Jily Week 2 Day 3

Theme: Letters/Notes


Title: When in Class

Summary: Even in class James and Lily can't seem to stay away from the other, though the notes they pass are less than satisfactory in giving away any of their real emotions.

May Waters


Evans, Potter here. Enjoying transfiguration by any chance?

Potter, please kindly refrain from passing me notes in this class, some of us are trying to pay attention to the lesson.

Oh please, this stuff is so easy. I could've passed this course in third year.

There's that oversized arrogant head. Haven't you ever heard, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all?

I might've, but hey, how is this so confusing to you?

I just struggle with transfiguration, okay? Can you please stop passing me notes now?

Evans, you underestimate me. I won't give up that easily, love.

Oh shove off.

Seriously, what is it you stuggle with? I can help, if you want.

Ignoring me isn't going to get me to stop passing you notes.

Stop wasting parchment; don't you care at all for the environment?

I hardly think a couple sheets of parchment is going to matter to the environment.

You're lucky McGonagall didn't see you throw that love. I don't think she would be too pleased about your disregard for the environment.

Snuff it.

But then I wouldn't be here to appreciate your beauty Evans!

Someone else can appreciate it just fine-

See what you did Potter? Now I'm in trouble with McGonagall and it was your fault.

I'm not the one who got caught passing notes, I claim no disobedience.

Of course you wouldn't.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you're always willing to get innocent people in trouble and take not claim for the start of it all.

I do not just let innocent people get in trouble!

Oh yeah? Then what do you call this right now.

I call this a fair argument-

See Evans, I just got in trouble too. Are you going to take some of the blame?

Oh no, I already got in trouble once for you sake and now you've repaid the favor. I do believe we're equal Potter.


Hey Lily-

Yes James?

I was wondering if you might want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend. We can bring along our friends if you like and make it a little hang out; I just thought you might enjoy wandering around with us.

I'd actually like that.

Wait, are we going with friends or alone?

You'll just have to wait and see, won't you Potter?

You're such a tease! Lily, how do I know what to plan for?

Plan for both and then you'll be prepared for either decision.

I'll see you at eight o'clock for sure then?

Definitely. And Potter?


No kissing on the first date.


James could be heard spluttering several chairs over and McGonagall's eyes narrowed in on him for a moment, but she resumed her teaching a moment later. James looked up to stare over at Lily who was watching him with a wide smile. She gently brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, gave him a wink, and focused on the lesson. Ignoring any further pieces of parchment which flew her way; at the end of the class they counted to be 103 different pieces in which James was demanding her reply and explanation.