Chapter Twelve

"No?" She's so friggin' stubborn! "How about if I add on this."

Bam! Another fifty bucks.

The woman quirks a brow. "Why what account ma'am?" She shuffles the cash into her pocket.

"Great!" Jeez that chick was stubborn. "So Sheriff Stilinski no longer owes the hospital any money?"

She tilts her head. "Who?"

"Good," I grin. "Pleasure doing business with you."

She nods.

Urgh. I'm so glad that's over.

Who knew it was so hard to bribe people?

Whatever, on to the next endeavour of the day!


Here we go.

I could do this.

What's the worst that could happen?

I mean- other than death.


I can totally do this.

Deep breath in, deep breath out.

"Good afternoon," Oh geez this is terrifying. "I was wondering if I could-"

The man's sharp gaze pierces mine as he lifts up a finger. "One moment."

Ah geez.

"Alright," He smiles tiredly. "What's your problem?"

Well… that's blunt.

"I wanted to take a patient out this afternoon for a surprise picnic with his nephew."

The man pauses.

Ah crap, he's going to say no isn't he?


Why the hell is a nurse so scary?

It's not even the psycho nurse!

Thank the lord.

"Peter Hale," Why is he writing? Is that good?

Will he let me take him?

"Sign this form and make sure you get Mr. Hale's nephew to confirm this within an hour of taking the patient out. I assume you're aware that patients under observation are not allowed out of hospital grounds?"

Well dur.

"Yes, thanks. So I can just come back in a few hours then?"

The nurse sighs but nods. "Mr. Hale will be prepared and awaiting your arrival-" He checks the form I was signing. "Miss. Willmont."


Oh dear.

What does he want now?

"Mr. Hale has not been visited by any family members in many years. Perhaps you could persuade his nephew to come and talk to one of the nurses on this issue?"

Pfft, like I could persuade Derek to do anything.

"I'll give it a shot. Thank you."

He nods. "One of the nurses may accompany you, if we have enough on staff."


Hopefully not…


That went better than I expected!

Now! Time to go and pick up a certain grumpy wolf.

Wait. Phone.

"Hey, Stiles," damn why did it have to be such a long walk to Derek's place? "What's up buddy? You're dad doing alright?"

I'd only just checked on him a few minutes ago, but it was the polite thing to do.

You know, ask someone if their dad-who-was-in-hospital is still doing okay.

"Sorry- I know you still didn't want to talk and stuff and you needed space and- Well he's doing fine, actually trying to scavenge some food off me. I was calling to see how you were doing. I know you haven't gotten much sleep-"

I scoff.

"Neither have you."

"Yeah well- Hey! That's not the point, I'm trying to-"

Right, turning left here.

"I'm fine Stiles. Thanks a lot for asking, I know I haven't been the best friend lately."

He squawks.

Actually squawks.

"You literally stayed up half of the night to make sure both my dad and I were okay. What the hell are you talking about?"


How to explain?

"Look I- Can we talk about this later?"

Stiles lets out a long breath. "Fine. Fine! But- Thank you."

"You already thanked me about a dozen times at the hospital."

He groans. "Just- Accept it!"

"It was no problem Stiles," finally! The Hale house! "I'll see you later."

Stiles groans again. "Sure. Alright. Bye Tullia. Get some sleep."

"Will do," not for a few more hours.

I have plans to see out.


"Derek!" I hope he wasn't too tired.

He'd managed to intercept the mountain lion before Chris had to shoot it, and somehow killed it without anyone noticing.

Guess panic makes people oblivious.

After that the sourwolf had driven me to the hospital.

Ma had been a pain to deal with.

She'd tried to get me to get me to go home, but I somehow weaved a lie of riding with Stiles to the hospital.

Technically I did end up in the hospital with Stiles and his dad.

I just caught a ride from Derek instead.

"Tullia," Derek greeted from the top of the stairs, classic glare on his face. "What are you doing here?"

Hmm, well he doesn't look tired.

Yay! Today was going to be awesome!

"I told you to keep Tuesday free," I smirked. "Today's Tuesday."

Derek glared and crouched, before leaping to the ground floor.

Damn, problem with stairs, huh, sourwolf?

"I meant," he growled as he crept closer. "You were up most of the night. You should be sleeping."

Not you too!

"I got a few hours of sleep at the hospital," I brushed off easily. "Now. We've got to swing by the shops before our final stop. So let's go! Time's a'wastin'!"

