Before I start, here's a little background info on .hack//SIGN, the anime (which this story is a take-off of) as seen on


26 episode TV series which ran on TV Tokyo from April 3 - Sept 25, 2002.

The title is actually pronounced "Dot Hack Sign".

Tsukasa is a sorcerer trapped in an online RPG called The World. He's tried logging out, people have tried blocking him from the system, nothing does the trick. He can travel as he pleases thanks to some newfound powers he has been bestowed by his benefactor. What may be even worse is his creepy ever-present guardian who dispatches with opponents effortlessly. The Scarlet Knights investigate things in the world and take on a role similar to moderators within the game. Tsukasa was recently seen with a modded PC who has the face of a cat and the Knights have a few questions for him...assuming they can catch him.

Little is known of Tsukasa's IRL identity...or if he even has one. After 3 straight days online there is question as to whether this character exists solely in The World.

What is the infamous Key of the Twilight? Does it even exist?

Go to this url to see a pic of Tsukasa, the main char. 915C0C75FB535DD7


At the end of each chapter, I'll feature a song from the anime that the chapter was based on. One more thing, is Tyson's jap name Takao? Cuz that's what I used . . . Anywho, on with this fic!

Warnings: Nothing too much. Just Kai/Rei shounen ai

Disclaimer: Don't own Beyblades or .hack//SIGN


Logout Denied : The World

Spinning, faster and faster. Lights flew around him. Bright, blinding lights. He could remember it all so clearly . . .

Then he was here. Back in The World, a place he'd visited so many times before.

The teenager got to his feet, crimson eyes cast on the ground. His cloak fell around him, staff in his hand. It was just like every other time, but different. This time, there was no going back.

His hair was a mixture of blues, light and dark. He wore blue streaks across his cheeks, as if trying to warn people to stay back. The youth didn't want to talk; he wanted to figure out what was wrong.

Walking in what he assumed to be a northeastern direction, he came to a cliff. Lowering his staff, the teenager got on his knees and peered over the edge. Would it hurt to fall in this place? Would it kill him? It would back home. But wasn't The World different?

"You there."

Cocking his head to one side, the stoic teen gazed back at the speaker. It was a boy his own age, with dark blue hair. Getting to his feet, the boy raised his staff and looked at the stranger expectantly.

"I've seen you before, haven't I? My name is Takao. You are . . . "

The crimson-eyed boy waved his staff before him. The ground beneath him shimmered, then rose up as he teleported to another location in The World.

"Wait!" Takao frowned as the boy disappeared. "Who is this kid? Everyone talks of him, yet he never talks. Next time we meet, I will find out why . . ."


He was now in the mountains, over looking the royal city. Downcast eyes watched the people below, so oblivious to what was happening. What had happened to him.

He was alone, always alone.

"Who're you?"

The boy jumped slightly, whipping around to face the strangers. The strangers where a boy and a girl, clad in their custom costumes. The girl had pink hair, and she was the one who had asked him the question.


Now it was the boy who spoke. His raven hair was pulled back and wrapped in white material. And his eyes . . . Bright golden orbs which reflected his emotions perfectly.

The girl frowned, stepping closer to the blue-haired boy.

"Are you going to answer us?"

"Mariah." Gold-eyes lay a hand on the girl's shoulder, shaking his head. Then he turned to face the stranger. "My name is Rei. Please, we don't want to rob you. Everyone in this game has worked so hard . . . We just wish to know your name."

Rei was getting closer, capturing him with those eyes. The stoic teen's eyes widened. He held out his staff before him, nearing the edge of the mountain path. The Chinese player kept advancing, hand out-stretched. The name-less boy waved his staff, transporting away again.

"Rei? Who was that?"

"I don't know Mariah, but I intend to find out." Rei sighed softly, gazing down at the city. "Somehow, I'll find out."


Falling through the darkness, the boy felt the resistance again. The colored lights swirled around his naked body, as if to tease him.

"Logout, denied." The mechanical voice of the program taunted. The sound echoed through the transfer vortex, the words feeling like sharp pins.

He was trapped. Trapped in The World. That was good, wasn't it?

His body was flung back into the game. Rising to his feet, the boy took in a sharp breath. Blood trickled down his cheek, running from a cut on his forehead.


Eyes widening, the boy lifted a hand to his wound. Why did it hurt? This was a game. Just a game. The World couldn't hurt him, it wasn't allowed. He'd read it in the program guidelines. Yet, here he was, bleeding.

