Yeah... this was something that was bugging me when I thought of it, so I decided to type it... and then it turned into this! An interesting idea, in my opinion, if a little used... though this is my spin on it, and I hope I manage to overcome the dislike of the often used idea, but I wrote this for my enjoyment and I'm only posting it because I feel like it. I honestly don't care that much if those reading this dislike it, though liking it definitely helps my writing, though if you do I ask that you avoid flaming, because if you don't... Seras will kill you! All jokes aside though I will likely ignore any flames or confront the flamer using intelligence... or just thank them (Depends on my mood); if people hate something then you're obviously doing something right, at least in my opinion. The beginning is kinda slow and choppy, not my best work I assure you, but in my opinion it picks up a little ways in. Also the pairing is mostly on the side... unless you guys want it to take the forefront more?

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Hellsing or Hellsing Ultimate as they are owned by Kota Hirano, and Studio Madhouse, and licensed by Geneon, Madman Entertainment, Manga Entertainment, and Funimation.

"At once my Mistress" Speech

'Blood... blood... BLOOD!' Thoughts

"Restriction Seal released until enemies eliminated" Demonic/Dramatic sounding Speech

"Show them no mercy; they have sided with darkness and only those who walk the night can hope to vanquish them" Telepathy

'It can't be... is he... Flashback

Abraham van Hellsing became one of the most powerful men in the world through one single event; Count Dracula, the No-Life King's, death at his hands. Years later, when another Hellsing holds the reigns of Vampire Slayer, another Vampire stands at the pinnacle of Vampirism because of Dracula's dying command. What King is without a Queen? Sort of role swap. AlucardxSeras! Massive AU

A single change, now matter how small, can bend the future in many ways, some more than others; deciding which piece of fruit on your table to eat for breakfast wouldn't change the outcome of your day as much as choosing to drive to work or to carpool. This change, however, was caused by naught but a simple oversight, and it would change the future in ways that none alive or dead could possibly understand.

It was a small oversight, understandable in its entirety, and not something that could be held accountable for anyone, especially considering what it meant. The now legendary Vampire Slayer, Dr. Abraham Van Hellsing, a mere human, had done what none had even considered possible; he had defeated the No-Life King himself, the most powerful vampire ever to exist, Count Dracula. It was with this act that he placed himself upon the map as a Vampire Slayer, despite the death of the four men with which he had fought this monster. So there he stood, bleeding heavily from his side and unable to move his left arm, over the unmoving body to the monster that had killed his companions, feeling hatred well up at the thought. With his good arm he reached down and grabbed the beast by the collar of its clothes, or what was left of them as it didn't even have enough energy left to regenerate, and pulled its face toward his, sneering as he watched whatever force kept this beast alive flicker dimly within its eyes.

"You never thought this possible did you?" he demanded, breathing heavily as he glared at the vampire in front of him, both his anger and lack of energy causing his arm to shake slightly. "That a mere human could defeat you? Could usurp your unholy kingdom, destroy your minions, end your reign of terror?! Let me tell you, beast! Monster! ABOMINATION!" He roared, his voice having steadily increased in volume, all thoughts of possibly taking the monster alive to use in the name of God's Holy Work lost as he saw it was barely clinging to life, his inability to prevent its death staring him in the face and laughing at his weakness, "You will die here, with the knowledge that you were killed by your prey, that the woman is saved, that my friend's and comrade's deaths were not in vain! What say you to that?! WHAT SAY YOU!?"

At the lack of a response he tossed the dying body to the ground as the moon continued to dip in the sky, the fact that they had defeated the No-Life King at night forever taunting the dying vampire. Abraham spared the monster one last look and said "May God's mercy cleanse your soul and allow you to redeem yourself in His name" He then turned to the bodies of his comrades and walked to them, closing their eyes and lifting them as best he could. "May God have mercy" he muttered as he walked away, the full moon setting in front of him.

