Hello my lovelies!

This chapter is 21 pages and 8,324 words long! I apologize for how late this school but now that school is over I should be able to update every other week. Before you shake your heads in doubt remember that when I started this story I updated every week in the summer before school started.

Happy/Sad news:

Guess who got all A's this semester?! Me! The lowest grade I have is an A- in my Law and Ethics class (ugh!), an A+ in 4 of my classes, and then my one plain A in my Object Oriented and Data Structures programming class. Now I have to look for Software developing internships or research in a Computer Science lab for this summer or during the school year. (I had an internship this summer but I had to back out since my advisor screwed me over - told me not to take one class that turned out to be a pre req for the second class which was a pre req for 3 of my classes next semester) The job required to be full time and the only time I could take the two classes was in person right in the middle of the work day. If my councilor had let me take the class this semester I would have taken the second one online and just done my internship. But no. So guess who lost an internship with a Forbes Top 100 Software Developing Company because of my idiot advisor!? Me!

Back to the story, there is sexiness in this chapter! I gave my WP readers a tease and promised them a lot of sexiness and torture to make up for my absence. There is also a torture scene so proceed with caution, it could be a potential trigger so PROCEED WITH CAUTION AT TORTURE SCENE if this could cause you a problem.

I am also sorry for any mistakes since I write these without any beta review and I rushed this out for you guys.

I own nothing. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Thirteen

The Almost Childe

"It is with a heavy heart that I announce the tragic death of Nan Flanagan. She was taken from us far too soon in a tragic attack by what seems to be an anti-vampire terrorist group. We have no word yet on which group it is, but rest assured when we know we will be sure to pursue them to the fullest extent of the law. She was too young to be taken from us in such a way."

Nora looked skeptical. "I won't be able to say that with a straight face Roman. I would sooner dance naked on her grave than have a 'heavy heart' for someone who I believe wasn't 'taken from us far too soon.' I think this has been a long time coming."

Roman rolled his eyes, "You don't have to believe it just say it on national television with maybe a mournful expression."

"It's the mournful expression I'm worried about."

The guards were sniggering as they drove to the Hotel Carmilla. Two of them were even placing bets on Nora smiling gleefully while delivering the news.

Nora sent them a withering glare that shut them up. The four guards straightened and adopted serious expressions but the driver still had a small smirk at the corner of his mouth as he imagined the press conference later that night.

"I suggest we ask Godric what we should say he has always been better with words than I have." Roman suggested as he looked to Nora who was still glaring at the guards. He couldn't wait until after the press conference. He always loved seeing Nora when she was bloodthirsty and vicious – the sex was violent and kinky as fuck. Not that the sex wasn't normally violent and kinky, but her anger just added a whole other dimension to sex.

Nora nodded and said, "Yes that's a good idea Roman."

"I don't know how he does it, but sometimes I feel as if he genuinely mourned the people that he had to put statements out for."

"He didn't unless they genuinely deserved it. During some of them he was sending glee through the bond. He just has an innocent face and he uses that to his advantage."

Roman nudged her, "You have an innocent face too so this should be easy!" He smiled at her since those words brought back memories of the first time he laid eyes on her.

She had been wild in her anger and he sworn he had never seen a more beautiful person in all his smiled at her mate; he was so perfect for her. He was just as vicious and dark as so could be, but he was also sweet and caring to her when they were alone.

Nora remembered the first time she met him.

She was roaming after a bitter fight with her Maker and her Brother. Nora at the time believed that Godric had only turned her to spare his Childe the burden of having a Childe who hated him. She thought that Eric was the only person that Godric had felt the pull to and had only changed her to make sure that Eric never changed someone who he didn't feel the pull to.

Nora now knew that was a lie. Godric did feel a pull to her and so did Eric, Eric despite being only 700 knew that the pull he felt was not a pull to that of a Childe. However he didn't know what type of pull it was, so he took her to Godric. When Godric laid eyes on her they both realized that the young girl dying of the Plague was meant to be Godric's Childe and Eric's vampire sister.

The pull wasn't as strong to her as it was to Eric, so he had ignored it - since when that happened to Godric with Eric he was practically shoved by some Other force across the country to where the Vikings were marching to battle.

The fight that caused her to flee was because of that bitterness and because Nora had spoken to some other vampires around her age who also had 'siblings' and they had described the orgies that they had with their Makers and brothers. Nora had never had sex with either her Maker or Eric, she knew that when Eric was a newborn that they had fucked and fed everywhere, but with her they kept their distance while still fucking each other. It hurt. She felt like she wasn't good enough for them since almost all Makers had sex with their Children.

