My Second Response to Bloody Brandy's Vegas Vacation Challenge as Voted Upon by My Readers

Sirius fakes his own death (Hey, if a rat like Pettigrew can do it on his own, why can't Sirius when he can enlist pretty much anyone in the order to help?), and has his will enacted, emancipating Harry for one good reason.

To send Harry to Las Vegas (With Moony as a 'responsible' chaperone).

With fake muggle ID in hand (Perhaps a glamor or two), the two take to the town. But in true Hangover fashion, Harry has too much to drink and blacks out, waking up a day or two later...with a wedding ring.


-Harry has to go to Las Vegas, Nevada (If you want, you can do a Fem!Harry instead) Check

-Moony has to travel with him as chaperone (If you do Fem!Harry, you either have to have a Fem!Remus, or choose McGonagall or Tonks as chaperone) Check with Remus

-Harry has to get married to a super, Villain or hero is your choice, but has no memory of the wedding. Check

-He does NOT get a divorce for whatever reason (Wife talks him out of it, he really falls for her, magically binding, whatever reason you want): Check magically Binding

-Magical law is different outside Europe to allow for Magical Supers: check

-Harry wakes up with no idea where Moony (Or Fem!Harry's chaperone) is, but his wife says (s)he was at the wedding.: Check

-Harry's wife was completely (or at least mostly) sober when they were married: Check

-Harry gets married by an Elvis impersonator: Check

-The Potter Luck strikes, Harry, while drunk, won a LOT of money at the casinos, and is in a comp-ed room when he wakes up.: Check

-The Potter Luck strikes again, Harry and his wife have to fight someone before they even leave Vegas, and win quickly thanks to Harry Check


-No Slash for Harry(Nothing against Homosexuals, but it seems a lot of HP/DC crossovers are guy on guy) Check


-Takes Place either in August of fifth year, or during winter break, which I think would be easiest to work it in Check

-The Statute of Secrecy was signed in before the Revolutionary War (Which is true, according to HP wiki it was signed in 1692), so it at least doesn't apply/isn't enforced in America outside the 13 original colonies or not at all in America. Check

-Harry's wife should probably be at least aware of magic

-Remus (Or Fem!Harry's chaperone) gets drunkenly married Check

-Probably easiest to stick with one wife, but if you can make more work, I won't stop you. Multiple


The first girl pops into my head for this is either Raven or Jinx from Teen Titans. Zatanna would probably be easy, but maybe too easy.


Harry was currently sitting on his bed in the Gryffindor fourth year boy's dorm in tears. In the past two weeks his life had been turned around. He had grabbed the golden cup at the center of the maze with Victor Krum and had seen the man who he had grown to respect and admired killed by his parent's traitor before witnessing the revival of Voldemort.

Less than a day later Harry received news from Cedric and then Dumbledore that while the DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement) had been investigating his claim they had found Nott Sr., and Sirius dead with the Dark Mark above them high in the air. Mind healers had searched what was left of Sirius Memories and found that he was innocent of all crimes held against him years before and given a posthumous pardon.

It had been two weeks since that occurrence. Fleur one of his friends had decided to stay at Hogwarts after her school had left and become a member of the new golden trio, since the betrayal of Ron and odd betrayal of Hermione had destroyed the original, with Cedric and Harry who they tried to comfort. But with the graduation underway the New Golden Trio had been busy with different activities. Fleur with her need to be ready to go back to France to graduate. Cedric with his need to be taking care of the other Puff seventh years and Harry nowhere to be found.

Noticing this at lunch Cedric went over to Fleur. "Fleur have you seen Harry anywhere recently? I have not seen him at any meals or anything."

"Cedric my friend I agree. I also have not seen him for many days. I know that Professor Dumbledore excused him from the classes the rest of the year but that does not explain why he is not eating." Fleur said worry in her voice for her young friend before looking towards the Weasley twins and leading Cedric over to them.

"Hello" One of the Twins said

"Champions. How may" The other twin said.

"We assist you." The first twin said

"This fine day?" The second twin asked.

"Monsieur Weasley and Monsieur Weasley I vanted to ask if either of you have seen Arry recently?" Fleur asked kindly.

"Now that you mention it we have not seen Harrykins in a few days." The twins said in their normal way of speaking before continuing. "Have you asked little Ronniekins?"

"Gred and Forge I don't wish to ask him personally. If anything I would think he is one of the reasons why we have not seen Harry lately. But about him do you know why Hermione has become obsessed with him and not seeming able to keep her tongue out of his mouth?" Cedric asked worried as he had respected her most of the year but now she had fallen down to the lower half of the fourth year.

