A/N: Ok here it is! New multi-chapter story. It's slightly AUish in some aspects but it all revolves around Wrestling and WWE. Anyways read and review (I own nothing obvie) and follow me on Twitter: broe929


AJ was sitting backstage at Raw watching one of the monitors. She was in awe as she watched Beth Phoenix and Eve fight in the ring. That had been her dream for so long but it just never panned out for her. She lucky enough to get a job at WWE, which was always her dream, but just not in this capacity, seamstress to the on-air talent was not something she had ever envisioned for herself. She let out a breath and sighed as she watched Beth retain her title and raise her arm in victory.

Working back here did have its perks, she loved traveling with everyone and even though she wasn't exactly in the ring she still felt she was part of the process and all the talent she worked with treated her great. She remembered how she saved all of her money to go to wrestling school and ended up training with Jay Lethal who she started to date, when that went south things became difficult for her but she stuck it out but once both had moved onto other people she dropped out. But Jay wasn't really the problem they remained somewhat friendly and he was the one who hooked her up with this job to begin with. Why she never went back to training or went somewhere else was still a question in her own mind. Not many women wrestlers start off as seamstresses.

"Hey AJ" Dolph Ziggler aka Nick shouted jogging towards her "I need you to work your magic for me" he said handing her a brand new t-shirt.

"Another new shirt?" AJ smiled fondly, inspecting the blue t-shirt "It's pretty cool"

"That it is and I need you to cut it up and make it look even better" Dolph pleaded slightly

"I'll see what I can do" AJ said placing the shirt on her table "How much time do I have?"

"Fifteen minutes" Dolph said nervously as AJ just rolled her eyes "I know, I know but I just got the shirt now"

"Alright" AJ frowned looking at the shirt trying to decide what to do with the shirt "I think I can make this work"

"I knew you could" Dolph said happily "You're seriously the best" he said kissing her cheek roughly "I'll be back in ten minutes"

"It'll be done in eight" AJ remarked smugly

"Seriously I owe you a drink" Dolph said walking away

"I don't drink!" AJ reminded him with a laugh

"You'll crack one day" Dolph laughed as he headed down the hallway

"Good policy to have" a voice said startling AJ from behind

"You scared me" AJ said placing her hand over her rapidly beating heart

"Sorry" Punk shrugged with a simple smile. AJ didn't really know CM Punk well, but he always shot her a smile when passing her and on occasion he accompanied Beth when AJ would fit her for her a new outfit "Seriously though don't let anyone back here bully you into drinking or anything else they're into it" he said to her in a more firm voice

"He' s just teasing me" AJ said brushing it off "But believe me no one could ever bully me into anything" Punk offered her a faint smile as he watched her cut away at Dolph's shirt

"Yea you seem pretty tough to me" Punk noted fondly "I'll see you around April" he said surprising her, no one ever called her that here. "Or do you prefer Miss. April?" he questioned using her old 'in-ring' name that Jay had created for her.

"How do you know about that?" she asked surprised

"I know Jay he mentioned you work here" Punk said to her "He kept asking me how April was doing and I had no idea it was you"

"That's me" AJ said with a slight shrug as she went back to cutting Dolph's shirt "I prefer AJ though"

"Whatever you say April" Punk grinned with a wink then strutted away. AJ looked up and watched Punk walk away in awe, how dare he! She thought to herself.

As Raw wrapped up she watched as CM Punk celebrated his win in the ring. He was the newly crowned WWE champion and there was a lot of buzz surrounding the man. AJ didn't know what all the hype was all about- I mean he was great and she knew it but he was difficult to work with. Again AJ had never had to deal with him and today was the most they had ever spoken but she has been witness to many of his temper tantrums. She also wasn't a fan on how he basically held the entire company hostage while he re-signed his contract. He was arrogant, smug, rude and the true definition of a jerk.

"AJ" Beth said walking over to her causing her to turn her head at her small station and find the angry WWE Diva's champion.

"What's up Beth?" AJ forced out

"This is what's up" Beth said roughly handing her the skirt to her outfit she wore tonight "It ripped! On live TV!" AJ closely examined it and saw a minor tare

"Yea it did" AJ agreed handing it back to her "You should go see the person who made it for you, I can tell just by the stitching it was Sandra"

"She's not here this week and I was told you can fix it" Beth said handing it back to her "And I need it done tonight, I have a show tomorrow"

"I'm all packed up" AJ informed her "The show is over. I'll give it to you tomorrow"

"You are aware you work for me right?" Beth questioned

"Last time I checked a 'McMahon' signed my check at the end of the day" AJ retorted sweetly "I'm willing to do you the favor and fix your skirt but I can't drop everything to attend to you."

"You know-" Beth started

"There you are" Punk smiled walking over to Beth. He was covered in sweat and sipping on a bottle of water. AJ glanced over and felt herself almost start to drool. Was he always this hot? She asked herself . She quickly turned and faced Beth as Punk came up behind her

"Sorry I'm running a little late" Beth said to her boyfriend "AJ here was just about to sew up my skirt and when she's done we can go" Punk just nodded

"You two can actually go now because I won't be fixing the skirt until tomorrow" AJ reminded Beth as she placed the skirt into one of her bags "I'm off the clock" she said with a wink and Punk couldn't help but grin slightly

"How about I talk to my friend Stephanie McMahon and ask her-" Beth started

"Do you really need this right now?" Punk asked surprising Beth "She'll get to it when she gets to it and besides you're not going to be needing a skirt tonight or anything for that matter" he smirked towards his girlfriend who immediately blushed at the comment while AJ felt like gagging.

"Fine" Beth said to him then glared in AJ's direction "Tomorrow will be enough time for you?"

