AN: I'm back bitches!

So it's been an entire year since I updated anything. I know, I know, I could have made it much sooner, but there was the whole school thing and I just had to get my priorities straight and I got into other fandoms during that time. But while I had other things, I also worked hard on this bit by bit, until I got it right. And I finally did it. I missed out on a lot of good night sleep working on this one chapter. I gotta say, this one is probably not the best chapter I've worked on. Reasons why, is cause I didn't like how the chapter was flowing so I had to recreate a new chapter from scratch. I don't know what happened, I just wasn't happy how it was turning out, cuz I kept making a lot of decisions. I at least didn't rage quit while working on this, thank god. I just had to get it done cuz I haven't update this story since 2014? As well as I did some re edits with the first chapter cuz I didn't like what I wrote, so read on that, will ya? Well, anyways, hope you like it.

Malik wishes he could just die. The Cinema was the first stop on Altair's list, he kept insisting that they watching something action packed, one in particular they had available, which Malik couldn't deny him of his choice.

Standing in line for tickets has never been this agonizing. Despite it only taking a few minutes, it felt like an eternity for Malik. It went about as poorly as Malik predicted. Upon arrival, they received a lavish of stares from people in the lobby area.

At the start, Malik tried not to pay them any mind, key word being "tried." He continuously reassured himself that this was going to be a breeze, but those unwarranted glares turned into a mixture of jeers, laughter and whistling in every direction. As some of these asshats were cracking up, they even went out of their way to take pictures with their phones. Geez, you'd think they've never seen a guy in a dress before.

Officially one of the worst days ever...of all time.

Altair thought it was adorable how Malik was trying to save himself the embarrassment by hiding his face in his hands. The reactions from the public was great, but watching Malik wallowing in defeat was far more amusing. Who knew studying your ass off these last few months would end up being this rewarding. This bet of theirs turned out so much better than he could have hoped for. Altair doesn't know why he didn't think of it sooner.

"Just ignore them, Malik." Altair advises, "We're here to have a good time, remember?."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Malik lifts his head momentarily, sounding annoyed. "And that's so easy for you to say, you're not the one stuck in a dress right now." He grimaces, shielding his eyes again, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Altair puts up a much serious expression, "Don't act so surprised, Mal. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to this bet of ours."

"You were so hell-bent on winning this bet, it's ridiculous."

"What can I say? You presented me with an opportunity, so I went for it. Really, it was a mistake on your part."

Malik scowls, now folding his arms across his chest, "A mistake I won't make again. To think, if I had been made aware of your determination, I probably wouldn't have agreed to any of this from the beginning."

Altair tosses his arm around Malik, pulling him into a close embrace, "I guess it's a good thing you didn't. We have been long overdue for our date. I'd say it's about time we went and done it, wouldn't you say so?" He husked those few words, inducing a shudder out of Malik.



"Take it off...or I will break it off." Anger can now be heard manifesting in Malik's voice. Altair thought about it, but decided he rather likes his arm staying intact, so he pulls away fast. "And don't delude yourself, this is nowhere close to being an actual date. This is nothing but a dumb chore I was persuaded into doing. That is all it is, that is all it will ever be. You got that?"

Altair was going to hold him to that. He always did love how defiant Malik gets, makes it more interesting this way. "Whatever you say."

After getting their tickets, they went over to the concession counter where they needed to purchase their snacks, but mostly because Altair wanted to take his sweet time.

To Malik's relief, the employees working there were decent enough to act like nothing was out of the ordinary, and even more to Malik's relief was that they only bought a popcorn and two sodas; just the standard items, but still pricey. Malik had to be glad they went to the dollar theater for this.

What Malik couldn't understand, though, was why Altair only settled for that? Naturally, he could have gone all out with the snacks, as Malik's money was his to spend, on account of their bet, but it would seem he wasn't too keen on it. Malik supposes it doesn't matter, as long as he didn't have to pay for unnecessary shit.

They ventured out of the lobby, finally, walking up to the ticket station where two employees were accepting admissions from customers. Surprisingly so, they didn't notice Malik right off the bat, as they were too busy with the people in front of them. But once they had finished directing the people their designated showing, almost immediately, their eyes had fallen on Malik. They stood there doing a double take at Malik for a good five seconds or so, viewing him from head to toe. Malik was starting to feel awkward.

