Before neither of Quistis Trepe or Luke Lionheart drink their wine, the ballamb ocean crashed again. Something with large fin swim closer to Ballamb Hotel which located near the ocean. From the wide windows of Ballamb hotel ballroom, salty sea water splashed in like Leviathan's tidal wave as a 20 feet tall monster with a big sword rise from the ocean.

The monster destroy the wall for his entrance, creating panic among people in the ballroom. His centaurus front feet rise as he examine the whole room. People running wild, looking for safe corner. The exit door jammed with people eager to leave.

"Dr Treepe, worry not. I'll protect you!" Luke Lionheart brandish his revolver 3.9 and guarding Quistis Treepe.

When the Weapon swing it's blade, Luke Lionheart jump to the air and strike the giant sword. Confident that his blade is stronger than the Weapon's blade.

"Becareful, Luke! It's a Weapon!" Quistis cast her blue magic named 'Mighty Guard' to protect Luke Lionheart as the journalist begin a close-ranged air attack since Mighty Guard made him float. But no matter how hard he hit the weapon, seems like no damaged recieved. It's shell is the hardest material in universe and it's height almost three times taller than Luke's. The Gunblade specialist can't do much when Weapon grab his body and throw him to the wall. Quistis's mighty guard protect Luke to enter the hospital once more.

"Luke!" But Quistis have herself to worry more. First, she casts mighty guard to herself, and begin to evade the incoming attacks.

Not long, a pilar of light collapse and hit the weapon's body. It's Squall's Blasting Zone. When the Weapon try to defend itself from the attack, it's sword cracked. Squall rush and strike the Weapon from ground to air. It's Rough Divide, a limit break that used to scarred Seifer Almasy's forehead. Now it failed to divide the hostile creature.

"Dr Treepe, are you alright?!" Claude L Loire appears with machine gun as the Weapon getting hit repeatedly by Squall's Renzokuken.

"I'm okay. So this is the weapon that attacked Winhill several days ago."

"Back to the old time, huh? We used to defeat two Weapons back then." Zell open his upper clothing as he jump bravely to the Weapon to duel it. When Zell attack, Squall rests his weary bones.

"Gahh... I'm too old for this." Squall growled, his back pain strikes again.

"What is that thing want? Why is it in Ballamb now?" Luke rise, survive a lethal damage thanks to the mighty guard.

"Attack it, brother!" Claude's machine gun is ready, when Zell finish dueling the Weapon, he begin the attack. Quistis help with her gatling gun too.

Hopelessly, Luke shot one or two bullets to the Weapon from his revolver 3.9.

"This one sure is different than the Weapons we used to fight." Zell hiss his breath.

The gatling guns stunned the Weapon, prevent him to make any move. But clearly, no damage at all. From the sky, appears a blue ragnarok and shower the Weapon with laser gun. The heat of the high temperature light penetrate his black armored body. The Weapon roared and swing his sword, collapsing the ballroom's attic. SeeDs who fights now run for their lifes.

Luke Lionheart is the last person in room.

"Brother Luke!" Delphy screamed helplessly. Her voice heard and the Weapon change it's target, heading straight to Delphy. Although it's limbs got burned out by the laser shot from the 2nd Ragnarok Garden team, it still make it's way to Delphy. Rise it's sword to crush her into pieces.

That's when Brandish show himself and rescue Squall's dearest daughter. The sword hit empty floor, turning stone to dusts.

Learning it's weakness, Brandish glows laser from his eyes and strike the Weapon. Knowing the weakest blue magic is actually the only thing works against this monster, Brandish continue shooting his laser eye blue magic together with 2nd Ragnarok team from the air.

His advantage here than the 2nd Ragnarok team is, he can aim accurately into the monster's eye. Brandish step forward, forcing the Weapon to step back. Brandish's shots made the Weapon blind, loosing it's eyes. Can't see anything, the Weapon decide to escape. It return to the Ballamb ocean and swim away to the south.