Glancing around him, the teen discovered what had cut him. It was a rock on the wall of a damp cave. Struggling to walk over the rough terrain, the youth ventured further into the cavern. His staff supported him until he reached a small opening. Before him sat a treasure chest. This was part of the game, but he know longer knew if he wanted to play.

So he sat there, staring at the chest in silence. Water droplets slid off the stage mites, pooling on the rock floor. Finally the boy reached a decision. Setting his staff on the ground, he reached out and lifted the lid of the chest.

At first nothing happened, and he concluded in must be a fake. Then a blinding light filled the cavern, causing him to shield his eyes.

//You have awakened the great phoenix spirit, Dranzer. I am to protect you while you are in The World. Tell me, player, what is your name?//

The boy's mouth was slightly agape. Closing it quickly, he blinked and whispered, "Kai Hitawari."

The giant fire-bird swirled around him in a graceful dance, before melting into a small red key-like shape.

//I am sent to protect you, Kai Hitawari, holder of the fire phoenix. May your journey be a safe one.//

Kai picked up the trinket, holding it in his palm. A slim, red chord was attached to the key. Slipping it around his neck, Kai hid it underneath his robes. Next he retrieved his staff, then wiped away beads of sweat with his sleeve. The cave had become surprisingly warm. Something wasn't right.

Picking up his pace, Kai hurried towards what he hoped was the exit. Something definitely wasn't right. The heat intensified, and dark shadows flirted with the walls. Kai clutched his staff closer, pausing to gaze around him.

Hot, red bubbled burst from the cave floor. They sprung at Kai, who tried to protect himself with his staff. Dranzer's ferocious growl caused Kai to look up. The firebird lunged at the strange enemy, shooting out arrows of fire.

Kai collapsed against the cave wall, eyes large, crimson saucers. The last thing the boy saw was Dranzer, towering above him in the dark.


His head felt like mush as his vision swam before him. Kai groaned, sensing someone jump to their feet. They leaned over him and rested a hand on his forehead. Blinking his eyes, Kai recognized the figure of the boy who called himself Rei. He flinched as Rei's hand passed over his cut, hissing in pain.

"Gomen nasai."

The hand retreated immediately. Rei watched the strange boy before him intently, eyes filled with worry.

"What happened? The World isn't suppose to hurt you."

Kai glared at him. Everyone knew that, but the game seemed to be out to get him.

/Logout, denied./

A shiver coursed through the youth's body. Rei reached out to help him again, but Kai evaded him.

"Please, at least tell me your name." Rei pleaded. "I want to help you."

Kai refused to answer, sitting up and resting against the step.

Hold it, step?

Eyes filled with panic as Kai realized he wasn't in the cave. Instead, he sat on one of the mountain paths. They were good to travel on, and provided easy access between cities. But how had he gotten here?

"I found you here." answered Rei quietly. "I don't know how you got here though."

Kai raised his gaze, fear etched onto his features.

"Please," Rei touched Kai's cheek gently. "Tell me your name at least. I can't help you unless you do."

The Japanese teenager sighed. "It's Kai."

"Kai . . . " The word slid off Rei's tongue like sweet honey. He needed to know what had happened to this boy. People in The World weren't suppose to get injured. It was a rule. "Kai, I want to help you."

"You can't." Kai whispered dully. "I'm trapped." He gave Rei a serious look. "Tell me, at some point have you been denied logout?"

A gasp escaped the raven-haired boy. "N-no. I can leave whenever. Can't yo- "

Kai shook his head, growing silent again. He felt nauseous and worn out. Giving Rei an exhausted glance, Kai got to his feet and began to walk away.

"Matte, Kai!"

The boy paused, waiting for Rei to continue.

"I'll be on again tonight. Come back here around dusk."


"I want to help you. Please, let me."

Kai began walking again. Rei watched him go, eyes trailing after the robed figure. Somehow, he needed to get Kai to trust him.

Somehow, he had to help him.


You are here alone again

In your sweet insanity

All too calm, you hide yourself from reality

Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?

When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

The fields are filled with desires

All voices crying for freedom

But all in vain they will fade away

There's only you to answer you, forever

In blinded mind you are singing

A glorious hallelujah

The distant flutter of angels

They're all too far, too far to reach for you

I am here alone again

In my sweet serenity

Hoping you will never find me in any place

I will call it solitude when all my songs fade in vain

In my voice, far away to eternity

-The World
