of a bride. With white lace adorning her arms and satin streaming down her back. Kol feels a little breathless at the sight of her. He notices how careful she is with the garment, as if it is foreign to her. It makes him question her past. That perhaps, she didn't have such luxuries available to her in her old life.

Rebekah dresses her in jewels, pressing a small pair of diamond rings to her fingers. Camille does her make-up, dusting pink blush on to her cheeks.

Klaus shows up behind Kol as they watch the three girls from a distance.

"What do you think, brother?" The younger sibling nudges the older one's shoulder.

Klaus stumbles, feeling a little dizzy once Hayley's eyes meet his gaze.

"Does it truly matter?" he says.

Kol is confused by his brother's answer. "Of course it does," he insists. "Your opinion always matters to me," Kol figures.

There is a slight pause between the both of them, as one brother watches the other. Kol notices the gentleness settle in to Klaus' expression once Hayley throws him a small smile.

"Well, she looks beautiful," The blond man compliments. "As always," he reaffirms.

"That's not what I meant," Kol sounds exasperated. "What in the world is mother planning? This double-date scenario can't possibly be a good thing," he rephrases, attempting to make sense of the entire matter.

"Perhaps her intentions are not so ill," Klaus's tone is oddly chipper. "I wouldn't blame mother for her curiosity. After all, Hayley's company is quite enjoyable," it's the strangest answer of all. Normally, Klaus was the most suspicious about his mother's behavior, especially since he found out about the whole conundrum about his biological father.

Kol truly thought that this was out-of-character for his brother.

"You're acting…strange," He comments. "You're not usually this optimistic, especially about mother," Kol reiterates, crossing his arms around his chest.

"Really?" he wonders, raising a brow. The other boy offers him a firm nod. "Perhaps I've turned a new leaf," Klaus shrugs.

The cheerfulness of the entire matter throws him off. It was like watching some kind of odd miracle. One moment, his brother was all grumpy and tired. And now, he is like an incessant ball of sunshine. It was almost nauseating.

"You're not interested in Hayley, are you?" Kol guesses.

"What makes you say so?" Klaus asks instead.

He doesn't deny the accusation, which makes him look even more suspicious and guilty. Or perhaps, is he simply an oblivious fool?

"Nothing in particular," Kol decides to not ponder about it too much. "Just…you seem different," he ends with.

"In a good way, I hope," Klaus adds on, smiling again.

Kol furrows his brows, pouts a little. "Yes," he stammers. "Always," he replies, but he doesn't sound sincere.

It's been nearly three weeks since she's been living on dry-land.

Ursula had given her a temporary trial without her voice, claiming that it would be returned to her if she could get a human to kiss her. Hayley found the request rather simple, at the time, although she had no idea about the fickleness of human hearts. Better yet, the little mermaid hadn't a clue that her own heart could be so easily persuaded. Because, for a good while, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about Klaus Mikaelson.

"Hayley darling," Kol affectionately calls her, interrupting her thoughts. She stares at him, stretching her back and regaining her arrogant composure in the process. "Are you feeling alright?" Kol wondered.

Hayley nodded, attempting to shield her worries.

"Truly?" He prompted her again. She offered him a second nod in return. "You seem nervous," he realized.

Kol wasn't always the most perceptive person. However, he managed to pick up on the fact that she had been constantly playing with the hem of her dress. It's an anxious reaction to all the changes she's been facing. Lately, everything around her has been so different, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

"If this is about my father," Kol suddenly deducted. "You need not worry, I'll keep him away from you," he absentmindedly trails his hand over hers in an attempt to reassure her.

Hayley blushes, feeling her cheeks warm up at the sudden contact. She wanted to ask him why he seemed so worried about her. But, before she could get another conversation going, Esther and Mikael showed up.

"Well," Esther released. "You two lovebirds seem to be having fun," she said, noticing the fact that they were currently holding hands.

Kol immediately took his hand back. "Mother please," he stuttered. "Can you refrain yourself from using such exhaustive nicknames?"