When letting the Weapon escape, Brandish stand on the ballroom ruins. A strong wind breeze into him as he watch the creature disappeared. "I hope you come again in Mom's wedding party."

James Ingram is very upset now. He can't get over with all the loss. Quistis sit beside him, trying to get him relaxed. But then, a middle aged woman appears with a youth about Brandish's age. That must be James's wife and son.

She laughs, "congratulation, James. What a blast!"

"What are you doing here, Tiara?"

"As your wife, I want to congratulate you for this rude engagement."

"I had sign the divorce letter. We are no more."

"But I haven't. I still your wife!" then Tiara speak to Dr Treepe, "and you, bitch. How come you engage with someone's husband?"

Quistis answered calmly. "First, I thought this engagement can make you wake up and move on to face the reality that your husband no longer wants you. But it seems you love him too much you still fight for him. I must say that I'm impressed."

"Are you mocking me?" Tiara grows angrier than before. "If not because of you enter my husband's life, our marriage still strong."

"No, of course I'm not mocking you. I never tried to mock anyone." Quistis smiled as she stroke her blonde hair, now just as short as her jaw. Then she pull off her engagement ring and returns it to James.

"No, no, Quistis babe. Don't do this, please. I love you."

"But I can't, you still have something to finish with your past."

"I love you, Quistis, even years before I met Tiara."

"But she's your wife, James. Beside, I'm looking for a friend to spend my old days in peace, not really a lover." Quistis then left the husband and wife alone, approaching Squall Leonheart who is now discussing the Weapon's 2nd attack with Ragnarok teams. "So, how's the conclusion? You come up with something?"

"Yes. Of course, Quistis." Squall answered.


Luke's forehead is bandaged now, but still looked optimist. "It's clear that that thing is after our little sister, Lyra."


"I wish I knew." Lyra looked upset and worry.

"That's what we should find out." Luke continues. "I was assigned to join Brandish's Ragnarok team but it appears that our third party haven't reach Ballamb until now, and we had to leave him."

"Sorry, kids, it appears that my son's train having small accident. Looks like the weapon broke the underwater rail road and my son stuck underwater now waiting for the rescue team and back to Timber again. It will be a while for him to reach here."

"We can pick him up in Timber but Rick said he should stay in hospital for couple days because the trainwrecked." Brandish added.

Quistis shook her head, "wait. I don't understand. So he and the train get drowned underwater?"

"Seems so." Zell sigh, "he was one of the lucky passengers that made it into the bunker. But he's wounded in process. I have to go to Timber quickly for my son after this."

"Among other engineer and scientist, Rick is undoubtly the best of all. But still, we don't have time to wait him recover. Have to find another one." Brandish says, "considering it comes from the ocean, I'm thinking about getting my 3rd crew and the rest must have tools to go underwater."

Luke nods, "we need someone who have kits to submerge into the ocean's abyss. The secret's down there."

"Have you found that person?" Quistis asks.

Brandish and Luke used to be a good friend. Their age only 2 years different and they had known each others since their adolescense age. Some people think they are more brother than Luke to Claude or Delphy. And two of them showing the exact same smiles, agree on one thing excites them equally.

"Don't worry about that, Dr Treepe." Luke smiles and both of him and Brandish talk no more.

"I want you to come with them." Squall ordered.


The General continues, "I need you to acting as leader of this operation. Please look for the Weapon. For this moment, Delphy will temporally stay in Ballamb Garden so we can guard her from the next attack."

"I guess, I have no choice." It means that Delphy might missed this semester for good.

"Any questions?" asked Squall.

The question comes from Quistis. "I seen the smile upon my son's face, and Luke mentioned that we will submerge. I wonder ... are we going to FH?"

Neither Brandish or Luke bother to answer the question.

"Yes." Squall aware of the potential rejection from his second in command. "A guy named Fram Radcliff has the best submerge team in FH."

Oh shit! Quistis told herself. But she must act professionally. An order is an order.