Hello Fairies and Welcome to my newest story.

This story was originally used for me to drag myself out of Writers Block. It then became a story i was writing for my sister.

You see my sister isn't a fan of Fairy Tail (I know it's a crime in itself). So i began a mission to change her mind by writing this fanfiction for her. Since this story takes place in a semi-world i created she wouldn't have to watch the anime in order to understand the plot. Therefore i warn any Fairy Tail fanatic. There will be some details that i will be providing that you fan's would already know (appearances, Lucy's spirits and the working of magic, etc).

I hope you all enjoy the story.

Criticism and remarks are welcome. I think criticism makes any writing better so don't be shy if you have some advice for me.

Here is the extended summary.

They came from two separate worlds. He is from a loving and exciting family, living in a beautiful castle in a peaceful kingdom. She is from a broken and separated family with a past riddled with mystery and unease. Their lives took them on separate paths. He lived a life full of adventure and friendship, and she lived a life of solitude, fear, and secrets. One fateful and rainy day they cross under unfortunate circumstances and their paths wind into one. Love, betrayal, and mystery winds into a whirlwind as these two try to overcome their differences and accept their new path's in order to triumph over the darkness spreading through the kingdom.

Now i do not own Fairy Tail or the cover image. I just own the plot and my OC's.


Chapter One:

The bright sun filtered through the thick canopy of leaves and a small creek bubbled and twisted between the many trunks. Birds chirped high in the tree's singing their beautiful song for anyone to hear as a lone deer strutted towards the clear stream and stooped its slim head down for a refreshing drink. It was quite and peaceful, the only thing disturbing the beautiful scene was a wandering breeze that brushed through the little leaves.

The slender doe brought its head up abruptly its ears perked and alert. With no warning it bounded over the small creek and disappeared into the thick underbrush. It was quite once again until a cloaked figure emerged running through the quiet forest. It's feet not making a sound on the soft underbrush as it leapt over the creek gracefully and continued on it's path. The cloaked figure moved like a fox as it dodged and weaved through the maze of trees.

Not far behind a loud and larger man was trying to keep up with the hooded figure. He bounded and crushed the branches around him, making far to much noise for one man. He grunted and cursed as he attempted not to loose his prey. He tried to leap over the same creak and ended up splashing through it which only succeeded in slowing him down. Soon enough he lost sight of the cloaked person and he huffed and began his return home. Grumbling the whole way about a next time, and that he would find the person one day.

High up in a nearby tree, the cloaked figure knelt on a high branch looking down at the retreating figure. A small smile graced the person's lips before letting out a long graceful whip and attaching it to a nearby tree. In a graceful sweep the person landed on the ground with only a slight breeze from their momentum. Retracting the whip the figure glanced back to the way they had just come. Making sure nothing and nobody was following them they headed south towards the great cliffs that bordered the sea.

After a long walk through the thick forest the figure emerged beside a large cliff that jutted out of the ground and reached high towards the heavens. To steep to climb and with no way around only a few had actually discovered what lay beyond the great wall. The cloaked figure headed towards the side of the wall that met with the shear cliff that plunged deep into the ocean below. Many vines and trees dotted the edge of the cliff but she paid them no mind. The cloaked figure drew out a slender hand that was covered in a dark glove and holding a golden key. Murmuring something to the wind a bright light flashed and a young maid appeared and opened up a small hole in the side of the mountain.

"Did you find what you were looking for Princess?" The maid with pink hair asked the cloaked figure.

"Yes I did Virgo. Unfortunately I had to borrow the papers from the authorities. I won't be able to go out for a little while. I brought a little too much attention to myself this time," a female voice said as she headed into the side of the mountain.

"I trust that you lost the loud man from before?" the maid asked again.

"Yes he was quite persistent," the female said again a smile clear in her voice.

"If that is all Princess I shall take my punishment now," the maid said bowing slightly.

"That won't be necessary Virgo. Thank you for your help," the figure said as she disappeared into the shadows of the mountain.

"My pleasure Princess. Call if you need me," the maid said erupting in a brilliant light as the wall reappeared and the maid disappeared from sight.

The forest became quite again. As if the two figures had never appeared in this section of the forest before.

Deep in the mountainside the cloaked female walked through the long tunnel and slowly pushed the hood off of her head. Letting out her hair from the ponytail she had it in and she let it fall harmlessly against her back. She also untied the black mask that covered her eyes and wrapped around her head, and the gloves that covered her pale hands. By the time she had reached the end of the long tunnel she appeared anew and herself. This was the one place she didn't have to hide. Her home beyond the cliff.

