UPDATE: Hello, it's been YEARS since I've touched this. To be quite honest, life has completely changed since I last updated. I understand this story needs to be edited and I need to make some slight changes to the plot to make it run smoother. I will be working separately on chapters and release them later. If you are new, please enjoy!

disclaimer: if you have read this story before, I would advise to reread the chapters as I'm editing them!

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of the revamped story!

Line Break

Percy POV

We were on our way to the Olympian Throne Room. Our faces were drenched in sweat and blood as we were trying to make our way to Kronos. Our tattered, exhausted bodies tried to tell us to stop, but our mission was clear. We walked towards the final elevator towards the throne room. As we gazed at the seemingly normal elevator, I sensed a shift in mood and hesitation. The wars and quests had taken too much of a toll of us. Every single breath seemed forced and our limits were definitely reached. We all knew what would await us in that throne room. We had to stop Luke. We had to stop Kronos from his madness or else Olympus would be destroyed. I thought of my family and all my friends down in the city fighting with their lives so we could reach this point. I took a deep breath and looked at my two best friends.

I gave a warm and endearing smile at Grover and Annabeth. In that moment, it seemed ironic I would be smiling. Currently, I am more nervous as than any test I've ever taken in my life (and I get pretty bad test anxiety). But, with the two most important people next to me, I knew that I would go through Hades and back for both of them. Well, I mean I did venture with Hell with both of the, but that's not the point. I would give my life 100 times for them and I would be glad to do so, just to see them safe. My fatal flaw is loyalty. When I heard that that was my fatal flaw, I honestly thought that was the best one to possess. There is no desire for power or a huge sense of pride. My fatal flaw is loving others.

"Are you ready guys?" I asked confidently.

Both nodded their heads in agreement as I kicked open the door. We quickly surveyed the throne room and saw the once beautiful hall becoming rubble. Kronos was starting to destroy the Olympian thrones in Luke's body. It was truly amazing the sheer power of Kronos in a demigod body. I knew I had to stop him before he transformed into his true form. As Kronos turned around to face his opponents, I do not know why I remembered the Great Prophecy in that moment. Fear started to rush throughout my body as Kronos and I locked eyes.

"Shit, now is not the time to think about that," I thought in my mind.

"Percy Jackson, hero of the prophecy," Kronos growled. "Walking straight into your death."

"As if, Kronos." I spat. "Your end is now. We're sending you back to wherever you came from."

I began to charge at him, but he slowed time down and swatted me directly into Ares' throne. My Achilles' curse prevented me from getting seriously hurt, but I heard a couple of ribs breaking. I completely had the wind knocked out of me and everything became a bit blurry. Percy knew that Kronos was holding back. This is the King of the Titans after all. Kronos began to walk towards me, but Grover stepped into the way and got smacked within seconds. I love Grover, but that was seriously stupid. I yelled after the fact, and rushed towards Grover. He was knocked out and could not keep fighting. I knew he was being the protector he was and I love him for that. I quickly picked him up and set him aside away from the battle radius.

"Annabeth", I yelled. "Keep Grover safe!"

Annabeth knowing well enough that she could not even stand a chance at the Titan, quickly understood and started tending to Grover's wounds.

I stood up and rushed back to attack Kronos. Each attempt was unsuccessful. I stabbed, jabbed, swung, but Kronos had the swordsmanship like Luke. He parried almost every single attack. He knew exactly what I was doing before I thought about. Luke knew how to counter every single one of my moves. I quickly locked swords with Kronos and we were engaged in a face off.

"Perseus, it is over. It is almost time for the Golden Age to return," Kronos said confidently.

I quickly retaliated and unlocked my sword, ducked and proceeded to kick his chest plate. I swung again, nailing a shot across his chest. He staggered, but got back up onto his feet. I charged as soon as he tried to get up, but he slowed down time. I could see myself moving at a slower pace, but Kronos took his time and regathered himself. I knew that I was only stalling and was only waiting for the gods, but at this rate, I would be too worn out. Kronos would assume his new form and he would be unstoppable.

I continued to charge forward and I felt myself getting gradually faster. His time freeze ended and I saw it took a toll on his human form. Kronos lowered his guard and I got one clean slash into his hand. Golden ichor started to flow, however, Kronos grabbed the tip of my sword and flung it towards the rubble. He punched me directly I flew back into Hera's throne. I destroyed her armrest while my collarbone broke.

