Hey guys, it's been a while, I know. But I have a good reason for not being active for a while and why I haven't posted anything.

I graduated last December and I was overjoyed to be finally done with schooling. It took me a bit longer, since I failed my first try but by the second try I finally passed.

My father hasn't been doing great lately due to having graves disease (this is when the thyroid is way more active than it should be and is producing more hormones) this has been going on for a while, with him degrading and his symptoms getting worse. (the stress and worry might have also affected my failed attempt at graduating) but last September he finally got surgery and he is doing a lot better now.

After graduating I finally thought I'd have some time to get back into writing. I never really stopped, writing here and there but never really posted anything because I was missing inspiration or even an idea. But it still gave me joy, especially relaxing after a hard day at work.

And then the pandemic came. My new job is at a laboratory where I specialize in cytogenetics. But due to the pandemic, the rising tests and few personnel, I am helping out with the testing of the Covid19 patients.

Which is... a lot.

Now this isn't an excuse, I just wanted to let you all know what has been happening.

If people are even still following/interested in this anyway... Guess I will find out.

But due to work I haven't lost interest in writing, in fact, lately I've been craving to do more. I've read some of my old stories and well... Yikes they're bad. I believe I have grown as a writer and have gotten better and reading especially this story I see many plot holes or even things that make no sense.

So I have been thinking on rewriting this story.

It's one of my favorite projects and has been successful. I love Kera and I want to give her justice. So I would be writing this story, maybe even the first one completely new. I have some plot changes in mind that would even help the story.

So I wanted to see if you guys were even interested in it.

I have been getting reviews and Pm's from people, asking me if I was planing to continue or if I gave up.

No I haven't given up writing, life got in the way for a bit. I want to keep on writing.

As for the other collection of stories in 'Family' those will stay and I'll try and update that one as well.

So let me know what your opinion on this matter is. I appreciate the feedback. Maybe no one will read this and maybe I'll just go ahead with it anyway, who knows. Maybe I'll post this on a few other stories as well to pull more attention to it.

Anyway, that's it for this little update. I hope you guys are doing well and are staying safe during this pandemic. We will get through this!

So stay safe and healthy!