Unknown to him the No-Life King wasn't as dead as he thought he was. Dracula knew this would be his last night upon this Earth, even if he consumed the blood of hundreds of virgins it wouldn't make a difference; he was to weak to even fix his clothes; the influx of blood would causing his stomach to expend too much energy to gain energy from the blood to be of any use. With the last few ounces of energy left, he called out telepathically to the one who had been with him since his ascension to the throne of the No-Life King.

This person arrived shortly in a cloud of bats, recreating their form and seamlessly stepping onto the hallowed ground where Dracula lay. Cringing slightly at this they made their way to where Dracula's form rested, being mindful not to touch the crosses on some of the graves. Once they reached the dying vampire they knelt, their currently sapphire blue eyes full of what appeared to be sadness, not that any human could, or would, believe that a being could even comprehend the emotion of sadness. It was only then that they spoke, taking a steadying breath before hand to prevent their voice from cracking due to emotion. "You've finally lost... surprising how years ago I would have rejoiced at this day, but now I only feel... empty" they said, speaking for the first time and revealing themselves to be female.

"I'm dying, 'tis true," Dracula stated, glancing up to the blond woman beside him, "But that does not mean I will disappear forever"

"Master?" she asked, brow creasing slightly in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"There is only a single No-Life King and even if I die my legacy will return; my Incarnate, my human Incarnate" he locked eyes with the Draculina, "You must be there for him, my No-Life Queen... Seras Victoria. And to do that you must go with the family of the man who defeated me; I feel our fates are intertwined" he responded cryptically, his statement causing Seras' eyes to widen in shock.

"Master... you want me to follow the man who killed you?" she asked, referring to her master as dead due to already having accepted the fact because he stated he would die. And if he was sure then there wasn't anything she had the power to do.

"I do not want you to follow him, I am telling you to." The old vampire stated, his body shaking slightly as he strained to live for a few seconds longer. "These are my last orders, heed them well: Follow the man who slew me, and his family, until you find my legacy. Keep safe my coffin, he will need it as a source for power. And finally, my servant, the No-Life Queen Seras Victoria... drink my blood and walk the night as a free Vampire" he said, after several seconds of silence, his words shocking the Draculina before him as he raised his arm toward her face, his piercing red eyes boring into her own with their full strength despite his imminent demise.

"Master... if I do, you will assuredly die... and I will become your killer, not the human" she responded, her servant-master bond with her vampiric progenitor attempting to prevent her from drinking his blood and becoming a free vampire. This, combined with her honest want to have the dying King live, prevented her from doing anything other than watch him in his last moments, and question his final orders. 'The last' she realized, with increasing sorrow, 'I'll ever receive' the thought almost brought tears to her eyes, though she refused to show it.

"I will die regardless, but it would be a smear on my name to die to a human!" Dracula responded, immediately afterward coughing up a glob of blood and saliva and taking several shallow breaths into his now bloodstained glove. "I am the No-Life King, strongest Vampire to ever live. The humans will believe they killed me, but I wish the Vampires to know the truth; that a human cannot kill me! That said, I will repeat: Seras Victoria, as you master and King I ORDER you to drink my blood and reach your full power as a Vampire!" this he roared, the force of his voice rupturing multiple blood vessels in his lungs.

Seras only looked onto his dying body sadly, uttering a quite "Yes master" of relenting, before opening her mouth, the sight and smell of her master's power filled blood sending the part of her mind that truly didn't want to do this to the darkest corner of her existence and, in a single motion, leaned down and sank her teeth into Count Dracula's jugular draining the powerful vampire of his blood. And as the sun rose in the background a single sentence, spoken in her now deceased Master's voice, sounded in her mind. "Now that you have tasted my blood, you shall know that of my legacy's"

England, 1995;

It was a crisp night, not unusual for England, and the moon was full in the cloudless sky. For many this would be a pleasant night, a night for watching the stars with family and friends, maybe a picnic with a lover, for one Joshua Morris it was anything but. He was an Inspector for the Metropolitan Police, specifically a firearms specialist, however that was beside the point. He had been sent to investigate a number of homicides in the small town of Cheddar, along with several squads of police. They'd found the culprit alright, just before they'd found the rest of the town. Seriously it was like it was out of some bad movie; The monster sitting, in a church of all places!, killing the last of the victims just as the police arrive. Expect instead of the police killing the beast and ending its rampage after it summoned its minions of the dead, they were slaughtered down to the last man, and that man was running for his life's worth.