"I'm only trying to be friendly," Esther fanned.

She couldn't help but stare at the girl his son had chosen for himself. She was rather breathtaking, which did not surprise Esther. After all, her son did have quite an impressive track record of pretty girls lining up to be with him. And yet, he picked someone that was so mysterious and unknown. Esther couldn't deduct what in the world drew Hayley to someone like Kol.

"May I speak to you alone for a moment?" the older woman asked, placing a gentle hand on the brunette's shoulder.

"Is that truly necessary? Won't you just bore her?" Kol answers instead, as he tries his best to keep his mother away from his pretend girlfriend.

"I was speaking to Hayley," Esther rephrased, looking angry.

Hayley offered Kol a pat on the back, signaling to him that she'd be fine on her own.

He couldn't believe her audacity. Although, he saw no point in arguing with her. At least this way, Kol could make sure that Mikael didn't speak to Hayley. So, in the end, the two men watched as both women walked away.

Kol rolled his eyes. It seemed as though Esther had simply used this 'double date' scenario in order to get-to-know Hayley, for some odd reason.

"What is with those two?" he sighed heavily.

"Oh, you know, that's just how all women behave around one another," Mikael scoffed. "Always begging for some allocated bonding time," he casually said.

Kol raised a brow at the blatant sexism his father seemed to demonstrate. "I beg to differ," the younger one protested. "Father, no matter how redundant you may presume me to be, even I know better than to make assumptions about people based on their gender," Kol went on to say.

"Smart boy," Mikael laughed, wrapping an arm around his son's shoulder. "I wonder if that's Hayley's doing?" he whispered sinisterly.

"Of course not," Kol shook his head, sounding astounded.

His father was never the kindest man. Mikael had been cold, aloof, and certainly more of a condescending jackass than a dad.

"Remember now," he hummed. "Love is a man's greatest weakness, and we are not weak," he repeats the words he had said to each of his sons, wounding their souls and burning a cold stare in to their hearts.

"You need not worry about such silly ideals," Kol uncomfortably released. "Love's not something I dream of," he finally said, glancing back in order to offer Hayley one last glance.

xiv: happy and full as the moon

On the other side of town, Klaus is busily making his way towards the local bar.

He's not always prompted to ask anyone for help. Despite this, there is one person who has recently been extra attentive towards him.

For the past few years, Klaus' biological father had suddenly reappeared in to his life, attempting to rekindle their relationship. Ansel worked as a bartender, which did not surprise Klaus one bit. He thought the role suited him, in some strange way.

"Niklaus," the older man releases, cheerfully making his way towards his son in the process. "I knew you'd come see me," he said, smiling brightly.

"It's a mere coincidence I assure you," Klaus sighed, trying to sound aloof. "This just so happens to be the only bar in the area with a decent view," he smirks.

Ansel chuckles fondly. "I see," he whispers. "Well, regardless, I am quite content that you decided to come around," he goes on to say, as he placed a hand on Klaus' shoulder.

His father's touch was predictably comforting.

"I just," Klaus' voice trembled. "I have a question for you," he finally revealed.

"Ask me anything," Ansel eagerly told him.

Klaus paused, feeling a little overwhelmed by his father's kindness. "I have this…friend," he stammers. "And he's in a bit of tough situation," his tone is quiet, almost hard to hear.

"What kind of situation?" The other man wonders.

After another slightly awkward pause, Klaus ended up sighing heavily. Ansel then figured that his son might need a drink in order to make him feel a bit more at ease. The bartender pulled out a bottle of beer and handed it to the blond.

Klaus took a large sip before he started to speak again. "His father…his step-father isn't the kindest man in the world," Klaus admits. "My friend is having a hard time getting along with him," he mumbles softly.

Ansel widens his eyes, looking rather shocked. "Is it Mikael? Has he hurt you?" he deducted, with a panicked tone.