Her beautiful blonde hair gleamed golden in the sunlight of the small valley that lay beyond the large rock wall. Her bright and active brown eyes scanning the familiar view of her home. It wasn't much but it was all she needed. The high walls reached high above her but the small valley that lay in the middle was rolling with grasslands, and little alcoves of trees. A small lake lay at the far side, which opened up to a wonderful view of the sea. The lake opened up at one side and let a glittering waterfall flutter down to the distant ocean. Sharp and large rocks bordered the cliff making it look unfriendly from the outside eye. A small cottage lay beside the little lake. It's wooden walls were covered in thick vines with plump grapes and black berry bushes growing in the warm sun. A small garden lay off to the side with the promise of vegetables, and herbs. The sounds of a farm rustled through the breeze and brought a smile to the girl's lips.

The peaceful blonde let out a long sigh as she walked through the long grass towards her home. It wasn't much but it had served as her home since she was young. It had been her and her mother's safe heaven since the incident, and it still served its purpose long after they had found it. Her eyes drifted over the small cottage their friends had helped them build, the little garden that her and her mother had cut from the fertile land and the saplings they had planted that now were large and magnificent trees. The blonde smiled at the fond memories that this place brought to her.

She let herself in to the small house dropping her cloak on a nearby hook and heading for the bedroom to change out of her dark clothing. She emerged with jean shorts, and a plain blue tank top. She grabbed an apple from a basket, placed a set of papers into a bin and started out towards the edge of the lake. It truly was a beautiful afternoon, which surprised her. The night before there had been a storm that had flooded the nearby town that she had been in, and the dark sky had cracked with lightning for hours. The muddy ground had marked her silent footsteps like a florescent trail easily spotted by the one's that wanted to capture her and the slippery rooftops held more of a task than usual. Usually a storm was a perfect cover. She was able to blend in with the darkness, and any sound that she made was covered up by the raging storm. However it had proven to be more of a problem than a relief.

Her lifestyle wasn't an easy one. She kept herself hidden from society for a reason, but she couldn't just stay away. She had known to much injustice in her life to just sit in her valley and turn a blind eye. She left ever other night to do what she liked to call errands. She had a family friend in a town not to far from where she lived who also ran a wizard guild. He would let her know about certain jobs that fell towards her line of work. She bore the mark of the guild, but only guild members could see the sigil that covered her right hand. She barely showed her face at the guild and only went into town when she desperately needed supplies that she couldn't grow herself. It was a quite life but it was a safe one.

The jobs that her family friend gave her were difficult and in need of someone who was low on the radar. A ghost to flit through walls and go unseen from searching eyes. She wasn't from this region but she took it upon herself to do these errands that helped the people of this kingdom. However not all of her jobs were taken in a good light. Some tended towards the illegal side of life and that had earned her a reputation. She was called the Dark Star on her wanted posters, which she thought was kind of ironic, considering she was fighting for good and not the darkness that had taken her family from her. She was branded as a thief and the bounty on her only continued to grow.

The blonde let out a long sigh. She could not plague her mind right now with those kinds of thoughts. She was home and she would enjoy it. She walked past the glistening lake that had filled a little high due to the rain and watched as the sun danced across its surface. She continued on her path through the tall grass until she reached the edge of her little valley and the waterfall that flowed off the side of the cliff and descended into the dark waters below. She sat down letting her legs swing over the edge as she took in the peaceful atmosphere around her. This is what she enjoyed after a hard job, the peace and quiet of her home.

The crash of the waves below brought her to open her eyes once more. She could hear the scraping of wood on rock as it dragged its way across the rocks below. The blonde looked down to the bottom of the cliff and her eyes widened in surprise and horror. Parts of a ship had washed up against a small ledge. A ship must have been sailing close by and had crashed on the many rocks that jutted out around the little waterfall. It was dangerous water to sail in and with the storm last night it looked like the ship hadn't been that lucky.

Lucy let out a sad sigh. She hoped that those people had survived, but judging by the amount of debris it had been a bad crash. She looked sadly down at the debris by the rocks again only to take a sharp intake of breath. She quickly fumbled for Virgo's key and hastily called her out. Leaping to her feet in the process.

"Yes Princess," Virgo said appearing with a bow.