Noticing a little late how uncomfortable they were making him feel, the two employees tried to keep it together, putting on a cheerful front. The male employee became too embarrassed to talk, giving the female employee the chance to break the ice. "You two having a good time?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." Altair says as he fished the tickets out of his pocket.

The woman looked to Malik, sharing a warm smile. Although, a nice sentiment, Malik could clearly see the look of sympathy on her face. "I like your dress." She expressed kindly.

Appearing indifferent to her compliment, Malik just diverts his eyes elsewhere, "Yeah, sure."

His comment only seemed to confuse the woman.

Then, Altair decided to chime in, holding the tickets out to her, "You have to excuse his manners, he sometimes doesn't know how to accept a compliment." Altair shot a glare at Malik, before turning back to face the woman. Very subtly, Malik flipped him off, despite it being difficult doing it at the same time he was carrying the popcorn and his soda in his arms. This gesture hadn't gone by Altair. "I hope his behavior didn't dishearten you in any way." Altair regarded her respectfully.

Her cheeks tinting a red shade, the female employee gave a wave of her hand, apologetically, "Oh, it's not a problem at all. I must have given off a bad impression that made him feel insulted." The male employee next to her made a quiet chuckle before beckoning for the next person waiting in line.

Altair tries to reassure her, "It's not your fault. He's just grumpy because it's part of a bet we had. So don't worry about it."

"Oh? For real?"

"He has to wear it the whole night~" A smug expression began to take over Altiar's face.

The woman became intrigued by this, "Well, if it makes him feel better. I think he is rocking that dress very well. It makes me pretty envious I don't own an outfit like that myself." She laughed nervously.

Altair smirks at that, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so."

He managed to get a giggle out of her. Malik just rolled his eyes. "Can you hurry this up, novice?! Like now!?"

Altair gave a brief glance over to Malik, not really enjoying his impoliteness, especially with this girl; he keeps this up, and he'll be working on Altiar's last nerve. What makes Malik think he's in any position to be making demands, anyways? When Altair is the one dictating everything. Maybe a little incentive is in order to perk up that ill mannered attitude of his.

Casually leaning his elbow on top of the podium, making a flirtatious grin at the woman, he says, "You know, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind seeing you in that dress, if only just a moment."

The female employee blushes, casting her eyes downward all shy like and using her hand to grip hold of her other arm, "Oh, you think so?"

Altair refers to Malik with a nod of his head. "I'd very much do. I even bet you'd look ten times better than my friend, here."

Malik just stood there, wondering what the hell was going on. He suddenly grew wary of the way Altair was speaking to her.

"Hey, I do hope this isn't too much to ask, but..." Altiar starts off, "do you have a boyfriend?"

He used a question that blindsided Malik, the woman and the male employee next to her.

What the hell kind of question was that!? Just what game was Altair playing at? Malik squeezed himself between Altair and the podium, trying to get him to back up, "What are you doing, novice?" Malik whispered harshly.

"What does it look like to you, Malik?" Altair said, emotionless.

"You're seriously flirting? At a time like this?"

"Yeah? You don't mind, right? It's not like we're dating." He retorts, rendering Malik at a loss for words. Quickly ignoring Malik, Altair continued to question the girl, with intent on furthering the discussion. "Sorry, what did you say your name was again?" Altair asked, pretending to take an interest.

She brushed a lock of hair out of her face, "Uhm...I didn't...but, it's Eve." The dude next to her tried not to pay them any attention as he made himself look busy, in case someone spots them not doing their work.

"Hm. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He smoothly stated, peering into her green eyes.

"I'm flattered." She giggles again.

Malik couldn't believe how much of an inconsiderate prick Altair was being. It's not so much that him actively flirting with some stranger was the problem, but they are suppose to be on a "date," right now, so there's no reason for Altair to do this. At least, not now!

Could he really be into this woman?

What astounded Malik was how effortlessly Altiar's endeavors are in seducing women. He just had that kind of charm to him that worked on nearly everyone. It's a gift, really.