Kronos chuckled as he walked slowly close towards me. "Perseus Jackson, my dear grandson. The battle is lost. Look and see."

He roared at the goddess Iris to show me the gods' battle with Typhon.

I saw a giant 40-foot monster with reptilian skin with eagle talons. I never knew fear until I saw his face. His face was uncomprehensible, with his face changing with something scarier than the last.

I saw the Olympians barrage Typhon with all their might. Zeus impaled Typhon straight in the chest with his lightning bolt, with the giant monster only staggering and then standing straight up. He was headed towards Olympus. Within minutes, he would destroy Olympus.

Then out of nowhere, a loud conch horn blew within the distance. The Hudson River opened at its base, and a chariot dragged by two horses with Poseidon and Amphitrite leading the charge. Tyson and the Cyclops followed with them as well. Poseidon's army were armed with rope and chain as they chained Typhon quickly. Poseidon opened up Tartarus as Typhon was dragged into Tartarus.

Kronos slashed the Iris message and his face was filled with anger.

"It's over, Kronos!" I yelled.

"It isn't over till I say it's over." Kronos bellowed.

Just then, Kronos's body radiated with red and his eyes glowed yellow. He body started contorted and Luke's physical body was vibrating.

A white flash appeared before us as we covered our eyes. What we saw was Luke sprawled on the marble floor. Luke looked very weak and he was coughing blood as he was shivering to the cold atmosphere.

Annabeth rushed to Luke's side and pulled him back to us.

"Luke!" Annabeth shrieked as tears stream down her face. "I knew you would be back!"

Luke looked longingly into Annabeth's stormy grey eyes. "I'm so sorry... Annabeth.." Luke said before passing out.

We were interrupted by Kronos. "YES! My true form! I am more powerful than the Olympians once again!"

My eyes widened as I knew I couldn't beat him. Kronos was invincible and we were too late. I knew I had to keep fighting or else Annabeth and Grover would be killed. I stood up again and checked my pocket. Riptide did not reappear and Kronos knew that. I wasted no time in rushing to charge him. I saw Luke's old blade on the ground and picked it up. However, before I did, I got sucker punched. That punch was more powerful than anything I have ever felt. I choked out blood before I fell over. As Kronos slowly walked over me, my body could not react on its' own. I had officially reached my limit.

"Enough games, Perseus." Kronos chuckled.

I tried to stand back up, but with lighting quick speed, he punched me right in the face and I fell to the floor instantly.

Kronos pushed me aside and went along with Luke and Annabeth.

"My dear grandchildren, would you like to live?" Kronos said calmly.

Annabeth said nervously, "O-of course, Lord Kronos."

Kronos gave a dry smile. "I am currently weak in my new form. Perseus wore me out in my human form more than I imagined. I can easily kill both of you, but I cannot take on the whole Olympian council at this moment. What I can do for you is to choose. If you don't choose, I'll kill you right now and choose myself. I want a wise decision from a daughter of Athena."

"W-w-what do you want me to choose?" Annabeth asked nervously, slowing backing away.

"Luke or Perseus," Kronos said calmly.

"What?" Annabeth said in a shocked voice. "Why do you want me to choose between those two?"

"I need a strong second-in-command. Someone to lead my army. A commander. I've seen first hand that oth these fine demigods can lead my army, I'm sure. More than those insolent Titans. But the two of them, no way. Their pasts would easily conflict and we can't have that, can we? Or on the other hand, I'll just kill which one you choose." Kronos said as he walked straight up to Annabeth.

"I-I-I don't know." Annabeth said quietly.

"I need an answer soon, my dear." Kronos said sternly.

I had lain on the floor with no energy. His punch had drained all my energy and I couldn't will myself up. Luke was too weak to defend Annabeth and Grover was incapable of doing anything at this point. Annabeth had to choose between me and Luke. I smiled internally because I knew Annabeth would have chosen me. We had gone through too much for her to pick Luke over me. I know she was just stalling for time at that point. The Olympians would be here any second. I knew however this would be tough on Annabeth, but she just had to keep stalling. Any minute now...

"How do I know you won't kill me after I choose?" Annabeth asked. Her tone seemed to shift from a more nervous tone to a confident tone. She knew how to assess any battle situation.