"Hurry someone survived the boat crash. We need to get down there. Can you create stairs," the blonde said hurriedly.

"At once Princess," Virgo said quickly as she moved to the side of the cliff and in one fluid movement produced stairs in the side of the cliff.

The blonde didn't waste time in hurrying down to the waters edge. Her want to stay hidden from society becoming a faint thought in her need to help someone who was hurt. She reached the small little ledge and quickly made her way to the person laying face down on the rock, Virgo tight on her heels. The blonde knelt down by the figure and quickly put two fingers to their neck. A faint pulse throbbed against her fingertips.

"He's alive," the blonde said with a relieved sigh. "Help me roll him over," she said and Virgo obliged.

Lucy gasped at the young man below her. He had blood seeping through his cloths that had ripped to show a huge gash across his chest. He had a cut on his head and several on his arms and legs, but the one across his chest was by far the worst. She couldn't believe that he had survived this long with that kind of a wound. That wasn't the only thing that surprised the young blonde. His hair was matted with blood but that didn't diminish the distinct colour of his hair. Light pink wasn't a very common hair colour in this kingdom and the blonde only knew of one family who possessed it.

It would happen that that one person that she saved would be a Dragneel. The rulers of the kingdom she currently lived in. Their pink hair was a distinct trait of the king and his son. She had taken it upon herself to know who the rulers of the country were. For the young blonde she wanted to know who was ruling the country she was trying to save. However, the obstacle that made things a little difficult was the fact that she was branded as a thief; a criminal, and now she had Prince Natsu on her doorstep. This was going to become a very interesting and complicated day indeed.

"Open gate of the Bull. Taurus," she hummed as she pulled out a golden key.

"Moooo," a massive cow in a speedo exclaimed as it appeared in a golden light.

"Moooo Luuu~" Taurus began with hearts in his eyes but she brought a hand up to silence the bull.

"Not now Taurus. I need you to carry this guy up to my house," she said indicating the boy below her.

"Anything for yooouuuu," he said picking up the Prince and running up the stairs with Virgo and the blonde hot on his tail.

They burst into the small cottage and Taurus put the Prince down in the bed after Virgo tore the sheets off the bed and lay a lot of towels down for the blood. The blonde sent the cow back and her and Virgo quickly tended to the boy in front of them. They cleaned his wounds and wrapped them up as best as they could. When that was done Virgo excused herself in a flash of golden light.

The blonde let out a tired sigh and moved to the kitchen to begin making dinner. She knew that if the boy woke he may be hungry, and to be honest she was famished as well. The day had faded away as they had stabilized the Prince. They had cleaned and tended to the wounds and the boy was still fast asleep. Virgo had reassured the young blonde that he would indeed survive and that he was just resting. The young girl had felt a weight lift from her shoulders at those words. As she cooked she felt the hum of a certain key at her hip and allowed him to come through his gate.

"My love. What do you plan to do about the Prince?" the golden spirit asked as he bowed and began to help with the food.

"Loke. I don't know. Its risky having him here, but he's badly hurt, and I couldn't just leave him. I'm sure the royal guards have already begun a search. If I'm correct they are a family of Dragon Slayer's yes," she asked her Lion Spirit.

"Yes they are all Dragon Slayers," he said sprinkling a few herbs into the soup. The young blonde knew that Loke had a history with the Dragon Slayers especially the one that was in her house.

"Well he was in the water, so it should have covered his scent… There isn't much I can do. When he is well enough and has his strength I'll drop him off in Hargeon and notify the guards. But until then i'll just have to keep my distance," she said with a little sadness creeping into her tone that she couldn't cover up.

"You know Natsu's not a bad guy. It wouldn't hurt to have a few friends in this world Lu~" the spirit began but was cut off sharply by the angered blonde.

"Loke you know I can't. Not after what happened to my family. I can't make connections with people, it's too risky for them and myself," she said roughly and stirred the soup with a new vigor.

"I know. We just all want to see you happy again," Loke said and left in a golden light before she could say another word.

Sighing into her pot she finished making the soup as her mind drifted to Loke's parting words. We just all want to see you happy again, Lucy felt her heart become heavy with those words. She was happy. Well as happy as she could be considering everything that had happened in her life. Lucy closed her eyes as memories flashed through her mind. The never-ending screams that still echoed in her deepest nightmares, the darkness that pressed into the stonewalls that she had thought was her safety, the gapping hole in her chest that stood as a reminder of everything she had lost. The desperate cry of her father as he told them to run and to not turn back and the darkness that slowly took her mother away from her. She could feel the overwhelming sadness slowly begin to weigh down on her as she locked away those memories again. That was the past and she was doing what she could in the present to prevent it from happening again.

