Thanks for the review, follows, and favorite guys ^^.

EagleDragon15- thank you for telling me my mistake. So I put more dialog but still thanks again ^^.


We`ve been sitting around the dining table in silent for about 5 minutes Now. Beside me was Astrid after I beg her to sit beside me, Fishlegs and Ruffnut was sitting on the other side of us. Snotlout and Tuffnut are watching the outside.

"So Hiccup, how did you survive and more importantly..." Fishlegs broke the silent the surrounded.

Whatever sentence come out of his mouth I don`t care as long it isn't…

"Why didn't you return home when you survived?" he ask me with a serious face That… any sentence can come out of his mouth but it have to be that sentence.

I am still not sure about them knowing truth that I have been hanging out with my mom along with dragons but I think I can tell Fishlegs I mean he is the reasonable one of the group along with Astrid… right? "Well Fish, would kill a rock if you know it's alive?" I didn't know what to say ok I didn't plan to be interrogated.

"uhh I don't think so because that would be murder except if the rock is edible and delicious then maybe yes." Fishlegs said to me unsure of his answer. His answer made all of us look at him weirdly.

I can`t blame him though rocks are edible if you're a Gronkle if your human not so much. I feel Astrid nudge me with her elbow and whisper to me "Is that how you're going to start a conversation?" She said to me with a 'seriously' look. Why yes, Astrid that what I want to said them after all these years.

"No, of course not." I whisper back to her. "What I really want to say is a sentence that can potentially kill me." I said to her before rolling my eyes and looking back at the two but not before she elbows me again but harder than the last time and giving me glare. "You like to learn about dragons right, Fishlegs?" earning a nod from the big viking. "During my absence here I learn about some facts about dragons that you might seems interested in." ah as expected from him. When you say something about dragons to him he will instantly give you 100% percent attention. "Ruff, are you interested about learning new things about your enemy?" she looks at me disgust before looking at me up and down.

"Learning? Are you even a normal person? No normal person would want to learn new stuff? I only sit with you guys because I want to hear about Astrid`s story.

What did I even expect from her? Well maybe I thought after all these years she would change and enjoy learning but I guess some things don`t change that easily. "Oh." Was my only response to her. I mean what more can I say? "Anyway, Fish what I am about to tell you might conflict with what you have learn with the book of dragons." I said to Fishlegs. I think I lied about the 'might conflict' part for what I am about to say to you Fishlegs would literally conflict with the knowledge you gathered from the book. Sorry Fishlegs. "Dragons don't automatically kill people." I waited for him to respond.

He stares at me like I have gone crazy. While with Ruffnut she`s just giving me a… flirtatious smile. Please gods no tell me I am just hallucinating. I shuddered at the thought of her flirting with me.

Fishlegs laugh made me snap out of my thought. "Hiccup, how long of a time you didn't have human contact?" he said to me between laughter.

"You're crazy… I like that." Come a sultry voice. I look for the source of the voice; I look where Ruffnut was sitting. She isn't there. Oh gods please don't please, please don`t tell me she`s beside me. I glance towards my left and in my line of sight I see her close to me… to close.

Good thing that before she can do anymore damage to me psychologically I see Astrid grab Ruffnut by the hair and drag her towards a corner. I see Astrid saying something to her but I can`t hear and understand what she was saying to her. I see that Ruffnut looks at me like she already lost something. I look back at Fishlegs and I see him muttering to himself. "Great first Snotlout then that trapper guy now you."

"umm Fishlegs about what I said earlier. What I am saying is true dragons just don't automatically attack or kill people." Fishlegs looks at me when I speak again. Good I got your attention. "And if you don`t believe me I have proof to present so you would believe me."

"Ok where is your proof then?" he ask. I stand up and gestured towards Astrid. "She`s my proof and well me and my mother." I said to him.

He looks between me and Astrid. "Well you two are alive and not just some look alike or ghost so I guess I can believe you." He said uncertain. I look at Astrid who was smiling at me like she mentally communicating with me and saying 'good job now the rest of the village' "Wait! Your mother!?" Fishlegs exclaimed. I then heard Snotlout shush him. Fishlegs look at me like at me with disbelief. "Your father would be so happy when he hears about this."

I don`t think I can still call him that after siding with the Viking's mortal enemy for 300 years. "But we just have to wait for him to return for him to know the news." Fishlegs said. I don`t think so Fish. I did tell him to go up north for a reason.

"I don't think so Fishlegs I think he already knows if he did make it." I said to him. I then see Fishlegs face turned into curiosity before his facial expression turns into ones of understanding.

"Oh right you're the dragon rider that rides the nightfury." Fishlegs said to me. Ah good he remembers.

"Is there any resistance here being put by the vikings of Berk?" I ask him. He solemnly shakes his head. This isn't the answer I wanted to hear.

"Not even a little?" I ask. Again he shakes his head. This guys are viking they would rather fight than surrender. "Then tell me do you guys want to be free?" I ask.

"Well yeah who doesn't want to be free?" I smile when I got his answer. "What are you planning to do?" I am planning change, Fishlegs big changes.

"A Revolt." I said to him.

"Hiccup even if Berk did revolt, we are out number by them. It would be suicide." He said to me. I am thinking you're not thinking out of the box or island dear old Fishlegs.

"Fishlegs do you think I am just referring to Berk? You do know that Berk isn't the first island of vikings to fall under Drago, right?" I said to him. "But first we need to convince them that dragons can be a loyal friend if we treat them right."

"Hiccup, we are Vikings killing dragons is in our blood."

"You are right that's why I need you guys help." I said to him while gathering the attention of the others. I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to know who it was and I see it was Astrid. How didn't I see her walk behind me is beyond me.

"So how do you think you can convince an island of stubborn dragon hating vikings, Dragon Master?" she said giving me a smile. Urging me to continue with my idiotic plan.

I smile at her. "I don't know maybe something stupid?"

"Well you`ve already done that soo?" what answer can I give you milady? Care to give me a hint?

"Then maybe something crazy." She put her finger on her chin like she was deep in thought.

"Yep that's so what you would do." She said with a chuckle.

After discussing my crazy plan with the others. Snotlout actually gave food to me one of the many things I would think would happen. So after we ate our meal Astrid and I was the only one left at the table we were sitting beside each other. "So how do you think this would turn out? I mean you're crazy plan?" She asks me. Honestly I have no idea but I can't say that to her she might sock me for saying that but I have no choice to say the truth to her.

"Honestly Astrid. I have no idea how this would turn out. But all I know is that if my plan is a success there would be a lot of casualty." I said to her. She looks at me with worry.

"Turn around Hiccup." She said to me. It was more of an order. I stand up and turn my chair before sitting down with my back turn towards her. I look back as I feel her tugging my hair.

"What are you doing with my hair?"All I get for a response was a hum from her.

"I am just braiding your hair. And if you're wondering why I am braiding your hair all the sudden." That's why I ask I want to know why. "Is because if this crazy plan of yours did turn to a full blown war. I just want you to know that with this braid is to remind you that I'll always be there for you whenever you are at your home, on an island, and in the battle field… I`ll be there with you." She whisper the last part.

And before I know it I feel her embracing me from behind with her face snuggling my neck. "So use that Viking stubbornness of yours and refuse death`s offer ok? Because if you don't I`ll go to Valhalla as well just to kill you again myself so promise me you won`t die." She said to me. I smile and pat her head.

If I did die and I am in Valhalla I`ll leave. Why would I stay there if your aren't there with me? "I promise, Milady." I whisper.

Done. Tell me what you guys think?

And thank you for taking your time to read my story. I really appreciate it. Ok Bye Have a nice day ^^.