Chapter One
Merida walked slowly alongside the talkative blonde who was babbling on about a piece of artwork she has been working on when she walked right into something. Correction, someone. Picking herself up off the floor she looked at boy in front of her who was just staring down at her with wide eyes. He had a long face with brown floppy hair and slight stubble, she had to admit he wasn't awful to look at but when Merida looked down at her books which we getting soggy in the snow at their feet she could feel the anger growing inside her. The boy looked down too and guilt was written all over his face. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." He apologised while picking up the spoiled books. Handing them back to Merida he said "I was just on my way back from work and was just excited to get home." Merida grabbed the books back from him and pushed past him calling back to Rapunzel to follow her. After walking for about 30 seconds Merida realised Rapunzel was no longer next to her but instead giggling and talking with the boy who ruined her books.
Merida pushed her way through the crowded street to get back to Rapunzel. "Punzie, what the hell? Why are you talking to him? Did you not see what he did to my books? Not to mention my clothes, I am soaked and freezing?" Merida complained. Rapunzel looked at the frantic girl in front of her and calmly said "Merida this is Flynn. Flynn, Merida." Flynn stuck out his hand and had a lopsided grin on his face. "Hi, I think we've met before" Flynn said causing Rapunzel to giggle again and Merida to deepen her frown. Merida, ignoring Flynn, turned to Rapunzel. "Punz, I need to get home. I'm cold and I can't afford to get sick. I've got that project to finish off and I'm still only halfway through it."
"Merida, you can't walk back to the apartment. It's at least half an hour away from here." Rapunzel stated. "You could always come back to my apartment, it's only up the block. It's the least I could do." Flynn said to the girls. "Yes, that's a great idea." Rapunzel replied a little too eager causing Flynn's grin to widen slightly and for Merida to look at her friend like she had lost her mind.
Merida quickly pulled Rapunzel away signalling to Flynn they would be a minute. "Have you lost your freaking mind?" Merida nearly screamed at the girl in front of her.
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean? Punz we just met the guy. For all we know he could be a serial killer or a rapist or something dodgy like that."
"Come on, look at him. Does he look like a weirdo?"
"They never do!"
"Merida you're being silly. He is offering us a place to stay warm until you are ready to get home."
"I am ready now." Merida pleaded to the girl with wide eyes. Rapunzel just turned away from Merida and started walking with Flynn back to his apartment. Merida was ready to walk away back to her own apartment but knew that if anything did happen to Rapunzel she would never forgive herself for leaving, so instead she followed behind the two who looked to be involved in a deep conversation.
Inside Flynn apartment both Rapunzel and Merida were sitting on the couch while Flynn put the kettle on. "This doesn't seem to be too weird." Merida said as she looked around the room. Next to Rapunzel laughed and said "I can't believe how protective you are. Seriously Flynn is just a normal guy." Just as Rapunzel finished talking Flynn walked back into the room holding a pile of clothes. "Here, you go Merida. The bathroom is just down the hall." Merida didn't move from her seat but instead looked at Flynn like he had lost his mind. "What? You aren't going to sit around in wet clothes are you?"
"I suppose not." Merida said after weighing out the pros and cons of changing into warm clothes. "But there is no way I will be able to fit your clothes you are at least half a foot taller than me!"
Laughing Flynn passed her the clothes and said "I know, that's why I got you some of my roommate's clothes. He's quite a bit smaller than me." Merida slowly nodded her head and exited the room towards the bathroom.
Once Merida had stripped herself of her cold and wet clothes she lifted up the joggers she had been given to wear. They were grey with a blue strip down the side of them and as she put them on she could feel heat circling around her legs indicating that they had just been removed from the tumble drier. She then pulled on the white t-shirt and looked in the mirror and saw how it hung from her body like a bin-bag. Then she looked at her hair and saw the snow had caused it get even frizzier. Sighing she pulled her hair up into a ponytail and slipped on the fluffy socks Flynn had given her.
As she walked back into the room where Rapunzel and Flynn were she could hear laughing and saw Rapunzel hitting her hand on Flynn's chest. 'Oh god, Rapunzel has a thing for him' Merida thought to herself. Rapunzel and Flynn still hadn't noticed Merida come into the room causing her to clear her throat loudly to get noticed. Both quickly turned to look at Merida and Flynn stood to collect her wet clothes. "I'll just get these in the dryer for you. Be back in a minute." He said quickly flashing his winning smile in Rapunzel's direction before leaving the room.
When Merida had finally settled into the couch Rapunzel stated to bounce on top of her. "What the hell Punz?" Merida cried.
"What do you think of him?"
"Who?" Merida said even though she knew who she was referring to.
"Flynn!" Rapunzel shrieked
"Oh, he's alright I suppose." Merida teased her friend.
"Alright! He's better than alright. He's amazing. He is funny, smart and he's… he's… just perfect."
Laughing Merida said "Okay, calm down lass. I was only joking around."
"Who was joking around? And without me, that's just wrong?" Flynn said as he caught the end of what Merida was saying. The two girls looked up at Flynn, who was holding three cups of hot chocolate, shocked. "Oh Punzie here was just telling me a joke is all." Merida said trying to divert the conversation.
"Alright I love a good joke. Lay it on me Blondie." Flynn said as he passed the girls their drinks and sat between them on the couch. Rapunzel looked at startled and looked towards Merida for help but instead received a shrug and a smirk.
Rapunzel turned back to Flynn and tried to think of something to say "Err… well… it stats of with a goat and err… there is a man who is selling… umm… golf balls… You know what I don't actually remember." Flynn stared at Rapunzel as she blushed and grabbed her hand and stated rubbing circles on the back of her hand. "It sounded like a great joke. Maybe if you remember it you can tell me it sometime." Rapunzel looked up at him with wide eyes and Merida stared at the two of the like they were crazy, the joke sounded absolutely awful.
Just then Merida's phone went off. She quickly pulled it out and stood up in a panic. "Punz, we need to leave now!"
"What? Why?" Rapunzel asked her friend who was struggling to get her shoes and jacket on at the same time.
"Because my deadline has been moved forward a week due to the bloody weather! That's why."
"Oh my god! Okay calm down. Everything is going to be fine."
"What?" Merida stopped what she was doing and looked at Rapunzel, who was still holding Flynn's hand. "How can you say that when I have only got 8 out of 10 my designs sketched and out of those 8 I have 6 which are sewn?" Rapunzel got up and walked over to Merida and helped her untangle herself from her coat in silence. She then slipped on her boots and jacket and turned to Flynn.
"Thank you for everything." She said as she kissed his cheek. "Give me a call when I can come over and pick up Merida's clothes."
"Yeah, or you know for something else." Flynn said smiling shyly at Rapunzel.
"I would like that." Rapunzel returned the smile.
"Oh, my god! Can we continue the flirting some other time? We have a crisis on our hands at the moment." Grabbing Rapunzel's hand she pulled her out the door and shouted bye to Flynn. Before the door fully closed Rapunzel was able to quickly wave bye to Flynn before being whisked off towards her apartment.
A/N - Sorry for any mistakes. This is my first Fanfiction. I hope you like it, please review.