As soon as he went home, Derek went straight to the infirmary area. Growled to anyone in close vicinity to his injured mate to leave except the healer. He finally laid eyes on her after everyone left. He can feel the anxiety running through her viens through the bond.

Stiles was still her in wolf form. Yet eyes closed but he knew that she was on high alert. Well, the feral side of her is.

"Genim," he called for her. His voice low and hoarse trying not to growl out in anger from the fear that overtook him on his drive here.

"Luna," Dr. Deaton said softly to her. "Derek is here." Deaton was the only one (outside of Laura and Peter—and Stiles) to call him without formality. Deaton glanced up at the alpha. "She hasn't shifted back at all. Took me awhile to get her to calm down enough for me to treat her. The feral side of her is very wary of us even though we're her new pack. Maybe you should intergrate her more with the pack instead of hiding her away like a prize possession." Derek glared at the older man. He was more of a family friend than just a lower class rank like the rest. For one thing, he's human yet Drek would treat him almost as respectful as an older family member. He's been around since his parents and they highly respected the man. He wasn't just a healer. He was an advisor (along with Peter as much as Derek hates to admit).

Stiles's eyes opened. Golden eyes that glowed against her snow white fur. Heer eyes watching him intensely before she let out a whimper. She bowed her head in respect and gave him her best puppy eyes.

Derek was a bit bothered that she was still in her wolf form. It made it a bit better for him that she was making her heal faster than average. He rested on his knees beside the bedding she laid on. She eyed him closely as he reached for her. His hand slowly resting on her fur. Stroking it.

"I'm glad you made it out alive," he finally spoke to her. Stiles whined a bit before giving him a 'doggy' kiss aka licking his cheek a few times. He growled a bit yet not intimidating. Stiles contined, nuzzling into him with a purr (or a canine version of a purr). It did it's desired effect on him. He relaxed slightly. His feral side content with his Luna nuzzling into him. Scenting him.

Then he stopped enjoying it when he realized that Deaton was still there. He turned to the healer.

"Leave," he paused. "Please," he adds.

As soon as he leaves, he strokes Stiles with both hands. Scratching on her ear. Then massaging her a bit. He nuzzled back. His thoughts turned to the both of them in her 'nest'—both in feral forms. Stiles was a bit leaner and smaller compared to the average female form. Derek's was larger than the average Alpha's. Dark as night and just as feral as a beast in the woods. He can picture it. Her stark white form cuddled into his black form.

Derek knew that he hasn't been that forthcoming when it comes to Stiles. It was a bit difficult with his doubt of trust for about any one who's not family (besides Peter). With her expressive eyes that made it feel as if she's staring into his soul. So open to anyone. Loud and bright. Gleaming with quirkiness.

It made things easier to look at her in the eye.

"I feel like I cant leave you alone," he told her. "Everytime you put yourself in a bind."

She huffed in response.

"Maybe…when you heal I can run with you," he said. He couldn't help but laugh a bit when she gave her best mimick of a bark in response