It's sort of reminiscent of how things used to be in their four years of high school. Back when Altair was quite popular, girls would flock to him like he was some big time celebrity, bearing that same lovey dovey expression they all seem to have.

This moment here, was just a small instance of that.

In the past, Malik never did like when girls, and yes even guys, would try incessantly to get with Altair; some of their friends found it humorous, though, while others found the experience somewhat annoying. Malik had to affirm he was one of those friends that hated it, except he it more to do with his own feelings.

Frankly, Malik doesn't care anymore who Altair wanted, but watching the sight of these two getting "friendly" with each other, only brought about a twinge in his chest, like he was reliving old painful memories.

So that's it, huh? Altair was only doing this to spite him?

Well, he could go right ahead. Malik wasn't going to stick around for this.

In a hasty attempt to flee, Malik starts heading back where they came, but Altair ended up stopping mid sentence to grab Malik by the shoulder before he could take more than two steps, "Hey, where are you running off to?"

"Sod off" Malik yanks free, proceeding to walk down the path with the popcorn and soda still in hand.

Agitated with the abrupt departure, Altair bid the woman farewell for now. He didn't give her time to answer back before he rushed off to catch up with Malik. No way is he getting off that easy.

"Hey!" Altair saunters ahead to get in front of Malik, causing Malik to come to a complete halt, "Didn't you hear me? Where the hell do you think you're going in such a hurry?"

"Home. Where else?" Malik moved slight to the left, but Altair moved as well to block him again.

"Without the car keys?" Altair points out.

"I'll walk." Malik said, pushing past Altair, but immediately felt a hand on his shoulder, preventing him for leaving.

Altair swiftly spun him around, "Don't be foolish. You can't just leave my side like that."

"Oh, is that so? Well, just watch me." Malik was well ready to take off, once more, but Altair had to open his damn mouth.

"You dare walk away from your date, Al-Sayf? When we clearly had a bet? or did you forget?" Malik froze in his tracks, but he didn't say a word. "I expect you to look at me when I'm talking to you." Altair orders almost aggressively.

To which Malik reluctantly obeys, with plain anger manifesting in his voice, his face contorting into a scowl, "Is this what I have to look forward to?" Malik glowers, turning around to face Altair, "Just the endless ridicule and abuse, like I'm some god damn slave!?"

Altair narrowed his brows, "I wouldn't have to mistreat you this way if you had a better adjusted attitude. I mean for fucks sake, Malik, would it kill you to have some fun!?"

Malik's eyes flashed, his grip tightens on the bucket of popcorn. "This is suppose to be fun to you!?"

"I only said what I did to lighten the mood. I wanted to make the best out of a bad situation." Altair argued.

"A situation you placed me in, mind you. I've felt nothing but misery since the moment we got here."

"Enough with this bullshit, Malik. We've been over this already, so there's no use in your complaining."

"And why not!?" Malik wasn't just raising his voice, he flat out yell. It was so sudden and loud, he frighten some people who were barely entering or exiting the cinema. They all probably thought they looked ridiculous. "You expect me to not be upset about all this? Am I to just stay quiet and take this humiliation like some dog?" Malik says as he tosses the bucket outward in frustration. Altair, quick with his reflexes, uses his hand to fumble with the bucket, luckily, only a handful of popcorn spilled on the floor. "I'm done. I'm not going to do this anymore. I never even wanted to come out tonight, but you forced me to! Why can't you see how much I'm suffering? How much more torment must I endure for you're entertainment?"

Altair could do nothing but glare, "What would you prefer I do, Malik? Just let you hide inside the car until this is done? Would that make you feel better?"

Pursing his lips, Malik spent a few seconds looking up like he was deep in thought, "Actually, that doesn't sound so half dimwitted of you, novice. I thank you for the suggestion." He replied with a smart ass comment.

It probably wasn't a good idea to have an argument in the middle of the entryway. So Altair pulled Malik aside, making their talk more exclusive, and far from earshot. "Look, I get it. You're pissed at me, I realize I have been a little bit harsh, so I can't necessarily blame you." Malik expressed his disdain with a slight chuckle, but Altair disregarded that and continues, "However, a bet's a bet. I won this thing fair and square, so now you need to honor you're part of the deal, like any man should. You of all people, should know how this works already, Malik. This will only get harder, the more you fight it."

