This time, I didn't hold back. I couldn't. I couldn't turn away from him a second time. I knew that I was about to be separated from him by thousands of years, and there was no way I wasn't saying a goodbye. Nothing could stop me from getting to him this time. Nothing.

"Link!" I yelled to him.


"Link it's me!"


I was so overwhelmed with excitement and relief to see him alive that I began laughing. I knew that Impa must've known it was useless to try to stop me. But her not stopping me also confirmed what I had suspected. Link wouldn't be following me back in time. At least not now. She knew that I wasn't going to go through that gate without knowing that he was alright.

"Zelda, I made it! I found you, I finally found you!" Link said again, laughing. I guess we were so overwhelmed we couldn't do anything hardly but say each other's names.

And just as he reached the bridge, and just as I was running to him, and just as I thought I would finally get to throw my arms around him…the unthinkable happened.

A loud blast cut through the air. Stone pieces flew past Link and me. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The skies grew dark and Ghirahim's disgusting laugh seemed to ring through the air.

The force of the impact sent Link and me flying. We both landed hard on the stone ground. The impact left my (still sore) back screaming in pain, but I had to get up. I kept trying to focus on the fact that one of us didn't fall off the edge.

I heard Link mumble something, brining me to my senses.

"Impa!" I cried, thanking the Goddess she was able to assist. She was there in less than two seconds. Before I could object, she threw my entire body over her shoulder like a bag of flower. Apparently I had lost weight since this whole endeavor began because there was no way someone as skinny as her could lift me like that.

I watched in horror as the scene in front of me played out. Link was already on his feet, sword drawn, slashing away at Ghirahim. I, frankly, had no idea he was that good. I knew he was good, I had seen him and even versed him a time or two in Skyloft, but never had I watched him unleash like this. Ghirahim isn't an easy match either. I was momentarily taken aback by it. Link seemed to be gaining on him. Ghirahim blocked every strike, but Link wasn't striking to kill. He was striking to put as much distance between Ghriahim and the gate. And me. He was fighting to protect me. He didn't even know about the gate.

Then the next unthinkable thing happened, as if the first wasn't enough. Ghirahim completely disappeared. Vanished within a second. But he wasn't actually gone. Just invisible.

Then he started to do one of his sick, psychopathic games. In an instant, he reappeared at Link's left. No, his right. Wait, right behind him now. All three. Everywhere. At once. His voice echoed all around us, tormenting Link. He slashed his sword in a one-eighty, spin attacking and hitting every Ghirahim. The two apparently fake ones on Link's left and right disappeared, but the true Ghirahim stood directly in front of him.

"Get him, Link, now is your chance," I kept thinking over and over as I struggled against Impa's hold. I had to help him.

Link must've heard my thoughts because he immediately struck Ghirahim right in the chest. But upon contact, a bright, yellow light, the same kind that shined in Ghirahim's evil seal, came from his chest, throwing Link back upon impact.

And that's when I lost it. I watched as Link flew backwards, barely grabbing onto the edge of the bridge, dangling for his life.

I felt anger and fear rise up within me, and soon out of me as my scream pierced the air. Even Ghiahim almost seemed to be caught off guard by it. It must have been loud enough to affect Impa because in the split second she was stunned, I was out of her grasp and already sprinting to the scene. I heard Impa yell something, no doubt telling me to stop. But I didn't listen.

Ghirahim stood over Link, foot poised and ready to break his fingers, sending him plummeting into a never ending abyss. But the thing that got me the most, the thing that truly lit my fire, was Ghirahim's further taunting of Link. I heard something…something about his father. Link's father. And how much they looked alike. And suddenly, in that moment, all became clear.

"Link, hang on!" I screamed again, hoping he would hear the despair in my voice. Maybe that would give him a reason to hang on. Maybe in that moment he would realize the truth. A moment that I never really intended to come (and if it did it would be with a stroke of his face and holding his hands), suddenly hitting him when he hung from a bridge. Maybe in that moment he would realize how empty I would be without him. How distraught. Maybe then he would know.

With that motivation in my mind, I targeted Ghiarhim and decided to unleash all hatred on him. I jumped into the air, feeling my body fly further than I knew it could. I felt my hands glow with my magic. I had no idea how to control it, but I knew exactly where I wanted it to land.

