How Not To Cook Pop Tarts

By Yoshizilla-Rhedosaurus

Lady Palutena's stomach growled loudly as she rubbed her rumbling belly with her right hand, being in the girls' lounge with Lucina as she sighed, both of them sitting on the yellow couch.

"Man, am I hungry." Palutena stated the obvious as she turned to Lucina.

Lucina's stomach grumbled as well as she sighed, placing both of her hands on her belly. "So am I. What should we make?"

"...Something easy that requires no effort." Palutena suggested as she raised her right hand, smiling as she opened her eyes. "Like pop tarts!"

"Oh boy!" Lucina squealed in an innocent, high pitched tone as she clapped her hands several time, leaving the lounge with Palutena as both of the female Smashers skipped down the hallway, going down the stairs and heading into the Smash Mansion's cafeteria as they went to grab some boxes of cinnamon pop tarts, with Palutena using one of her customization moves as they instantly returned to the girls lounge, with Palutena taking out two pop tarts and putting them in the toaster, folding her hands together as she and Lucina watched.

The toaster then shook violently, and then exploded, with it turning into ashes, alongside the pop tarts. Palutena and Lucina blinked as they turned to each other, wondering what just happened.

"It burnt." Lucina remarked as she wiped some of the ashes off, tasting it with her finger as she glanced at Palutena. "This doesn't taste like cinnamon at all."

"...Darn." Palutena remarked as she folded her arms together in disappointment. "Well, looks like we'll have to do it the old fashion way."

Later, Palutena and Lucina both had another pair of pop tarts, this time using the microwave as they had it set on extremely high. Both of the girls shook their arms as they watched the pop tarts spin, only for several sparks to pop out of the microwave as it exploded, belching out smoke onto the girl Smashers as the pop tarts were once again reduced into ashes. Looking at the ashes, Palutena and Lucina faced each other as they blinked.

"So that didn't work." Lucina remarked as she moved her long blue hair back.

Palutena nodded as she wrapped her arms around the back of her head. "What a shame."

After hearing both of their stomachs grumble for several seconds, the two girls raised their arms slowly as they had another pair of pop tarts in their hands, the two girls staring right at each other.

"We have to warm these bad boys up." Palutena stated as she stared directly at Lucina, who nodded in agreement.

The female version of Robin poked her head into the lounge as she shook her head, facing Palutena and Lucina with her hands on her hips. "Wouldn't it be better for you to just eat it right away?"

"No! It tastes so much better when it's warm! And soft!" Lucina snapped as she glanced around the lounge, murmuring. "...And fluffy. Very fluffy."

Female Robin simply shrugged as she went to go find the other girls, while Palutena and Lucina went to the western end of the lounge, several crashes being heard as the girls were desperate to warm up their cinnamon flavored pop tarts. R.O.B. watched as the girls ran past him, causing the gray colored Robotic Operating Buddy to shake his robotic head.

"Hmmm... what has gotten into them?" ROB muttered to himself in a robotic tone as he headed to the girls lounge to check for damage, being allowed in there due to being a robot, on the account that he could change his gender with ease.