The dark of his apartment was oddly comforting. The weight of Booth's head on her shoulder, her head resting on his. His hand, which he'd adjusted, now wrapped around her smaller, more delicate hand. It felt safe. As the emotions of the day and prior weeks started to melt away, an overwhelming wave of exhaustion overtook them both. They tried to fight it, neither one wanting to move from this moment, this place where they sat on the couch, alone, together. But, as so often was the case, the voice of reason had to whisper its way into the night.

"You can't sleep on the couch, Booth, your back can't take it." He only groaned in response. How could he say he wanted her to stay? How could he say he was worried if he moved, if they moved, she'd leave? He didn't want to be alone, more specifically, he didn't want to be without her, not tonight.

She started to move.

"Stay." It was a loaded word, full of need and implications, some she understood, some she feared. At the same time, this is what she wanted, what she dreamed about in Maluku, hoped for on her return, mourned when she lost it. Her heart pounded out her fear as she stood, still holding his hand, she tugged him up and silently headed towards his bedroom.

Taking over, he led them to his bed where he sat and pulled her in front of him. His hands coming to rest on the back of her legs, he really took her in for the first time that evening. He smiled, almost chuckled. She stood before him in baggy bed pants, soft flannel with some kind of design lost in the darkness of the room, and one of his old FBI t-shirts he'd given her before Maluku, when she'd gotten soaked working a case and needed dry clothes.

"You came ready for bed." He teased.

"You worried me. I didn't care about what I was wearing, it wasn't a priority at the time." Letting his head fall to her chest, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What a mess." A long, deep sigh added force and emphasis to, quite possibly, the understatement of the year. Without adding more, he stood, forcing her back a step or two to maintain her balance. "We have a problem." He saw a flash of fear in her eyes. "It's okay, it's a small one. I won't let you sleep on my couch, you should have my bed, and I know you won't let me sleep on my couch." He paused for a minute, brushing the fine wisps of hair that had fallen from her ponytail, hoping she'd offer a solution.

"I'll stay with you." Leaning into his hand, feeling his thumb brush lightly across her cheek, her words came out breathy. Dropping his pants to the floor he climbed in bed, she came to lay next to him. It seemed like there was so much to say and so few words left to say them in. There was an underlying assumption in their actions, no specifics, no details, but a step towards something bigger. She settled in his arms, embracing his closeness. A few deep breaths and they would both tumble into sleep, too tired for anything else.

Fighting for consciousness, there was only one thing left he had to say. "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" He wanted to reassure her. "About us, about trying for an us, tomorrow, I promise." His voice drifted off, she gripped tightly to his arms, holding him close as they let go and sunk into sleep.

They slept deep and hard, sounder than either had in ages. The blessings of a Saturday left them lazy, barely waking until late morning. By then, the light was streaming in, cutting ribbons of shadow across the bed. He woke first, the feel of her warm hand as it slipped under his shirt and along his chest, clenching his lungs closed. He wanted this, but he wanted this to work more. He was in this for more than a fling, he needed this, needed it to work. Throwing his head back on his pillow. he let her hand wander for just a few moments longer before waking her with a kiss to her forehead.

"Shhhh." She was reluctant. "No, Booth, shhhhh." Her hand patted his chest, trying to get him to stop. He pulled her tighter, her head nearly bounced on his chest as he laughed. "Shhhh...stop." She dragged each word out in a long whine which only encouraged more laughter. Rolling them to the side, he carefully moved the bits of her hair that had fallen out of her ponytail in the night. Blinking, she finally gave in.

He'd seen her like this a few times, on undercover assignments but this was different. He watched as her breath quickened, her hand stopped its explorations. Their long stare turned into soft smiles and a long, lazy morning kiss.

"We have to take this slow." His voice insistent, pleaded with her. "For us, we need to, okay?" Her gaze was steady and he felt her fingers wiggle against his skin as if she was fighting the urge for more as much as he was. "And no one knows, this is ours, it needs to be ours and ours alone, okay? No pressure from anyone else." She agreed with a slight nod. "Even Angela." He stopped and waited for a protest.

