Konnichiwa minna-chan! *the author skips in singing the Samaria Pizza Cats

theme song* (anyone remember that show? I used to watch it all the time!)

Here's part 4 and hopefully the next to last part in this story. Hope you

enjoy it, and e-mail me at: [email protected]

Thank-you's go out to Sailor Terra and JENN. If this isn't on my page, then

what are you waiting for? Come and visit me!

On The Run Part: Four

Rating: PG-13 (for suggestive scenes)


Rinnng! Rinng! The shrill sound of a telephone rudely awoke Rei from a dream

she was having about being on a date with the ever popular singing group Luna


"Moshi moshi?" She mumbled, "Who is this, and what are you on to be calling me

at this hour of the night?"

"Rei, are you awake?" A familiar voice asked.

"Iie, so let me go back to bed now, ok?" She answered sleepily.

"It's Mamoru, and I'm at Tokyo General-"

He was cut off as Rei shouted into the phone, now fully awake,

"NANI? What are you doing there??? What's wrong? Was there a negaverse attack?

Why didn't you contact us?? Or-"

"Rei, please, just calm down, I was attacked, but not by a youma, I guess you

could say I was mugged...I'm ok, but could you do me a favor and get me some

stuff from my apartment? I'll only be here a day or so, under surveillance."

Mamoru hadn't wanted to call anyone, least he draw attention to the fact that Usagi

was missing, and he knew that the others would want to look for her, but he didn't

want to put them in danger. As a last resort, he had called Rei, as he had kind of

dated her a while back, before he and Usagi had gotten together, and he suspected

that she might still have a key to his apartment.

"S-sure. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, and Rei?"


"Please don't tell the others, I don't want to scare anyone. And don't tell.." He

took a deep breath and lied, "Don't tell Usagi, she's...*pause* visiting some friends

with her family, and when she comes back I don't want to worry her. Alright?" Well, at

least her family was visiting relatives, it didn't matter that Usagi hadn't gone with

them. He just hoped that Usagi hadn't had a chance to tell her friends that she was

staying behind on this family outing.

"Ok. Goodbye Mamoru-san."

The phone clicked, as he settled it back into its receiver, and Mamoru massaged his

temples as he closed his eyes and prayed the Usagi would be alright.


I huddled in the cold room, wondering how long I had been there. I had just woken up,

and for all I really knew I had been there for days. Well, in reality I had had only

been there about 4 hours but with no watch and only a major headache as well as the

memories of how the men had treated me earlier I wasn't exactly in shape to be having

bright prospects about the future. I shivered in the darkness.

Mamoru…where are you? I thought desperately as I tried in vain to send Mamoru a telepathic

message. Just then I heard a sound and the door opened slowly displaying a figure outlined

in the dim light. My heart began to pound fiercely, but I couldn't tell who it was through

my blindfold, only that there was someone or something in the doorway.

"Well now pretty lady….did you rest up?"

The sneering voice could only belong to one person and I was not at all confident

that I could defend myself in the tiny room against the physically stronger man.

Tsuzuki walked into the room and closed the door; I turned my head away and looked

at the shadows in the corner as his heavy footsteps drew nearer. There was a chilling

'click' as the door settled shut and somehow I felt that it was the sound of any hope

being locked away behind the cement walls that framed my prison. Tsuzuki hunkered down

beside me and I soon felt one of his rough hands cup my cheek as he turned my face toward

him. A moment later the blindfold was removed and the dirty black cloth fell to the floor

beside me revealing the man I was dreading to see.

I shivered.

"Awe…are you feeling a little nervous with me in the room?" He grinned at me as he

sat back on his heels. I tried to look away again but his grip was strong. I found

myself looking into his eyes. They were an amazingly deep brown, and his redish-brown

hair, with the black roots of his original Japanese black color beginning to show

through, nearly brushed his shoulders. His features really were handsome; then, despite

it all I felt myself blushing.

Why!? I wanted to scream at myself! He's a terrible person and will do terrible things

to you if you don't get out of here soon!

Tsuzuki took in my pink cheeks and laughed at me.

"Ah…my presence is a bit overwhelming, isn't it?" He brushed his thumb against the

smooth skin on my cheek and winked at me. "You know, it's not uncommon for captives

to fall in love with their captors…something about the rush they get from the danger

and all that…"

I blinked up at him and mentally tried to slow my hammering heart for fear that it

would burst from my chest.

"Don't worry little one…I'll be gentle with you…."