Maybe it was the fear that allowed him to evade this inhumanly fast beast, maybe the feeling of adrenaline and the well concealed joy at blood being spilt, something that he'd been sent to a therapist for a long time to carefully hide from the public view, or perhaps it was fate's way of saying 'you will not die today'. Either way Joshua tore through the forest, his gun with only a few scant bullets left held in his ever tightening grip as he leapt over a downed tree and broke into what appeared to be a moonlit clearing at first glance. 'So much for living past the day' he scoffed, completely aware that he wouldn't be able to outrun the beast chasing him in the open. He called it a beast, though his logical mind told him it was a vampire, something he couldn't accept the existence of; if he did then he would be forced to accept the existence of everything that went bump in the night, something that he refused with every fiber of his being, for reasons even he didn't realize. To admit that there were things out there, that traveled in secret and away from humanity, would be to admit that he had no knowledge of them which, in turn, would mean that he was weaker, knowledge is a part of power, after all, and for some reason he couldn't admit that he wasn't more powerful than the things chasing him. Joshua slowed to a stop near the middle of the clearing, now visibly a break in the forest, and turned in the direction of the killer of the rest of his team, people he'd been working with for a good while now. He wouldn't say he liked all of them, but they had been good people who shouldn't have had to die while someone like him, who reveled in bloodshed and death, lived. His gun raised with practiced ease, just as a blur shot out of the treeline.

As soon as he saw that he fired where he assumed it would go. One shot, miss, readjust aim. Second shot, closer, but still a miss, readjust. Third shot, it hit something, the blur slowed slightly, almost as if it was correcting its course. After that something... clicked in his head. Two more shots, one to the shoulder the other to the stomach, the first missing but the second hitting its target. Head, miss, shoulder, miss, left leg, hit. Then something clicked, but it wasn't mental. The next shot would have been right between the eyes, and Joshua was confident that he would have hit the thing, and he would have had the gun not chosen that moment to run out of ammo. It took him only a moment to remember the first several shots at the things the beast set on him, reducing the amount of ammo in his clip to eight instead of its usual twelve. This realized his eyes widened and he dove to the side, ejecting the magazine as he did and patting himself down in search of another one. Not a moment after he dove the beast appeared where he had been standing, a sadistic grin on its face and murder in its eyes.

"You've given me quite the chase Inspector" it said with the voice of the man it used to be, "I truly didn't expect you to survive this long. Its a shame you will soon die, if you were a girl I might have made you my slave" Joshua didn't deign to respond, though the last bit did peak his interest slightly. He simply loaded a new magazine into his P226 and aimed it at the former holy man. "You think that will harm me? I will admit it surprised me that you were capable of hitting me with that, but you cannot honestly e-" it was cut off by a bullet going straight through its eye and coming out the back of its head, its arrogant smirk never leaving its face as it slumped over.

"You talk to much, and I find your voice highly annoying" Joshua stated with cold indifference, his handgun still pointed at the beast. His refusal to believe that it would die so easily was rewarded with it beginning to shake, looking much like it was laughing. Its refusal to die was rewarded with a bullet in the back of its head. He would have fired another, but the beast disappeared, reappearing seconds later just behind him with its arm around his neck. "Let go you damned monster!" Joshua roared bringing his gun to bear, pointed next to his ear at the things face. 'This is gonna hurt' he thought, just before he pulled the trigger, sure the sound would causing his mostly unprotected eardrum, he did have special earplugs in after all, to burst. It did hurt, but not in the way he expected.

