Summary: Taylor Hatake, daughter of Kakashi Hatake, grew up without her mother. All of her life she was told her mother had died giving birth to her, but on a mission with her new team of shinobi, they are all killed but brought back to life somehow, and the woman that brought them back seems to know a whole lot about Taylor. A little too much... And to everyone's surprise, the woman is Taylor's mother. Her mother explains everything, but Taylor doesn't believe much of it, even after her mother really dies. When she returns home with her team and a new person, her older half-brother, things start to go wrong! First, she's attacked on the ship home, then a bombing at her workplace when she's not on missions! Then, her father goes missing on a mission to find this group that was after her. She and her team are sent out to find Kakashi and take down the group. Many things happen to Taylor throughout the entire story, and as a Hatake it is only natural that she endures. Will Taylor endure her hardships like her father and grandfather before her?

(This story is a few years old but I'm rewriting it in order for it to make more sense than it originally did. Yes, I know it does not match up to the Naruto canon but I really don't care. I've had this story for a few years now and I do not plan to give it up.)

Author's Note: Yes this is exactly like the original "Taylor", however it's a second draft that I wanted to post separately because one, I've taken out the original first chapter and will later add that to my collection of short stories. This is the second draft, I've subtracted and added things, mostly more details have been added and I'm trying to fix things to give the readers a better idea of the relationship between Kakashi and Taylor, a better one than what the original has. They play around with each other and joke, sometimes bad jokes or bad puns, and when they goof off and fight each other they really beat each other up, not usually intended, but I wanted to show the more playful relationship between Taylor and Kakashi, and I am trying to fix up Sakumo some too. So, here is the second draft. I will privately publish on a self-publishing site when I am done with this so I can have a copy of my own story because I really love this one. I'll make a new draft of "Into the Past" and "Into The Future" as well after I'm done with this. Just for now, I'm working on "Taylor" and this is the new "Taylor". I hope you guys enjoy this version. Meanwhile, I'll keep updating the original. I don't want to delete it quite yet because I have so many reviews, and there is one review I love the most (It was written in Spanish, and I hope the person who read it will see this and enjoy it as much as the original.)

Genre: Action/adventure

Dedicated to Kariko Emma because she's my best friend on here.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Naruto" however I do own Taylor and any OCs in here. Coushander, Dalzen, Saru, Harou and Dura all belong to Kariko.

P.S. Yes, I know. I have heard it 500 times. Taylor is not a 'narutoverse' name, however understand that I am not changing her name JUST BECAUSE a few people hate her name. No, I'm not changing it. You cannot make me change her name just because you do not like it. Get over it. If you don't like her name, then don't read the fanfic if it's going to bother you. Like I care.

So next time you leave a review about her name, take a moment to stop and ask yourself, "Will the author really care and change the name just for you to feel comfortable?" The answer should be no, and that's when you erase the message and move on. Got it?

Chapter One

One night seventeen years after the youngest Hatake was born, Sakumo found himself calling his son and his granddaughter in for supper. It was a dark, October evening. The sky was covered in dreary, dark, luminous, grey clouds and the air felt muggy and hot and in the distance, a storm was brewing. Despite that fact, Kakashi and Taylor still ran around like the lunatics they were with their re-sharpened katanas. The both of them were running/jumping backwards on the fence that kept the wheat in and they clashed their katanas together.

"You're not gonna beat me this time, you little shit!" Kakashi laughed. It was rather rare that Kakashi would laugh the way he did, joyfully, but this was his daughter. He was allowed to laugh with her.

Taylor was a small girl; standing at only 5'2" and weighing less than 100lbs, she wore loose clothing and her hair was what gave people the idea that she was not a she. Her hair was messy, a true Hatake mess! And it was a brilliant silver just like her father's hair, except longer. Her eyes were a piercing ice-blue, her face was pale and despite her masculine appearance, she was absolutely beautiful, especially in the eyes of those who could see her feminine beauty. Most who saw her thought she was handsome, and while she took the compliment it made her feel good when someone actually told her she was beautiful.

Kakashi was a contrast to Taylor. He was standing tall at six foot exactly and possibly weighed 180lbs. He had that same messy Hatake hair at jaw-length and silver, of course. He had gentle ebony eyes and a slightly darker skin tone than his daughter but not by much. Must be from all those missions in Suna. He wore pretty much the same clothing Taylor did.

Taylor's katana made a 'clink' sound as it hit her father's katana. Taylor pressed her free hand onto the flat part of the katana and leaned into him. Unconsciously, Kakashi leaned back to avoid the katana and when he tried to stand back up, he couldn't because of Taylor's strength. If she pushed him one more time, he would end up losing focus of his chakra in his feet and he would hit the fence and fall to the ground. Taylor knew this, and she was definitely about to take advantage of it.

"Any last words, Daddy?" she grinned.