She could remember their fight:

"Why don't you fuck me?! Am I not good enough? Or is it just because you hate that you made me so much that you wont even let your Childe touch me either!" Nora was enraged nothing would calm her as she stood screaming abuse into Godric's face.

Godric was calm; he knew just how temperamental vampires under 50 could be. Eric however was the opposite of calm he was just as enraged, but he was angry at Nora. He didn't allow anyone to disrespect his Maker, not even his sister.

"It's my business who I fuck! If Godric does not want to touch you than you should respect that. He is your Maker!"

"Fuck Godric. He's a shitty Maker! How is he a proper maker when he only teaches one of his children properly and lets the other one learn from strangers!?"

That was too much for Eric he dove at her with his fangs extended.

Godric vamped over before he could make contact and stopped him. He put his hands on Eric's face affectionately, "My Childe, do not harm your sister. She is correct I spent more time with you than properly training her. I will rectify that. However sexual encounters between Makers and Children are not part of that training, it happens, but it is not necessary."

Godric turned to Nora, but she was already gone.

She had run as fast and as far as she could before taking flight. She had landed in a field miles away and was screaming abuse at the night sky, destroying anything in her way. She was so distracted that she didn't hear a vampire slowly creep closer to see what was causing all of the noise. He watched her amused for a few moments before speaking.

"You are very violent for such an innocent looking girl."

And the rest was history. Almost as soon as they laid eyes on each other they were in the middle of that muddy field, naked and fucking. Roman was in the country visiting as a favor to his Maker, she had seen a vision and told him that he would soon find his mate and he would have to console her and alleviate her fears of inadequacy.

He didn't understand how the raging woman could possibly be inadequate in any way but he soon learned when she told him of why so young a vampire was so far from her Maker.

Roman remembered his Maker, The Ancient Pythoness, had told him of a vampire named Godric. The Godric she had spoken of would have been his brother had not a traitor within her retinue sold the information to a bloodthirsty vampire named Appius who wanted a powerful Childe. Appius delighted in having stolen a future Childe from the Ancient Pythoness and reveled in hurting him knowing that she would see all Godric suffered. This however angered the Gods and one thing the Ancient Pythoness learned in all her years was to never anger the Gods.

Appius was angry that Godric never became as powerful or as great as the other Children of they Pythoness so he let him go and found his amusements elsewhere while reveling in the fact that even though Godric was weak and useless he had still stolen one of the Ancient Bitches Children.

However Appius did get to see the greatness that Godric would become. It was only a pity that it happened just as Godric killed him.

The Ancient Pythoness had a fondness for her would-be Childe and all of her Children regarded Godric as a sort of lost brother. Roman being one of them.

When he met Godric and Eric he could immediately see why they did not have sex with Nora (He was confused on that since she was so beautiful). Like his Maker, Roman inherited some of her powers; she had the gift of sight. Her sight was all encompassing whereas her children only got little pieces of sight. His maker could see the future, auras, powers, ages, and many other things despite the fact that she was blind. No one knew that she saw all magic.

Roman inherited the power to see auras. As soon as he saw Godric and Eric he knew that they were not only Maker and Childe, but also mates. This was an extremely sexual relationship so it made sense that Nora would be ignored a bit in the face of such a powerful connection.

There was also some unrest in their bond.

Roman could see that they were missing a third and that the bond would not be completed until the third mate joined in the bond. This empty section allowed them to still have sex with others and without each other, since the bond was not completed or closed.

While the open bond still allowed them to have sex with others it would not be as fulfilling as with each other and would likely be boring after a while.

He pulled Nora aside and told her of what he saw so that he could reassure his mate that it was not through any fault of hers that they did not want to have sex with her. It was the bond that they already had with each other as well as the dormant bond that she had with Roman that caused that.

He did not tell Godric and Eric that however since his maker gave him a cryptic vision years ago that he now somewhat understood. When Roman 'meets an almost brother' who was a 'two of three' he was to say nothing to them until they became a 'whole of third.'

It was confusing as fuck, but he did what his Maker bid and left with the promise of returning for his mate after another hundred years when her training would be completed.

Those were the worst years of his life, knowing that his mate was out there in a completely accessible place, but he had to wait until she was ready to be the Mate of The Guardian. Slowly he built the Authority to be the powerhouse it is today using his Maker's visions of the future as a guide to create a better future for all species.

