Brown eyes stole another glance at the digital clock that sat on the edge of the bar, one forty seven AM it read in big obnoxious green numbers.

Taking a sip of her Jack Daniels and Coke, Tara Thornton reached under the counter for her pack of cigarettes. Lighting a marlboro red, she exhaled the smoke and shot a glare in the direction of the two wayward drunks that were slumped on barstools at the other end of the bar.

Merlottes was closing in exactly thirteen minutes, and yet here these assholes were laughing and spilling beer all over the floor and bartop that she still had to wipe down before she could leave along with a ton of other shit she would now be doing by herself.

Sam was out of town for a few days and her cousin and Sookie had both dipped out early leaving Tara to close the bar. Atleast Lafayette bothered to stay and clean the kitchen before he left. Sookie had left almost 2 hours ago, babbling something about an emergency and meeting up with Eric...or was it Bill? Shit she couldnt keep track of Sook and her vampire shenanigans any better than the next bitch, all she knew was she left before she finished her shift consequently leaving Tara to be bartender/waitress/hostess, and well to put it honestly she didnt even like being a bartender.

Not that she wasnt grateful Sam had given her her job back after she hastily left town without a word over a year ago. She had recently returned home to bon temps , despite all the bullshit that had her running in the first place, after hearing that Sookie was infact alive and well after everyone was sure she had been some vampires dinner. Fucking Sookie.

She looked up and saw that the last redneck had stood and was stumbling in her direction. He pulled a few twentys from his wallet and dropped them on the counter and slurred "keep the change sweetheart".

Tara smirked "I am many thangs, but sweet? That aint one of em" This caught the scruffy faced man of guard and he looked half confused half turned on at Taras curt reply. "Yeah um...well g'night then." Dismissed by the dark skinned womans faux sweet wave, he stumbled out of merlottes and Tara sighed in relief.

Once everything had been wiped down and refilled, Tara grabbed her wallet and keys from beneath the bar and grabbed the last heaping trash bag and headed out the back door locking up behind her.

"God dammit" she huffed and leaned against the edge of the dumpster as she recovered from her third failed attempt to dispose of the garbage and get the hell outta there. She considered just leaving it. It was fucking heavy and it wasn't like Sam would be there to bitch at her tomorrow night for it.

"Fuck it" Tara started walking around to the lot where her car was parked . Unlocking it and settling into the seat she wondered why she had been in such a hurry to leave and how she was just going to be leaving one quiet empty place for another. Her one bedroom apartment was small but it had everything she needed which wasn't much considering it was just her and her thoughts that resided there on most nights. It was in a decent neighborhood near Shreveport, close enough to Bon temp for the commute to merlottes but far enough that she felt like she wasnt absorbed by the constant drama that the little town seemed to attract.

By the time she made it to interstate 20 the rain that started as she left Merlottes had gone from a light drizzle to steady down pour and it was becoming increasingly difficult to see the road.

She turned her windshield wipers up as high as theyd go and turned down the volume of the radio. Fuck it was dark and the streets were empty she had seen maybe two cars the whole ride home. The turn in for her apartment was less than a mile up the road. And then she saw it.


The roads were flooding from the pouring rain and as Tara instinctively slammed on her breaks to avoid a very large branch that had fallen in the middle of the road her car began to hydroplane.

The car spun around out of control and her tires sqealed . A big ass tree was the last thing she saw as the metal crunched and curled around it and taras head flew forward and hit the steering wheel. And then there was blackness.


Not sure how long this will end up being but it will def be a few chapters. Its my first real multichap so bear with me. Please review it helps alot!