The last phrase was said as he lowered his lips next to my ear and I shivered as his

warm breath floated against my cool skin. My eyebrows pushed in towards each other as

my eyes filled with tears which I furiously blinked back. My breathing became labored

and much quicker as he pulled back and stood up for a moment, slipping off his leather

jacket and letting it fall to the floor behind him. He was wearing a white 'wife-beater'

tank top and his arms were well muscled.

I pressed as far against the wall as I could; the ropes which bound my wrists cutting

into my flesh with a sharp and painful reminder of just how helpless I really was. Tsuzuki

clasped his hands together and stretched out his arms in front of him as he cracked his

knuckles and flexed his shoulder muscles, grinning down at my troubled face as the light

bulb flickered and threatened to go out completely. A few tears slipped down my cheeks

and a tiny whimper escaped my throat as he walked back toward me.




That afternoon Mamoru was allowed to go home. Rei had brought him a change of clothes and

once he had thanked her, Mamoru had sent her on her way. He hadn't meant to be pushy, but

he needed to get home as soon as possible.

Once back in his apartment, Mamoru dressed in black jeans, a black t-shirt, a black

leather jacket and black boots. Then he tucked a silver .38 gun in the left inside

pocket of his jacket, thankful that Usagi didn't know he owned a gun; he was sure

that she would freak out. Not that she would be any calmer if he had to use it to

rescue her. Grabbing his motorcycle helmet Mamoru locked his apartment and headed

down the back stairs and out to the parckade where he ran for his bike. A few minutes

later he roared off into the night.

There was something about one of his attacker's jackets that had been plaguing at his

mind all the previous day. There had been a symbol, about the size of his fist on the

man's left sleeve. It was a black and silver bulldog head, with it's teeth bared,

surrounded by a red circle with spikes on it, like a sort of collar. That image had

been resounding in his mind for hours until he finally placed where he had seen it

before. It was the symbol for a street gang that dealt drugs near the park on the

weekends. The…what was the same again?...The Fangs. They were a tough group who

gave no second thought to beating up people for money to get their next fix, and

Usagi had it.

The bottle that she had grabbed from the store robber must have contained his next

fix, and he, being desperate for another hit, had gone after Usagi to get it back.

Now that they had Usagi, Mamoru was sure that they would want more from her than

some drugs. Usagi was an attractive young girl…

Rounding a corner so hard his bike nearly skidded out, Mamoru continued on towards

the last place that he had seen Usagi. As he neared the park he saw a couple of guys

in leather jackets. The silvery dog symbols on their sleeves flashing in the moonlight.

He slowed his bike to a stop near them at called one of the 3 over.


One guy glanced at him, taking in his bike.

"Yeah, what's up man? You need a little something-something?" He smirked as he waved a

joint in the air casually.

"It'll cost ya." One of his friends tossed over his shoulder, as he lit a cigarette.

Mamoru clicked back the hammer on his gun and aimed it the punk nearest him. The guy's

eyes widened and he glanced nervously at his companions, waving his hands in front of

him in surrender.

"H-hey man, c-cool it. The first one's on the h-house!" And he grabbed a newly rolled

joint from the third guy and held it out towards Mamoru as a peace offering. His two

friends took a couple of steps back then turned and high-tailed it off into the darkness.

As the guy Mamoru had his gun shifted his weight and prepared to do the same Mamoru's

narrowed eyes flashed.

"Just where do you think you're going?" He growled. The kid in front of him, whom Mamoru

had had time to look over, looked to be about 17, and probably was regretting leaving his

nice, safe, home to come here and smoke up, now. The kid emitted a noise tht sounded like

a whimper and didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought." Mamoru continued in a low voice. "Now listen up, I want information

and my sources lead me to believe that you're the one who will give it to me."

The kid nodded.

"You're part of the Fangs, aren't you kid?"

Another nod.

"Where do you lame punks hang out when you're not here rotting your brains with pot?"

"The w-warehouse, over on South 23rd." The young guy stammered, as he pointed down the


"You wouldn't be lying to me now, would you?" Mamoru asked dangerously, waving his gun

in the kid's direction.

"Oh no, no sir!"

"Thanks kid. Oh, do yourself a favor and lay off the weed; people say it's not good for you."

Then, with that last sarcastic remark, Mamoru roared off in the direction of the aforementioned

'abandoned' warehouse and the street punk kid took off after his cowardly buddies.


Ok everyone! Here's the latest chapter of "On the Run"! I'm glad that people are liking it

so far! Keep reviewing, k? ^_~ [email protected]