Lucy snapped her head back to reality when she heard a groan from the other room. Chanting to herself she reminded herself to keep her distance from the person in that room for his protection and her own. She made the final touches to the soup and quickly grabbed two bowls from a nearby cupboard. With the soup ready she made her way to the spare bedroom. She looked in to see the pink haired boy trying to sit up but was failing miserable at his task. Her previous decision in her mind to keep her distant and cold demeanour cracked as she yelped and quickly put the bowls of soup down.

"No! Don't do that," she yelled making him jump and fall back into the pillows with a grunt of pain. He looked at her in shock and she swiftly moved over to his side to check his wounds.

"Who~" he began but was cut off with a deathly glare from the blonde.

"You shouldn't be getting up, you're badly hurt," she said as her hands hovered over the bandages on his forehead then his chest making sure nothing had worsened. She let out a sigh of relief as she noticed his wounds had stayed the same and she stood from her spot on his bed.

"Do you want to worsen your condition? I'm surprised you're even alive considering the state your in," she continued her voice laced with venom as she retrieved the soup from where she had put it down. She briefly noticed that he had flinched at her words and she took a large breath to help her simmer down a bit.

"I'm Sorry. I know you must be in a lot of pain, and I'm sorry for snapping at you," she said in a calmer tone as she turned and sat beside him once more. "You must have a lot of questions. I found you by the cliff's this afternoon but… I didn't see anyone else," she said with a hint of sadness in her tone. She wouldn't hide the truth from him, he needed to know that he may have been the only one that had survived the crash. He simply nodded and laid back into the pillows with a sad gleam dancing in his eyes.

"Now open up. You need to eat and get your strength back so you can recover," she said lifting a spoon to his lips. Yup, her cold mask had completely cracked and her helpful and motherly side had come out full force. Curse this side of her, but unfortunately she could relate to the pain he was probably feeling.

He obeyed with surprised and sad eyes, and let her spoon feed him her soup. They fell into a comfortable silence as she fed him and he tried not to grimace in pain with every swallow. He wasn't complaining but she could see the pain flash in his eyes every time he swallowed another spoonful. With each passing second she slowly began to rebuild her original cold façade. Her face became emotionless, and her eyes held a sense of seriousness, and detachment.

"I'll answer your questions after you get some rest. It's late anyways," she said as she gave him the last few spoonfuls of soup. His only response was a silent nod.

She scooped up his bowl and began to leave with her cold appearance when he tenderly grabbed her arm. His hand was warm against her skin and she looked at him with a cool and collective glance. He smiled up at her and she felt her mask crack ever so slightly.

"I never thanked you," he said in a hoarse voice affected from underuse. "I would've died if you hadn't saved me, so thanks," he said with a sad smile and she watched as the sadness that laced his obsidian eyes faded ever so slightly.

"Don't mention it," she said with the hint of a smile that touched the edges of her lips. It dropped instantly from her face as she turned and returned to her cold mask.

"You're weird," she heard him mumble.

"What?" she questioned anger slipping into her tone and anger flashing across her face, but he just passed right by it. She fumed at his comment. He called her weird? He was the one smiling after a boat crash, getting wounded, almost dying, and then waking up in a stranger's house. She was weird? He was gravely mistaken.

"I never caught your name. I'm Natsu," he said offering her another smile. She briefly noticed he didn't add a title to his name. Just a normal name and she inwardly smiled at that.

"Lucy," she said simply with a genuine smile and left the room without another word. As she sat at the table eating her own soup she cursed herself for using her real name, she should have made one up or used an alias.

Lucy lived a peaceful and isolated life. She couldn't form attachments not after what happened in her past. She just couldn't afford it. She would stay distant to him. She would stay cold, maybe not too cold since he did just experience an extreme loss, and Lucy was far to familiar with loss. She would heal him yes, but once he was able to walk on his own she would drop him off at the nearest town and notify the guards that the Prince had been spotted in town. Yes that would be her plan. She just had to wait it out until he had his strength back. This would be easy, Lucy thought as she began to clean the dishes and looked out at the dancing grass that fluttered in the breeze. However Lucy was very wrong, it was going to be the furthest thing from easy.