The Spring Equinox Dance
Chapter Three
A Day with Weiss
Genre :Romance/Humor
Summary : After an academic meeting with Goodwitch discussing his poor grades, Jaune contemplates leaving Beacon. However, Ozpin offers him a chance to prove his worthiness to stay enrolled. Jaune must overcome his challenge by the Spring Equinox. Obstacles from teammates to former friends threaten his task: capturing the most dangerous of hunts, a date to the school dance.
Weiss drew the winning lot but Jaune wasn't her escort to the dance. Yet, Weiss thought on the private Schnee airship.
"So… nice ship," Jaune nodded as he felt the leather seats and silk carpets. "Definitely a nice ship. It's got wings and seats and inflight peanuts. It's good to see we're sailing." Jaune looked around the interior of the plane, doing his best to avoid direct eye contact with Weiss. He's nervous, Weiss observed. Also he was on the verge of puking.
"Pitiful," Weiss sighed.
"H-hey! I'm just not good with ships… say, you got one of those barf bags?" A robotic assistant handed Jaune an air bag. "Wow! thanks!" Jaune said before her barged.
Weiss shook her head. There was still much work to be done to Jaune before he was presentable before her esteemed and demanding father.
"So why did Pyrrha and Velvet ask you to the dance?" Weiss asked.
"Beats me. Girl thing? Probably made a bet or something. Loser probably has to give the other their dessert for the rest of the school year."
"Girls don't make stupid bets like that," Weiss said, rolling her eyes.
"Hey. Yesterday I didn't know girls got jealous but they do!"
"Fascinating discovery," Weiss muttered. Sinking into her seat, Weiss looked out the window.
Earlier in the day Pyrrha, Velvet, and Weiss drew lots to see who would be in charge of Jaune while the other two went to see Nora who was currently chained in the boiler room. According to Ren, the most expedient way to free 'Fandango' from Nora's ownership was to beat her in her a duel. Something which no one has ever done. So it was either that, or let Nora get bored of Jaune which didn't seem like it was going to happen anytime soon.
Either way, the four-way fight to be Jaune's date to the dance needed to be grinded down to three and so they drew lots.
The trio drew lots. Weiss won. Naturally, she thought.
Now her plan could come to fruition.
Yes! Alone with Jaune, I can begin my brilliant plan of 'wooing' him with my family's wealth and grandeur. He'll be so captivated by all the splendor he'll have no choice but to fall heads over heels for me and he will offer to escort me to the dance!
Then grooming him to be the ideal marriage-interview-repellant can begin.
"Yes… woo him… yes… yes...," Weiss grinned as her hands formed a finger tent. "No more stupid interviews…"
Jaune shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
"I'm going to go use the restroom," said Jaune. Excusing himself, he left Weiss to snicker at the brilliance of whatever it was she was talking to herself about.
Finishing his business in the restroom, Jaune washed his hands and walked past the kitchen where he heard the refrigerator rumbling.
"What's that?" Jaune wondered as he stood in front of the refrigerator. Jaune opened the refrigerator and saw Ruby shivering in the cold between the meats and dairy.
"J-J-Jaune!" Ruby rubbed her arms for warmth and stepped out of the refrigerator. "Th-th-thanks! I a-app-a-app-appreci-achoo!" Ruby sneezed.
"Ruby? What are you doing here?"
Still shivering, Ruby explained. "I-I-I s-saw y-you and W-Weiss g-get on the sh-ship and I-I wa-wanted to s-see where it was go-go-ain-a...achoo!"
"Guessing you stole aboard in the refrigerator?"
Ruby smiled.
"Yup!" Ruby said before another sneeze. "So wh-what are you doing here with Weiss?" Ruby leaned closer, her eyes intense. "Are you on a date with her?" It was more of an accusation than a question.
Jaune shrugged.
"Weiss said she was going to her vacation home for a day and wanted someone to tag along. She also told me I must absolutely not contact anyone from my team for the duration of the trip. Or else I'll freeze you to a pole or turn my bathtub into a glacier… you know how Weiss is, being an ice queen and everything."
Ruby was busy helping herself to some hot chocolate from the airship kitchen. Once the hot stuff reached her lips, colored returned to her face and Ruby let out a soft moan of satisfaction.
"That hit the spot!" Ruby cheered. Whip cream had formed on over his upper lip, like a mustache.