Kakashi scoffed, knowing she was just kidding.

"I love you," he grinned behind his mask. "Hey...don't hurt your old man?"

"Hmm...nah, that would ruin the fun. You know that, Daddy!" Taylor pushed Kakashi down, making him lose focus in his feet and the chakra went flowing back around his body. His feet slipped out from underneath him and made him land hard on his back on the fence, then gravity took over and he fell off the old wooden fence. He landed face-first, but he was okay because he then rolled over onto his back and groaned. He wasn't sure whether he should laugh at her or be ashamed that his daughter defeated him, and then he chose to laugh about it.

"Man, I think you're stronger than me..." he groaned, rubbing the dirt off of his face. "Or maybe as I get older...I'm growing weaker."

Taylor hopped off the fence and lightly landed on her feet beside her father, then sheathing the white katana that once belonged to her great-granduncle Saru-Shin. Then, she held out her hand to her father and he looked at her.

"Perhaps it's the latter," she joked. "Need any help getting up, old man?"

"'Old man'?!" Kakashi exclaimed.

Taylor giggled at his reaction as he grabbed her by her ankle and he pulled her leg out from under her, making her fall backwards onto the ground. She landed hard on her back and the breath was immediately knocked out of her.

"EEK!" she cried out when she hit the ground. "Dad!"

"Come fight me, you little shit!" Kakashi laughed.

Taylor got back up and tackled her father, and they wrestled each other around for a few minutes, pushing each other into dirt and even hitting each other. Sakumo interrupted their playful fight when he called out to them.

"Kakashi! Taylor!" he stood outside on the porch with his arms crossed. "What the hell do you two think you're doing?!"

Taylor and Kakashi both scrambled to their feet and put their arms behind their backs, glancing uneasily at the other.

"Uhhh nothing, Grandpa!" Taylor lied.

"Nothing, of course Dad! Just uhm..." Kakashi felt a bead of sweat drip down his cheek.

"Get your asses in here and clean yourselves up!" Sakumo called out. "Supper's almost done!"

"Of course, Dad!" Kakashi answered.

"Good!" Sakumo spun around and walked back inside.

Taylor and Kakashi punched each other one last time and then raced each other to the house. When they got inside, Sakumo ushered them off to their rooms quickly so that they can dress in cleaner clothes and wash up.

"You both are going to put on clean clothes and wash up," he told them.

"But Grandpa, I'm perfectly fine eating like this," Taylor argued.

"I don't need either of you getting sick during harvest season, you know this Taylor!" Sakumo pushed her into her room and closed the door. "If you're dirty and you eat, you could easily get sick from something that's in the ground."

"Yes, Grandpa," Taylor sighed and quickly undressed and slid into a clean set of indigo. Grandpa was usually slack about them getting dirty but during this time of year, late September through early November, he did not want them getting dirty before mealtime because any dirt on them could get into the food and get them sick, leaving him a little short-handed for a week and he didn't really like that.

When Taylor got out of her room, she headed into the kitchen and found her grandfather setting the table with chopsticks where they sat and sushi in the middle of the table, up for grabs of course. He glanced up at her.

"You wash your hands?"

"I'm about to," she walked over to the kitchen sink, rolled up her sleeves and she washed her hands in the sink with the cherry blossom soap.

"Looked like you kicked your father's ass," Sakumo commented. "When you knocked him off the fence, of course."

"Yeah and then I called him old man — teasing, of course — and he grabbed my ankle and pulled my foot out from under me and then we went at it," Taylor told him.

Sakumo chuckled as he finished setting the table. Sakumo Hatake was the eldest of the Hatake trio, but he stood at a tall 6'1", a whole inch taller than Kakashi but he weighed the same. He had the same ebony eyes as his son did, but seemed much more distant than they used to, and that's because of things he's seen in his life. Kakashi hasn't gotten to that point in his life quite yet, but he will eventually. Sakumo wore a white kimono overtop a pair of indigo pants and an indigo turtleneck.

"No wonder you two were scuffling," Sakumo smiled. "You two are such doofs!"

"Yeah, we are," Taylor agreed, turning the faucet off and drying her hands as her father walked in.

"So, how about sushi with your soup?" Sakumo asked. "I don't know why but I made sushi as I was making soup and we don't want it to go"

"Nah, that's fine, Dad," Kakashi said, rubbing his face. Taylor looked over at her father who was without his mask at the moment. Kakashi had a baby face, and his skin was so smooth, and his jaw was narrow. He was just handsome without his mask! Taylor blushed.

"Sushi is good, Grandpa," Taylor smiled. "And so is soup."

She walked over to the stove and got herself a bowl of kamo nanban-soba soup with sliced duck breast, scallions and mitsuba. "Oh wow this smells really good, Grandpa!"