He had warned Nora and Geffrei and all of their allies that Godric and Eric needed to find their third, so some went with Godric, some with Eric and others searched the world for anyone who would fit the bill of the Prophesy by the Ancient Pythoness. There was no luck until Thalia informed Roman of a potential woman in Fangtasia who managed to capture Eric's attention.

Naturally after so many false leads Roman was skeptical that a fang banger in Fantasia could be her, but his other sources – namely Isabel – reported that she was not a fang banger and was indeed spectacular. Roman thought that she must be amazing to earn an entire Area's oath in less than a week.

Nora pulled him out of his thoughts, "What do you think she is like?"

She whispered while looking at him questioningly, but with worry in her eyes.

The car stopped and the door opened in front of the Hotel. Roman stepped out and stuck his hand out to his mate and said, "She will be everything they need."

They swept through the lobby vampires pausing everywhere and sending bows to the Guardian and the High Chancellor of the Authority.

They were approached by Raaf who smiled at them and gave Roman a smirk when he turned to Nora and said, "My dear you are looking more and more beautiful everyday! When will you leave his side and pick a man from your country?"

There was a pause as vampires in the lobby freeze. This was bound to be an epic showdown, the vicious Guardian of the Authority vs. The Childe of the King Killer. They were watching in anticipation to see if Geffrei would appear and kill the Guardian and the High Chancellor, since he hated authority and those two practically were the Authority in the Western World. Some vampires were speculating that this was a way for Geffrei to taunt the Guardian to attack on his home turf.

They were disappointed however when Roman and Nora merely looked amused, as if this happened often and was almost a normal greeting for them. They quickly moved towards the privacy of the elevators, while still continuing their normal greeting.

Nora scoffs and says, "I hold no loyalty to England. Why would I pick a man from that country?"

Raaf merely grinned and with a wink said, "Because we are handsomer!"

Roman shook his head and said, "My friend we both know of the two of us I am the most handsome!"

The elevator doors closed and whispers of shock and surprise broke out that those three apparently knew each other - and not only that, but the most shocking revelation was that they seemed to have a sense of humor!

Once the elevator doors closed Nora turned serious and looked at her 'cousin,' "What is she like? Is she strong enough for what is to come?"

Raaf looked thoughtful, "She looks meek, but she has a fire that I haven't seen outside of our line in a long time. I have no doubt that she is strong and can adapt so long as she has someone to guide and advise her."

Both Nora and Roman breathed a sigh of relief. Raaf led them to a door and said, "I have a prisoner to take care of in the basement. Feel free to bring Nan too."


Eric and Godric were watching Sookie. She was standing in front of the mirror twisting this way and that way to see the tattoos that now marked her body. On her left was the same snake like mark that Godric had running down his spine. On her right was a mark that Godric had called the Viking 'Helm of Awe.' Finally on her back was a freaking Fairy mark!

She was a fairy! Sookie had no idea how that had happened and wondered if she was a tooth fairy or something like that.

Each had three tattoos, Godric had already had the one on his spine, but the two on his hip representing Sookie and Eric were new. The same with Eric.

Sookie finally sighed and turned to them. "What does my being a fairy mean? I don't feel any need to collect teeth and leave quarters."

Godric chuckled, "My dear the Fae are not the tooth fairy. They are immortal and very powerful beings who we believed to be mostly extinct."

"If they are immortal why would people think they were extinct?"

Godric shrugged and said, "Maybe that is what they wanted vampires to think. Vampires and Fae are mortal enemies since whenever they meet the vampire always attempts to drain the Fae."

Sookie's eyes were wide; she looked to Eric, "Seriously? Why do you try to drain them?"

Eric nodded solemnly, "Yes, when they came to Earth they were often killed because they smelled like the most enticing blood in the universe to vampires. Few can control themselves. I would have extreme difficulty if one showed up, the bloodlust is nigh impossible to control."

She nodded, but looked confused, "You said 'came to Earth' are they not from Earth?"

Godric answered this one, " They have their own realm, perhaps in another world or another dimension. I am not completely sure since they would never tell a vampire, even assuming if the vampire didn't immediately try to drain them."

"I can't possibly be a Fae though, I'm not immortal no one in my family hasn't died! I don't see how I can possibly be a Fairy! Maybe it's a mistake."

Eric shrugged, "Maybe, but it makes sense since you smell like sunlight. The Fae are the opposite of vampires, they thrive in the light."

Sookie looked like she was going to start arguing so Godric stepped in, "We can ask Ludwig. If anyone on this earth would know about the Fae it would be her since she is a healer to all species."