"Booth, I am not good at hiding things." She worried aloud. "I am not good at lying, honesty works better for me. Angela will pick up on it if I lie to her, she'll read our body language, she'll know."

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, okay? For now, let's try to keep it a secret, our secret, you know, just until we settle into who we are as a couple or until she guesses."

"What about the FBI?" One of her biggest fear for years had been the thought of losing Booth as a partner. He looked into her fretful eyes, reached around her and pulled her closer. The soft hum she couldn't control nearly did him in. "No one knows until we're ready to tell them, not even the FBI. I'll work on that. They're not going to split us up, Bones, not the legendary Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth." His smile and light heartedness was calming, his touch irresistible. She found herself giggling as he tickled and kissed her until they fell into another kiss, so long and deep the only cure was to jump from the bed, forced separation.

News traveled fast, Hannah was gone, back in the Middle East. From the moment Booth entered the Medico-Legal lab on Monday, it was one offer of condolence after another. With the exception of Angela, who caught him watching Bones work through her glass office walls. His suit coat pulled back hanging loosely behind him, hands tucked casually in his pockets playing with one or another of the many distractions he kept there to fidget with.

"Congratulations on losing the blonde bimbo, big guy." Startling him, he looked a little shocked. "Maybe now you can fix it with this one." She didn't give him time to offer up an excuse, just kept walking. Obviously, she was still mad at him.

He was there to pick her up for lunch. They'd ridden together to a crime scene that morning in her car. She'd worried all the way to the Hoover that their conversation on the perfect murder had been too forced and already revealed changes in their relationship, even though they had yet to sleep together. He'd tried to calm her, but she was still nervous about her ability to convince her co-workers. When he'd called her mid-morning under the guise of an update on the case, she was even more upset having been asked to appear on a children's science show featuring her lab. That's when he decided they needed a getaway, even it was only for a short lunch. Maybe he could calm her down a little.

His heart broke when she matter of factly told him she'd be more likely to scare children away than encourage them towards science. She was always so strong, so stoic, that sometimes he forgot about that insecure side of her she hid so well. He'd been out of sync with her since their return to DC, her insecurity struck him twice as hard.

"People should stick to their strengths." And with that, every part of him wanted to wrap her in his arms and remind her that she hadn't even begun to discover her strengths. Sitting in the open gardens of the Jerffersonian made that impossible so he settled on reminding her of a concept she could never deny, evolution. It might not be her strength now, but she could evolve, it could become a strength. Offering up another selling point, he pointed that she could hide her nervousness about their changing relationship in her nervousness over being on the Science Dude's show.

On the way back to her office, he pulled her into a dark corner in the maze of hallways that ran through the Jeffersonian.


Whispering fast and firmly, not even inches from her face, he tried to reassure her. "You are amazing, you're intelligent and beautiful and talented and could do anything you set your mind to. You can do this. I will be there to support you, I promise." Then, he let his body fall on hers and kissed her soundly.

She could barely speak, light headed, swept away by his loving assault, but she managed to get out one word. "Cameras."

"Not here, you think I don't know every weak point in Jeffersonian security?" He leaned in and kissed her again. "For Parker, he'd love it, do it for Parker." In the end, all he got out of her was a hesitant agreement to consider it.

It wasn't until they were almost done with the case that she accepted the offer. Later, much later, after they shot the show, Booth teased her saying it was their impromptu make out session in the hallowed halls of that Jeffersonian that swayed her. Laughing, she rolled her head to try and see him from her position settled between his legs, laying up against his chest.

"I did it for Parker." He held his cell phone up so they could both see as they watched a clip her publisher shot with her cell phone of her performance. Pausing it, he let his arms come down around her. "And you, I did it for you too."

"Bones." There was a sweetness to his tone.