He glared.

Oh don't cross your arms.

That's never a good sign.

"I don't know what you had planned," he says quietly. "But if you don't go home and sleep right now, I'll personally knock you out and carry you back to your room."

Dammit Derek! Why are you making this so difficult?

"Urgh! Be cool sourwolf, I'm seriously okay. I'm hyped up on a mix of energy bars and soft drinks."

Derek glares.

Or should I say, continued to glare.

"I'll tell you what," I step forward and wrap my hands lightly around his crossed forearms. "You go along with what I have planned, and I'll sleep as soon as it's over."

He glares.

Hmm, what else could I offer?

"What if I let you sleep next to me?"

At that his brow quirks.

"And! And I'll upgrade your Medium Elmo sleeping bag to a super-jumbo sized one!"

Derek blinks, and then rolls his eyes.

"Fine! But I swear if you faint-"


It worked!

"I won't! I swear! You're going to love this Derek. I promise."

He huffs as he leads me to his car.


I miss my car.

"What do you need to buy?"


Guess it won't hurt to tell him.

"Blanket, picnic basket and some food- Oh! And a book."

Derek glanced at me.

"I hope you like 'How to Kill a Mockingbird'."

He shrugs and pulls into a parking lot.

Wow that was quick.

Like, sliding penguins quick.

And penguins slide super-fast.

"Be right back."

Never mind. He's grabbing my arm.

It's surprising how someone grabbing your arm can make you freeze so quickly.

"Be careful."


"Don't worry Derek," I reassure him. "I'll be back in a jiffy."

Hmm, so! Sandwiches. Not exactly the gourmet lunch I was hoping to create, but what can you do?

And of course a few bottles of water, because it's either water or lemonade on picnics and I hate lemonade.

Then a picnic basket and a blanket.

Finally the book.

All set!

Let's get back to Derek before he coughs up a fur ball.

Haha, see what I did there?

Derek would probably kill me if he heard me say that.

"Where to now?" He asked.

Hmm, how the hell do I get this basket to fit between my feet?

What if I just- Aha! Got it.

"Hospital. Around the back so we can sit in the park."

Derek frowns, but turns right.

"Why the hospital?" He asked gruffly.

Nope. Not going to spoil the surprise.

"Just find a nice spot to throw a picnic at. I've got to go check on something."

Derek glares at me, parking the car.


I'm not going to tell you.

Not even if you glare at me like you're planning to kill me.

"Find a damn spot Derek, don't throw a tantrum."

He growls but gets out of the car.

Yes! Victory number two for me!

Now, let's hope that Peter's all set to go.

"Miss. Willmont?"

Oh hey, who's calling my name?

Wait! Hi Peter!

And… nurse who isn't the psycho nurse.

"Yeah. Hello," Damn Peter looks way better when he's not wearing a hospital gown. "Awesome, he looks all set to go."

The lady nods. "Lead the way."

Hmm, so she was going to follow?

"Do you mind if I-" I gestured vaguely to the wheelchair.

She shrugs and moves so I can take over.

There, that's better.

Less chance of Derek killing me for tricking him into this.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm using a man in a coma as a shield.

Hmm, now where is Derek.

There he is!

Damn, he picked a really nice spot.

"That's him."

The nurse looks for a moment, before nodding. "I recall him from the file. Have a good afternoon Miss. Willmont."

And… she's going.


Now I don't have a nurse to hide behind either.

Right well here goes nothing-


QUICK PETER! Hide behind a rock!


Never mind.


"Tullia," Derek quirked a brow. "What are you doing?"

Damn! He saw through my disguise!

Apparently I don't look much like a tree.

"Um. Nothing. This bark is just… Really interesting."

Derek rolls his eyes and gets up, walking over and sparing a passing glance at Peter's still form. "I thought we were having a picnic."

"We are," I agree.

After you kill me for bringing Peter here.

Derek watches me for a moment.

"It's alright that you brought- That you brought my uncle here. If that's what you're hiding for."


I don't know if I believe that.

"Get out from behind the tree and make me a sandwich."



Dammit Derek! Don't make me laugh hysterically!

And look at him, he's all smug now.

"Not fair," I groan. "Let me continue my sheepish hiding."

Derek rolls his eyes before moving behind Peter's wheelchair and pushing it forward.


This is… going better than I thought.

Like, for example, I haven't been ripped in two yet.

"Are you coming?"

Oh right.