This placated Sookie and she nodded.

Once again she turned towards the mirrors and said, "Gran said she would skin me alive if I ever got a tattoo, but maybe in this circumstance she would be forgiving."

Eric stood behind her and smiled at her in the mirror on her right and Godric moved to her left. "I have no doubt that she would forgive you since it wasn't you but a higher being that gave them to us."

Sookie smiled at them and turned around. "Can I see yours again?"

They both shot a mischievous look at each other and whipped their sweatpants completely off leaving them naked once more.

She shrieked and covered her eyes, "What part of 'no nakedness' do you two not understand!?"

Eric sauntered to her she had her hands covering her eyes, but could feel his void moving closer she backed up to try to get away from him. In her focus on Eric she forgot that Godric could be just as mischievous as his Childe, so she didn't notice when his void moved directly behind her leaning on the bathroom counter.

At least she didn't notice, until she came in butt-to-penis contact with Godric. She paused her body going comically still as her eyes widened from behind her hands. She shuffled forward only to find that Eric had captured her against Godric's hips with his own hips.

She was the one lady in the middle of a vampire penis sandwich. She wasn't sure exactly how to react, but the slutty part of her was surprised how large and hard both of them were. She shushed that part of her.

Sookie's hands were gently pried away from her face by Eric. She looked at the gentle expression on Eric's face and somehow knew – without looking - that expression was also mirrored on Godric.

She was about to say something when the both of them suddenly put one hand on her hip. Coincidentally each hand was on top of the mark representing him. Godric on her left side and Eric on her right.

The feelings that coursed through their blood within each other was magnificent. Sookie felt her knees go weak and managed to catch herself on them just where her marks on them were. Unbeknown to her they had also put their hands on the marks on each other as well. It was a complete circle they were all touching the mark that they had on their mates.

Surprisingly it didn't give them a sexual reaction like they expected (1). The bond knew that Sookie was overwhelmed so instead of the sexual euphoria that normally would come with touching the mark it merely sent waves of contentment and happiness.

The three bond mates swayed against each other rocking from side to side almost as if they were in a hammock. Neither Godric or Eric remember ever feeling this way, this perfect and pure emotion was one that they had never experienced to such an extent since it was usually tainted by either sex or death. Sookie knew that such happiness was possible, she had felt it when her Gran spoke about the loves of her life and it's the feeling that Sookie wanted to experience when she fell deeply in love.

The lights swirled through the hands of the bond mates into each of the mate's body. Sookie opened her heart to this feeling and forgot about Bill and Lorena and also all of her reservations about being courted by two people. After all, if her Gran approved - like the wonderful dream she had before the horrible nightmare of her uncle and Gabe said - then she could care less what everyone else thought.

The blue and gold light sank just a little bit deeper into her heart, she was close to falling for them and once that happened the light could be completely inside her heart.

Godric knew in theory that this emotion was possible, but he always thought that the only way to experience it would be true death. He never knew that he could feel like this on Earth instead of in Paradise surrounded by his lost loved ones.

He opened his heart to the lights as well. Since he had already loved Eric before this, the golden light went in a little deeper than the purple, but the purple was not one to be left behind and was slowly worming itself in. As soon as Godric recognized that he loved Sookie her light would fully merge within him.

Of all three Eric was the most stubborn; his heart was the most scarred. So scarred that even Godric's blue light was having difficulty breaching it. However Eric being locked in this happy embrace with his mates had softened the scars. The blue rushed in and since it was holding on to the purple so tightly, the purple was almost halfway in.

Just like Godric and Sookie all he had to do was admit to himself that he was falling in love with them and that would completely open his heart to their lights.

The three mates could have stayed in this embrace forever, each drawing strength and comfort from the other two, but the were broken out of their spell by a loud ringtone.

Material Girl was playing on Eric's phone and he knew he had to answer that since it was his Childe. With a wistful sight he removed his hands and stepped away. With Eric gone it broke the spell on Godric and Sookie since their lights no longer moved contentedly between the three once Eric left.

As Eric picked up the phone Sookie realized that the both of them were still naked. She gave Eric stern look and passed his sweats to him and then turned and did the same to Godric. They put the clothes on swiftly, but reluctantly.

"Damn vampire nudists." She muttered as she went to get a bottle of water.

Godric burst out laughing and Eric chuckled. Godric vamped ahead of her and gave her a water bottle and a granola bar.

"Northman." Eric answered his phone.