"We understand that about not wanting to ask our younger brother. As for Hermione we believe that Mother had been sending Ronald love and lust Potions for her like she has sent Ginevra for Harry. We only know about the ones for Harry because Ginny has asked us to spike Harry's drink with them but we refused but kept the vials she gave us. Now if you want we can bring you to Gryffindor tower and show you where Harry's dorm is or was as Ronald kicked him out of the common room at the beginning of the year but we saw him bring his stuff back up after the tournament." The twins said which made the two older students eyes to go wide.

"Yes lets go." Fleur said with urgency in her voice.

Meanwhile Harry had just received a letter from an owl who had been harassing him all day for him to take it so he had finally resented and the owl had sat on his bed frame as Harry opened the letter.

My Dearest Godson Harry,

I know that you believe that I have died. As is proper as if you do not think that I failed my goal. Okay so no more kidding around. As soon as you get off the Hogwarts Express you are to go to the floo and use it to get to Gringotts.

Once at Gringotts ask the first teller you see that you have a meeting with Senior Account Manager Bog Skin. He should not ask any questions but if he does say you are Harry Potter and have urgent family business to attend to.

Bog Skin and I have been in touch since my escape almost two years ago and we had been friends since I was younger so he helped get my death certified and my Will read which is why you are going to see him.

In my will I have emancipated you and ordered you to get out of the UK for a few weeks no I mean for the entire summer. I have informed Mooney that he would be your Guardian in your journey away. I also encourage you to bring Hermione with you as according to Filius she has seemed to become obsessed with Ron lately and let her grades slip a lot.

Now remember I am not dead. You, Remus, Amelia Bones (Your Godmother and my former boss), the real Mad-Eye, Filius, and Bog Skin are the only ones alive who know I am alive. Keep it that way unless you can get an oath of silence. You could probably get one from your two new best friends and Neville.

Keep your friends close and allies closer. Make up with Draco as he has his mother's heart and hates his father if the letter he wrote me just before my "Death" that was signed in blood was any record. The Owl is yours to keep. Now I know you love Hedwig but I don't think she could make cross Atlantic flights and I believe she has a tracking charm on her. Leave her in your dorm and Mad Eye will take her home with him.

Bog Skin has fake IDs for you and Remus along with passports. I have arranged for you to go to Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America.

Have Fun Pup Mischief Managed,

Sirius Orion Black III, Padfoot, Snuffles

After reading the letter Harry was almost in tears again before he heard the door to his dorm opening. "Go away Ron I'm sick of your 'You're a lying cheat. No wonder Hermione ditched you for the real hero' crap. We both know that I was the one that fought and Quirrell first year, that I was the one that saved the greedy bitch of your sister from the Basilisk and Voldemort's soul. I should have just let her die. I was the one that learned the Patronus last year and beat back over a dozen dementors all at once. So Ron just leave me the fuck alone!" Harry said not even opening his bed curtains to see who it was.

"Arry it is not Ronald. It is just Cedric, the twins and I. Can we please see you and speak with you?" Fleur asked begging to see her first male friend since she went through her veela inheritance.

Hearing Fleur's voice made Harry slightly open his curtains to see if it really was her or if it was the bastard. Seeing that it really was Fleur and who she said was with her Harry opened his curtains all the way. "Hi Fleur why are you guys here I thought you had things to do with graduation so close?"

"Harry none of us have seen you in almost a week and we have become concerned about you. What have you been eating and what made you mad at us?" Cedric asked kindly knowing somewhat about Harry's past that he did not like being told what he should do.

"I'm not mad at you guys I just have not wanted to go anywhere other than the showers since Sirius died. As for your first question is I haven't been eating, I have gone longer than two weeks without food before when I was younger so I'm fine." Harry said slightly angrily.

"Harry did you really do all that you mentioned in your rant that you gave when you thought we were our idiot brother?" The twins asked before seeing the owl on Harry's bed. "Where did you get the owl?"

"Yes I did do all that I said that I had and if you all give an oath of silence and lock the door so no one else can come in I'll tell you where I got the owl." Harry said and once they gave the oath willingly and Fleur had locked the door Harry told them about the letter.

AN: So I realize that the marvel Vegas part has not started yet but that will start in the next chapter.

So the Harry's Harem will include


Kitty Pride

Others please review with who you want in the harem

Remus will get with

Scarlet Witch

possibly others

Cedric, Fred, and George will all be married to each other and a number of girls in their harem

Cho Chang


Susan Bones

Marvel Girls Please Review for whom