His arm exploded in pain, shattered by the beast's lightning fast strikes in several places, causing him to drop the gun and bellow in agony, the sound carrying for almost a kilometer in the empty and nigh soundless night. The beast laughed, an annoying, teeth grinding sound that was barely heard by Joshua as his pain, only increased by the fact that the beast dropped him, which knocked out his earplugs, threatened to render him unconscious. Only his willpower kept him from falling into a blissful sleep, from which he was positive he would never return, and his burning desire to live and kill this pathetic excuse for a former human. Luckily for him, his cry of pain attracted the attention of a certain being, who strolled through the woods on this night, concerned only with how beautiful the moon looked alone in the starless sky. At least until he heard the cry. Hearing it brought forth memories from a time long past and it was in that moment that the being shot forward, the only thing on its mind the memories, and what the future might hold if its feeling was correct. At that thought it grinned, its sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight as it speed through the forest.

Joshua lay on the ground, his gun forgotten at his side as he cradled his arm close to his body, glaring at the beast as it laughed. He swore under his breath when he saw that the monsters it had summoned were now making their way out of the forest, all clutching some kind of gun or weapon. 'Wonder how many I'll be able to take out...' he thought to himself, bringing himself up to a sitting position, idly wishing his back where to a tree so he didn't have to expend any energy in just staying upright. 'Plus it would look better' he snorted, reaching for his gun and picking it up with his non-dominant hand.

"And what do you think you'll be able to do with that? Kill me?!" the beast joked, eyeing the two bullet casings that held the bullets that entered his head mere moments before.

"No, you've proven to hard for myself to kill," Joshua admitted, the mere words leaving a sour taste in his mouth, "I intend to put some things out of their misery" with that he opened fire, bullet after bullet running into the brains of the monsters, causing them to shudder, but still continue moving. "Well damn..." he muttered as he watched them keep moving, still idly pulling the trigger of his P226 despite the lack of ammunition in the magazine, barely having the energy to sit up straight let alone be surprised that the monsters kept moving. This only caused the beast to laugh harder, actually clutching its sides and bending as it did so.

This was the scene the being arrived to, after slowing to a stop: a human, whose current position prevented them from seeing their face, with an obviously broken arm, surrounded by their prey and its slaves, pointlessly pulling the trigger to the firearm in his hand. It sighed, almost feeling sorry for the black haired human, before casually walking toward the human with such unnatural and inhuman grace that they seemed to be gliding.

The former priest, having finally suppressed his laughter, straightened up and yelled "Dinner time!" and just before he pounced, he was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Not because something was clogging it, but because they were demanding one's attention. This fact, coupled with the sight of just who cleared their throat once the former priest turned to face them, caused Joshua to drop his gun in shock.

Being that he was sitting up on the ground, and male, the first thing he noticed was their breasts, which are large, easily large Ds. The second was her nigh golden blonde hair long enough to cover one of her eyes, splayed behind her head by some sort of elastic device, only she really knew how it was held there as her hair obscured the view and no one, living or undead, had ever been that close to her. She stood at what looked to be his height, clad in a red dress that covered her from the base of her neck to around the middle of her thighs. It had almost no sleeves, leaving most of her arms exposed to the air. Said arms ended in hands clad in white gloves, on the back of which was unreadable symbols and lines. On her legs were dark stockings that covered up to her knees, and a pair of comfortable looking shoes (basically the ones she wears in canon). Her skin was pale, almost unnaturally so, but not quite, and flawless. For some reason Joshua could not fathom it seemed to glow in the moonlight. What truly enraptured his attention were her eyes; They, like the beast's, were red, something that caused him to become wary of her, but unlike the aforementioned monster, whose eyes were a pale malicious red, her's were a bright and alluring crimson, and something about them simply drew in your attention and made you want to stare into them for eternity. All in all she was inhumanly beautiful, something that Joshua wasn't complaining about in the slightest.

When she spoke, Joshua realized there was something even more alluring about her than her eyes, or her figure, "I assume you to be responsible for these deaths, and these Ghouls?" she asked, eyes hard and glaring holes into the beast's forehead.

As arrogant as he was, the former priest could tell this woman was more powerful than she let on, and her eyes told him she was no human. That being said, he kept up his arrogant display, silently telling his Ghouls to face the newcomer. "And who would you be?" he demanded condescendingly, unable to prevent himself from taking in her body with a hungry eye. Something that didn't go unnoticed by the very person he was eyeing.

