AN: Surprise update! It's actually not a second chapter, but an omake chapter that kind of tugged on me for a while. I thought it would be a separate story, but it was relatively short so I thought making it an omake was better. Oh, and I finished the first season. -cheering in the background-

Ah, now I have to focus on my other stories. But I'll still be doing Love Live stories in the near future, although for a different, surprise pairing (it's actually not a surprise because it's on my profile, ha, got you there).

Enjoy this short drabble of mine.

Ciao. c:

Omake Chapter: Let's Do That

It had been roughly a week since Eri and Nozomi began going out. Although they had known each other for a good amount of time and trusted each other completely, the relationship area was still new territory to the both of them. Neither of them had told the rest of Muse about their ongoing relationship (they wanted to be more comfortable with it themselves before telling others), and there were still some awkward spots in conversation where they would trail off and stay in silence before changing the subject in a not-too-subtle matter (more often than not, it was Eri who would always do this). Regardless, they were happy with one another and that was all that mattered.

Now it was a regular school day, with Eri signing forms and papers that she had been neglecting (because of Nozomi's begs, pleads, and constant puppy-eyes to go on dates instead. Eri made sure to make a mental note to build resistance to her lover's demands) and Nozomi standing near the window, looking out to gaze at the slow-moving clouds. Practice had been cancelled due to Honoka having to watch over her family's shop for some unexpected reason, so Eri took this as an opportunity to catch up with her work.

Diligently, she scribbled and signed, up to the point where her completed pile was only a centimeter taller than her to-do one. Feeling it was finally a good place to rest, the blonde rested her pen on top of the table and leaned back into her chair, stretching. Turning to her left, she noticed that Nozomi had been looking at her with a coy smile. Eri felt her ears burn a bit.

"You know you could help out," Eri pointed out, a very subtle sense of déjàvu tugging on her mind.

Nozomi just stayed silent with the smile on her lips, and walked over to where her deck sat to shuffle them idly.

Now it was the blonde's turn to smile coyly. "Are you going to ask me for a tarot reading now?"

It took a moment for the violet-haired vice-president to understand her lover's reference. "Well not exactly," she paused for a bit, casting a glance in Eri's direction. "But I do want to ask something else."

Eri quirked a brow, mildly intrigued. "And that is?"

Nozomi cleared her throat, her ears turning a very subtle shade of pink. "Can we, uh, do..." She took this moment to send a half-nervous, half-expectant smile in the president's direction. "Can we do that?"

At this, Eri could not stop the heated blush that spread across her face. Her jaw dropped a bit, leaving her mouth to hang open; needless to say, she looked like an idiot.

"Y-you want us to do…that?" Although Eri was not appalled nor against the idea, she was certainly shocked that Nozomi had the audacity to ask her in school to do that. After all, it was an intimate activity reserved for lovers which was meant to be done in, well, private. Not to mention that they had only been going out for only more than a week; in her mind, having sex at this point in time was moving way to fast.

However, Nozomi only pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side slightly, a dangerously cute expression. "Well, yeah. I mean, isn't that what couples do, after all?"

Eri was baffled by how calm Nozomi was acting. Does she not understand how much of a big step it would be for the both of them? Coughing into her fist to calm herself, Eri could not stop her flushed cheeks from darkening in color.

"O-of course that's what they do, but wouldn't we be moving a little too fast if we do that here?" Nozomi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Sh-she's trying to play dumb, Eri concluded. She cleared her throat once again, this time, uneasily. "Plus I think it would be ideal if we did it in a bedroom instead…"

After a while, the purple-haired girl let out a laugh, approaching the blonde. "Wow, I never expected Erichi to be such a big pervert!"

The president felt like she had fallen into a trap. "W-wait what?"

"When I refer to that I mean this," Nozomi took another step and swooped down to casually claim Eri's lips before breaking apart a second later. "Did you honestly believe that I was referring to sex?"

How in the world can she say that word without being ashamed?

"Yes!" Eri exclaimed, leaping from her chair. "Yes, I did, because you always, you know…" She looked to the side, frowning a bit. Barely audible, she mumbled, "you always grope the other girls."

Nozomi let out an amused noise. "Eh? Is my precious Erichi jealous of all the attention I give the others?"

"Th-that's beside the point!" The blonde coughed into her fist for the third time. "If you want to ask for a kiss, just do it instead of being vague. I don't always know what you're thinking, you know."

"Well then, can I kiss you?" Nozomi asked sweetly, her smile matching her tone.

Eri nodded and took another step towards her girlfriend, pressing their lips together. Instantly, her body relaxed and she melted into the kiss, subconsciously wrapping her arms around Nozomi's waist. She could never get enough of the sensation of being with her.

Finally, they broke the kiss mutually, shy smiles on both of their faces. Exchanging quiet chuckles, Nozomi rested her head on Eri's shoulder.

"You know, Erichi, I don't mind having sex with you one day."

The blonde smiled.

"Let's save that for another time, Nozomi."