Kronos groaned. "Fine. I swear on the Styx to not kill you after you make your choice for Perseus or Luke."

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

"F-fine, I choose..." Annabeth paused for a second, thinking over her decision for one last time.

"Luke." She whispered quietly.

Kronos heard this whisper and chuckled loudly.

"You chose a mediocre demigod over the strongest demigod in existence! I trust your judgment, Annabeth Chase." Kronos said.

I was taken back for a minute. Was she serious? There's no way. But with her gaze and the way she was holding Luke, I wasn't too sure if she was stalling for time at this point.

I instantly felt betrayed and weakened. Annabeth chose the traitor, Luke over me? I have been loyal to her ever since we were 12. I travelled across the country for her. I journeyed the Labyrinth with her. I sacrificed my body to get her out of Mt. St. Helens. She was my mortal anchor. My Wise Girl.

Suddenly the giant doors of the Council Room opened as 10 Olympians were in their battle armor.

Among the most impressive was Zeus was in golden armor with his lightning bolt in hand. Next, Poseidon was in his Tommy Bahama shorts and Hawaiian shirt with his trident and net. Finally, Hades strode in with his helm of darkness and black cloak with Stygian Iron armor and sword.

The other gods flooded in as well. Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Demeter, Hermes, Aphrodite, and Ares were present with Hephaetus and Dionysus out of the battle.

Kronos reacted to this and grabbed me with my shirt. He held me with his scythe pointed to my neck. As I was being pulled up, I quickly realized some words of the prophecy.

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap.

I was the hero and my soul would be reaped.

A single choice shall end his days.

Annabeth's choice had ended me. The prophecy was fulfilled. Olympus would be either saved or razed. That was yet to come.

Every Olympian's mouth was opened as they saw me on Kronos.

Zeus was the first to speak. "Father, release the boy."

Kronos smiled. "My youngest son. How good it is to see you."

Poseidon spoke next. "Let my son go!"

Poseidon's plead for Percy almost seemed hopeless. He knew it was impossible for Kronos to release Percy, but he had to try. He felt obliged to. His greatest pride was taken away from him just like that. The look of his face was almost too unbearable to look on.

Kronos smiled again. "Nonsense, I wish to take young Perseus for a trip. Some grandfather-grandson bonding."

"Let the boy go now, or face the wrath of the Olympians." Poseidon screamed.

"Never." Kronos said sternly.

Zeus spent no time and attacked Kronos. Instantly he nodded his head to his family and they nodded back. Zeus threw his lightning bolt straight for Kronos.

With cat-like reflexes, Kronos stabbed me straight in the back, and I screamed in agony. His scythe seemed tethered to my body and I choked up blood.

The rest of the Olympians fired without hesitation. Kronos took almost every attack and fell to his knees. Without a word, Hades opened up Tartarus.

"Your return was short, father. Enjoy eternity in hell, again." Hades spat.

"My son, do not fear. I will be back. It may be next year, or centuries. But I will be back. And I swear I will raze Olympus brick by brick." Kronos said with sweat ringing down his face.

"Goodbye father." Hades said and flicked his hand motioning Kronos and myself down to Tartarus.

I said nothing but looked into all the Olympians and Annabeth and Luke and gave them one final look. Why didn't they try and rescue me? Why was I sinking into the ground? Why was everyone smiling and starting to cheer?

As I started descending into Tartarus, I could only look up. I saw the open roof of the throne room with the sky brightly lit up. I thought that was odd since we were in Manhattan and I could never see this clear sky at my house. I tried to look at as much as I could. I gazed at the stars and for once, I truly noticed how beautiful they were. I was sent down to Tartarus with tears cascading down the sides of my cheeks.

AN: Well, well, well. We have a story brewing up quickly. This story will be very fun to write which makes the story a whole lot fun to read. Please read and review and favorite and all the junk. I appreciate all the support and I appreciate you accepting my decision to write this story over my previous story. (If you accepted that) If you don't, I have a couple of good Pertemis stories for you guys on my favorite stories you can read! I appreciate all reviews, even mean and critical ones. Please feel free to voice your opinion by reviewing. Thanks for the support all! Writing will begin soon when I'm off of vacation! Oh yeah! I'm deciding on the name "Starting Anew."

This is your boy, Dannykilmore signing off!