"A hunter," She replied splaying her gloved hand, as the area around it began to darken, "And by order of my master you shall die for nearly exposing our kind, and praying upon humans. Honestly its as if you didn't think your feeding would go unnoticed, or perhaps you were so high on power that you assumed yourself untouchable?" despite himself he flinched, revealing she'd hit the nail on the head.

"Well then Hunter," the former priest growled, attempting to mask his flinch with anger, as he raised his hand, "Let's see how well you can kill me without a head?!" With that he snapped his fingers, and the Ghouls raised their weapons. As an afterthought, now confident in the death of his opponent, he calmly told the Ghouls, just loud enough to be heard by Joshua and the hunter, "Do try to aim for her head; it would be a shame if her body were soiled by bullets" with that the mass of undead opened fire in a flash of light that lit up the area and wave of sound that nearly deafened Joshua. What happened next would change the world as he truly knew it, more so that being chased by the beast ever had or could.

Impossible as it seemed, Joshua could clearly see through the hail of bullets and flashes caused by said bullets leaving the barrel of their gun, and hear perfectly over the roar of the guns. What he saw was the woman grin just slightly, the kind of grin that one wears when they know something no one else does and they enjoy every minute of it, and, just as the first of the bullets was about to scatter her brains onto the grass behind her, she moved. Faster than anything he had ever seen, or could ever see, she moved around the bullets, so smoothly and with such laziness that it was as if she were dodging poorly thrown stones. It was with morbid fascination that he watched her gracefully dodge every single bullet that had been shot at her, and for some reason it looked as if the bullets slowed just by watching her. What he heard above all the gunfire was her laugh, something that was likely the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. Throughout all this she seemed amused by their attempt to kill her.

Ghouls naturally lacked the brain power they had as humans, relying mostly on their vampiric masters to direct them. That being said they couldn't really tell if they had any ammo or not, so when they finally ran out they just kept depressing the trigger. It was the final bullet fired by the Ghouls that actually touched the woman, but not because she wasn't paying attention or because she was being arrogant. No it was because of the simple fact that she snatched it out of the air and, after looking it over for a few seconds, flicked it into the head of one of the Ghouls. Said Ghoul fell to the ground seconds later, its master's control over it destroyed and its body allowed to slump to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

It was at that moment that the former priest realized just how royally screwed he was and was contemplating how to escape even as a gun was being formed from the shadows around the hunter's hand. It took a few scant seconds for it to be created and, as a weapons specialist, Joshua found he couldn't tear his gaze away from a gun the likes of which he had never seen.

First off it was impossibly long, from a glance it looked like its barrel at least 8 to 9 inches long, something he'd never heard of for a pistol. The only reason he could imagine for a barrel that long would be to increase the accuracy, or to decrease the noise of the gas escaping the barrel (please note I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about), but without inspecting it at a close distance he couldn't be sure. Secondly it was a silver coloring that glinted menacingly in the moonlight, looking as if it anticipated the deaths it would soon wrought.

It had writing going down the slide and, though he knew he would be unable to read it, Joshua attempted to read the words, though his attempt was cut off by a sudden blaze of gunfire. To his astonishment every shot that was fired hit the same spot on each Ghoul; the left eye. And immediately afterward their heads exploded. 'FMJ rounds!' Joshua realized suddenly, eyes widening as he attempted to move a little farther away from the one sided gunfight, an act that did not go unnoticed by the former priest.

It took several seconds of nonstop gunfire, a curious fact given that there was no possible way the pistol could hold that much ammunition, but when she stopped shooting ever Ghoul was dead. She then turned her gun on the former priest who, once he saw this, blurred out of sight to the normal eye. The woman had no normal eyes, and easily, and lazily, followed her prey with the gun, only to stop short once she realized it was going for the human. Her arm blurred to bring the gun to bear, but was just slow enough that it managed to grab the human and was using him as a shield.

