So I looked at the day and was thinking about what I should write; I scroll through my stories and at the bottom of the box lays this guy, staring accusingly at me. This is my most popular fic and I've neglected it for almost a year, and for that I am truly sorry. I've been wanting to explore a lot of different things like an action story with ITF or trying (and failing) to find oneshot material that goes beyond a paragraph I like a lot. So here we are, and this is a thing, and I hope the quality is up to par with the rest of the story. Normally I wouldn't ask, but leave a review if you think I'm doing something wrong.
So tldr; This is back, it is not dead, and I am very, very sorry.
"So Big Bro and Naoto-chan are getting married?"
Souji grinned as he leaned on the table, glancing over at the blushing Naoto, who was still unused to their engagement being called out so…blatantly. Looking back at Nanako, who was sitting excitedly next to him, he nodded and winked, much to the glowing little girl's delight. "Yes, we are. But I think I'll leave the details to my…fiancée."
Naoto rolled her eyes at the flirty undertone he laced the last word with, but smiled fondly as Nanako inched closer and closer until they were barely a few inches apart. She didn't mind; they were practically sisters. "It was somehow well-thought out, as well as a tad random. Your big brother sent me on a little scavenger hunt throughout Inaba, with little gifts as rewards for my intuition."
Nanako was practically squirming with delight as she listened, leaning close as Naoto explained Souji's plan of attack. "And then? And then?"
"Hahaha, calm down and I'll tell you."
In less than an instant, Nanako had calmed down and was sitting normally, but Naoto could tell by the shine in her eyes that the little girl couldn't be patient much longer. "I found him at the hill, sitting on the fences…he took out a ring…"
"I got down on one knee…"
"And he asked me to marry him. It was nice and simple."
Naoto gave Souji a look as Nanako shook in place, making some small noise that the former couldn't identify. "She's ecstatic."
"Ah. It was…difficult to te-"
"I'm so happy for you two!"
Nanako had thrown herself at Naoto in a tight embrace, effectively winding the detective as she tried to return it while pulling the little girl off of her chest. "T-thank you, Nanako-chan. Can…can you not hug me so…er…tightly…?"
Naoto pleadingly looked to Souji as she blew out a breath, silently thanking him as he reached over with a gentle hand to pull Nanako off. "Now, Nanako, you don't have to smother my fiancée."
"B-b-but-! Dad was talking about you two while you were gone for Christmas!"
Huffing a bit and sticking her chest out, Nanako gave the best impression of Dojima that she could muster. "'It's about time they decided to get hitched'. 'That kid took his sweet time'. 'I need a drink'."
Nanako smiled sweetly at the two stunned onlookers as they looked at her, jaws agape. "That's mostly what he said!"
"What who said?"
The trio turned to see Dojima walking through the doorway…with someone familiar behind him. "I'm home. I hope you don't mind that I brought a guest."
"Pardon my intrusion."
A smile returned easily to Souji's face as Naoto greeted her grandfather, he himself offering a respectful head duck of his own. What surprised him, however, was Nanako's reaction. "Uncle Mina!"
Much like his granddaughter not ten minutes ago, he had an armful of the junior Dojima as he sat on the couch, her father having gone to fetch some drinks. Probably beer. Not that his daughter would find out, but…
"It's good to see you again too, Nana-chan."
Souji looked calm but confused, an outstretched index digit moving back and forth between the two as he asked, "I guess I'm…missing some history, here?"
"When I used to educate Ryo-san, he would insist that I come over for dinner from time to time. Haha, she used to be so tiny back then."
"Uh-huh! And then he used to bring me gifts when he would come over and we'd watch Featherman and-"
"You used to watch what?"
Dojima had only heard the last part, but that was enough for him to send Minoru a withering glare. The elder shrugged and smiled in a manner not unlike how Souji would. "It was popular. With all ages, surprisingly. Even Nao-chan was a fan."
"Oh, so that's how she knew about the blue one…"
Naoto shot him a look as he grinned innocently, loath to recall how he managed to get the team to wear the uniforms of the Phoenix Rangers. "If you're talking about the costumes…"
"Well I didn't say anything."
"You just mentioned the blue one!"
"It didn't occur to me back then that you actually liked the show."
"I didn't. I just…used it for reference."
"…Wait, for what?"
Minoru interrupted politely, offering his own insight to the conversation. "In all fairness, the spectacle was quite impressive. She would draw up blueprints of how weapons could be hidden in the suits without compromising maneuverability. In her words, I believe she said, 'so many problems would be solved if they simply used high explosives.'"
"But they'd destroy the city!"
Nanako punched the cushion she was sitting on, pouting at Naoto as if the poor detective had betrayed a nonexistent vow of justice. "The Phoenix Rangers would never do that!"
Naoto's logic was infallible; even when she was wrong, Souji acknowledged that she was usually right in some fashion. As such, he let her take the reins in the argument while offering his own insight from the sidelines. "They would be controlled explosives. If they could strategically place them, their lives would be much easier!"
"It's not a bad idea. If they could place them directly in the target like when they were stuck helplessly in last week's episode, then…problem solved?"