"I thought about what you said, and in addition to encouraging children to enjoy science, I felt that one day Parker may hesitate to do something because it is difficult or he does not consider it a strength. Since I am a mentor in his life, how could I encourage him to take risks if I could not do it myself."

He turned her slightly so he could kiss her. "And for me?"

She hesitated, then leaned in to kiss him, her heart pounding at the risk she was about to take. "Because," she whispered against his lips between kisses. "I love you." She hadn't said it, not since the night she lay sobbing in his arms over Hannah's presence and the horrible pain it had brought her.

Weeks and cases came and went. They lived up to their promise to each other to take it slow. Lunches and dinners became routine again. They stole time in the evenings, stayed late at each others apartments. On rare occasion they even stayed the night together, though they still hadn't made love. If Angela was suspicious, she never let on.

With each passing day, it got harder and harder to say goodnight and leave until finally it became a topic of discussion.

"I'm not planning when I'm going to make love to you, Bones, that's just wrong."

"Why is it wrong?" Frustrated and done with waiting to move their relationship forward, she wanted a date, a time, a place, something to hold on to.

"It just is, okay? It should be spontaneous and passionate, not planned and well executed."


"I'm sorry, okay, that wasn't fair but, Bones, I'm not scheduling it, we'll know when it's the right time. It'll just happen."

He was right. It happened just as he said it would. They attended the opening of a new exhibit at the Jeffersonian, The Amalia Rose, a slave ship that sank preserving a sad and disturbing piece of history. It was a beautiful night.

She was used to seeing him in a suit, but this night, this affair, seemed different. Her mind stuck in the loop of straightening his tie and smoothing her hands across his broad shoulders before they left her office to attend the exhibit reveal. It didn't help that he was right by her all evening. So close, she could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck and shoulders, his scent surrounding her. His hands seemed drawn to the silky fabric of her little black dress. It seemed she spent all night batting his hands away and reminding him, quietly, that they had a secret to keep. Answering in a low warm voice, he blamed her. She looked irresistible, gorgeous, and the way that simple dress fell over her curves was the essence of temptation. He couldn't stop himself, couldn't get close enough, or pull away. He was stuck in her her gravitational pull.

While Booth placed them carefully in the middle of the crowd so he could have a little more privacy and freedom, Jack and Angela Hodgins had been in the very back of the room where Angela had a perfect view of them. At first, she was just trying to locate all their team as they were spread out among the crowd. It was Booth's hand that caught her eye. One glimpse, her first glimpse, caught Booth with his hand moving fluidly from that small of Bren's back down the curve of her hip. It was executed with such ease and familiarity that Angela's eyes widened in absolute disbelief. How did she miss this? Elbowing Hodgins so hard he swore she dislocated a rib, her joy was almost palpable. She watched the couple more than the presentation that night, only giving Cam her full attention out of respect and support.

These events were always long and arduous, she hated them. The only bright side to this one was she didn't have to speak. Once the speeches and reveal were over they adjourned to another hall for the reception. Loud music and the chatter of hundreds of blended conversations made it hard to hear or think. This was the see and be seen part of the evening, rubbing elbows, shaking hands all seemed like painful obligations and distractions. Finally, he stole her away for a dance, pulled her tight to his body, and confessed in a hushed request delivered directly to her ear.

"Stay with me tonight." Certainly that was Booth's best definition of a date, a place, a time.


It wasn't long before they were excusing themselves in an effort to leave. During their goodbyes, Angela, in act of affection Hodgins attributed to pregnancy, threw her arms around Booth and quickly conveyed what she'd been dying to say all night.

"I see you fixed it." He just smiled and winked as she pulled away, moved his hand to the small of Bones' back and guided her out of the reception hall. The night was finally theirs.