"So you're really okay with this?"

Derek's eyes flicker to Peter once more before settling on the basket he was searching through. "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

Please, Derek, not even I missed how strained your voice sounded.

"If you're uncomfortable with this-"

Derek's gaze flickers upwards, his eyes flashing icy blue.

"Okay! Never mind I got it. You're perfectly content with Peter being here right now."

He nods.

"And you're more than happy to listen to me read to him for a few hours?"

Derek pauses, his eyes slowly gliding upwards to frown at me.

"Read to him?"

I shrug.

"Yeah. He seems to like it."

At that Derek leans back.

"You've done this before."


I may, or may not have, told Derek that I visited Peter.

"Yes-" I hold up my hands in surrender. "-Now before you kill me, just know that I did it with everyone's best interest in mind."

Derek looks annoyed for a moment, angry even, but then he just huffs and shoves the basket at me. "I'm not surprised you- You spoke to him. Now, make the sandwich."

He was taking this surprisingly well.

I'd basically involved myself even more in his past.

Even though I'd only visited Peter once.

I guess… he trusts me enough. Enough to be okay with me talking to his last remaining relative.

Well as far as he knows right now…

Ah pineapple farms.

"Okay. So Peter, this is Derek, your nephew."

Derek glared.

Peter glared.

"Fine! I was just trying to help."


Here's your sandwich Derek.

Now stop glaring at me.

Hmm, interesting.

It seems that my sandwich has magic wolf-calming powers.

Or maybe it's just food.

Damn I wonder why Stiles never threw a nice medium-rare steak at the kanima.

"A mountain lion attacked the school last night. You wouldn't believe how brave Derek was. Chased right after it and took it down. The thing was massive."

Derek's eyes flickered up, clearly not amused.

But Peter let out a small waft of air.

Almost like… like he was rolling his eyes.

"Then of course, Kate practically fried Derek's brains to mush that afternoon," Derek stiffened slightly, but Peter looked as though he wanted me to continue. "Don't worry though Peter, I got her good. She'll probably have a headache for a week with how hard I hit her."

Yup. I finally got my revenge on Kate.

That stupid bitch.

"She was an idiot," Derek glared fiercely. "I told her to hide. She could have been shot and killed."

I shared an amused look with Peter.

"Shut up sourwolf."

He growled.

Peter let out another waft of air.

My sandwich making skills are too awesome.

Unbelievably awesome.

I mean this sandwich I'm eating right now is better than a hundred scoops of ice cream.

"I hate this book," Derek commented as he flipped through 'How to Kill a Mockingbird.'


How dare he!

That book is my life.

"Give it here," I glare. I'm getting good at glaring. "I'll read. You sit and brood."

He glares.


Peter's eyes spark with amusement.

"Come here," Derek growls.

Oh crap.

I'm dead.

So dead.

Like, I'm about to be ripped in two and have my throat bit clean in-

Never mind.

Apparently he just wanted to pull me forward so I was leaning against him.

This is actually really nice.


Dammit I thought we got past the whole jackass Derek phase.

"Yeah alright."

Is it just me, or does Peter seem slightly more alert this time?

Although most of his focus isn't on me reading.

It's on Derek.

Yes! I knew it was a good idea to force the two into a meeting.

Ah damn.

I really am tired.

And Derek's warmth at my side really isn't helping.

Why the hell is Mr. Bulging-muscles so comfy?

It shouldn't be humanly possible to be this comfy!

Maybe it's a werewolf thing.

Ah crap, I'm yawning again.

And now Derek is glaring at me…

"Give me the book," Derek says after my fifth yawn. "I'll read."



"You? Derek Hale? Sourwolf? Reading aloud?"

This is insanely funny!

And adorable.

"Yes," He growls and snatches the book. "Now shut up."

Okay whatever I won't laugh.


I might smile though, just a bit, I-


Derek is running his fingers through my hair in a calming way.

Derek is running his fingers through my hair.

"Every town the size of Maycomb had families like the Ewells," Derek began.

Well he doesn't have the accent.

But hell if Derek Hale read anything it'd still capture my attention.

I am biased though.

Argh damn.

I'm falling asleep on Derek's shoulder.

Stupid Derek and his stupid hair combing and his stupid werewolf body heat.

Wait. Derek stopped reading.

"I know what you're thinking. She's sixteen," Oh, Derek must think I'm asleep. Yet again I'm intruding on a private moment. "I'm trying to stop her from getting involved in all of this. Laura's… dead because of the alpha, and I don't- I don't want Tullia to be next."