"Jaune? Where are you?"
"Uh, I'm here in the kitchen-ow! What was that for?" Jaune looked at a glaring Ruby.
"We can't let Weiss know I snuck aboard!"
"Why not? Aren't you guys teammates?"
"Yeah but I read her diary. She's one of my biggest riva-"
"Jaune. Who's that?"
Weiss stood at the doorway, her arms crossed. Her head slightly tilted and eyes narrowed. Pale and white, Jaune could feel the air chill. Ruby felt her hot chocolate turn into just chocolate.
"Oh this?" Jaune looked at a whipped-cream-mustached Ruby. "This is…"
"My name's Rub-...Rub-...Ruben. My name is Ruben. Yes, my name is Ruben. I am sticking with that one."
"This is my crazy uncle from my mom's side," Jaune explained with exaggerated hand movements. "You know how those crazy uncles can be! Always drunk during the holidays and gives you piledrivers on your birthday. Then they run off with that sweet girl who works at the local diner and then-bam!- before you know it. Cousins. Dozens of them."
"Y-yeah! That's me, Ruben. Jaune's crazy uncle. I've got dozens of kids with girls down from the local diner. Even a few from the local deli. I just can't stop calling up the ol' stork if you know what I mean! Ho ho ho! But Jaune's my favorite nephew, that he is! Ho ho ho! He's a big ol' boy now, Ho ho ho!" Ruby's voice became several times more deeper and had an aura of the jingle bell holidays. Jaune brought a hand to his face. There's no way Weiss would buy this.
"If you're going to invite someone onto my ship, then ask for permission first," Weiss sighed. "You know how hard it is to get people security clearance before they can board a Schnee Dust Company airship?"
"What? Weiss, are you serious?"
Ruby poked Jaune and leaned towards his ear.
"Jaune… I think it worked!" Ruby said in a low voice. Her whip-cream mustache tingling with excitement.
Weiss scoffed. "We'll be arriving soon." Weiss disappeared into the hallway before peeking out. "And don't take my hot chocolate without asking! Stupid uncles..."
"I still can't believe that worked."
Ruby sniffled. "My hot chocolate…" Ruby pulled out a cylinder shaped piece of solid chocolate from her mug. "It's just chocolate now!"
"Come on, Ruben," Jaune sighed and dragged a sad Ruby, now Ruben, to the passenger cabin.
"You know. This hot chocolate-chocolate ain't half-bad!" Ruby said as she munched on the chocolate. "Want to try some?"
The airship landed on a private getaway vacation home of the Schnee family, Schnee Summer Isle.
"This island is amazing!" Jaune looked at the tropical palm trees, nice sandy beaches, and clear ocean water. "It's like a resort island."
"It used to be a resort island," Weiss said. "But it wasn't making enough money and so my father decided to just scrap it into a private vacation home instead of selling it off."
Ruby stared at the coconuts floating at the water.
"C-can I… can I have one?" Ruby poked at the coconut floating on the sand. "Uncle Ruben would like a coconut. Yes! Yes I would! Ho ho ho?"
Weiss raised an eyebrow and tried to control her look of disapproval.
"Do whatever you want," Weiss said. Ruben cheered happily as she plucked up a coconut and named it 'Wilson'. Ruben's white mustache jiggled with happiness. Weiss stood beside Jaune and whispered, "your uncle's a freak."
Jaune shrugged nervously. "Can't choose family am I right?"
Weiss looked down at the stand.
"I guess you're right," Weiss said sadly before walking towards the huge white vacation tower that would serve as their getaway home from Nora.
"What's got Weiss so down, ho ho ho?" Ruby asked as Weiss climbed up the stone steps.
"I understand girls about about as well as I get projectile calculus."
"But you have an F in projectile calculus. Are you saying you don't understand girls? Is that what you're trying to say? Please tell me! I wanna know the inside joke!"
Jaune looked at Ruby's innocent eyes. "Yes, Ruby. Yes. I don't understand girls."
Ruby smiled and tapped Jaune's head with Wilson the coconut.
"It's okay! I don't understand boys either," Ruby said as they walked up the steps. "Like, what's the deal with no dresses? I rather enjoy the freedom and that slight breeze on those warm summer days. Ho ho ho!"
"You don't need to 'ho ho ho' around me. Just Weiss."
