The sound of screams filled the streets of London as people ran like ants scattered when their mound was destroyed, smoke clouded the sky from a hole in the brick building, debris flew in every direction some crushing the horse drawn carriages where they were parked.

"Sebastian, I order you to take care of this man already!" A small boy around the age of 13 stood, dressed in street clothes, a medical patch covering his eyes as he hid behind a fallen carriage, gun in hand. Another explosion could be heard followed by a shout of profanities and gunshots.

"Yes, my lord." A smooth voice rung through the air, as he dodged another bullet, and sending a sliver knife into his targets forehead. Jumping, Sebastian had landed on top of a perch to examine the damage, as he could see the male was trying to make a clean getaway. A small smile made it's way to his lips as he hopped down and grabbed a discarded gun that still had a few bullets in them.

Ciel clenched his teeth as he managed to shoot a person in the chest, checking his surroundings he made sure it was clear before running out to a small child huddled in the middle of the street, the sound of further gunshots fired and he picked up his pace.

"What do you think you're doing? Get out of the street!" Ciel gasped, his lungs burning for much needed oxygen, this wasn't the time for his asthma to act up now, it was either him or the child.

It may have been reckless and foolish to risk his own life for a someone he doesn't even know, but he just couldn't let a child of probably a year of six maybe even seven get killed in the crossfire. He may have nothing left, but he wasn't a monster. He could hear a blood curdling screams as a bullets were fired and then silence, Sebastian pulled out a pocket watch and looked at the time.

Ciel gasped when the child latched onto him, knocking him on the ground, the gun falling to the ground with a clank. Ciel sat in shock not knowing what to do, the young earl couldn't seem to find his voice or push the child off.

"I-I was so s-scared! I t-thougt I w-was going to g-g-get hurt by those mean men!" The child clung even tighter and Ciel looked up to see his demon butler highly amused by the situation, seeing his young master in such a predicament was quite entertaining indeed. Ciel sighed and let his arms fall onto the child's back, his eyes widening with shock at how small she was, Ciel felt something in him cave and he hugged the child tighter.

"My my, young master seems you're becoming attatched and you barely know the girl." Sebastian knealt down and gently placed a gloved hand on the child's head, he felt her flinch and he softened his eyes.

"There, there. It's okay now, all the mean men are gone now." The weeping girl looked up with a sniffle and saw the smile gracing he demon's lips, the sun had begun to shine right behind his head giving him the appearance of an angel in her eyes and she automatically smiled.

"There we are, now mind telling us why such a sweet girl such as you is doing out here in all this mess." Sebastian helped the young master up to his feet, still holding the now calm child, it seemed she didn't want to let go of the young earl. She shook her head, turning away from the demon.

"You can't stay on me the entire time!" Ciel had to support the girl with one arm as she didn't want to let go of his neck, after much of a struggle he gave into the girl, and looked to Sebastian.

"Let's go, my feet and arms are killing me." Ciel began to walk ahead of the demon, the girl looked up to see Sebastian was kneeling, and this caused her to giggle.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian was met with deep cerulean pools looking into his own crimson pools and stood to follow, this was going to be the most difficult task his young master has ever taken on, barely able to take care of himself, how was he going to care for a child? Oh, this by far was going to be the most entertaining predicament his young master has gotten himself into.