Okay brain.

Now would be a really good time to fall asleep.


"I'm going to protect her though. She's not going to die like- She is not going to die."

Well crap.

Hit me right in the feels Derek.

Gosh darn I might have a little something in my eyes.


"Tullia," Oh no! No keep combing my hair. That was really nice. Argh down, now he's shaking me. "Tullia wake up. We're going to leave now."

So soon?

But it's still sunny!

"Sorry," Thank the cheesecake lord I don't drool. "Thanks for joining us, Peter."

Derek helps me up and starts packing away our things.

Oh hey look at that timing! The nurse is back.

Or… It's more than likely Derek heard her approach and spurred us into action.

"Mr. Hale I'm here to take you back to your room," her hands closed over the wheelchair's handles. "I hope you had a good afternoon."

Derek glanced one last time at Peter before ignoring him completely.

Well. He'd done well enough.

I wasn't going to force him to say goodbye.

That would probably end with me being dead.

And I don't want to be killed.

"See you later, Peter," I grin.

The nurse swivels him around and starts walking towards the hospital.

Now, to get home and have a nice, long nap.

"Hey wait," Why is Derek getting out of the car? "You're coming inside?"

Derek glares. "You're mother isn't home. I checked. And you said-"

"Oh right!" And now I'm blushing. Great. "Yeah, let's go inside and take a nap… together."

I'm smooth.

So freakin' smooth.

He glares.

I should probably start walking.

"I'm going to take a shower-" Oh jeez why is he standing right behind me? "-So… yeah."

He huffs and turns, sitting at the edge of my bed and stripping off his jacket.

Oh dear lord why did I suggest this?

Too late now.

Best I grab my clothes and run to the shower.

Yay for bathrooms!


Maybe I'm taking slightly too long to dry myself.

I may- or may not- be avoiding a certain werewolf.

Argh screw it.

"Make sure you don't let my Ma see-" HOLY SH-



Does Derek have a hate for shirts or something?

He quirked a brow.

"You going to sleep or not? And don't worry. I'll be gone before your mother can see me."


He's tormenting me.

"You- Seriously- Argh!"

Screw it. I'm going to sleep.

Even if he is shirtless.

That's right.

Not even Derek Hale's shirtless form can distract me.


Derek Hale is snuggling with me again.

"Go to sleep," he says quietly.

And he's stroking my hair again.

"You are so confusing sourwolf," I comment. "One second you're growling and threatening to kill me, and the next you're making me the little spoon."

Hah! See Stiles isn't the only little spoon.

Also, it seems my big spoon is sniffing me.

"You're not scared," He comments, almost as though he's teasing me. "So clearly I'm not threatening you enough."

Oh haha. Very funny.

"No you terrify me more than anything else," I tell him truthfully. "So don't try to scare me anymore than you already do."

Derek smiles, of course he would be happy about the fact that he still scares me.

Never mind. Totally worth it to have Derek nuzzle against my cheek.


I'd trade a dozen cheesecakes and three bacon burgers for this.

"Go to sleep Tullia. You need to rest."

Urgh! What a worry-wart.

Stupid Derek.

Seriously, he could go bath in lemonade for all I care.

Whatever. Time to nap.

And enjoy Derek's warmth.

It's really nice.

Don't think about his crotch.

Because it's right there.


Shh brain.

Be quiet.



Mmm, sleep.

I like sleep.

Sleep is nice.

"Tullia!" OH CRAP WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? "Where the hell have you been all night?"


"Hi Ma! I was at the hospital," Dur. "Where else?"

She glares.

Damn why does everyone have to glare so often? "I understand you were worried about Stiles- But staying out all night without a single call is unacceptable!"

"I'm sorry- I lost track of time."

Turnip-lady shakes her head but walks forward to lie down on the bed next to me. "I feel like I'm missing something. You've been so- So distant lately."

"A lot has been happening. Scott is going through some things and I've been trying to help."

She turns and kisses my forehead.

"Honey, you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

I frown. "Like what?"

"Like why you haven't had your friends over in a few days."



"They've been busy."

Ma narrows her eyes.

"Okay maybe I've been busy. Look Ma, on a scale of things I'm worried about that's at the bottom. At the very- very bottom."

She rolls her eyes and stands, ripping the sheet off as she does. "You're going to get up, get dressed and go speak to Stiles."