Klaus felt his father's hands squeeze his shoulders. "N-No, that's not it," he insisted, pushing Ansel off of him. "This isn't about me, alright?"

He can sense the fear in the young man's eyes. Ansel knew Klaus far too well. He could tell that this situation was about him, and that it was difficult for him to recall such traumatic events.

"You know, my offer still remains," Ansel reminded him. Klaus looked a little confused. "Move in with me. I have an extra room, a painting studio, everything you've ever wanted―"

"Stop it," he cuts him off, clenching his hands in to fists and looking angry. "This is exactly why I shouldn't have come here," Klaus claimed. He tries to storm off, but then, his father holds him back.

"Niklaus, wait," Ansel says. "I cannot let you go back in to that house, not while I know that it's not safe for you," he explains, while he tightened his grip around Klaus' wrist.

"I only came here so you could offer me some fatherly advice," he shouted, shaking the other's touch away. "Not relocate me to your home," Klaus exclaimed.

Ansel furrowed his brows. He looked around to notice that everyone at the bar was now staring at them. He supposes that he'd have to resolve this matter some other time. Particularly, he'd like to avoid getting fired, at this point. After all, he was causing a rather dramatic scene.

"If you're not ready for this, then, at least consider my offer?" Ansel asked. "You don't have to stay with me for too long, perhaps a week? Even less?"

Klaus is speechless. He avoids his father's gaze, turning on his heel and walking away.

"I'll think about it," is all he says before exiting the bar.

xv: i'm flinching like
fireworks fading too soon

After their date, Kol walks her home.

They are side-by-side, walking in the same direction as an awkward silence washes over them. He keeps staring at her like some kind of weirdo. Hayley's pretty sure that if she could talk, she would tell him to stop making googly-eyes at her.

"Well," he begins. "I suppose that that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Kol smugly says.

Hayley offers him a speak-for-yourself type of reaction.

He realizes that she's not so fond of his company. Or perhaps, his mother had something to do with this. Esther and Hayley were alone for quite a while. Their interactions worried Kol to no end. What in the world did his mother do in order to make Hayley feel so insecure?

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" He finally pursued.

She shrugs, figuring that he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

"What did my mother say to you?" Kol insisted.

Hayley remembers their conversation almost a little too vividly.

"I don't think I can recall the last time my son had displayed any serious interest in a girl," Esther had told her, as her voice was soft and quiet.

"I hope you don't mind my intrusion," she went on to say. "I just worry about him, like any mother would," the older woman mumbles.

Tender fingers wrap around Hayley's wrist in order to keep her attentive. Esther smiled as she gently held on to the other girl's grasp.

"I worry about you too," she whispered. "Would I be prying if I asked about your past?"

Hayley shook her head, for some reason, she felt like she could trust Esther.

The mother asked her question after question, attempting to know her better in the process. Her prompts mostly consisted of yes or no answers, so Hayley found it a little easier to communicate with her. Of course, she couldn't exactly explain her mermaid identity, but Esther got the basics. Hayley Marshall was just a lonely girl, who was abandoned by her family and found herself all alone in the world. Until she met the Mikaelson family. Or, in this case, Esther presumed that Kol was the one who changed her life.

"I must admit, I had no idea that my family had influenced your life in such a serious manner," Esther said.

She watches the brunette furrow her brows in confusion.

"My children must be incredibly important to you," the mother goes on to say, allowing her hand to caress Hayley's cheek. It felt…strange. She never had a mother-figure before. And Esther's kindness managed to make Hayley feel just a little too vulnerable. "Well, I'm glad to see that you've finally found a place where you belong," the older woman rephrases.

Hayley finds herself smiling widely. And before she can even offer Kol a few thoughts about Esther's words to her, Klaus finds them, as if on cue.

notes: Ahhh don't hate me for ending on a cliffhanger please. I'm hoping to have Cami and Rebekah back for the next chapter (I need my girls right now and so does Hayley). Anyway, hopefully I get some writing done. In the meantime, leave me a review telling me what you think!