It's done, finally.

The epilogue was not only Liliya analyzing Katherine actions through out the story but also me telling you why she acted the way she acted. She was grieving, for the first time in five hundred years she as grieving. For human herself, for her family, for her daughter and for her vampire self.

Now, about the sequel.

I'm doing it, you guys can send me cookies through the mail. I also had this amazing idea for a spin off when I was writing the epilogue.

A spin off about Liliya's life. You in or you out? During her first meeting with Katherine she talked about the Originals as if she knew them very well *wink wink*. She's also has that see-your-face-know-you-past ability I haven't explored much.

So I'm doing a sequel. But what about the spin-off? Yes or no?

Please tell me in the comments down below.

Best wishes my readers,
