This is my first WHAT IF HICCUP RAN AWAY FIC., and I am pretty nervous of how this story will turn out, and I DON'T OWN HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, IT BELONGS TO DREAMWORKS AND/OR CRESSIDA COWELL.

( Cove)

" Leaving… were leaving come on lets pack up, looks like you and me are taking a little vacation… forever". Hiccup said as he put down his basket full of supplies, food, clothes, and few blacksmith materials.` Toothless then run towards Hiccup happily, as Toothless reach Hiccup, Hiccup then scratches Toothless` s neck making Toothless purr in satisfaction.

" come on bud were leaving, it's getting dangerous especially now that my dad is back, me being chosen in the arena, and Astrid … Astrid is getting suspicious, and I can't let the whole village find you, so we need to go after sundown so it's safer". Hiccup said to Toothless, Toothless nod to Hiccup in understanding, while Hiccup prepares for the journey he didn't realized a pen falls out of his basket.

(After Sundown)

" Let's go bud it's time to go" Hiccup tells Toothless while mounting, as Hiccup gets comfortable he urge Toothless to go, as they fly off Berk, Hiccup looks below to see his once called home,' Later he remembers something, luckily its before they past the two statues,

" WAIT!, we need to go back" Hiccup said to Toothless. ' Toothless stop and look to Hiccup curiously. "

Toothless we need to go back for the other Dragons" Hiccup said to Toothless worriedly. ' Toothless whines because they're going back to Berk again,' but nonetheless complies and fly towards Berk ,' as the duo reach Berk, they fly above the arena, looking if the coast is clear, when Hiccup saw its clear, they landed in front of the main gate,

" bud keep watch if there is some guard approaching" Hiccup whisper to Toothless, Toothless nod.

Hiccup then walk toward the dragons pen, he then proceeds in opening the gates of the gronkle, deadly nadder, and the hideous zippleback, luckily for him the dragons recognized him and know that he doesn't hut them like the other Vikings of this island so they trust him easily, now the monstrous nightmare was a different story. " okay… its go time " Hiccup said to himself as he pulls the lever of the cage of the nightmare,

Hiccup then slowly back away, after Hiccup got a few meters away from the cage,' the nightmare burst out of the cage, eyes slit, growling in anger while coated in flames, it looks around to see if there was any Vikings, but it only saw Hiccup with the other dragons, the nightmare then calm down, eyes dilated, flames disappear, but still growling cautiously at Hiccup but not as intense as before,

" hey my name is Hiccup, I am a friend " Hiccup said to the nightmare cautiously walk towards the nightmare with one hand outstretch, the nightmare then growls louder because of Hiccup `s actions. No, no its okay I wont hurt you…,' Hiccup took a deep breath, he said " I AM NOT ONE THEM" he then looks away, while his hand wait for the nightmare to trust him,' the nightmare is shocked at Hiccup, it then look at the other dragons,' the other dragons nods at the nightmare telling it to trust the human. ' for a while Hiccup waits for the nightmare to trust him, then he feels the warm yet scaly snout of the dragon.' Hiccup then looks at the nightmare and sees it trust him.'

But the peaceful moment was ruin when Hiccup hears Toothless roaring at them, signaling that there are guards approaching. " let's go, we need to go now, you guys will follow me and Toothless" Hiccup said to the other dragons while gesturing towards Toothless.'

Hiccup then run towards Toothless, when Hiccup reaches Toothless, he then mount on Toothless and fly away from Berk.

After an hour of flying they spotted a small island which is a bit far from Berk, but also a bit far from dragon island, the island itself got a small patch of trees.' Hiccup then signal the other dragons to land towards the small island, when they land Hiccups looks at the forest to see if it's safe to make camp at the beach, when Hiccup see its safe. "We are going to set camp here for now", Hiccup said to the dragons as he gets off and unload his basket off Toothless.'

The dragons then curled up on the ground to relax, except for toothless who is currently waiting for Hiccup, after Hiccup finish unloading his basket off Toothless, he then took out an ax to cut some woods, after he got the ax he looks toward the dragons and says." Guys, me and Toothless will be going to the forest to get some firewood stay put". 'the dragons then looks at Hiccup and croons in understanding. With that Hiccup and Toothless walks towards the forest.

After a while Hiccup comes back with some firewood while Toothless carry the rest of the firewood. As they approach the camp Hiccup says." Hey guys were back", the dragons head perks up at Hiccup`s voice, then greeted him happily with croons and hisses. Hiccup and Toothless then set down the fire wood, he then get some fish while telling Toothless to start a fire, after the fire was made Hiccup then give each dragon some fish which they happily eat.

While Hiccup is busy cooking his own fish, he then remembers about his father, Gobber, Astrid, the village, the dragon raid. " speaking of dragon raids" Hiccup said suddenly getting the attention of the Dragons," hey guys why do you raid us? " Hiccup asks the dragons curiously , the dragons suddenly cower in fear remembering about the queen, except for Toothless who remain unfazed, Hiccup is surprised of the dragons reaction to his question.

" is there something what I said?, I mean you guys raid our village for food right?, so why do you guys raid us that badly, I mean there are a lot of food in the sea not just in Berk". Hiccup ask again." Is there something on your nest?" Hiccup ask again, while the dragons softly growl in confirmation,

" is it the reason why you guys raid us?". Hiccup ask the dragons, the dragons growls again, Hiccup then turn towards Toothless." Bud tomorrow you need to take me to the nest, then maybe we can make between the Vikings and the Dragons, to end a three hundred years war, so…. What do you think bud?" Hiccup ask Toothless.' For a moment Toothless thinks about Hiccups offer then purrs at Hiccup, Hiccup then looks toward the other dragons.

" You guys want to come with us tomorrow?" Hiccup ask them, the dragons shake their heads at Hiccup.

"Well it looks like its you and me bud". Hiccup said to Toothless as he removes toothless saddle, Hiccup then tell the other to go to sleep, Hiccup then curled asleep next to toothless, toothless then covers Hiccup with his wings to provide more warmth, after a while Hiccup fell asleep, but the dragons are still awake and talking to each other.


" ARE YOU INSANE !?" exclaimed the Gronkle

" You know she`s going to kill you if you challenge her right?" ask the nightmare .

" And she`s going to eat you up " said one of the head of the zippleback.

"Then spits you out then eats you up again" said by the other head of the zippleback

" Are you sure about this, I mean you two could get hurt or worse …. Killed" said the nadder while looking at toothless then at Hiccup`s sleeping form.

" I am sure, because if he want to change history, then iam with all the way, besides for fifteen moon cycles, I see how she mistreated us, even eating some of us, so it's about time someone rise against her and end her reign of terror." Toothless said to the other dragons calmy reassuring them.' The dragons nod at toothless confirmation, and they start to sleep except for the nadder, the nadder then said to toothless." Well good luck… both of you". Then the nadder goes to sleep follow by toothless.

Well this is it for the first chapter, please tell what do you guys think, and please tell me of how I can improve this story.