
One of the unerring facts of life is that time flows in only one direction. One of the aspects of the Daria series that is so attractive and helped make the series so good was that over the course of the five seasons Daria matured. She was not forever stuck in the same grade. She also had to confront the same challenges as anyone in their teens. The Daria we see in "Is it College Yet?" has matured significantly since we first met her in "Esteemsters." So what has happened since? As a lover of the Daria series I have written these short stories to capture that inevitable flow in the life of one of my favorite characters. Time has passed and Daria has had many experiences. This series focuses on her during a period of very rapid change. What had been a quite stable period is coming to an end. I hope you will laugh out loud. Daria is still very adept at making cynical and snarky comments, not to mention her signature deadpan delivery. Also remember, it's OK to cry!

On a technical note, I have organized this as a single story with chapters, in effect a book, because of the threads which run through the stories. I have written these stories so that they can stand alone, but I urge the reader to read them in sequence. I think that way you will get the most out of the stories. Another point I would like to make is that I have tried to keep to canon as closely as possible. Any deviation is purely an oversight and not an intentional change. I also strive to make certain that at points where Daria intersects with the real world things are as accurate as possible. I hope when you encounter some of the real world elements, or at least you suspect they may be real world, you will go ahead and do a search. You will find some interesting things.

Finally, I would like to thank my readers. I am fortunate to be blessed with a family that is very literate and enjoys Daria. The artwork attached to this series is original fan art. The artist is a professional animator. I would like to thank her for all of her hard work.

With all of that said please join me in enjoying this exciting period in the life of our favorite heroine – Daria!


For this entire series please note:

Disclaimer: Daria and all the characters of the show are the property of MTV and are used without expressed permission. This work is fan fiction and was created purely for the enjoyment of the author and those who choose to read it. This is not for sale and no income is to be derived from it.