So, here is my Gajevy Dragon AU. I have completed four chapters and I parsed them as soon as possible.

I don't own Fairy Tail. If I do, Gajevy will be a canon with 4 kids.

Levy tried to think.

But she can't. This place seemed to experience all life from her. And very soon she would be only a small shell protecting a trembling soul and a small heart.

The tower had no exit but large window with curtains. But to jump from it was the greatest folly - she would be smeared as a stain on the rocks below.

Levy moved and drag with difficulty her body to the bed - the only furniture in this dungeon. She sat on it and looked at her little personal possessions - a small mirror, a thick book, and a simple knife. That was the only things that her kidnapper enable her to take with herself.

The girl took the mirror and looked at her face. Her skin was paler than usual and sunk into her bones after a month of fasting, eliminating expressed cheekbones. Her eyes were bloodshot from thousands of useless tears she had shed. She felt tired from sleepless nights spent in dreams for home. Gutters of tears were formed on her cheeks. Her golden eyes had lost that sparkle and already dull brown. Before soft and full lips had become dry and cracked, with here and there traces of blood. Her hair, soft as clouds before, was now dry as straw, ready at any moment to ignite.

Nothing was left of the once charming bookworm who, without her own knowledge, enthralled everyone around her. If any of her previous suitors looked at her, they would not recognize that lovely maiden in her.

Levy ran trembling fingers on the cover of the book, outlining the title with her bite nails .

"Tales from the valley." Her voice surprised her. It sounded dull, dry and rough.

The girl leaned back on the bed. What had she become? Oh yes, the answer to this question is easy - a shadow of her former existence. Shadow that would soon disappear under this beautiful moonlight. Well, at least her death was beautiful.

Suddenly something obscure the window and the small tower's room was plunged into darkness. Levy turned her head toward the barrier between her and the starry sky, only to meet her eyes with another pair of red as freshly spilled blood.

Her kidnapper.

The Dragon.

Levy felt her body shudder when the huge creature put his head in the big window. Sharp teeth were clearly visible, white against his black iron scales.

"Pack up, Shorty" he said imperatively. "I get you out of here."

The girl can't disobey. Not once this cold, devoid of all sense voice speaking to her. She put the book and the mirror in the foot of her already torn dress. Then, with a knife she cut this unnecessary part. Finally, she put the knife in the newly formed pouch, tied it and tossed over her shoulder.

"I'm ready," she said quietly.

The dragon pulled his head and in its place appeared a vast his front legs, bent in the handful.

"Get on."

Levy took a few steps until she reached window's railing. Then she went on it where easily passed into dragon's paw. Then, very carefully, he placed her on his back.

"We've got a long way to go," said the dragon. "Try to sleep, Shrimp. You need to rest."

And after these words a dragon spread his mighty wings and floated in the night skies.

Levy she could nót believe that she could sleep. But she was wrong. Somehow, it seemed dragon's iron scales more comfortable than the old bed in the tower. The wind created by wings's motion was more soothing than anything else. And the poor girl quickly sank into a peaceful and deep sleep.

A sunbeam slipped between the curtains, illuminating Levy's face. The girl yawned and slid hand over the soft satin sheets.

Wait, satin?

Bluenette slowly opened her eyes and what she saw stunned her. She was lie in the master bedroom with a huge bed covered with satin sheets and soft as silk blankets and pillows.

"Where am I?" Levy said quietly, of course, without expecting an answer.

"In my lair."

Levy's blood froze. She expected every moment to see the dragon, but instead into her view appeared a man. And if she have to be honest, handsome man.

He had long raven black hair that fall free to his waist. He was dressed only in dark pants and a muscular body was on display. There piercings, and lots - four on his arms, three of each ear, three substituent each eyebrow, three on either side of the nose and two on his chin. His arms and chest were covered with scars from hundreds battles, and on his left shoulder was visible tattoo depicting a dragon. His canine teeth were longer than normal human. But the thing that caught Levy's eyes were his eyes. Deep, bleak, but at the same time hot, the color of fresh blood.

"You ..." Levy stammered. "You're the dragon!"

"Yes," he nodded. "And you're a silly girl. I think things are clear. Or you lost your mind during your stay in the tower? "

Levy shook her head.

"Good. After a while Lily will bring you clothes. Take a shower. As quickly as possible. "

The dragon was about to leave, but Levy stopped him.

"Excuse me, Lord Dragon, but I want to know how is your name?"

He stopped a few feet away from her.

"Gajeel. And without ceremony. "

With these words, the dark-haired man cutout in the door and closed it behind him.

Levy was alone in the room. Thousands questions whizzed through her mind. And precisely because of these issues, she did not notice the rest of the interior of the room. It was amazingly beautiful, composed of metal sculptures. The most beautiful was the bed frame shaped like two dragon with intertwined tails. But beautiful silk curtains, feminine dressing, large wardrobe and other things not yield in beauty.

Unfortunately blue-haired maiden was too busy with her thoughts to pay attention to the surrounding room. A small conversation between her and the dragon went through her mind a thousand times. She looked around, searching for the door to the bathroom. She find it fast - it was silver and had displayed some beautiful fish on it.

Levy opened the bathroom door and went inside. It was spacious, had a large marble bath and shower, along with a robes's hanger. The girl take off her dress and put it on the hanger. Initially, she wanted to relax in the tub, but then she remembered dragon's words. "As quickly as possible." And with a sigh, the young maiden attitudes the shower. At the moment the hot water touched her tired body, she felt bliss. The girl can't remember how long she was not touched water's caress. And now, this goddess slowly returning life in her body.

Finally, after thoroughly soaking her hair, Levy turned off the water. She dry the her body and squeezed water of each strand. She looked the robes and took this of them who seemed smallest. Of course it was a free - hardly any garment would be perfect for her little body. But still it was satisfactory. Levy took her old dress that actually looked more like rag than anything else and walked out of the bathroom.

"You look rested, miss."

The voice startled Levy and thrill premium over her spine. Was male, but much nicer than dragon's. She turned and found a small black cat sitting upright on the bed.

"I'm Panther Lily, nice to met you. "Black Cat bowed gallantly. "But you can just call me Lily."

"Nice to met you too" said Levy and make a more or less good reverence, while meant that it was still in his dressing gown.

Lily smiled.

"These clothes are for you," he said and pointed to a small pile lying on the bed beside him. "You get dressed, I will not look."

And turned. Levy laughed - had not expected such a behavior, not after her earlier meeting with Gajeel. She concentrate in her clothing. In fact, except underwear, there lay a pretty pink dress to somewhere just above the knees, which is tied with a ribbon around the neck, a magenta pink headband and a pair of cute sandals with small heels. Quickly, the girl dressed and looked herself in the big mirror. She looks really good, compared to the previous day.

"I'm ready" she said happily.

Lily turned. A smile lit his face.

"Now, let's go. Gajeel don't likes to wait. "

The girl nodded. She did not want to leave the comfort of her room, but it seems she had.

Little black cat went ahead and Levy on his heels. He let her go first and then closed the door behind her.