"I only saw him at the hospital earlier Ma," I complain. Why did she have to take my sheets? It's all cold now. "And besides, what's gotten you so worried all of a sudden?"

Ma moves to the door. "Stiles has called. Twice. Left two messages asking to talk."

And then she leaves.

Oh crap.

Guess I'd better go talk to Stiles.

"Take the car!"

Screw a shower. I might as well just get this over with.



"What did you say?"

Did she say-

Did she say to take the car?

My car?

My beautiful baby?

I'm sorry.




Shirt why do you not get pulled on faster?

I've got a car to drive!

Ah my keys.

My wonderful car keys.

I'd almost forgotten how-

"Get going Tullia!"




I've missed you.

I'm sorry I haven't hugged you in a long time.

Can we hug now?


Mmm, I love you, Car.

"Let's get going."

OH MY G- I'd almost forgotten what it was like to drive!

It's so weird.

Mhmm, this is the best.


Better than running for sure.


Now, Stiles house is on the-

There it is!


I can do this.

I just have to tell Stiles that-


What do I tell Stiles?

I can't exactly say I'm avoiding him in fear of ruining his universe and all that he knows.

Argh screw it.

Let's just wing it.

"Elle!" Oh crap why did Stiles have to answer the door?

I'm so not ready for this.

"Hey Stiles," I grin.

He peeks past me. "Woah! You got your car back? Awesome!"

I shrug. "Not really."

"I see your car there, and you obviously drove it," he smiles. "So doesn't that mean you have it back?"

"Well Ma didn't really say, just told me to drive here."

His smile widens. "Ah, so she got my messages."

"Yes, you're evil," I cross my arms. "Using my mother to get me to speak to you."

At that Stiles at least looks sheepish. "Well nothing else seemed to work. Come in, I've got XZ3 set up."

"I'm really not here to play-" Stiles glares. Everyone needs to stop glaring! Seriously! "Okay! Sure let's play."

He closes the door behind me and I take a spot on the couch.

"First you're going to tell me why you're avoiding everyone," Stiles said as he joined me.

Argh penguin poop.

I've been sprung.

The jig is up.

Time to be interrogated.

"Not everyone," I counter weakly.

Yeah not even I would be put off by that.

"Fine, okay. There's just a lot of crap going on right now and I'm not sure how to handle it."

Stiles frowns. "What do you mean?"

"I'm just- I'm just worried I'm going to mess something up."

Yeah, like get you killed.

Or let Kate set fire to the entire world.

"Well that's stupid," Stiles rolls his eyes. "You could never do anything wrong, Elle."

Oh, damn.

Everyone's hitting me right in the feels today.

"Thanks Stiles," I fiddle with the hem of my shirt. "You always know what to say."

He grins smugly and hands me a controller. "Sometimes it's nice to hear someone else's perspective. Now, we need to beat two more levels before we get the Ultron Laser which pretty much means we can't die."

"Stiles please," I wave him off. "I've finished this game about a dozen times."

He freezes. "No! No that's not fair! I've spent like twelve hours trying to pass this one level and you've already passed it?"

"I just have skill," I tease as I land a headshot on an alien. "And you clearly don't."

Stiles gawks. "You did not just say that! Which one of us finished XZ1 first?"

Oh crap.

I don't know.

"You did?"

He nodded and took down an alien on his character's right. "I did."

Hazzah! I guess right!

"Right well, go shut down the transmitter. I'll take over your post."

Ah I've missed this.

Stiles and I make such a good team.

We should totally go pro.

"Stiles I'm home!"

Oh hey! The Sheriff's back. "Hey, Dad! How'd it go?"

"To be honest they just sent me home- Something about not having- Hello, Tullia," The Sheriff greets as his eyes land on me.

"Evening, Sheriff," I glance at the clock. "I'd actually better go. I'm glad I came over, Stiles."

He paused the game and stood. "Yeah, see, nothing bad happened. Don't start avoiding us again. I know you're not an idiot."

"You're right. You're the idiot in our group," I wave. "Bye, Stiles! Bye, Sheriff!"

"Goodnight, Tullia, say hello to your mother for me."

Ha! Stiles looks like he's going to kill me.

Please, after all the threats Derek's given me your angry face is amusing.

"Will do!"

Okay! Time to get home.

I'm sure Derek will want to sneak into my room and complain about Scott tonight.