"I know what you are, only an idiot would be able to tell that by now," the former priest began, gripping Joshua tightly, uncaring of the man's shattered arm, "But I'm sure whoever sent you, if they cared enough to send you to kill me and save the town I have been feeding from, wouldn't want the death of the final survivor," it then sneered, believing to have seen a flicker of realization on the woman's face, "That being said, I won't kill this man, provided that you let me go" Joshua's eyes widened as he truly realized just what kind of situation he was currently in. "I'm not asking much, you don't even have to help me escape from the authorities; All I ask is that you turn a blind eye. Do this and he's all yours"

The woman, having been silent throughout the former priest's proposal, spoke up for the first time since she arrived. "Are you a virgin?" she asked, looking pointedly at Joshua, who merely blinked in confusion at the question, before the words really registered in his mind. When they did his eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly, just enough fr his mouth to be open a slight amount.

The former priest however understood what she was asking immediately, and growled angrily. "You honestly think I'd let you get away with that?" he demanded, adjusting his grip so that one of his hands was on Joshua's chin, the other on the top of his head. "The moment you fire a shot I'll snap his neck! Don't assume I move slower than bullets, girl!"

The woman didn't dignify him with a response, she merely looked Joshua in the eyes and repeated her question. "Inspector, are you a virgin?" something about her voice was different somehow. Joshua didn't know how, why, or what but something was different, and it was that difference that forced him to answer.

"Yes!" he yelled, despite the former priest's efforts to close his mouth. For the briefest second he felt his captor's hands move to break his neck, immediately after that he felt nothing but blinding pain and the former priest's hands loosen in their grip. The next thing he knew, there was something wet on the back of his head and shoulder and he was falling numbly, barely able to feel the searing pain in his chest. He somehow managed to land on his knees, vaguely aware of the fact that his captor was dying a horrible and painful death, if his screams of pain were anything to go off of. As he knelt, the very last of his strength being used to keep him upright, he slowly began to feel... cold. It started in his toes and fingers, and slowly began to spread toward his head. When it reached his waist he was hit with vertigo, and found himself on his back, only really aware of the encroaching cold and the fact that the woman was standing above him.

"Your lung has been pierced. If the blood loss does not kill you, then a lung full of blood will. So I ask; do you wish to live?" he heard her ask, sounding as if they were separated by continents, "To continue existing and walk the night?" she suddenly became very far away, and he found himself reaching for her, the last thing to currently tied him to life. Had he not lost feeling in his hand already he likely would have felt his hand be caught by something, but as it stood he could only really feel his face. "I ask you what I was asked, many years ago, and give you the same option: Live. Or die. Yes... or no?" despite his lack of energy his mouth moved, but no sound came out. He could see her face growing closer, despite the distance she seemed to be at, and, for the briefest moment, as the cold reached his eyes and a feeling of fire erupted in his neck, he felt the strangest sense of dèjá vu. And the he saw nothing but black, and felt nothing but his blood being set ablaze.

And heard nothing but callous, arrogant, triumphant laughter. And he realized... he was laughing.

Post AN: This has been bugging me since I picked Hellsing Ultimate back up about... a couple months ago at least. As stated above I honestly don't care if you like it, since this'll only be worked on when I'm stuck with Nothing is set in stone, so if you want to be a troll and flame me for taking the time write this out and post it, as opposed to just writing it for my own amusement, I say go for it; all you'll be doing it showing me that there are people who are taking the time to give me feedback, despite their apparent malicious intents. That being said I'm posting this for several reasons, here are two of them:

1. I feel like it, and actually appreciate it when people critique my writing since that only makes me better. For an example... my first story was so absolutely abysmal that I'm telling you right now DO NOT READ IT! Its only still up because I'm sentimental about my roots as a writer and occasionally compare it to how I write now. Needless to say I've made a good bit of progress, in my opinion at least.

2. Because I F**KING CAN! (I apologize if my phrasing offended you, but I have no other way to put that and keep the same emphasis and intent to that degree)

I'd say that's about all I've got to say here. If you have any questions either PM me, leave a review (I make a point to respond to all reviews in any way possible). Have a good day and get a life, because sitting in front of a computer reading Fanfiction isn't a very good one! Doing it on a phone is even worse! And I'm pathetic because I do both almost religiously!