"I'll put it right on the top of my to do list" AJ remarked sarcastically causing Beth to laugh in annoyance

"Alright girly" Beth said giving her a smirk then headed down the hall

"Thanks" AJ mumbled towards Punk

"Don't mention it…" Punk said walking past her sipping his water then glanced his head back "….April" he said with a laugh as he turned his back and disappeared down the hall with Beth. AJ just narrowed her eyes at the infuriating man.

"You should have heard the way he said it!" AJ shouted in her hotel room towards her roommate

"It's just the way he is" Celeste laughed

"What gives him the right to call me April?" AJ asked her friend "I told him I prefer AJ"

"He's teasing you" Celeste said with a grin "He's really not all that bad. Just be happy he intervened with Beth or she would have had your job"

"Oh no not that" AJ mocked slightly "I'd hate to lose my job of cutting t-shirts"

"You love it" Celeste reminded her "But maybe if you did get fired it would nudge you back in the right direction of the ring"

"It's over Celeste" AJ told her with a hint of sadness in her voice

"Jay said he'd still train you" Celeste reminded her "Hell he even said he'd get you into any school you wanted! Why are you throwing this away! You train with me all of the time and you are damn good"

"It just wasn't for me" AJ informed her

"Is that what you think or what Christian thinks?" Celeste asked causing AJ to narrow her eyes at her friend

"Me" AJ said firmly

"You always tell me how he doesn't want you to work" Celeste said to her

"He doesn't but he respects what I do and wants me to be happy" AJ said to her as Celeste let out a snort

"This job doesn't make you happy, you want to know what makes you happy? Wrestling! In a few weeks you're going to be cutting up my shirts" she told AJ

"I'm really happy for you" AJ said genuinely

"You should be debuting with me" Celeste argued back

"It's too late" AJ said to her "And I've made peace with the fact that I'm never going to wrestle for the WWE or any other organization for that matter"

"You can't let him control you" Celeste said to her

"Jesus Celeste!" AJ shouted "I'm my own person and I make my choices."

"Fine" Celeste said as she watched AJ grab her gym bag "Where are you going?"

"The gym" AJ informed her

"At this hour?" Celeste asked "I'll go with you"

"I'd really rather be alone" AJ bit back at her "I'll see you later"

AJ was on the treadmill for about forty minutes at a high speed. She was completely in the moment shutting out the world completely as she ran and ran as fast as she could. When she hit the hour mark she turned off the treadmill and grabbed her towel and walked towards her bag.

"What are you running from?" a voice asked AJ causing her to roll her eyes

"It's just a treadmill" AJ huffed pulling her drink out of her bag and sipping on it but frowned when she realized there was no water left in it. "You can't really get far on it"

"Seemed to me like you were running away" CM Punk said with a straight face as he handed his canister of water over to her and she just eyed him oddly "I don't have any mouth diseases I assure you" he said to her.

"Thanks" she muttered before sipping on the water and handing him back his canister "So what is with you?" she asked "You've never talked to me before and today you're all over me" Punk bit on his lower lip to suppress a laugh

"I'm just curious" Punk told her honestly "Once I figured out you were thee 'Miss. April' I had to try to find out what happened"

"What happened? With what?" she asked confused

"Your wrestling career" Punk said seriously as he folded his arms "Jay said you were top of the class filled with all men. So why did you walk away?"

"Jay and I dated and broke up" AJ shrugged simply

"So?" Punk asked "I work with a lot of my exes" he informed her

"Believe me I know" AJ muttered "It just didn't feel right"

"You could have gone to any wrestling school" Punk said to her "And obviously you and Jay were still friendly since it was his connections that got you a job here to begin with"

"I just lost the passion" AJ admitted shyly

"You don't just lose the passion for this" Punk laughed "And clearly you didn't. I saw the way you were watching the matches tonight."

"I really don't feel like talking about this" AJ said zipping up her bag "Especially with a stranger"

"I'm not a stranger" Punk insisted "We've worked together for over a year"

"And today is the first time you've ever spoken to me" AJ reminded him "I also don't need to confide in someone who is just going to run back and tell my ex everything that's going on with me"

"I'm not a rat" Punk said in a low voice "I don't even have Jay's number. He's friends with a couple of my friends and we all hung out a week ago."

"So if you're not bothering me because of Jay why are you doing it than?" she questioned as threw her bag over her shoulder

"I'm intrigued by your story" Punk admitted honestly "And I want to help you"

"You want to help me?" AJ laughed "Is this some kind of a joke?"

"Jay showed me a couple of your matches and you are better than good" Punk told her "The WWE needs someone like you. Someone to break down doors, shatter glass ceilings and rejuvenate the Diva's division"

"I think your girlfriends is doing a mighty fine job with that" AJ said to him coolly

"She's leaving" Punk told her "Don't say anything because it won't be for a while"

"I'm sorry" AJ said to him "I'm sure that's going to be difficult for you"

"Let me work with you" Punk said to her

"Thanks but no thanks" AJ said to him quickly

"If you change your mind and want to train let me know" Punk said to her "You know where to find me"

"Right" AJ said with an almost bitter laugh "Goodnight Punk"

"April" he said nodding his head politely

"Can you please not call me that?" she asked him

"I think it's a pretty name" Punk said simply "I'll tell you what you can call me Phil"

"You like to be called Phil?" AJ asked surprised

"No I hate it but I'll give you a pass" Punk said to her

"Or I can call you Punk and you can call me AJ" AJ suggested but Punk just shook his head

"I'll see you at Smackdown April" Punk said to her with a grin as she huffed and stormed out of the gym.

A/N: Obviously we can all see where this is going, right?