
Third person P.O.V.

I can't believe Ty and I are celebrating our 1th wedding anniversary tonight, Amy thought as she braided Katie's hair.

''You want to go see momma?'' Amy asked Katie as she secured the little girls hair with a hair-tie.

The little girl look up at her aunt and gave her a toothy grin in response.

''I take that as a yes,'' Amy laughed.

She picked the little girl up and sat her on her hip as she carried her into the living room where Lou was watching a TV programme.

''There she is!'' Amy told Katie excitedly.

''Hi baby girl!'' Lou exclaimed reaching for her little girl. ''Thanks for doing her hair Amy, I really appreciate it!''

''It's no problem Lou, really, I'm happy to help!'' Amy told her sister reassuringly, ''I better go home though, Ty's finishing at work soon and I have nothing prepared. If you get my drift...''

''Ah, I see.. Have fun tonight!'' Lou winked at Amy.

''Oh, we will!''

When Amy arrived home, she quickly did the evening chores, cleaned the house and started dinner. She quickly showered and washed her hair while dinner was in the over. She then dried her hair and laid out her clothes for the night. She checked on the food to make sure everything was running smoothly before retreating to the bedroom to loosely curl the ends of her long, blonde hair and apply a little bit of mascara.

After getting dressed Amy went downstairs to finish the rest of dinner preparations. Just as she was setting the table she heard Ty's truck pull up outside.

''Hey Ames!'' Ty greeted his wife as he walked into the kitchen. ''Dinner smells great,'' he added, leaning down to give a peck on the lips.

''Hey babe,'' Amy grinned.

''I'm just going to go shower real quick,'' Ty said.

Amy finished setting the table while Ty was upstairs.

''Okay, I'm ready,'' Ty said as he walked into the kitchen dressed in a nice, light green button down shirt that brought out his eyes and a pair of dark blue jeans. Amy smiled in his direction.

''You look absolutely beautiful,'' he said walking up to Amy, who was dressed in a simple midnight blue dress that reached the middle of her thigh.

''Thank you,'' Amy smiled lovingly, ''you clean up pretty nice too.''

Ty grinned and leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was slow, soft and captured every emotion they felt toward one another.

''Let's eat! It look delicious!'' Ty exclaimed. He guided her to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair for her to sit on.

''Thank you, Ty,'' Amy murmured.

''You're welcome, love. How much food would you like?''

''Just a normal portion,'' Amy requested with a smile.

''That was so delicious Ames, thank you,'' Ty said softly as they sat down on the couch in the living room.

The room's only source of light were lit candles, placed on the coffee table, the wooden cabinet and on the mantle piece.

''You're welcome,'' Amy said as she curled to his side, tucking her legs beneath herself. ''Can you believe we've been married for a year?''

''It's crazy, I know. The time had flown by!'' Ty responded pulling her closer.

He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small, neatly wrapped box.

''Happy Anniversary baby,'' he murmured into Amy's hair lovingly as her handed her the box.

He watched her closely as she opened it, and the quiet gasp she let out when she saw the white gold ring, which han two little horseshoes on the band aswell as two imbedded diamonds – one blue and one green – , made his heart swell.

''Ty,'' Amy let out hoarsely, ''it's beautiful! Thank you!''

She turned her whole body and leaned up to kiss him. The kiss was slow yet passionate.

''You're welcome,'' Ty let out breathlessly.

Amy laughed and slipped the ring onto her right ring finger.

''Perfect fit,'' she claimed holding her hand up for him to see.

She stood up and reached for his hand. ''C'mon Ty, I need to give your present!''

''We're going to have a baby?'' Ty asked her excitedly.

''We are!''

Ty wrapped his arms around Amy and lifted her up, spinning them both around.

''I think,'' he murmured as he kissed her neck, ''that this needs a bit of celebration.''

''Mmm! I agree!''

The End!

A/N: whoa. I haven't updated this in forever, I'm really sorry about that. I just had no idea what to write... But I hope you enjoyed it! Please review! I hope you all had a happy and safe Christmas! Or any other holiday you may celebrate! :)

Elle D.