"I love you! I don't care if you don't buy me anything from Dallas, this is gift enough!"

Sookie had no idea if it was their blood or if Pam was just that excited that she could be heard as if she was on speaker.

Eric chucked, "I am glad that you like it. Too bad you couldn't be here to see it in person since you have to take care of my area." He gave Sookie a wink when she wrinkled her nose at his smugness. She had no idea what they were talking about but Eric was obviously rubbing Pam's nose in it.

Sookie could practically hear the pout as Pam whined, "Selfish"

"Insubordinate." Eric paused as he heard Raaf, Nora and Roman at the door.

Godric opened the door and said for Sookie's benefit mostly, "Eric, Nora is here."

Eric knew he had to end his call to discuss politics and so said, "Feel free to send Raaf suggestions. He knows that you would like to get in a few blows for Compton's and his maker's insults to you. I must go Nan needs to be informed of her retirement."

"I adore you! This is better than any gift you have ever given me! Other than immortality because I did not wish to see myself get old and wrinkled and ugly!"

Nora laughed because she knew how much Pam had hated her human life as well as getting old. Roman, Godric, and Eric chuckled as well. The laugh that made most of them pause was the woman who was currently hidden from the newcomers by the wall that led to the kitchen. Her laugh was tinkling and genuinely amused at how silly and childlike the overly sexual Pam could be with her Maker.

Eric ended the call with an, "Enjoy my Childe." Then hung up.

Godric said to Nora, "Hello my Childe."

"Hello Master."

Eric went to get Sookie; she was already on her way when she paused at the voice of Godric's Childe Nora. She sounded beautiful.

Eric grabbed her hand and led her to the others who had already taken a seat on the couches in the living room. He put Sookie in between himself and Godric, across the coffee table from Nora and Roman.

Sookie was kind of nervous, she was sitting across one of the most beautiful women she had ever met. Her face was soft and innocent looking, her pale skin and wide blue eyes and perfect brown hair giving her the appearance of a porcelain doll. The kind that Sookie longed for as a girl, but could never have because it was extremely expensive.

The man looked stern. His expression was as if he was looking into their very souls as he looked from Eric to Godric to her. He was handsome, he looked as if he was turned in his late 30s early 40s, he had the aura of someone in charge.

Roman was watching the interplay of colors between the three mates. He had no doubts now that this slip of a girl was their perfect mate. Like Godric he could see the Royal Sky Fae crest stamped on the girls purple light whenever the gold and blue shifted enough for him to see it. He knew he had to call Niall Brigant to see if perhaps she was his grandchild, if she was they had to have a full blooded fairy train her to help keep her safe.

There are plenty of vampires that would love to hurt Godric's bloodline by killing his and his Childe's mate.

Nora nudged him when the girl started fidgeting at Roman's stare. Godric and Eric had the beginnings of a growl in their chests.

"I apologize I was only watching how well matched the three of you are."

Nora's eyes widened, "It's her? You are completely sure?"

At his nod she turned to Sookie with a genuine smile and said, "I will be very happy to get to know you more. I was already looking forward to meeting you before - when you saved my Makers life, but now I can't wait.

All three across the table look confused.

Roman explained as much as he could, "My maker told me centuries ago that the two of you were part of a trio. She forbade me from telling you at the time, and even now that is all I can tell you other than to rest assured, the three of you are mates."

Godric and Eric relaxed and nodded. Godric already knew this having witnessed it himself. For Eric it was another validation, his third one. The first was Godric, the second was the vision of his sister, and finally Roman just now.

Sookie was still confused on the word 'mate' so she just started thinking about it as if they forgot the 'soul' part of soulmate.

It helped.

Sookie didn't want to get into a long conversation about cryptic vampire stuff so she said, "We should probably get started on figuring out what to say today."

Nora nodded, "I agree. I am Nora, Godric's Childe I am a Chancellor in the Authority and this is Roman he is my mate and the Guardian of the Authority"

She pulled out a few papers and some notecards. "I have been looking at the evidence that they found hidden in the secret compartment of Stan's day man. This is brilliant! It shows just how long the Fellowship has been systematically kidnapping, killing, or robbing vampires. I was thinking about opening up with that to get Newlin on the defensive."

Sookie had a thoughtful face, "That's good, but I think that we should start with the evidence from the bombing since that is what the public is the most in arms about. Right now having them get even more proof that it was Newlin would be the most effective. Then when he gives his excuses on how vampires are evil and humans are their victims bring out the evidence from the secret compartment. That will be the most effective."

