Fan Mail
by: K-Chan

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter, I own the stupid idea, Ron owns his letter. And the patch. He can keep that too.
Kay: Just another short fic that attempts at humor by victimizing Ron.
Ron: Oh, thanks.
Kay: Nothing personal.

Ron and Harry sat at the table in the Weasley kitchen finishing off their breakfasts. Harry placed his plate in the sink and glanced out the window,

"Hey, mail!"

Ron smiled, he loved when mail came, there was always the chance that it was for him. Harry opened the window and walked back to the table. No sooner had he sat down, than a blizzard of owls shot through the window. For a few seconds, you could see nothing but a violent torrent of feathers. They left as soon as they came, leaving the kitchen a mess of scattered feathers. Ron looked over at Harry, only to see a giant pile of letters. The black-haired boy leaned around the pile to see his friend.

"So many... I hate when they do this," he said, blushing.

Ron shrugged and went to his own pile. Well, three isn't exactly a pile, but it worked for him. Ripping open the first, he found a Chudley Cannon newsletter, highlighting just how much they'd stunk this year. Ron sighed, read the newsletter, and set it aside. As he crinkled the envelope to throw it away, he felt something inside.

"Hey, Harry! It's a patch!" he held up the bit of fabric happily.

Harry paused from reading his fifth letter and took the patch. It read:

=Chudley Cannons=
"Let's all just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best."

Harry grinned and handed it back to Ron. The ginger-haired boy announced that he would put it on his school bag. Happily setting the patch on the folded letter, Ron went back to his mail. To his surprise, the next one was fan mail. Ripping it open, he read:

Dear Ron,
That maroon sweater makes you look so hot.
~Gryffindor Admirer

"Hey Harry, look at this one."

Harry forced away the letter that was fervently trying to kiss him and grabbed Ron's.

"That's awesome, Ron," he said, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "I wonder who it is."

Ron took his letter back and studied it. As he turned to the window, the kissing letter redeemed itself and attacked Harry with enough force to knock the boy off his chair.

"Wow... I wonder who sent it..." Ron pondered happily, ignoring the sounds of struggle behind him.

Four loud stomps brought him back to Earth. Ron turned around to see Harry flattening the letter with his foot, looking more disturbed and disheveled than usual.

"My God... whoever sent that thing.." he started.

Ron shrugged and placed his fan mail next to the newsletter and patch. So far it had been a good letter day. Maybe the next would be fan mail too; heck, he's love some more. Ron frowned as he ripped the last envelope.

Junk mail.