She found the closer they got to Booth's apartment, the more anxious she got. His implication was clear, at least she thought it was clear, but then she wasn't good with interpreting things, which left an awful lot of room for doubt. She kept them to herself though, anxious to be alone with him. The city flew by out her passenger window, lights blurring together. It didn't seem like that long before they traded the busy lights of the city for the quiet and dim lights of his apartment. They were in and getting settled. He helped her off with her coat hanging it neatly, quickly, then, coming up behind her, he slipped his arms around her. She let her head fall back on his shoulder and rolled until she was tucked safely in under his chin.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are tonight?

She laughed. "Your hands did, all night." He swayed them back and forth in a slow gentle motion, his breath both tickled and evoked an overwhelming sense of need in her to be closer, to feel more of him.

"They were just getting warmed up." He teased. Then swallowing hard, he turned her around. Letting the back of his knuckles drag along the edge of her plunging neckline, feeling the cool silky fabric while barely grazing her warm sensitive skin. Her beautiful hum at the contact melted him. "I've wanted to do that all night, touch you right here." He let his fingers slide in a continuous motion as he watched her reaction, felt her grip onto his arms for support as she started to feel weak and dizzy. Pulling her close, he kissed and whispered his affections and desires, leaving her breathless.

Then he stopped and she caught his eyes, ready to beg for more. He looked so serious, he held her attention completely as she came to a sudden stillness in response. It was just them and the serenity of the night. She felt his hands on her back, his fingers fiddled with the zipper of her dress, their eyes still locked.

"Temperance." He breathed against her ear. He was asking, she knew he was asking.

"Yes, yes." Speaking softly, nodding, her whole body willing him to understand she wanted this, wanted him, needed him, accepted what he offered. Her shuddered gasps for air made it impossible to speak as she felt the long zipper of her dress give way, the roughness of his hands brushed down the length of her back.

He held her protectively close as he carefully lifted her dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Pulling, tugging, pushing at his clothes she worked feverishly to stand equally bare with him. Smiling, he enjoyed just a little too much how undone his touch had rendered her. He'd never seen her fingers fumble at anything before, but his tie, his belt, buttons, zippers, all proved difficult to manipulate. He didn't make it easy, continuing to touch, even intentionally tease her, as he distracted her on purpose.

"Booth." She warned him, but it only served as encouragement. He reminded her they had all night. This was not to be rushed, this was to be savored and they did. Each delicate curve and strong plain, each beautiful slope and firm muscle was tenderly explored and worshiped until their bodies begged to be closer, together, to be one and they couldn't resist any longer.

Watching carefully the expression on her face as they took that final step, he savored the look and feel of her. She pulled him close, held him with all her strength, clinging to that moment as she confessed in breathy whispers how long she'd secretly loved him, how long she wanted this moment, waited for it.

Lost in each other, in touch and feel and emotion, they let themselves be carried away until they collapsed on each other. Complete. Fulfilled. Exhausted. Their bodies, limbs, sheets, twisted and turned, woven together. The night was still again, just them, wrapped in each other.

"Bones." His voice broke the silence.


"It was always love, I need you to know that." He wanted her to understand, to feel safe in his love, to know it wasn't fleeting or transitory. "From the moment I first saw you, it was love. I tried to ignore it, resist it, tried to stop but I never could. I even tried to love someone else, but I just couldn't help it, can't help it, I love you. It's always been you."

"I know, Booth." Reaching up she kissed him, a long, open, giving kiss. "I love you too."

In one smooth movement, he rolled them over, tucking her underneath him, settling so naturally between her legs. Burying his face in her neck, he whispered it again just below her ear, where she'd feel it vibrate throughout her whole body.

"It was love. It'll always be love with us."


A/N: Well...thank you for going on this whirlwind ride with me through the emotional torture we call early season 6! I have been completely reassured that I'm not alone in my trauma from it all or my avoidance of those episode. Let me tell you I have re-watched those early episodes in writing this enough to last me a lifetime! I may never revisit it again.

Thank you for all the wonderful compliments and encouragements and for reading my mental meanderings!

Hopefully I have left you satisfied with this last chapter...I would love to know! *hint hint*