Hello to everyone reading this! Thank you for opening my first fic! The two first chapters will be how Nico and Maki met from their own point of view,but it will get more interesting, I promise. Either way even if just one person likes this I'm willing to finish it. Oh the other girls appear too, they will be important for the development of this fic.

Thank you so much for your time, oh and English is not my first language so if you see an error and it bothers you, please, feel free to correct me, I'm writing this to improve my English.

Any doubt, ask me, if you have complains and opinions you can tell me too.

And please leave reviews so I can know if you're liking it, or if I'm a terrible writer.

Chapter 1- Prologue, Yazawa Nico.

-Ah just one more, just one more hour…- I said while stretching out.

I, Yazawa Nico, have worked for over a year now in this fancy restaurant "Otonokizaka Whitey Cousine" weird name, but surely popular among wealthy people.

-How I hate these people… always with such bad manners…- I mumbled under my breath very irritated while watching them, leaned on the bar.

Tonight it was my turn of working at the bar, serving drinks to this entire arrogant people who usually treated me bad just because I was the waitress. I mean, not all of them were like that, some of them leaved me great tips and were polite to me, but most of them, usually drunk, were just a nuisance.

Oh but, Why do I work at this place if I can't stop complaining about it? Easy answer. Money. It's all I needed lately.

See, two years ago everything was,if not incredible, but really great. After high school and a lot of part time jobs, I finally managed to save up money to pay my entrance fee to this amazing college "The National School of Arts and Drama" one of the best colleges if you wanted to be an actress, a model, a designer or even an idol.

And that was exactly what I wanted. Since little all I wanted to do is to be on spotlight, to be the center of attention doing what I love the most, acting and singing. And my dreams were coming true certainly. I passed all the exams with honors and I was one of the best candidates that passed the exams that year. I was even better than two of my best friends, Ayase Eri and Toujou Nozomi, who applied with me. I really couldn't believe it!. I spend one year full of happiness, taking more and more steps to fulfill my dream of being an actress or maybe even an idol and living amazing days with my best friends.

Then, the next year my mom got sick. Really sick. She was diagnosed with cancer in one of her lungs. We really didn't knew why and how that was possible but it was already a reality. She had to leave her job, fortunately she had a health insurance that was able to pay her chimios. But unfortunately it obviously didn't paid college. By working she was helping me to pay college and the bills of my apartment, and she was maintaining my other three siblings. I had money saved up, and it was enough to pay for another year of school… but just one year more. I tried to find a decent job to be able to keep paying my school and I found this one, but I just couldn't keep with it and I just watched how my dream was banishing in front of me…

I mean I don't blame my mom, how could I blame her?. Ever since Dad passed away, she had worked so hard for the four of us. I'm the older one so I helped her with taking care of my sisters and brother but we never had so much money and we certainly didn't have luxuries. But we never complained. We understood and we were grateful for having such an amazing mom.

And now here I am, 20 years old, starting my first year studying fashion design in a public college and working part time in this fancy restaurant that really pays me well. No, it doesn't pays me enough to be able to still pay that amazing college but it helps me with the bills. And it helps me to save up money for the future of my siblings. After all I've been through, I don't want the same for them. I want the best for them and if that means sacrificing my dream then I'll do it.

Sorry if I sound kind of a pessimist right now but I just can't help it. Although mom is getting better now and she is already working while staying at home, and even the school was so impressed by my abilities that they were disposed to save my place for when I was able to get back to that college. I was really happy when I heard that but just for a little moment. I knew I wouldn't be able to.

-Hey lady! Two Margaritas! – A man yelled at me.

-Yes sir, two margaritas coming.- I said faking a smile. Man, Don't they know the word 'please' ?

While making the drinks I caught sight of a redhead sitting beside this man. Yes, surely the man was handsome, but that read head was really beautiful. Not as beautiful as I am but she had something. She was wearing a black dress which really emphasized her long white and well formed legs, her slim body wearing that dress beautifully and she had good-looking breasts too.. What? I know how to recognize a pretty woman you know…She had a face of annoyance, like she really didn't want to be beside that man. ¿Who would want to? He was just talking about how he was so rich and handsome that every woman should be with him. Did he really wanted to leave a great impression on her? Because he was really not succeeding…

-And you know I have this great penthouse where we can go later…- he said with a massive cocky grin while I gave them their drinks.

-Oh really? And why would I want to go with you? – the read head asked after sipping of her drink.

-Well because you accepted coming here with me and because I'm paying for your drinks…- His voice sounded a little bit exasperated but he still had that cocky grin on his face.

-Oh what a gentleman you are. I accepted because our fathers were in a work meeting and needed some space, and don't worry I'll pay for my drink. - she said playing with her hair, still with that face of annoyance.

-Oh C'mon Maki! Are you serious!? Why are you being so rude! - Oh he was mad now, and he sounded kind of… drunk? Really? With just a Margarita?

-It's Nishikino-san for you, you are the one being rude, and stop yelling, you are already drunk after all the whisky you had at my house- she said strangely in a calm mood.

-Oh forget it you are just a brat like you've always been- he is now up of his seat, slurring his words and raising his voice- How can you reject me after all these years huh, even our fathers want us together, you will like me even if you don't want it you, you little bitch! - Ok that was it, that made me extremely mad.

- Excuse me sir, you will have to leave this place, you are disturbing the costumers- My face was a little bit red, I was just so angry… even if I didn't know why.

-I will leave this place when I want to, stupid kid!- Kid? Really? I mean I looked younger than my age, but, kid?

-Oh ok then I'll just call security…- I said taking the phone that was on the counter.

-Fuck you, I'll go now.- And with that he took his belongings and tried to walk out of the restaurant.. I say tried because he was really drunk, and security had to almost carry him out.

-What an asshole..- I mumbled while watching the scene.

-You didn't have to do that you know- Oh I almost forgot, the read head was still there. Wait, What did she say?

-What? He was yelling at you ¿And you are only saying that to me? With a thank you is enough you know - I was really getting frustrated now. I should have known, people like her are always pricks. I did her a favor and she can't even say thanks!

-I had it under control, you should mind your own business - Violet eyes finally looked at me.

-Yeah sure whatever you say, you're welcome Nishikino- san~ - I said her name with a mocking tone.

-You…- Oh she is angry now, this is fun.

-Yazawa- san! Your shift is over now, you can go home!- My boss yelled that amazing sentence finally, cutting Nishikino-san words.

-Ugh finally!- I said wasting no time in undressing of my apron.

-Uhm, how much is it… of the drinks- Wow, her voice didn't sound angry anymore… It was kind of cute.. her voice I mean.

I was rushed, I already wanted to go home and if I received her money I would have to do the count and check the cash in the register, it was just so trouble some, I would've wasted my time… at least that was what I kept telling to myself later, while laying in my bed and thinking why did I said…

-Don't worry, is on the house!- while winking at her and watching her already red and flushed face, almost as the color of her hair.

Oh dear. Today was a strange day. It was like a clichéd scene of a movie. Little I knew that today my life would be changing again, just like a year ago.

Please Review, and thank you again for reading this. I do not own Love Live! or the image that I used for the Cover story. I found it on Tumblr.