Keeping the train rolling with more Souji/Naoto. While I do have a few ideas of my own, they'll take time and I want to make sure they're worthy of putting out there. For now, I'll follow a prompt by a favorite author of mine, defog2000 (thanks for the reviews, everyone). This probably took place in the days leading up to the end that were skipped (grumbles).

This took a little research, meaning a strenuous and mind-straining trip through Wikipedia (sarcasm, you see), but I present to you what could have happened on White Day.

I'm so sorry about the rambling.

✨ The Week Before White Day

Not much time left. Before I have to leave…my friends, family, and...her.

White Day! Perfect. She's given me so much already... she deserves this. Okay. Now, I just need to...

Souji was unwittingly pacing around the kitchen, having already finished making a much appreciated dinner for Dojima and Nanako, who both showered easily deflected praise upon the silver-haired teen. His behavior now however caught the eye of his uncle who reached out to grab his lower arm, before giving Souji a concerned look. Needless to say, it was a good idea. Souji was jolted out of his little reverie and looked at his relative with a confused stare.

"Souji…? You've been pacing like that for the past ten minutes."


"…Dinner was fine, you know."

"It's not that. It's just…my time here's almost up, and I need to… figure some things out.

Dojima look bemused, before his eyes lit up and he chuckled. "White Day."

Souji regarded him with a respectful expression, knowing his detective's intuition had surged once again. He nodded in acknowledgment.

"I can think of a few things, but you know Shirogane more than anyone. She trusts you, kid. I know you'll find the perfect gift for her."

He gave his nephew a gentle push towards the stairs, stating he needed to sleep on the idea, before winking mischievously. As Souji lay on the futon, he glanced towards the watch he rarely took off. A revelation hit him, and he let himself drift off to sleep, content with his newfound ideas.

✨ Sunday

Souji sat across from Naoto in the Café Chagall, located in Okina. Upon Souji's almost panicked insistence to not try the specialty coffee, as he wanted to stay conscious for the date, they both sipped at their cups of tea (which still had some punch to them, much to their surprise). While Naoto was glad to spend time with Souji before the day of his departure inevitably came, she noted that he seemed nervous about something. She waited however, because she knew he would speak when he deemed it the right time, and that he trusted her with everything he needed to. As expected, it didn't take long for Souji to make up his mind.

"Naoto, the watches you made…are they built the same way?"

"Eh?" She looked confused for a second before composing herself, nodding. "Yes, I made them with simplicity in mind, but the only notable difference is in color." Souji noted the small swell of pride in her tone as she explained with a soft smile.



"Umm…i-is there something wrong with yours? I-I mean I checked both of them to make sure the tracker worked, but…I checked yours at least ten times…ah!"

Naoto didn't realize she was looking down into her cup until Souji lifted her chin up gently, cutting off her worried little tirade instantly, complete with complementary blush. He studied the pensive look in her eyes, beholding the fear she held that the gift she made may be defective. The silverette took a moment to note just how adorable she looked when she wanted his answer to something regarding her. His hand shifted from her chin to her cheek, which he stroked softly with his thumb. He felt his heart melting as he felt her press herself, just a bit, into his palm. Souji's loving smile grew a small fraction before he shook his head.

"The watches are perfect, Naoto. I couldn't have asked for a better gift…or a more perfect girl to receive it from." He fought back his own blush as the one on Naoto's face deepened, but her eyes sparkled with joy and a relieved smile made its presence known.

"Thank you, but I just needed to gather some…information." As she tried to ask for more on the matter, he pressed his index finger to her lips before leaning over the table to plant a quick kiss in the same place. He winked, which in turn almost made Naoto swoon, but she held her ground and relented on the matter. Whatever it was, it could wait until he told her himself.

✨ Monday

Souji was in the middle of taking a breather, while he looked around the secret lab that he once traversed to save his future girlfriend. Of course, he wasn't aware about the girl part until her Shadow, but he couldn't be happier with how their relationship turned out. He knew he shouldn't have gone in alone, but Helel and some of 🍬Naoto's Candy was all he needed for his task today. He had a duffel bag strapped around his back, which held various bits and pieces of enchanted machinery. He thought about how he would make Naoto smile next as he planned out his gift for White Day.