Sakumo grinned, "Wait till you eat it. My first attempt at kamo nanban and personally, I think I did pretty well."

Taylor took her bowl to the table and sat criss-cross on her zabuton to eat, but she waited respectfully for Kakashi and Sakumo to get their soup and sit down. Technically, Taylor wasn't supposed to sit the way she did but Kakashi and Sakumo have always been lenient about it because it was a comfortable position for her, plus she rarely had any chance to watch women eat at a traditional style table so it was hard for her to follow tradition if she never was fully taught it. However, if she were in the presence of company of strangers, then she did sit on her knees because not everyone is relaxed about a woman sitting like a man.

Taylor looked at her father's face again and realized how much he looked like her grandpa in the face. The lines under his eyes were much more noticeable and he had lines around his mouth but they were faint. She turned to Sakumo and smiled.

Once they were all sitting, the three of them at once said, "itadakimasu" and began eating. Sakumo glanced at Kakashi.

"So, how'd it feel to get your ass kicked by your daughter?" he asked.

Kakashi's face turned pink, "Wh-what do you mean? I didn't get my ass kicked by Taylor."

"Considering I saw you fall off that fence, I believe she did," Sakumo gave a teasing smile.

"What!" Kakashi exclaimed. "You were watching?"

"Of course I was, son," Sakumo grinned. "Why shouldn't I watch you two? But I had to break up your little scuffle out there before either of you hurt yourselves too bad..."

"Oh we were just playing around!" Kakashi exclaimed.

"Yeah, Grandpa, we were just playing," Taylor pouted.

"I didn't want to take anyone to the hospital," Sakumo pointed out. "You two, even when you're playing around, you both are rough and will hurt the other. Do you not remember last week when you, Kakashi, accidentally knocked Taylor unconscious during one of your play fights? And you, Taylor, you broke your father's jaw one time before."

"That was an accident," Taylor waved him off.

"Yeah, my knocking her unconscious was an accident," Kakashi said.

"Yes, but we still had to take your father to the hospital and explain to Lady Tsunade how you punched him hard enough to break his jaw," Sakumo said. He sighed, burying his face in his hands. "Neither of you realize how hard you fight when you're just playing around. Taylor takes after you, Kakashi. She likes to play it rough like a guy."

"I know..." Kakashi sighed.

Taylor reached her chopsticks over to the only California roll left at the same time Kakashi did. They looked at each other, holding their chopsticks over the small sushi. She tried to slide the roll towards her.

"Not so fast!" Kakashi tried to snag it back. "You already ate the other two and Dad ate one, let me have the last piece."

"But Daddy..." Taylor pouted.

"Let me have it, Taylor."

Taylor knew better than to argue with her father, she was just that smart. She knew him well enough to know that arguing is always a poor choice.

"Yes, Daddy..." she let go and Kakashi took it.

"Thank you," he grinned and ate it.

Taylor looked down and finished eating.

"I'm...going to bed," she said, putting her dishes in the sink. "I'm worn out."

"Okay," Sakumo and Kakashi acknowledged.

Taylor gave them both kisses.

"Night," she told them.

"Night," Kakashi replied.

"Night night, sweetheart," Sakumo gave a warm smile.

Taylor bowed and headed to the bathroom to finally wash her face off. Silently, she dampened a blue washcloth and rubbed off the dried sweat and dirt from her face. She'd already taken a shower today and she was simply too tired to take another one. After she wiped the sweat and dirt off, she headed into her room.

Her room was a relatively big room and its walls were painted a light blue. On the right wall was a black desk decorated with markers, pens, colored pencils, mechanical pencils, watercolors, sketchbooks and notebooks. Beside her desk was a black bookcase filled with various mangas from different genres. On top of the bookcase was a photo of her father and grandfather, and Taylor as a baby. On the back wall was just her bed; a traditional futon raised up on a bed frame. At one point in her life, when she was very little, they had to take out the frame because she kept falling out of bed. After a year, it was raised back up.

Beside her bed, on the left wall, was a nightstand with an alarm clock, a glass of water and another picture frame, this time there was a photo of her great-grandfather and her great-granduncle before their top-secret mission. Beside that photo was another photo, this one of her closest friend, Dalzen Morino. At least, she considered her a close friend. She also considered him her uncle. Beside those photos was a notebook for the current story Taylor was working on.

Taylor slipped her hair tie out of her silver hair and she set it down on her notebook and allowed her long hair to flow past the middle of her back. A loud yawn slipped out through her mouth and she crawled into bed, then lying down on her side to face the photo. Without a word, she grabbed the picture frame and dusted it off with her hand. She stared at the photo and sighed, "I miss you guys." She did. She really did miss her great-grandfather and great-granduncle. They were really kind to her and in a way; they were friends to her as well. She would never forget their kindness.

"I miss you guys," she murmured again, this time in a sad tone. "But at least I have you guys in my heart, so I suppose I can't complain...right?"