Ruby looked down sadly.
"But it's so fun. Ho ho ho…"
Jaune decided to leave Ruby alone on that boat. Whatever floats her boat, Jaune figured.
When they arrived, they found a plethora of maids who offered Jaune and Ruby, disguised as Ruben with a whip cream mustache, a variety of swimsuits as Weiss wanted to go down to the beach.
Jaune chose something simple.
Ruby chose a striped onesie with a wooden plank.
Weiss arrived, dressed in an elegant white one-piece swimsuit with a simple snowflake emblem over her chest.
"Wow." Jaune murmured before getting a sharp elbow from Ruby.
"Ho ho ho," Ruby said as she saw Weiss in her simple yet strangely erotic attire. "Don't stare," Ruby hissed. "Pervert!" Ruby held Wilson closer to her chest. "But damn do you look good, Weiss! Ho ho ho!"
Weiss cringed from the compliment from Uncle Ruben.
"Thanks, Uncle Ruben… but please stop drooling. Could you go off to the sea with Wilson or something?" Weiss suggested. She was legitimately creeped out by the display.
"Aye aye, Cap'n Weiss! Ho!" Ruby cheered as she grabbed Wilson and ran out to sea to frolic in the salty ocean waves and white foamy stuff.
"Why does your uncle wear a striped onesie bathing suit with a wooden plank inside?"
"He talks to a coconut and you're surprised he prefers onesies?"
Feeling the need to sit down, Weiss clapped her hands together. A small company of mechanized servants arrived and began constructing her personal beach station. Robotic aids began erecting an umbrella and laying down a large beach towel complete with a picnic basket, water coolers, and everything else a beach party would need.
Automated sand-castle-constructors built a small replica sand castle of Schnee Tower, complete with emblem, beside the Weiss' station.
"That's amazing," Jaune said.
"Want a Schnee Frozen Banana?" Weiss offered Jaune, a banana, dipped in white chocolate, on a stick. "I've always told my father there's a lot of money in opening up a chain of frozen banana stands."
"I'm good," said Jaune. "I think I'll go swim. Are you coming?"
"Me? Swim?" Weiss looked at Jaune with a confused look.
"You don't swim?"
"Would you swim at the beach…?"
"Because there's… water?" Jaune gestured to the vastness of the ocean.
"How filthy. Who knows how many people and animals have been in there! Ugh! Utterly filthy!"
"Wait." Jaune had a moment of clarity. "So you're telling me you have this gigantic vacation home and you've been going here probably for most of your life and you've never once went down to the beach to swim?"
"I thought you go down to the beach to try out swimsuits and sit in the shade?"
"You. You are swimming." Jaune declared with a bit of backbone.
"What? Hey! Stop pulling me! Ah! Hot hot hot!" Weiss tip toed through the hot sand as her feet left the coolness of the temperature controlled beach towel. "Where are we going?"
Jaune pulled Weiss to look him into his eyes.
"Look at me."
"No no. Look at me. Look at me!" Jaune took in a deep breath. "This ship is sailing. Got it? And I don't care what some guy named after a unit of length wrote for episode three of a certain volume. I am the captain and this ship is sailing."
"We. Are. Sailing. Got it, Weiss? You're on Jaune Arc's boat now." Jaune pulled Weiss into towards the water. "Now go forth and swim!"
Jaune tossed Weiss in the ocean when Ruby approached beside him.
"Can Weiss swim?"
"Sure she can. Everybody can swim."
"You sure? It looks like she's drowning."
"She's totally fine! She's an Ice Queen. Ice Queens definitely know how to swim."
"Walk on ice maybe… but isn't Weiss screaming for help? It looks like the tide is taking her out into the open ocean. Now she's holding onto a piece of driftwood. Wait, no, never mind. There goes the driftwood. You sure you shouldn't be going out to save her?"
"She's totally fine, Ruby," said Jaune. "Trust me. This is how I learned to swim."
"Did you almost drown the first time?"
"Well yeah but-" Jaune then realized his mistake. "Weiss! I'm coming for you!" Grabbing Wilson, Jaune jumped into the ocean and swam at high-speeds towards Weiss. Handing her Wilson to use as a flotation device, Jaune apologized profusely.
"You idiot! Moron! I could have died!"
"Or worse, I would have had to give you mouth to mouth."
Weiss glared.