I wished in a split second that I had my spear. But suddenly, it appeared. Out of thin air, a pearl and gold spear slid right into my hand. Overwhelmed with my own ability, I twirled it, gaining every bit of momentum I could before launching it right into Ghirahim's hand, throwing him down and pinning him to the ground. The shaft of the spear glowed with the Goddess's magic, breaking the barrier Ghirahim set around himself.

He yelled in anger, but I saw him begin to break free of the head of the spear. It didn't matter though because Link was already to his feet again. Thank Goddess. I landed on the ground, kind of how I used to when I was younger, feet apart and my hand balancing me on the ground. Link always called it my frog pose.

Standing up, I was ready to fight alongside him. Immediately I was greeted with my spear, headed right back at me. It was Link's scream that pierced the air now.

But I knew Ghirahim couldn't use my own magic against me. I merely held out my hand, causing my spear to disappear before hitting me.

Ghirahim scowled, leaned back on his hands, and pushed himself on his feet. Link then ran at him, sword poised and ready to strike. I suppose he was looking to buy me more time to get to the gate, but I wasn't going anywhere yet. Ghirahim spun around with his sword, slashing through the air as he did. A barrier of dark magic appeared in front of Link, rendering him unable to go anywhere.

Ghirahim's full attention had been turned to Impa and me. He was bored with Link and re-centered his focus. He knew he had fallen prey to Link's plan: distraction.

I yelled to Impa, knowing she would back me up while I finished up here. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her create a force field between she and Ghirahim. She glared right back into Ghirahim's bloodthirsty stare as he struck away at the force field.

Time was growing short. I ran over to the side of the courtyard by the gate, calling to Link. He was already looking at me, bless him. He knew I was up to something.

"Link, here!" I cried, "You'll need this where you're going!" And in one quick instant, I used more magic to launch my harp over to him. I knew the harp held certain powers, as I had seen it in my flashbacks, and I knew he would need it. Something told me he would.

The harp landed right in Link's hands. Once I was sure of its safety, I took off for the gate. Just in time too, because Impa's seal was giving way. I knew it was time to go. Time to be separated from him by an eternity. I took one last look at him. It was probably stupid, but I wanted to memorize his features the last time I saw him, just in case it was the last I'd ever see him.

Meeting his eyes, I felt tears nearly rise up in me. I tried to mouth the words "I'm sorry," but I doubt he caught them.

The force shattered, sending Impa on her back. I shrieked in terror, knowing that I couldn't leave without her. And for a split second, I was genuinely scared. I froze.

But my rescuer prevailed once again. Link flew right between Ghirahim and Impa, standing his ground, sword in hand, ready to fight once more.

"Just protect her!" He yelled back to Impa. Impa seemed just as relieved as I did. She promised him she would, and was at the gate in seconds.

I followed suit and was right next to her, ready to brave the unknown into the past. Impa raised her hand, forming her explosive ball that she used to destroy all the bokoblins back in Eldin.

"Impa, you can't! He won't be able to reach us if you destroy it!" My anger and fear skyrocketed again.

"Trust me," she whispered. "Hey!" Link spun around at her call. "Return to the woman at the Sealed Grounds and report what happened here! She will tell you where to go!"

I couldn't just not say anything. I couldn't watch him be torn from me again. I registered Impa's voice but I interrupted her anyway.

"I'll see you again!" I yelled to him desperately. Impa shoved me backwards behind the gate, but I just shoved back. "This isn't good bye! I promise!"

I guess Impa decided it as now or never, and she dropped the ball of light. I heard it explode, but I couldn't see anything. However, the nearly translucent view in front of me turned completely black, and I assumed it meant that side of the gate was destroyed.

And then all was quiet.

A/N: Alright, I know. It's been forever since I updated this story. Wayyy longer than I intended for it to be, too! Sorry about that... I got really engulfed in my other story. But this one is back! I apologize for my rustiness as well. I know this one is short but it was a bit of a filler. Plus, I'll just be honest, it's never that much fun to write a chapter that I had basically just written in my other story. But it was imperative to this plot, and frankly inevitable. Still though, I'm sorry if this one is weak. Don't worry though, I haven't lost my mojo. Please please please hang in there with me! I really love this story and want to make it the best it can be, and I intend for it to get better. I am always open to suggestion so feel free to tell me what you thought about it. Reviews are always appreciated! Hope you all enjoyed this one, and expect more to come. Thanks for all the patience and support! Expect to hear from me soon!