"A fucking limo? Seriously?"

Pam's incredulous tone as she addressed her maker once she and Tara had seated themselves inside the luxury car, across from the happy new couple, was nothing compared to the reaction she had when they first walked outside.

Tara stifled a snort as she recalled her lover's eyes rolling so hard that she likely got a decent look at her own brain. Intense waves of annoyance flooded their blood bond and Tara couldn't help but laugh.

It was kind of cheesy for a double date in Shreveport, Tara had to admit, but she wasn't nearly as put out by it as Pam was. She hadn't ever been in a Limo before and it was sort of cool. There was something that looked like a coffee table in the center of the circular seats containing what looked like a full liquor bar underneath. Definitely Tara's kind of party.

"It's nice to see you also Pamela." The ancient vamp replied, entirely unfazed by his progeny's attitude and set his eyes on Tara, who was having a wordless interaction with Sookie.

The two of them were gazing at each other from across the car, mirth dancing in their eyes.

Pam noticed this as well, and looked on with interest.

Tara had shared lots of stories with her over the last few months about her life and many of them involved the blonde fairy, whom she didn't care much for, but was now cursed to tolerate, for the sake of her lover and her maker. She had only seen the two of them together once, though.

The first night she had gone to Merlottes to visit Tara, and Sookie had attempted to come to her rescue.

As she continued to study the two of them, she felt warmth and ease coming from her lover merely from being in the girl's presence. She could tell immediately that they had a strong relationship and were very comfortable with each other and a barely there smile curled up the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, her own dislike of the doe eyed bumkin in a sundress seemed a lot less warranted.

Eric noticed it as well, how his own date seemed much more relaxed now that she was among a friend. He mentally gave himself a pat on the back for suggesting this. He was pleased to be in his childe's company after not seeing her much for a few months, and was interested to see how they would all get along together.

He had a feeling things would work in both his and Pam's favors and that their evenings would both end pleasurably.

"Good evening Tara, it's nice to see you again. Would you like something to drink?" He offered, fixing her with a crooked smirk.

"Hey." She returned politely, "Sure…um, I'll take Jack on the rocks if ya have it.

"Of course." He said, sounding mildly impressed by her reply..

Sookie and her damn vodka tonics, Tara thought fondly. Fuckin pansy cocktails.

Leaning forward, Eric reached under the mini bar for a glass. He poured the caramel colored whiskey over the ice, until it was ¾ of the way full and then handed it to Tara with a raise of his brow.

Tara released an amused puff of air as she took the drink and leaned back into the seat, leaning into Pam who placed a hand gently to rest on her right thigh. Without thinking she took it in her free hand and linked their fingers together.

"For you my darling child."

Pam took the champagne glass filled with deep crimson liquid and nodded in thanks, but did not take a sip, instead letting it rest on her knee between her fingers.

"So where the hell are we going exactly, dear maker?" Pam asked, as she studied her cocktail with a critical eye. Blood infused champagne. Eric really was going all out tonight.

"If I were alive, the suspense would have already killed me."

Sookie snorted, causing Pam to glance over at her.

"I second that." The blonde human said, looking up at her lover imploringly.

"Where the heck are you taking us?"

Eric just chuckled and leaned in for a kiss that effectively distracted Sookie and caused Pam to cut her eyes in annoyance.

"We'll be arriving soon enough Pamela, until then just relax and try and enjoy yourself." He replied casually.

"So you're not gonna tell me?" She huffed

"Of course I'm not." He quipped taking a sip of the deep red champagne in his own flute.

Pam Scoffed but didn't question him any further.

She knew he wouldn't budge.

A short ride and a few cocktails later, the unlikely foursome arrived at their destination.


"Are you Fucking joking, Eric?!"

Pam was NOT amused.

Two vampires and their humans stepped out from the sleek black limo onto the marshy dirt of the annual Northern Louisiana Fall festival.

Assaulted by the bright lights, the smell of overpriced fried food, and the nauseating sound of giggling children, Pam nearly threw up in her mouth at the realization of where she was and what she was about to endure.

Until, that is…..she felt Tara's small hand find hers and squeeze it lovingly.

She calmed down a bit, but it didn't stop her from glaring evisceratingly at her maker from where she stood a few feet away from him.

Unfazed by Pam's hostility, Eric smiled smugly at her and placed his hand on the small of Sookies back.

"Shall we?" He asked and Sookie smiled.

Pam clenched her jaw, but didn't say anything else. She would do this for Tara….however ridiculous it may be.

Her lover seemed to be more amused by the newly revealed activities than anything else, but she didn't seem put out by them. So, Pam decided she would deal. Just this once.