"Don't even joke," Weiss scoffed as she caught her breath. Clutching Wilson tightly in one arm, she held onto Jaune's shoulder with the other as he swam towards shore. "I hate the ocean…"
"Would you prefer if it was frozen?"
"I hate frozen oceans the worst!" Weiss yelled as they arrived on shore. "Bah! I wouldn't swim in an ocean ever again even if I was stranded and forced on Neptune!"
Jaune sighed. "I guess that's a ship that won't ever sail…"
Returning to the vacation home, tower, or whatever it is that the Schnee family calls the building they inhabit during their summer vacations, the trio enjoyed dinner. After dinner, Weiss offered Ruben and Jaune use of the mountain hot springs.
"They're absolutely lovely. And it refreshes the soul and body," Weiss suggested. She began pushing Jaune and Ruben into the male changing room. "Please, enjoy yourselves."
Slamming the door on the boy's changing room, Weiss locked it.
"Did Weiss just lock us in here, ho ho ho?"
"That she did, Uncle Ruben. That she did."
"So… are we going to have to change in here?"
"Yes, Uncle Ruben. That is what changing rooms are for."
Ruby leaned closer to Jaune. "You remember I'm not a boy right? I'm a girl? I have girlie things I can't let boys see or else I'll get pregnant? I don't want storks flying over to my dorm room! How am I going to explain it to the rest of my team!?"
Jaune looked at Ruby. "Who told you that?"
"Yang. My mother. My dad. Ms. Goodwitch when I asked her where babies come from…"
Jaune sighed.
"You look cute without showing any skin so I guess it doesn't matter."
Ruby blushed.
"Really nephew? You're so sweet!"
"You know you're not really my uncle, right?"
"Oh… ho ho ho… that's right," Ruby said sadly. "We aren't related… yet."
"What was that last part? Nevermind, I smell. I'll go change over in that corner…" Jaune pointed over to an empty corner. "I promise I won't look."
"Make sure you don't! And trust me! Everyone will know once the storks start flying and tapping their funny little beaks on my window."
Ruby and Jaune undressed silently in their corners. Jaune was not embarrassed about changing in front of girls. If getting hung upside down by the underwear was embarrassing enough during primary school in front of the entire student body, nothing was. Ruby on the other hand changed quickly and anxiously. Stuffing her clothes and undergarments into a box and wrapped a towel around herself.
Entering the bath, Jaune and Ruby avoided eye contact. Jaune looked at the pleasant ceiling and night sky of the open air bath. It was a rectangular shaped bath with marble flooring and tiles. On the wall there were moisture-proofed paintings probably by some famous, dead artist. Ignoring the scenery and majesty, Ruby looked at Wilson who she clutched to her chest.
"Are you seriously bringing a coconut in with you to the bath?"
"Got something against coconuts?"
"No… but isn't it kind of weird? Do coconuts even need baths?"
Ruby thought for a moment.
"I… never mind." Jaune chose wisely not to contest Ruby's logic.
Ruby decided to head into the bath first. Dipping a toe into the water and finding the temperature suitable, she submerged herself, towel and all, into the soothing waters. Jaune looked at her from behind, a small and frail pale body entering the water. So moist…
"You aren't staring at me, are you?"
Jaune woke up from his fantasy. "N-no. Absolutely not."
Entering the bath, he made sure to stay as far from Ruby as possible.
"This my first time in such a large bath, you know?"
"Mine too. This bath is probably bigger than any swimming pool I've been to," Jaune mused.
"You went swimming a lot, I imagine?"
"My grandfather had a habit of throwing me out to the woods. Literally throwing me out and seeing how long I can last. My record was about an hour before I realized I had no idea how to cook an acorn."
Ruby giggled. "How did it taste? Was it… corny!? Get it!? Okay, yeah, I know that was bad," Ruby sighed. Bringing her pale legs up to her toweled chest, she submerged her lips below the water and blew a few bubbles. "Yang and I used to take baths too."
"Oh? How was that?" Jaune asked without thinking.
"Well, Yang's butt kept getting bigger so we couldn't fit in the tub anymore. But it was nice to have someone wash your back for you."
"Really? What's that like?"
"Yang's butt? It was soft as a… Oh! Oh! You mean the back washing! Haha! It feels soooo good! It's like you're getting someone to scratch all those itches in all the right places but instead of a backscratcher it's with warm water and a sponge." Ruby's eyes went glassy with memories. "It felt soooo good. Almost as good as milk and cookies after coming out of a hot bath."