Seeing as he fails the big grumpy wolf's test.


Time to beg Ma to let me keep my car.

"I'm back!" I call. "Ma?"

Turnip-lady peeks out from the kitchen. "Welcome home, Honey! What'd Stiles say?"

"Nothing. We just figured out some stuff."

Oh hey! She made bacon!

Yay, bacon for dinner!

"Good, that's… good."

Once again I must mention how amazing bacon is.

It's like a billion tiny flecks of heaven dancing on my tongue.

"So, Ma. Do I get to keep my car?"

Ma grins. "I knew you'd ask that," she takes a sip of her drink. "Yes."



She laughs.

"Yes. You can have your car back."


"So I'm not grounded anymore?"

Ma scoffs. "No. I suppose not."


"OH MY PENGUIN FEATHERS! Ma! You're the best!"

Hug time!

Bacon and my car?

This is the best.

"Of course I am. Now finish your dinner and head to bed. It's been a long day for you."

I nod and scoff down the rest of my delicious bacon.


Heavenly, crispy, delicious bacon.

Right. Well I'd better finish off my homework before my life gets chaotic again.

Hmm, I wonder if I can-

Perfect! I stuffed some extra bacon in my mouth and Ma didn't even notice.


Okay, well time to finish off English.

I don't even care that it's boring as hell. I've got my car back!

This is the best day ever.

Now, to finish off Chemistry as well.

Hopefully Harris won't start picking on me because of what my Ma said.

But hell, even if he does it was totally worth it to see the expression on his face.

Seriously, turnip-lady is the best.

Okay, a few more worksheets and I'm done for the night.

I wonder what's going on with Lydia and Jackson.

If anything's changed because I stopped them from being attacked by the alpha.

Well too late to change anything now.

Finally. I think I'm finished.

Phew, time to turn in for bed.

I'd better change real quick.

I love my Lion King pyjamas.

They're the best.

Now to turn off the light and hop into bed-


"SERIOUSLY! Derek! Stop it."

He rolls his eyes and folds his jacket over my desk chair. "If you don't want someone sneaking in, lock your window."

"For penguin's sake I swear-" Oh great! Now he's stripping off his shirt.

Quick! Turn off the light before I start drooling.

Why does he have to be so damn gorgeous?

"Scott's an idiot."


"Is this what's going to happen now? You're going to sneak in and stay the night every night?"

Derek pulls the sheets back and climbs in. "He's spending way too much time with a girl. She's completely ruining any chance he has at surviving."

"Like you can talk," I note as I climb into the other side of the bed.

He growls, his eyes flashing blue.


"And on a side note, maybe Allison is actually helping Scott."

Derek growls again and tugs me to his chest. "She makes him weak."

"Maybe," I allow. "But at least she helps him with control."

And keeps him happy.

Allison is pretty much the only thing keeping Scott from freaking out.

"Control is not going to help him if he can't get angry," Derek counters as he pulls the blankets up. "The alpha confronted him tonight, drew our symbol for revenge in his window."

"How do you know?" I ask. "How do you know it was your symbol?"

"It was a swirl," He grunted.

"Well, did you tell Scott that? Maybe if you pointed out how serious the whole situation was he'd be more likely to listen to you."

He remained silent.

Right. He didn't tell Scott anything did he?

"You're the idiot," I sigh. "I'll figure something out. Maybe we can find a way to… specialise Scott's method of getting angry. Maybe he doesn't even need to get angry, I'm sure there are more ways to control it."

Derek shakes his head. "I don't know any other way. We don't have time-"

"It's going to be okay," I turn to face him. "You're not dealing with all of this alone. You have me, and even though I'm apparently an idiot-" Derek scoffs. "-We'll figure it out."

He grows silent for a few minutes, taking my hand in his and drawing a circle on my hand with his thumb.

"You're right," he says after a while. "Now, get some sleep."

I grin.

Yes! I knew I could help him.

"Goodnight, Derek."

He smiles slightly. "Goodnight, Tullia."

He really does need to smile more.

Especially if I keep having to deal with him taking up more than half the bed.

Thank the Lord that Tullia's bed is freakishly huge.

Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to I'm going to fix the whole mess that happens tomorrow night.


Urgh, I really don't get paid enough bacon for all of this.

Eyyyy... look an update finally! (please don't kill me)

Once again massive thanks to wolf-gabby23. Without her help and support this story would've been over eons ago!

LightSwitch1 Good guess ;P