A/N Well the next chapters here enjoy and review please feel free to make contributions for next chapters xx

A big mistake equals a new beginning

What if

Tiana started to come too, she was being carried she opened her eyes to get a proper look but her vision was blurred all she saw was dark brown hair, bright eyes and a worried face.

"Uhh...Naveen..." Tiana managed to murmur.

"Tiana...oh thank god your ok..." Marcus sighed. "DOCTOR SHE'S COME AROUND" Marcus shouted causing Tiana to pull away at the sudden loudness.

"Tiana you had us worried sick, I had come looking for you after you stormed...I mean ran off and found you on the floor...I feared the worst." Marcus looked genuinely concerned Tiana felt bad.

"Hey, don't worry I'm fine just a dizzy spell is all I'll be fine, just you see I'll..."

Just then there was a sudden commotion outside the suite.

"Your highness please go back to bed, in your condition you should not be walking around." Tiana recognised this voice as Naveen's valet and the next voice she could not mistake, it was Naveen's.

"Release me at once I must see my wife!" Naveen demanded, the doors then burst open and Naveen stumbled forward fighting over the guards trying to wrestle him back to his room at no avail.

"Tiana, my love are you ok I thought...get off me!"

"Naveen I'm fine go back to your room." Tiana said softly but sternly.

"I will do no such thing, my place is here beside you." Naveen said after getting free of the guards.


"SON!" There came a deep rumble from the hallway and Naveen's father entered the room followed by four very mean, big looking men she assumed were his guards.

"Father, order these men to release me." Naveen asked.

"Men release him, you will only hurt yourself trying to fight him,"

"Thank goodness..."

"Razoul, Raphel,Jaque,Jhon, seize my son, retire him to his room and do not let him out of your sites do I make myself clear!" Kabir shouted at his men. The biggest of the four men stepped forward, Tiana presumed he was head guard, he then answered in deep husky voice, "Crystal your highness." He then made a hand gesture the other three guards grabbed Naveen and despite his efforts this time her husband could not break free and Tiana could tell his injuries had weakened him, she hadn't noticed before but he looked more pale than before and his eyes were drooping. He then gave up fighting.

"Release me at once, I command you to release me!" Naveen shouted.

The biggest guard stepped forward once again and in that same deep voice said, "My apologies your highness but your father's orders out reign your own we obey him for the time being and he has asked that for your own safety and well being you return to your room."

Naveen sighed, "Very well but at least allow me to bid my wife pleasant dreams."

The guard looked at Kabir who simply bowed his head the guards released Naveen who walked lazily over to his wife, his weakness clearly getting the better of him, this she knew he would never admit, he leant down and kissed Tiana on the forehead, "Goodnight, mi princessa."

Tiana smiled at Naveen before he was quickly lead away from her again.


Three weeks later-The royal suite.

Both Tiana and Naveen are fully healed now, Naveen went back to trying to find a cure for his father's illness and Tiana well she was sat waiting for the doctor, he'd run some tests when she'd passed out and was anxious to tell Tiana the news. Finally he arrived.

"Your highness." He said with a polite bow.

"Please, doctor call me Tiana."

"If you wish, Tiana."

"So doctor you had some news for me?" Tiana asked scared it would be something serious.

"Yes, you may want to sit down..."

"I'll stand thankyou." Tiana said inpatient."

"Well, Tiana good news, the tests show your pregnant."


"We had no signs so your due date can not be of prediction but I estimate you will have your heir In roughly 6 months."

Tiana started to cry,"Oh my goodness."

"Your highness?" The doctor asked a look of confusion on his face as to why she was crying.

"Oh...I'm fine just...overjoyed!" Tiana sang. "I must tell Naveen at once."

Tiana thanked the doctor once again and ran out the room down the hall and right to Naveen's office where she heard voices.

"Your highness is it not best you tell the princess now, it is your father's wish to see you both crowned before he passes to the other side" She did not recognise this voice it was quite deep like a man who was old and perhaps worked to hard, but the second voice she recognised as Naveen's.

"I will tell Tiana in my own time, it is bad enough I have kept her away from home for longer than arranged, I am surprised she does not hate me." Tiana's face dropped she didn't want Naveen to feel bad.

"Your highness that was not your fault the doctor suggested Tiana not travel for fear she may collapse again."

"I know of what the doctor has suggested Elie does not mean I agree with it though, now leave my presence I must decide how to tell my wife."

"Yes your majesty, as you wish."

The men left the room and bowed to Tiana as they passed her, she nodded her head politely before going into Naveen's office. He was sat on the edge of his desk, his chin resting on his hands which were pale, she knew he'd been trying to control his temper. Naveen turned and beamed a forced smile at Tiana.

"Mi benita, their you are I was about to send for you."

"Naveen, you got someit to tell me suga?"

"You heard. Ok here goes. Tiana I know I have kept your from home long enough so I have decisions for you, the first is for you to return home to your family once I am crowned and we will take it in turns to visit one another, or you can be crowned along by my side and return home as often as you wish." Naveen sighed.

"Naveen I don't know."

"I am sorry to put you in this position, but as my fathers dying wish to see us crowned before his death i thought I would ask your feelings first." Tiana stared lovingly into Naveen's eyes she knew he was under alot of pressure and knew he would be lost with out her so she sighed smiled and said, "Naveen it would be my genuine honour to be the Queen of Maldonia."

Naveen Laughed picked Tiana up and spun her around so fast she couldn't she the walls anymore.

"Hold off on the spinning will you I've got some news for you too." Tiana boasted excitedly, Naveen looked puzzled.

"The doctor's results came back...baby I'm PREGNANT!" Tiana screamed happily at Naveen, he stumbled back in shock before smiling, then laughing, then picking up his now pregnant wife and kissing her passionately.

"Ashidanza, this is amazing, I'm going to be a father yes?!"

"That's right hunny we gonna be parents."

"Oh,no Tiana?"

"What, What's wrong?"

"What if...what if im a terrible father?" Naveen frowned he had never thought he would be a father.

Tiana smiled,"Naveen, this is gonna be new for both of us but together well get through it one step at a time and help each other be good parents." Naveen couldn't help but smile back he kissed her again and they knew this was the start of everything they both ever wanted, and they couldn't help but wonder if all this good was happening thanks to their dearest friends Raymond, and Evangeline, had they finally had all their wishes and dreams answered, only time could tell and they had all the time in the world.