"Sounds pretty good. I think I'll ask Ren to wash my back."
"You guys are such good friends!" Ruby smiled before looking down into the water. "Say, Jaune. Do you trust me?"
"That's a funny question, of course I trust you."
"Th-then… do you mind if you could… wash my back?"
"Wh-what?" Jaune looked back and looked at Ruby's face. Her eyes full of determination and the whip-cream mustache slowly melting away into the bath water. Ruby's hands were tightened around her towel, careful to not allow Jaune any potential, and very welcomed, sight.
"H-hey! Don't look!" Ruby splashed water into Jaune's eyes.
"My eyes! It burns!" Jaune clutched his eyes. "There was soap in the water! Soap in the bath water! Gah! Why does it have to burn!?" Ruby released the grip on her towel and and brought her hands to Jaune's face trying to wipe off the soap. The towel slide off her small frame and gently drifted into the vastness of the bath.
"Sorry!" Ruby did her best to wipe off the soap from Jaune's eyes.
"My vision's coming back," said Jaune as he slowly opened his eyes before receiving a slap to the face. "Ow! What's that for!?"
"Keep 'em closed! My towel! Where did my towel go… ho ho ho…"
There was a knock on the bath door.
"Jaune, Uncle Ruben. This is Weiss, I'm coming in."
"Weiss!?" Ruby cried as she slipped behind Jaune. Pressing against his back, Ruby did her best to hide her face and body from Weiss' who approached slowly. Her eyes scanning the room.
Dressed in a bathrobe, Weiss looked over Jaune carefully and eyed a figure hiding behind him.
"Weiss! This is the boy's bath! What are you doing?" Jaune covered his chest with his arms. "I'm not decent, woman! I need my privacy!" Jaune squealed and splashed water towards Weiss.
A few stray droplets hit Weiss' unamused face.
"You look decent enough. Uncle Ruben?"
"Ho ho ho! Here I am! I'm very shy about the bath! Ho ho ho!" Ruby did her best as she pressed against Jaune's back harder. Wishing she'd disappear.
Jaune, for his credit, did his best to ignore the softness being pressed against his back.
"Is that so? Mind if I join you?" Weiss walked over the bath ledge. "It'd be a nice change of pace to bath with others."
"No! Boys and girls should take baths separately!" Jaune as Weiss shrugged and removed her bathrobe. "W-Weiss!" Jaune cried and covered his eyes, leaving a tiny slit to peek through. "That's completely inappropriate! "
"This?" Weiss said boredly.
"W-Weiss," Jaune said as his hands sunk into the bath water and he stared.
Weiss was wearing a swimsuit. It was selected from a Vacuo's Secret catalog (The secret is that Vacuo is actually an oasis paradise with lush greens and water and not a wasteland of howling winds and barbarian raiders). A two piece and revealing white slips of cloth with snowflake emblems and buttons adorning it.
"So what do you think? Ravishing?" Weiss began striking a series of poses taken straight from generic pin-up girl photo shoots.
"Yeah. Oh."
"That's it?"
"It's okay."
"That's it? It's okay? A girl shows you how she looks in her bathing suit and starts giving you a bunch of suggestive poses and all you can say is 'oh' and 'it's okay'? No-scratch that-not just any girl but the most beautiful heiress and daughter of the Schnee Dust Company. Wearing the most expensive fashionable swimwear money can buy. And it's just 'okay'? Are you a moron? Do you have even a semblance of tact?"
"But yeah, in my opinion, it's okay."
"You aren't impressed!? Not even a tiny bit!?"
"Well after tonight I can confidently say I'm not very impressed with bathing suits." Ruby gave Jaune a sharp elbow into the spine with a hush. "Yes, I was referring to your bathing-or lack thereof," Jaune hushed back in a low voice.
"Rude!" Ruby hissed.
Weiss narrowed her eyes before a realization dawned on her.
"Wait! C-could it… you want to see my b-b-bi-bir-birthday suit!?"
"The standards have been set high Weiss. I doubt it would impress me at this point."
"I want to see it! Ho ho ho," said Ruby from behind Jaune.