Dojima interjected, waving his half-empty bottle around in confusion, as well as the fact that the detective that was once his mentor as well as the next generation that was heading his family were both uniting in a discussion regarding…what was essentially a kid's show. What was definitely a kid show. "Why are we even talking about this?"
"Because, Dad! They're the heroes that the city deserve, but not the ones it needs!"
"…What? What does that even mean?"
"We have the box set, and you are watching it with me! Tonight!"
"H-huh? But I don't even-"
"It's fiiiiine."
"But that's not even what I'm worried abou-"
"Daaaad, it's fiiiine!"
"Err…Minoru-senpai, can you help me out here?"
The older Shirogane shrugged and smiled nervously, his normally authoritative voice sinking to almost a whisper. "Actually, Ryo-san, I was planning to stay the night. Maybe catch up with you and Nana-chan. If it's not too much trouble that is. And I'll have you know, Featherman is quite a show. I'm sure you'd enjoy it, especially with its number one fan as your daughter."
Dojima looked at him incredulously for a second before shaking his head and taking a swig. "You have all changed and it is creeping me out."
"So is that a yes?"
"You always have a place to stay here, but…what about you two?"
"Oh. I was just, uh…planning to spend the night at Naoto's. We have some planning to do regarding the future."
"Ah, that's true. It is quite crowded here, as well. Souji-kun and I will take out leave for the night."
Dojima looked like he was going to object until Minoru nudged his shoulder and pointed at Nanako, grinning as he walked to the kitchen. "Your daughter told me about how you'd endlessly interrogate the poor boy. Let him have some alone time with his…fiancée."
"I didn't interrogate him! I didn't interrogate you, right?"
"Er…not really, no…"
Naoto took Souji by the arm and smiled sweetly at Nanako's new victim, quickly ushering her charge to the door. "From the way I heard about it from Nanako-chan, I'm afraid I must disagree. I'll see you all in the morning, good night."
Souji simply went along with the flow that Naoto was setting, only outright voicing his confusion at her rush out the door. "What's the rush?"
"I…don't want to watch Featherman."
"…Naoto, you're gonna have to try harder than that."
"I'm sorry, I…wanted to talk to you about something."
Souji stopped and clasped her hand, stopping her but earning a look of confusion and a raised eyebrow. "Just wanted you to slow down a bit."
"Is something the matter?"
"No, not especially, but…let me make you some dinner, then we can talk."
Naoto turned to fully face him, taking his hand and lowering her head, nodding once and scuffing the ground with her foot. "…Okay."
✨ "Once again, thank you for the food."
"My pleasure. Now…"
He washed his hands and walked behind the chair Naoto was seated at, putting his hands on his shoulders and pressing gently. "Your muscles are tense. What's eating you?...Ah."
He reached down with one hand and took her hand, the one with the ring shining softly on her finger. "It's this, huh?"
"I just feel worried. That something will go wrong and…that…maybe we're going too fast."
Souji hummed in acknowledgment, but he chuckled as he ran his fingers through her hair in a successful attempt to calm her nerves. "I'll admit, I had my own worries and…I might have jumped the gun a little bit."
Naoto turned her chair as Souji got on his knees in front of her, taking her hands in his own and offering a surprisingly shy smile. She was shocked that, even after all this time, she was still finding layers of depth to Souji that managed to impress her as well as add even more fuel to her love for him. "But, then I get to see where we are now. Supporting friends, and I have your grandfather's blessing. Hahah…last of all, I have you. And I'm not sure who I should be thanking, but I am…so grateful that I have you here, with me."
If Naoto was one for swooning like in one of those weird teen romance novels, then she would be a shame to her lineage (at least in her opinion). There were no rules, however, against the tears that welled up in the corners of her eyes, one that were quickly wiped by Souji's thumbs as she grinned at him. "I'm starting to think you should be a writer for cliché romance novels."
Souji scoffed and put a hand over his heart. "You wound me, madam. My heart's words are only for you."
"Now I know you're just trying to woo me."
"…Is it working?"
"Haaa…I don't know. My dilemma here is with the notion that you use lines that'd make a romance novelist blush and the fact that I like it when you do."
"So, it's working."
Naoto sighed and leaned closer to where Souji was sitting on the floor, taking his cheeks in her hands and pressing their foreheads together affectionately. "Yes, Senpai. It is working."
Souji took her hand as he moved close enough to meet her waiting lips, tilting his head as he pulled her off the chair and against him. Naoto broke the contact and promptly renewed it, sending them both tumbling to the floor. She came out on top, much to Souji's non-existent chagrin. She smiled down at him, both panting softly and blushing fiercely. Souji had his hand pinned by hers to the floor, the hand that wore the special ring that let the outside world know just where their relationship was. "Still worried?"
"Hmm…no. Thank you, Souji-kun."
Souji responded with a smile, reversing their position so that he loomed over her and took his own time with his own kiss, translating his own reassurances into the gesture. Naoto was only too willing to accept, throwing her arms around his neck and humming into his mouth. They'd be okay. He would make sure.
As far as I can see, this still isn't the end. I'm just saying so because this chapter ended with a way (to me, at least) that sounded climactic.
…Hopefully I won't take a year just to get another chapter out. Sorry, once again.