No, she couldn't and she accepted she'll never see her friends again until her time on Earth was up. Sighing, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


She woke up early that morning for training. She slipped on a pale-sage, old Konoha-style vest. Nearly five years ago, she found the vest in the attic along with the two katanas, both of which she uses depending on her mood, though she uses the black one the most. Luckily, the pale-sage vests she found fit her almost perfectly, since they once belonged her her great-granduncle who was almost as short as she was.

Silently, she zipped up her vest and she glanced down at her indigo forehead protector. She rarely wore it but it was proof she was a shinobi. She was a shinobi, just like everyone in her family was at some point in their lives. At least...everyone on her father's side — the only side of the family she actually knew. Taylor never knew her mom or anyone from her mother's side of the family. Damned if they wanted anything to do with Kakashi's daughter. That's okay though, she loved spending time with her father and grandfather. At least they cared about her.

Sighing, she left her room and headed into the kitchen, then out the back door and headed out to train.


As soon as it had started raining again outside, Taylor went back inside and showered the muck off of her. She stood facing away from the showerhead, letting the hot water shower onto her back. After a few seconds of thinking, she poured vanilla-scented hair soap into the palm of her hand and she worked it into her thick, silver hair. Still-wet dirt in her hair was cleaned and rinsed from her hair. When she finished with her hair, she looked down and realized how much dirt was in her hair. I'm so glad I didn't trip into the puddle like that in front of Daddy or an enemy. That would've been rather awkward...

As she grabbed the sponge to start washing her body with and drizzling her cherry blossom-scented soap on, curiosity was sparked in her mind. How would her mother have reacted to seeing her covered in mud? Taylor didn't know. She never knew her own mother, and sometimes it just amused her to wonder how her mother would react. Probably different from her otousan because he would just laugh and hand her a towel. Her real okaasan...what would she do? Taylor couldn't ask her from beyond her grave, so all Taylor could do was imagine what would happen.

However, her father was seeing this one woman. Yuugao. He's been seeing Yuugao for about a year now, and she enjoyed seeing them together. It was nice that her father found a woman he liked. He spent the first sixteen years of her life trying to get over her mother's death and find a woman to help be a mother to Taylor. She liked Yuugao. She always smiled and was sweet and kind to Taylor. She seemed...motherly. She wasn't a mother, no not at all, but if she had a child she would be the perfect mother. Perhaps she'd be a good mother for Taylor if Kakashi would ever decide to marry her!

After shaving her legs (and of course coming out with cuts, which wasn't surprising) and rinsing off all the soap, she stepped out of the shower and dried herself off with a spring green towel. The rain must've kicked up, I can hear it pouring now, she thought.

Sighing, she wrung her hair out and got dressed in her casual clothes and her old (very old, over 50 years old) Hatake kimono. It was a simple white men's kimono with red triangles on the left sleeve. The kimono was nearly twice her size, considering she got it from her great-grandfather who was 6'0", but she enjoyed wearing it anyways. She walked out of the bathrrom and to her room and picked up her brush, sitting down on her bed. As she brushed her hair, she hummed. After a few moments of brushing, she rested her arm and looked out the window, watching the rain come down relatively hard.

Ohh I love the sound of rain, she sighed. Closing her eyes tightly, she went back and worked a painful knot out of her hair.

"Teh teh teh..." was her response to the pain.

Once she was done, she got up and she put her brush away, switching it out for a book. Silently, she lay down on her bed and began reading.


Late that afternoon, the elder Hatake went out and check the mail, only to find a letter from an old friend of his. He tore it open and began reading;

Dear Sakumo,

I hope all is well with your son and granddaughter. Has she grown any taller? Prolly not, she takes well after her own mother! Or you said at one point you had an uncle who was short. Maybe she got it from him. Genes skipped a few generations, apparently.

Well, I'm just letting you know I have been feeling pretty under the weather lately. I haven't been sleeping well, and I don't eat much anymore so I'm pretty low on energy and...well, I've been feeling pretty irritable. I hope this isn't something serious, but I plan to see a doctor about it. Oh how I dread doctor's visits.

Well, like I said, I hope all is well with you guys.

Take care,

S. Kobayashi.

Sakumo sighed, I hope she's okay. I want Taylor to eventually meet her. She's so sweet and funny...Taylor would like her, I know she would.

The way he talked about his friend, it sounded as if he was talking about his late wife. But he wasn't. Nowhere near his wife, though sometimes he did wish Taylor could meet her too. Having Grandma there would've been great, but unfortunately she died with Kakashi was only three. Something always happened to a Hatake partner. His mother died when he was young, Kakashi's mother when he was young...Taylor's mother died giving birth. Sighing, Sakumo shoved the letter into his kimono and he took the rest of his mail inside to deal with them later and to fix supper.