"Gah! Perverts! Both of you!" Weiss stormed out of the bathing room. In the hallway, Weiss screamed, "and you can die in a fire for all I care, Jaune Arc!"
"I think she's mad at you. Do you think she's mad at you? I totally think she's mad at you." Ruby observed with a, "yup yup."
"She also thinks we're both perverts," Jaune sighed. "But at least she didn't join in."
"Correction. She thinks Uncle Ruven is a pervert. I, Ruby Rose, however am still as pure as the driven snow!"
Jaune looked over his shoulder at Ruby before turning red and facing forward again. Well, Jaune thought, at least now he doesn't need to imagine what Ruby is hiding underneath all that red and black frills and spare sniper rifle cartridges.
"Say that after you get your towel back."
"Gah! Pervert!" Ruby gave a hard elbow to the shoulder blade.
After the bath, Jaune walked to bed nursing his back still sore from Ruby's strikes against his spine. He had applied ointment but nothing seemed to do the trick as he still felt a creak everytime he walked. His back was aching.
Ruby had vanished off somewhere, supposedly picking up the scent of cookies.
Finding his room, Jaune entered the spacious accommodations, paid little heed to how many man hours went into crafting the amazing wooden best post or the thousands of Faunus sweatshop workers who poured their paws into the intricate silk bed spread, and plopped down.
"This is so nice… and it smells so good," Jaune mumbled.
But his back still hurt.
A knock came at Jaune's door.
"Jaune? It's Weiss. Can I come in?"
"Sure," Jaune mumbled half-asleep. "Ow ow ow. My back…" Weiss approached the bed and sat beside Jaune who was laid down. His hands rubbing his back. "My back hurts so sorry if I can't sit up to greet you. Whatcha need, snow angel?" Jaune mumbled the last few parts with severe sleep deprivation slurring his pronounciation.
"Nothing," said Weiss. "Just making sure you're comfortable."
"I'm totally great. Except for the back," said Jaune as he reached for some more ointment on the table. "I think I'll just rub some more of this on my back and then go to sleep."
"Are you capable of that?" Weiss offered.
Jaune's was laying face flat on his bed, his arms doing their best to reach his back. "I think I'll need some help." A drowsy Jaune continued with a sleepy-sounding slur, yeah… that'd be great…"
Weiss sighed.
Guess it can't be helped.
Weiss removed Jaune's shirt as he began fading out of consciousness. His back was rough. Weiss poured some ointment over it and worked it into his back with her palm.
She loosened what tension she could and undid knots in his muscle. Jaune groaned in relief as his back began cracking and muscles began loosening.
"You should be happy I'm doing this for you…"
"Thank you Weiss-y…" Jaune began snoring.
When she finished with her work, Weiss wiped some sweat from her brow and looked at hi sback for a long time before leaving, a question still puzzling her mind: did Jaune always sleep with a coconut in his room? Weiss shrugged it off thinking it another quirk of Jaune Arc before closing the door and whispering, "nitey nite."
Weiss and Jaune found Ruby in the morning at the pantry, surrounded by spent milk cartons and the entire islands cookie supply exhausted.
"Ruby, wake up." Nudging Ruby with her toes, Weiss looked with disapproval at her team captain.
"M-morning Weiss," said Ruby with a yawn. "Weiss! I had the greatest cookie buffet last night. It was so magic-cal… Oh. Oh… Oh! I mean! Good morning Weiss! Ho ho ho! This is Uncle Ruben!" Ruby grabbed a nearby bottle and frantically tried to spray whip cream on her face to reform the mustache.
Weiss brought her palm to her face.
"Ruby, I know it's you. It was a terrible disguise and you should feel bad."
"Ho ho… oh…" Ruby did feel bad. "I thought I fooled you…"
"A whip cream mustache! Seriously! Do you think I'm braindead!?"
"I thought it worked. Nice try, Ruby," Jaune said with a pat on her back.
Ruby sniffled. "I thought I was a master of disguise…"
Shortly after Ruby had awoken from her cookie coma, the trio returned to Beacon, having evidently forgotten why they had came in the first place.
As the Beacon skyline became visible, everyone on board realized an epic confrontation had just occurred. Craters and destruction where everywhere and Ms. Goodwitch ran about screaming at the custodians to do their work while she herself did her best to restore the general architecture.
"What happened there?"
