a/n: this is very short, really just a drabble. I thought it would be cute, so here you go! Enjoy!
Days in Gotham City were always filled with excitement, crime, and the occasional screams that everyone tried hard to ignore. Winter days in Gotham were even more exciting, for it was the holiday season and that meant going out to find gifts for family members, and friends. Of course, with the holiday season came the crowded shops and traffic jams all around the city. Artemis did not like the crowded shops at all. In fact, it was one of the things she hated most about holiday seasons.
Artemis was inside a department store, in the men's clothing section, wandering around with Dick Grayson in an attempt to find a suitable gift for Bruce Wayne. Earlier that week, Dick had helped Artemis pick (and pay, something that she loathed him for) some clothing items for her mother, and so now she was just repaying the favor. However, finding a gift for a multi millionaire was proving harder than she had originally thought, mainly because Dick kept goofing off.
"Check me out!" Dick cackled, grabbing a furry white coat and wrapping in around his lithe frame. He spoke with a posh French accent, "I am Madame Le Blanc, French teacher of Gotham Academy, and part-time children torturer!"
Artemis stifled a laugh, scowling. "Put that down before the guards come to get you, Grayson."
"The guards?" Dick raised an eyebrow, smirking. "The guards would leave me alone, Arty, after I paid them a few hundred dollars…"
"A few hundred dollars wouldn't be enough to bribe them to leave you alone. A few top-notch criminals in Gotham might pay good money to get their hands on you."
"Aw, really? Arty, you say the sweetest things! I didn't know I was that sough out!"
Dick and Artemis walked around the shop some more, him joking around, and her frowning at his childish antics. Who knew that a high school freshman could be so darned immature? It was almost like trying to have a conversation with a yapping monkey, much less buy something for his father.
Dick grabbed Artemis's arm, yanking her hard enough to surprise her. He led her to the sunglasses display, and quickly explained himself, "Bruce loves sunglasses. He'll never wear them, but he likes to keep them all clean on his bedside table."
"That's kind of weird," Artemis raised an eyebrow.
"Bruce is weird," Dick shrugged, a secretive smile inching across his face. "It comes with the job."
Artemis got the sense that he wasn't talking about his daytime job at Wayne Tech, but rather that nighttime job that Dick was always so cryptic about. He would always hint that he and Bruce had some extra activities (apparently dangerous, after Artemis and Dick had had yet another conversation on the subject) that they did at night.
Dick grabbed a set of sunglasses, which were dark and skinny. He put them on, staring at his reflection on the mirror, and when he decided he was satisfied, turned to Artemis. "How do I look?"
Artemis glanced at him, and then stared. And stared, and stared some more. It was like looking at the spitting image of Robin in civilian clothing. No, Artemis laughed at herself, it can't be him. Then she stared at him a little more, and a knowing scowl settled deep on her lips. Hell no, it is him.
What happened next was something that no one could have anticipated. Dick Grayson, the Boy Wonder, couldn't have seen where his actions would lead to, at least, not fast enough to get out of the way.
A few seconds after he had put on the sunglasses, Artemis had dove in for a bruising punch at his nose. Dick groaned, pain flaring up at the bridge of his nose, and his hand instantly went flying up to touch it. "What the hell was that for?"
"What the hell was that for?" Artemis mocked, her voice raising an octave higher. "What the hell was that for? You freaking little—Argh!"
Dick could feel a steady trickle of blood coming from his nose, and he was tempted to punch her back. If he did, though, then the police would certainly come for them. Instead, he settled with a simple, "At least I didn't tell you I was Robin by saying it straight out. When I did that with Wally he laughed so hard he peed his pants."