✨ Tuesday

After school he managed to give Naoto the slip with some coaxing, a kiss or two, and the promise that his reason for leaving so suddenly would reveal itself. An uncertain look that changed into a firmly trusting one let Souji know he had her blessing to be on his way. Before he got out the door, however, he felt two soft, slender arms wrap themselves around his waist, along with a face being buried in his back. The hug ended as quickly as it began, and he turned to see Naoto walking away, one hand in her pocket, and the other pulling her cap down, a heavy blush on her face. Souji could feel his own cheeks heating up, as he headed to the shopping district, intent on getting some help from Old Man Daidara's expertise.

✨ *Insert clever way to say Souji was busy for the next few days*

March 14…White Day

Souji could feel his heart pounding as he checked the gift he held carefully in the small navy blue box for probably the tenth time that day. His mind worked frantically as he wondered how the day would turn out. Finally, he swallowed his fear…and texted Naoto.

Naoto checked her phone, oblivious to what the day was, and her eyes lit up when she saw an invitation from her boyfriend. She absentmindedly swayed to and fro gently as she replied as quickly as she could. As she sent the message, she suddenly felt that school couldn't end fast enough. Unfortunately, Rise noticed her apprehension in class. After managing to lose her in the Practice Building, along with politely asking Kanji to stop her until she left, Naoto was on her way to the shoe lockers, silently relieved that she was able to lose Rise so easily. As she looked up, her eyes beheld Souji giving her a quick wave and a grin. Resisting the urge to run to him, she responded with a curt nod, remembering that she was mildly upset that he wouldn't tell her just what is was he was so busy with.

"Shall we go?"

Another nod.

"…Are you mad at me?"

She shook her head.

"Naoto. You always go quiet when something is bothering you. And judging by that…look you're giving me…"

Naoto looked up as he trailed off, and was shocked to see Souji bowing with his hands at his sides. "I'm sorry. I haven't been fair to you. I know you wanted to spend more time with me but…" He looked up at her. "…I hope what happens today will make you forgive me."

She held his stare for a second, prying for any sign of insincerity, and was pleased that she couldn't find anything of the sort…not that she expected to. All she could see was warm affection, to which she felt her cheeks heat up in response. Souji, in turn, was trying to find a shred of mercy in her gaze, and was glad to see that she wasn't upset anymore. There was, instead, a smoldering curiosity at the mention of today.

Why today…what happens today?

A few hours later found Souji and Naoto standing at the hill overlooking Inaba, hand-in-hand. Souji felt his pulse quicken as he worked up the nerve to finally hand her the gift. A million outcomes and approaches flashed through his mind as his brain lurched at the pressure. Naoto noticed his newfound distress and squeezed his hand gently. Souji was jolted by the contact and his eyes flashed with the Courage and Expression he built throughout the difficult year. He halfway thought about whipping out his glasses with dramatic flair, but he wasn't one for theatrics and decided not to with a smile. Souji turned to his girlfriend, taking both her hands and lacing their fingers together. Naoto looked up to him with a curious gaze, ignoring the soft pink tinting her cheeks. Souji nodded before he lay down his instructions.

"Close your eyes."


"As much as I want to see those eyes…hmm…just humor me, ok? Please?"