"Another food fight," Weiss lied. Weiss couldn't let Jaune know of the intense war being waged to be his date to the dance. "Ruby, take Jaune straight to the dorms."
"Aye aye, Weiss! Come on! Let's go Jaune!"
"M-my Fandango!" Nora cried when she saw Jaune. Ren did her best to console her.
"Hey Nora!" Ruby smiled as she held Wilson close to her chest.
Nora looked at the coconut in Ruby's arms and snatched it from her gasp before shattering it on the concrete. "Fandangoooo!"
"Wilson!" Ruby cried. "No!"
Ruby held the shattered remains of Wilson. Broken brown shards of coconut skin, white lumpy flesh of coconut flesh in a puddle of coconut milk.
"He's dead, Ruby." Weiss put a hand on Ruby's shoulder for comfort.
Ruby sniffled. "I-I know… I knew this day would come… but why did it have to so soon! He was so young! Ho ho ho!" Ruby sobbed.
"What's up with her?" Yang, dirty and battered, asked as she popped an arm back into her socket. With her arm re-socketed, she lift Jaune by the cuffs of his shirt. "Did you have anything to do with it!"
Jaune shook his head. "No ma'am!"
Yang scoffed before dropping him.
"See to it you don't," said Yang as she approached the red and white pair. "Howdy."
Weiss surveyed the massive destruction around Beacon.
"Seeing Nora's reaction, doesn't seem like she won so I'm guessing you're the winner, Yang?"
"Nope," Yang spat out a bullet she had caught earlier in her teeth. "I have no idea why they were fighting. I just thought there was a good match going on but then Nora knocked me good before Pyrra threw me under the bus."
"What did Pyrrha do to you?" Weiss asked.
"No no no," Yang shook her head. "I mean she literally threw me under on a road before redirecting a tour bus on me with her polarity." Yang cracked her back. "Bunch of screaming kids started throwing popcorn and corn kernels at me," she said as she plucked a few from her hair. "Man, I'm going to need to comb this out before birds start building nests."
"So Pyrrha won?"
Yang shook her head and pointed towards a giant mud pit off to the side. "She somehow got stuck in a giant mud pit trap some laid a while back before getting pelted with rotten eggs."
A egg-soaked Pyrrha's head could been seen in the pit.
"Hello again!" Her voice said from a far. "Can someone please dig me out?"
"So… Did Velvet win?" Weiss deduced by process of elimination.
"She got pinned to a tower with a spear from Pyrrha."
"Can someone let me down now? I'm kind of afraid of heights!" Velvet's voice echoed from a top a a Beacon tower. "Pretty please?"
"Wait," Weiss wondered. "If it wasn't you or Pyrrha or Velvet or Nora… who won?"
A shadowy figure waited as Jaune entered the dorm room. The rest of his team were still outside. Ruby said her goodbyes to Jaune and gave him a hug before running off across to the hall to her room. Ruby was squealing with delight and Jaune had a goofy look in his face from being touched by a girl.
The shadow felt a tinge of anger.
Jaune sighed. He began removing his armor and clothing.
The shadow watched. The shadow knew this was wrong.
Time to make her presence known.
A black ribbon whipped out from the shadows towards a shirtless Jaune. The black ribbon tied its way around Jaune's neck, resembling a leash a master puts upon a dog. The leash tightened and dragged Jaune by the neck towards darkness' loving embrace.
She pulled Jaune's face to hers. Their noses inches apart and Blake's ample bosom pressing against Jaune's bare chest. He could smell her breath; it was wild. It was a blossomy flavor. He could see the smoothness of her skin devoid of blemish. Perfectly smooth, perfectly pale.
Jaune stared into the amber eyes of his new owner.
"You are my animal," said Blake in a low growl. "My only animal.".
"Blake, you're hurting me," Jaune said as he struggled for air. Blake's whip was tight around Jaune's neck as it dug into his skin. Blake loosened her grip when she realized her mistake.
"Ah! Oh so sorry!" Blake apologized before continuing in a soft voice Jaune could barely hear. "M-master…"
Author Notes: Lighter on the Weiss because I'm burnt from the JaunexWeiss shipping one-shots so this is more of filler for Ruby. Also sorry if anyone was offended by the humor tag in Ruby's Addicted to Kisses. AT LEAST I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY... ;_;
It is not enough that my ship sails, all other ships must burn.
Chapter Three Fin