She was looking at the evidence on the table and so when it became quiet she looked up. Godric looked proud while Eric looked like he wanted to rip her clothes off with his fangs. Nora and Roman looked impressed.

"Now that that is settled I need some help with Nan's eulogy."

"Nan died?"

"Pretty soon probably."



Nan checked her email again. She had been doing that often ever since her meeting with Godric and his Childe. Nan didn't think that they would dare attempt anything on her, but both of her guards had resigned immediately afterwards and informed her of her coming demise at the hands of the Northman and that she would be let off easier if she got on her knees and begged Godric's forgiveness for her insult then submitted herself for punishment to the Viking and his sister. He guard said perhaps if she was truly repentant the Gaul would intervene and she wouldn't suffer too much at the hands of the Norse.

She scoffed. She begging for anything was completely ridiculous. Especially from a suicidal excuse of a vampire who just created more work for her and his Childe who never listened to orders. She had no idea who the sister was, but she very much doubted that she was anyone important since in order to get anywhere she would either have to be exceptionally talented on her own or use their Makers name. Nan had not heard of another Childe other than the Norseman so she assumed her (former) guard was an idiot and she was glad he quit before he could misinform her about anything else.

A knock sounded at her door.


Nan hoped that was Bill already she had plenty of things she needed to discuss with him. The main point being how to get Northman and his fucking maker out of her hair so that she could successfully place Compton as the figurehead of Louisiana.

She was smart. Nan knew that monarchs were killed in battles and overthrown so she very cleverly placed herself in a position where she could discreetly place idiots that she could control as the Kings and Queens. She would be the power behind the throne.

Louisiana was one of the states that was getting on everyone in the Authorities nerves so naturally no one wanted to deal with the whiney Queen. No one blinked when Nan volunteered to deal with it, since most were happy that they didn't have to clean up that clusterfuck of a kingdom. Thus began her systematic infiltration of the kingdom, she sent in spies and potential monarchs and thus far the only one that proved to be stupid enough to let her pull the strings on them was Compton. He was completely content to be named King and have all of the perks that went with it without having to do the hard part of actually ruling and making decisions.

It was a system that worked for them both. She had also taken him as one of her lovers since that was also another way for her to control him. It certainly wasn't the best sex she ever had, but it wasn't the wors-…no it was definitely the worst, but she just laid back and thought of all of her future kingdoms.

Nan wondered if there was something wrong with Lorena because no matter where she was that crazy Maker was always touting her Childe's skills in the bedroom. Maybe she never had an orgasm and that is why she thinks Bill is so good? Nan thought. Because there is no way he should be anyone's top sexual encounter unless they were a virgin who had never even masturbated.

The knocking became louder and impatient, "Shut up Bill! You answer to me not the other way around."

She opened the door.

"I'm not Billium." Eric Fucking Northman said. He was leaning on the door jam with the high and mighty bitch of a Chancellor Nora and that God damned Roman. Behind them she could see her five guards, two of them were her traitor guards who quit a few days ago.

"Well well, the Guardian and the High Chancellor to what do I owe the pleasure?" Nan said with the most insincere smile she could possibly muster. "I'm preparing for an interview with Newlin later tonight."

"You don't have to worry about that interview anymore. We have come graciously accept your resignation as the face of the American Vampire League and from the Authority." Roman said looking at his nails as he passed her the official resignation papers, all with her signature dated a few days ago.

The day she had to deal with Godric and the day her two guards quit.

"Well that's humiliating."

Nan looked up and saw Northman's smug face and knew it was his fucking fault. "You! You and your fucking Maker! I should have made sure that he was locked outside when the sun rose! Maybe then you would stop being a fucking pain in my neck. That fucking girl too! He's so useless, he couldn't even commit suicide properly!"

Eric stepped forward menacingly with his fangs out ready to rip her head off. Nora however shoved in front of him and said, "How dare you speak about my Maker that way! I will make sure that you suffer long before you are ended for this insult. You will watch how no one mourns you and how easily you are replaced in all aspects of your life."

Eric agreed with one curt nod, "Go to hell you fucking bitch."

Nora continues for him, "Or as we say in Surrey sod the fuck off you cunting twat!"

They moved to the side and let three guards grab her. It stung her that two of them were her ex-personal guards.

"Take her to Raaf, let her be with her precious Bill."



"Now. What ever shall I do with you? I have no idea how to start!"

His phone tinged with a message.