Malik didn't need to be reminded. He's always been one to lecture his friends about facing the consequence of their own actions, and it'd be hypocritical not to take his own advice. He messed up by challenging Altair, and now he has to pay for it. It only seems right that he does. "I-I have to abide to our agreement, I know this. We said months ago that whoever ended up losing, would have to do what the other asked without any hesitation, nor protest. But, I...I thought I could handle this, I really did. That this could go off without a hitch, but I was horribly wrong...this is too much. I am already at my limit." The look of utter defeat played on Malik's features, looking a lot like a sad puppy.

What was Altair to do with him?

Looks to be they were at an impasse. Malik's unwillingness to comply made for quite the dilemma for Altair. On the one hand, Malik had this coming a long while for perpetually being a malicious prick for months on end, but on the other hand, he has succeeded in making Altair feel like a complete asshole for making him go through with this, after all.

In hindsight, Altair probably shouldn't have teased him the way he did, then that whole needless scene with that woman only assisted in exasperating Malik's anger. Admittedly, Altair realizes this mistake, but he only did this because Malik just kept pushing him. So in reality, Altair can't take all the fault.

So what can he do? He couldn't just let Malik get off scott-free and they were already out in the town. Altair needed to be able to coax Malik into relaxing more.

It's imperative that Altair acquires Malik's full cooperation. He needs to be able to enjoy himself, otherwise, Altair won't be able to enjoy himself. Guess he has no choice, then. Anything to ease his pain.

Altair heaves a sigh. "How about a proposal, then?" He really didn't want to do this, but hopefully Malik buys into it.

Malik stared concerned at Altair for a moment, worrying that he might come up with an even more outrageous idea. "What do you mean?"

Altair takes a few steps forwards, "I'm saying, if you want this to be over sooner, than all I ask of you is to put all your focus on me, give me some form of satisfaction from this." Malik frowns, softly groaning. "I had a lot of things planned for this night, but I guess I can narrow it down to only two. Continue to play along and do as I say without complaints. If you see that I'm pleased by the end of this, then, and only then, will I consider letting you call it a night."

Not a bad trade-off, Malik thought, but he can't say he's a hundred percent on board with this. This seemed too good to be true. "I don't know..."

Altair reduces the proximity that separated them, moving close to Malik's face, "Just do this for me...p...p-please?" He took on a more gentle tone. Malik stares baffled. What was this? Was Altair asking politely instead of spouting demands? "Y-you can't tell how important this is to me, I...I just want this to be all about us, you and me. No one else matters here. I've done all I could to make this date happen tonight, and I would like it if you are willing. So, do this for me, okay?"

That's rather admirable of him.

Malik has to say, he's impressed with the way Altair was putting aside his pride like that just to come out saying that last bit, it made him sound so endearing, just now. It's rare for Malik to see this side of Altair, compared to the arrogant, self entitled jerkface side of him Malik's generally accustomed to. If only he behaved like this most of the time, then Malik would be able to tolerate his ass more.

Altair stood there quietly, inciting a response out of Malik. Even after presenting a generous offer such as this, it's hard for Malik to tell if Altair was being sincere. Is Malik to believe that Altair was doing this for his sake? Could be he's just doing this for his own convenience?

In any case, Malik knew he had a choice to make. He may not like either route, since they both result the same, one's just moderately lenient than the other. This could be the miracle he's been hoping for, it'd be foolish not to take it. Malik worried about what may lie ahead. He doesn't trust Altair, not one bit. The likelihood of this being some dirty ploy were slim to none, but evidently, Malik had to be ready for just about anything that gets thrown at him.

But he won't know until he finds out. Or maybe he's wrong in all this? Who knows, really. Maybe Altair will surprise him.

"Fine." Malik replies, non enthusiastically.

"That's it, just fine?" Inquired Altair.

"Yes, fine. You win. Let us continue with our date." Malik said, taking back the bucket with his free hand, and heading back the other way where the ticket podium was.