He gave her his version of puppy eyes, earning a deep blush and a slow nod. Naoto closed her eyes. Souji took a second to observe how curious she looked, as she shifted from one foot to the other, while trying to hide her smile. Steeling his nerves once again, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a soft kiss as his hands slowly started to move closer to her. Naoto froze as her mind tried to catch up with the events, but her body responded accordingly. Her hands snaked up to wrap around Souji's neck. They broke apart after a few more seconds, cheeks red and panting lightly. Souji leaned in a bit to whisper, "Do you know what today is?" Naoto looked a bit bemused, before shaking her head lightly. Souji chuckled softly, and stopped her from questioning him with another kiss. This time, it was a bit slower, and Souji tilted his head as he tasted her, earning a soft moan from Naoto. This time, the kiss didn't last as long, but Naoto felt as if it was so much more…mind-blowing. Souji smiled at the dazed look on her face before glancing down. The sleuth followed his look and beheld a sparkling ring dangling around her neck. She gasped softly at how the ring shone with mysterious enchantments found in the TV world and there were tiny inlaid wires that glowed faintly. There was also a small clip on the side of the thin chain, with what looked like an electronic chip poking out of it. She looked up in silent question to meet Souji's nervous eyes, awaiting her opinion on his work. Souji noted the observation and explained, though the apprehension in his eyes never left.

"The chip works with your phone. But, you have to promise me you'll look at its contents after I leave. Think of it as…an advance apology."

He smiled sadly at her…until she realized he was still waiting for her opinion. She couldn't find the words to express her gratitude, and when she did, her mouth refused to cooperate. She mentally kicked herself…then the solution struck her. A self-satisfied smile crossed her face, as she looked up at Souji, earning a questioning look. She readied herself before tackling Souji bodily, forcing him onto his back with her arms firmly wrapped around his neck, nuzzling against his chin and neck lovingly. Souji caught her cap as it fell, setting it on the nearby bench before returning the hug with as much as affection as he received. He smiled as he understood what she was trying to express, but was treated to a second surprise and she leaned down to kiss him softly, before whispering in his ear…

"It's beautiful…"

Souji's heart leaped at the sound of her voice and held her tighter. Naoto's smile grew and she leaned down to lock lips with him again.

✨ March 21…the day of his departure.

It wasn't even a day and she missed him already. She had long since dried her tears, but could feel more threatening to spring forth as she thought of the next time she would see him. It was alright, though. Souji was only a train ride away, and no distance nor obstacle could keep them apart when they wanted to see each other. Her hands rose up to her neck as she gently fondled the ring that hung around it, admiring the glowing wire that lay underneath and how it shined in the light of her desk lamp. Naoto suddenly remembered the small chip that was dangling on the chain of the necklace. He said to look at it after he left…so it was ok…right? She took the chip and inserted it into her phone, trembling a bit with her curiosity. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his voice, and she watched the video that began playing back. It was a montage of photos and clips Souji had collected while he spent his valuable time together with her as much as he could. She felt watery trails fall down her cheeks, but she didn't stop them this time as she wondered how hard it must have been to make such a gift for White Day. Naoto smiled then, and knew it wouldn't be long before she found her way to him again. Into his embrace.

Hehehe…it'll be a pleasant surprise…

✨ A Certain Vacation

Souji was playing along with the idea that the failed surprise greeting was indeed effective as he observed just how much his valuable friends had changed. He was pleasantly surprised that they were embracing life and stating that Inaba felt like home again since he was finally back. His silvery gaze finally fell upon the petite figure in the back of the group that was slowly moving closer to him.


When the detective came to a halt in front of him, they both bore wide smiles as they beheld each other. A stray ray of light caught what Naoto was wearing around her neck, and the ring seemed to glow even brighter the closer they stood. They couldn't take it anymore, and were quickly locked in a tight hug, before Souji leaned back to lift Naoto's chin and softly kiss her. After they heard Yosuke and Teddie whistling and the rest of the group cheering and clapping, they broke the kiss and contented themselves with gently pressing their foreheads together. There would be a time for more of that later.

The ring shone brightly.

Hey guys. This is my second fic as you know, but I feel proud of this one. So here's my reasoning behind the gift: Naoto was wearing a ring necklace in the new epilogue, and since said epilogue did NOT acknowledge your relationships, I just made my version. Reviews are always welcome, it's great to see your opinions…be honest, did you think Souji was going to propose?

Thanks again to defog2000 for the idea, but I already had this noted down as a possible scenario.

See ya.