As Raaf looked at the naked bleeding body of Bill Compton as he contemplated what to do with him. When his message beeped he looked at his phone and saw a message from Thalia.

Rip off all of his finger and toenails than stab them with a silver needle to prevent regrowth.

He chuckled lowly and said, "That is creative I think I will do that!"

His phone went wild.

He received message after message each with a violent and painful suggestion on what to do to Compton. He could feel his brows lifting with each text. He decided to mix the first text with another two.

Use my paints and paint me a picture cousin

From the lovely Pam and then the second from a vampire that he had met recently while they had passed through the hotel.

Stab him with un-lacquered silver coated chopsticks and stretch rubber bands through them. (2)

He sent a message to his guard to get disposable chopsticks and rubber bands and stock the basement with them (Raaf decided he liked this relatively simple torture device and was going to keep using it).

**Warning May Contain Trigger Situations Proceed with Caution**

Raaf calmly put on his leather gloves he grabbed twenty silver needles, small pliers, a few paintbrushes, and the jar of silver paint. He put them on a small metal table that he wheeled over to Compton.

As he set up he spoke to his victim, "You will have to bear with me. It turns out I wasn't as thorough in putting together the devices that I would need, so my guard is getting them. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay caused."

Once he was done he said, "I'm as ready as I will be until the other supplies arrive. Time to get started."

He walked around Bill reveling in the smell of his fear. Raaf knew if he were human he would have shit himself by now, luckily for his cleaning crew Bill was a vampire.

Faster than Compton could see, Raaf grabbed the pliers and ripped his big toenail off.


Raaf shook his head, "It's pitiful just how weak you are. I have tortured humans who have a higher pain tolerance than you."

He ripped off another three in short succession. Compton was already crying, blood tears spilling down his face.

Once he finished one foot he moved to the other on this one he didn't pull the nail out as swiftly or as cleanly.

The nails broke often as he wiggled them out slowly and jerkily and Raaf, would say, "I apologize let me get that for you."

He would then dig for the nail.

"Please! Please stop! I can make you a King of Louisiana; just let me talk to Nan! I will be your procurer and gift your court with the most beautiful and sexually talented men and women. Nan will make this happen, just let me speak to her!"

"What makes you think I want to be a king of anything? And I wouldn't be too preoccupied about Nan she retired a few days ago. Right after dealing with Godric apparently, it turns out she was so ashamed of her actions that she retired immediately from the AVL and the Authority."


Raaf nodded, "Yes. No bargaining for you."

Bill knew that it would be cold day in hell before Nan gave up any of her carefully cultivated power. So the chances of her being alive were slim to none. She most definitely wouldn't be in a position to save him, or even avenge him.

He pulled the nails from both of his hands now too. His phone ringed and he decided to wait until he had a break to look at it.

A knock sounded on the door.

Raaf grinned to Compton, "Break time!"

It was a smiling guard who cheerfully passed him the chopsticks and rubber bands. Raaf decided to look at his text. It was from Thalia again.

Pam and I want you to paint his nails

He groaned and turned to Compton and grabbed the silver paint and one of the smaller brushes. "I have been downgraded from torturer to manicurist. Some one owes me a blow job for this."

His phone beeped multiple times. He opened the one from Pam first.

There are about 10 people here that have volunteered. Thalia was a surprise to me. Care to explain?

Raaf burst out laughing, looked at the other texts and saw that, yes a good amount of people volunteered and Thalia said that she would be glad to 'revisit their past arrangement.' He sent back to Pam:

No. The face you make when I leave you out of the loop is too wonderful.

Ring. Pam.


He chuckled, looked at the camera and winked. "Love you too!"

Raaf started painting Compton's nails making sure to go over and over the same spot so that the paint would sink in and make a permanent burn mark that could never grow another nail again.

When he finished his feet he stepped back and looked at his work. "Not bad, what do you think? Turns out these steady hands can also be applied to painting nails. Huh who knew? Just don't tell my sisters, they would make me do it all the time."

Compton was whimpering and Raaf decided that he needed a few spikes of pain and jabbed the needles into each of his toes and left them there. The same procedure applied to his hands.

Once he had each of the nails painted and speared he decided to paint Pam a picture. He wanted it to be fluid and have plenty of swirls so he decided on Van Gogh's Starry Night.

He began painting, his tongue sticking out of one corner in concentration; the darker colors needed more coats so that it sank deeper into the skin as became a darker burn color. Pam made the paint so that the skin can never regenerate so Compton's chest would always be an extremely bumpy painting. If he tried to cut it all off to regrow (he doubted it, Compton couldn't handle pain – even for his vanity) he would find that it would painfully grow back and the skin would still be painted.

