Ch 2: Meeting Isis

"H-Hello Isis" Fillmore looked at her even if it was 10 years ago she seemed to be more beautiful than he remembered.

"Well welcome to Flo's V8 cafe' honey" Flo spoke up. "Can we get you anything?"

"A coffee would be nice thank you" Isis spoke as she took a seat right next to Fillmore. "It's been a long time Fillmore"

"Yes it has Isis" the hippie started "Exactly 10 years to date"

"Well hello there pretty lady, my names Mater and I'm not trying to flirt with ya but you is the most lovely lady I have ever seen well besides my girlfriend holly of course"

Isis giggled at how this tow truck driver was acting.

"It's ok Mater it's very nice to meet you and the others." Isis paused as Flo placed a cup of coffee by her at the table. "Thank you Flo"

"My pleaser honey, and Fillmore everything's on the house today Including your little lady's drink" Flo replied as she left the table to refill Sarge's cup.

"So...You're the girl that Fillmore met all those years ago" Sarge questioned, and saw Isis nod.

"Yes... He was just as handsome now as he was back then" She saw Fillmore blush. "Is something wrong Fillmore?"

"I hope you will excuse me guy's" Fillmore spoke as he sat up from the table. "Isis can you come with me please"

Isis got up and soon followed Fillmore outside of the Cafe'.

"What were you thinking Isis?" Fillmore responded.

"I don't know what you mean, I told you back at the pond that I would return in a few years time" Isis told him. "I thought you would have liked that I am here"

"Don't get me wrong I do like it but, I told you 10 years ago that It's wrong for me to keep you, why didn't you returned to your home?"

Isis looked down and sighed "I did return but only for 5 years, I seemed to have missed you so I returned to earth and that when I saw you on the paper about the world cup . So I stayed here on earth until I felt that you would be ready for me to return."

"All this for me?" Fillmore asked as he saw Isis nod at his remark "Why? I'm nobody"

"A nobody that found my mana, along with winning the heart of a celestial being." Isis looked at him leaning on for a kiss before Fillmore stopped her.

"Isis, we hardly know one another, can we you know take it slow and take the time to learn about each other?" Fillmore asked kindly

"If that's what you wish" Isis told him. "But may I asked were I will be sleeping?"

"If you want my Place is always open" Fillmore said "Would you want me to show you, I mean there's a guest room where you can stay, It's cheaper"

Isis nodded as the two headed to Fillmore's GEO dome and never noticed the grope of familiar people in the cafe' watching the whole thing that had just happened out the window they were gathered by.

"Oh boy Fillmore is a lucky one isn't it" Mater shouted.

"I wonder why he refused to kiss her" Lighting asked

"I can't wait till Quido and my friends come back from the trip they'll never believe what just happened" Gavin squealed.