So I'm going to try to keep this story alive.. Try... I'm sorry for the random outputs for this story... Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.. Til next time.. Byes..

Ruby would tilt her head to the slight rose cheeked girl before her. Ruby would want to say something to her, but every time she would try something held her back some mental thought or mental block. They would both stand there in silence, waiting for the other to start something anything.

Weiss would finally stop looking away to meet the silver eyes before her. Her face less flustard or so it seemed, but she did seem to change her stance. She still kept her left hand attached to her right elbow for some for of comfort. They both seemed to let out a soft sigh of relief.

Finally, Ruby would say something anything to help," Hey Weiss, did you need something?" Ruby would say in her innocent and child-like tone.

"I came to give you a more deep appolgy and do I need a reason to talk to my follow classmates?" Weiss said with a soft hiss. Weiss would quickly regret the last few things she said.

Ruby gave a face of a sad and lonely puppy, a slight tear in her eye.
"Weiss I was just asking why you came over.. I...'m..sorry..." Ruby would say to the again icy acting girl. Ruby would hold her arms close to her chest seeming even more down from the ice pick words from Weiss.

Weiss saw what she had done to the innocent girl and felt immediately and an infante amount times worse. Weiss would start to walk away thinking in her mind " If I just leave now she will be fine... I can't do that to her she seems so... Down... Maybe if I stay I little while..." Weiss would turn back around to the low ember and place her soft dilicate hand on Ruby's Shoulder.

Ruby would be in her mind stuck in that place constantly think in there "Oh no I think I messed up and she hates me even more now.. I think i should just avoid her" But after the last thought she felt something cold touch her shoulder bringing her out of her nightmar-ish thoughts. Ruby looked up to the warmer face of Weiss, jumping to her clinging to her with a hug that was ment for a thank you.

The sudden affectiong from the bright Ruby would cause a immediate shock through her body. After her body adjusted she softly placed her arms around the one clinging to her for seemingly dear life.

This beautful embrace would last for quite a while only to be intrupted by Ruby saying in a almost unaudable voice," Thank you Weiss." After a wee bit of time Ruby would release her grip of the other girl. Weiss's soft rose tint would come back leaving her slightly off-guard.

By this time everyone around them had fallen asleep and were taking up a majority of the open spaces where Weiss could go and set-up her sleeping bag and slumber for the long days ahead. So she decieded to bunk with Ruby for the night. Weiss set her sleeping bag quite close to Ruby's laying on her stomach with the other young girl.
"Weiss may I ask you a question?" Ruby said in a soft tone so that she didn't wake up any of the people around them. Weiss took a few seconds before responding.

"I didn't want to leave you in that state.. I didn't want you to stay like that.." Weiss said as she started getting up..
"Where are you going?"
"I don't want to sleep in this and I suggest you change into somthing more like.. sleep attire as well."

On that note Ruby would get up, search her small bag for her nighty which was just a string t-shirt with black sweatpants. This was her casual night ware to sleep in for the night. Ruby would try to tip-toe through the horde of sleeping students. Not being to successful she saw Weiss and slowly followed her. Weiss was coordinated and she knew how to move. She didn't know that Ruby was following her, she just assumed Ruby would go some other way.