So apparently this movie has been anticipated for the longest time. Malik has seen the trailers for this film, and he admits, even though he wasn't into the superhero type or movies, this one looked promising. It didn't seem generic like other actions movies he's already seen in the past. The jokes seem really funny and the acting is pretty subpar. Not to mention a favorite actor was starring in it. The only thing Malik detested about this movie was it's R rating. And considering that it is R rated, the violence wouldn't be the only thing obscene and in your face.

They might have shown up a bit late, missing a good chunk of action at the beginning, but not even ten minutes into this thing and there is already a hot steamy sex scene going on with the hero and his love interest. Malik could never wrap his head around why it is so necessary to have scenes like this. The only purpose it serves is to make people feel awkward, or in some cases, make them horny. This is partially the reason why he avoids watching anything R rated with friends or family. He can just imagine the horror on some of the parent's faces after foolishly believing this was a child friendly superhero movie.

Resting with his forehead in his palm, Malik shifts his eyes away from the screen as often as possible, hoping to god the scene could end sooner, but it just kept going. He was in a rather uncomfortable position, with his body slack and leaning against the armrest, but he did it purposely because he didn't want to be close to Altair as this scene was going on. It felt almost like one of those moments in a romance novel he once read, where the couple goes from awkwardness, then to intimacy and then they eventually go in for a kiss. Some dumb cliche like that.

He thought of distracting himself, reaching for his drink that's placed on the opposite side, but unintentionally placing his hand on top of Altair's. The lingering touch only lasted about a second or two, before Malik realizes where his hand was and snatches it away as fast as he could. Altair's eyes quickly broke away from the screen, now looking startled at Malik.

Malik shyly fidgets in his seat. "Ah, sorry"

"Don't be." Altair stated monotonously.

There was suddenly a shift in the mood at that moment.

Malik's heart did a leap out of his chest, as he made the mistake of locking eyes with Altair, and the scenery in the background playing loudly, only added more discomfort for Malik.

"Don't be." Altair stated calmly.

The mood has shifted all of a sudden.

Malik's heart did a leap out of his chest, as he made the mistake of locking eyes with Altair at that very moment, and the scenery in the background playing loudly, only added more to the awkwardness.

"I, uh...I need to...I'll be back." Malik decided to rise from his seat, making a move to leave.

"Hold it." Altair got up quickly to take hold of Malik's wrist, "Where are you off to, now?"

"To the...restroom?" That was the most sensible excuse Malik could think of. He didn't have to go, obviously, he just needed to get away from Altair. "Is that okay? or am I expected to ask permission?"

Malik was looking a little tense there. Altair figured something was up, but decided to let it go so they wouldn't have another fight. "No, go right ahead. Just don't keep me waiting." He informs Malik, before hesitantly dropping his arm and allowing to hurry on out of there.

In the hall with his back to his wall and phone in hand, Malik needed to check his text messages he got from Leonardo. These were over half an hour ago. Malik could have probably read them earlier, but he was too pissed to be bothered with them at the time.

Wonder what Leo could've wanted?

'How are you?'

'Sorry about this.'

'Keep me updated, K?'

Malik appreciated his friend's concern, though truthfully, he was going to need all the support he could get.

Malik places the corner of his phone to his forehead. He doesn't even want to begin to get into what that was back there. He mentally chastised himself for not being better than this. Nothing has changed over the years, it seems. Malik couldn't deny he still harbored feelings for that idiot novice. He thought he'd be over this by now.

A mother and her child walked by an unsuspecting Malik. The little one cocked his head, looking rather curious. "Mommy, mommy, look!" The child pointed eagerly, alarming Malik, "A man is wearing a dress!"

Oh, come on! Even the kids aren't kind to him.

Embarrassed, the mother makes her apologies while tugging her child away, desperately trying to hush him up. Malik just kept his head down, pushed off the wall and took off in strides in the other direction.

AN: Okay, I am going to get to work on the next chapter, it'll probably come out very later on, so just keep an eye out. Also, I don't see why everyone is assuming that I'm either dead or I abandoned my BaL story. Listen, I know it's been a year without any updates, but I'm still around, you don't have to worry, and I didn't abandon BaL, I just took a sort of haitus from it so I could take time to work on this story. I know you love the story and I do as well. After I upload this, I will get back to BaL. I have about half of the chapter done, so don't worry. Don't wanna spoil anything, but it's gonna get HOT ;)