A scream broke his concentration. "Please be quiet this is a difficult painting to replicate."

"I swear I will end you! I will watch you and your maker and Northman with his entire line die as I'm crowned king."

Raaf spilled the silver paint on his feet, making sure to coat the bottom of his feett, so that every step he took for the rest of his miserable life he would be reminded of this moment and his mistake in threatening his family, "Oops."

**End of Warning**


Sookie was tired. She had helped plan with everyone and was currently eating some turkey while waiting for the news to change to the segment that Nora was on with Newlin. Eric and Godric were with her while Nora and Roman were at the studio getting 'prepped for show time'. Whatever that meant.

She looked at the clock, 30 minutes to go.

Sookie sent a quick prayer up to her Gran that this would go well and that people would start accepting vampires more. Or at least realize that the Fellowship of the Sun were horrible people who just exploited peopled fears and sucked them dry of money in the name of 'The Lord.'

After yawning for the tenth time, Godric pulled her head into his lap and Eric pulled her legs into his. "Sleep we will wake you when it is time to watch Nora."

Sookie didn't need any encouragement, after making both of them promise to wake her up on the threat of being shot with buckshot, she closed her eyes and felt herself enter a semi-aware sleep state.

She could feel her mind continue to be active, she could hear the TV and Eric and Godric murmuring above her, but she just couldn't move. Sookie wasn't worried, she had often had these half asleep states of immobility so she just waited until her body slipped into a full and complete sleep.

When she finally started dreaming it was about earlier, during the second exchange.

She was in the same position that she had been in real life, her straddling one of Eric's legs and one of Godric's legs. The main difference in this was that instead of wearing the pretty dress that she had before it went 'missing' (she didn't trust that they didn't destroy everything she was wearing – sneaky vampires) she and her two vampires were completely naked.

She felt herself grind against their legs, gasping as her most intimate place came into contact with their flesh. Sookie could feel the both of them grip her tighter as she gave a frustrated keening. She couldn't get to an orgasm for some reason.

Eric growled and shifted her on top of him and Godric was directly behind her, similar to how they were today when she was covering her eyes in the bathroom. Each grabbed a hip Godric left, Eric right and Sookie did the same.

They shifted her forward. Her sex came into contact with Eric's cock when she pulled forward and Godric's cock when she pulled back. They grinded against her and against each other, never penetrating only rubbing intimately.

Sookie could feel her breathing come faster as she was pulled and shifted between them. On each pass she grinded down causing Godric to growl and nip at her neck. She could feel herself getting closer and she pushed down on them.

She began whining and gasping as Godric and Eric growled at her. Finally they bit down on her, Godric at her neck and Eric at her breast. Sookie felt the world explode. The first thing she saw as she pulled away from the haze of orgasm was Godric giving Eric a passionate and fangy kiss that left her panting just from watching.


She jolted awake by Godric yelling her name in worry.

"Are you alright, älskare? You were making sounds of distress and your heart was elevated." Eric said concerned.

"Was it another nightmare? Was it Gabe or your Uncle?" He turned to Eric, "Our blood must not be working we should call Ludwig now."

"No!" Both looked at her confused, Eric with his phone in hand. "It wasn't a nightmare," she whispered.

They still looked confused until Godric brought in a deep breath scenting the air to see if she was having a fear reaction. The smell was not from fear, but from deep sexual arousal.

Two sets of fangs clicking were heard as his Childe followed his lead and breathing her scent in.

Godric looked at her, his dark eyes filled with arousal and spoke with his fangs on full display, "Care to tell us something láska?"

Next chapter will be up by next Sunday!

(1) If you havent read TexanLady's the 'Arrangement' you should it is an amazing read and a huge inspiration of mine!

(2) Thanks to tj6james6 for the inspiration for this torture!

We will see more of Billium's torture as well as Nan's torture! Then we get to see the trio's reaction to Sookie's dream of what happened when they blacked out during the second exchange. Then we get to watch Nora's television debut with Newlin! It will be an exciting week!

Wish me luck finding an internship!

On another note I have read so many S/E/G, S/G, and S/E stories that I often forget if they inspired my story, so if you see any similarities to another story I apologize I was probably subconsciously drawing on their story as well. Please feel free to remind me of any authors I may have used as inspiration so that I can give credit where it's due.

Reviews make me work faster and make me and the muse happy!