That's it. C'mon Grey, you're in good shape. You could take the flight of stairs and meet her in the lobby. You know she had to have felt it, too. That's why she all but ran out of here. Or maybe she ran out or here because she could see in your eyes what a basket case you are.

Doesn't matter.

I turn back to move towards Andrea and the lobby, numbed as I always am by the clicking of heels and the echoey halls. I pause again, tempted to recall the elevator and go after her.

I fix my tie, straightening it and flattening it against my chest as I move back towards the front reception desk. Andrea stands to greet me as usual.

"Mr. Grey. Anything you need?"

I think for a minute as I run my finger across the desk.

"Yes. I'd like Kate Kavanaugh on the phone in my office. Thank you." I still don't know where I'm going with this but I can make it up as I go. Andrea nods a polite "yes, sir" as I head back to my office. I might as well focus on this, since I won't be thinking of anything else today. Just her. Her eyes, her legs, her falling over herself to get into this office.

My phone lights up a warning to me just as I unbutton my suit jacket and round my desk, finding my chair just in time to pick up the phone and hear it start ringing.

A groggy but youthful voice answers after too many rings and I'm already frustrated, annoyed...and nervous.

"Hello, this is Kate..."

Her voice hangs there for a minute. She speaks again with more urgency.


I clear my throat.

"Kate Kavanaugh? This is Christian Grey. I'm sorry to just now be getting to you and I hope you weren't asleep." I can hear her scatter at the sound of my name as she clears her throat and shifts under the phone's weight to wake herself.

"Mr. Grey, thank, I'm awake, I just...oh no...did Anastasia Steele not make it to your office for me this morning?! I'm sorry, I should have..."

Mmmmmmm...there's her name again. And suddenly I'm thinking about her skirt and her loose ponytail, and not hearing anything. Then I realize I might have panicked her best friend.

"No, she did. Everything is just fine."

There's a silence after the flurry of dialogue...and now I'm sure she is doubly confused.

"Oh. Good. Again, I'm so sorry I couldn't come myself. I never get sick..."

As she speaks I am busily entering Anastasia's information into my computer...attempting to piece together what little I know about her. I'm googling Portland locations like a fucking lunatic as Kate is lost in chatter and apologies I don't give two shits about.

"No apology needed, Miss Kavanaugh..."

"Please. Call me Kate."

"Thank you...Kate."

I can tell from talking to her that she is over confident and bright. And probably hot.

"I trust the interview went well?" She asks, and I can tell she is over anxious.

"It did. Miss Steele is..." I hover over her name again like it's a prayer and I close my eyes against but before popping them open to a new thought, "she's a natural."

"That's good to hear."

Kate seems only mildly confused by my rumblings so I don't beat around the bush any further.

"I felt like I may have rushed her just a bit. Very busy day here..."

Liar. Look at you. Canceling meetings to google college girls. Pervert.

"...I'll be in Portland for business in a few days and I wondered if she might like to finish her questions..."

Grey, you're pretty fucking stupid. The words aren't even past my lips when Kate jumps at the chance to clarify my mistake.

"Wonderful. I can meet you and we can get this thing done properly. I really appreciate you taking the time to..."

I have to stop her and think fast of a way that won't seem desperate or like I'm trolling for college chicks.

Wait. Am I?

"No, no. Miss Kavanaugh the last thing I want to do is make Miss Steele feel inadequate about the work she did for you. If it's all the same I'd like to let her finish."


There's an uneasy silence in her voice and I'm sure she is disappointed...confused...annoyed...the whole package.

"Well Anastasia isn't back yet, obviously but when she returns I will see what her schedule looks like. She can be pretty busy with work."

Work. There's a lead.

"I'll have her call you to set up a time."

"No need," I interrupt her, finding it hard to get a word in edgewise, "I'll be at Waterfront Park on Friday morning. 9am. If she can make it, great. If not, I hope you'll have enough information for a good article, Miss Kavanaugh."

That's it. I'm setting the boundaries here. I want her, but I'm not about to let her set the parameters. She'll come to me on my terms or she won't come at all.

Fuck I hope this works.

Kate inhales on the other end.

"Terrific. We will see you then."

And she hangs up. Fuck. You're not invited! And she knew it, too so she had to cut the line so I couldn't remind her. Oh well. No undoing it now without seeming conspicuous.

I flip my Blackberry on and plug in into my calendar:

Friday. 9am. Waterfront Park. Anastasia.

I run my thumb over the letters in her name. Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with me?! And I don't need a fucking reminder, I'll be counting minutes til then. Did I just want her name in my phone? What the hell, am I...15?!

Andrea buzzes in.

"Mr. Grey, sorry to interrupt, but Roz is here to see you."

Nothing like your all business right hand woman to snap you back into reality. Fucking fuck.

I rub my temples and stand up to button my jacket as I tell Andrea to let her in. I watch the door open and replay the morning's events...wishing for a hauntingly beautiful, uneasy Anastasia Steele to come tripping in amongst a pile of blue coat. No such luck.

I glance at my computer. Windows open with Portland parks and recreation, Clayton's Hardware Store, and my usual boring background checks. I'm pretty fucked up...but who cares. This time it might get me somewhere. I almost forget Roz is in my office as I feel my breathing hitch at the thought of seeing more of Anastasia Steele. Much, much more.

Fucking A, it's gonna be a long couple days.