So after years I have finally decided to continue with this story. Please leave suggestions of missing characters you want me to do. This story will ignore the events of last season and focus primarily on the events up to season 5 episode 15.


Mother I wish we got to spend more time together before you left me again. It isn't fair I spent 500 years searching for you, wanting to be with you. We could of have gone on adventures together. Mother and daughter style. I know I should never expected normal. My mother is the infamous Katherine Pierce after all, obviously a normal mother daughter relationship was never the way things were going to go, but mum you threw your life away for a man who could not see how special you were deep down. How dare Stefan Salvatore be the one to end you! He just didn't want to show how impure he was to precious little princess Elena... bleugh.

I thought we would be reunited on the other side, but Im lost and can't find you anywhere. Where are you mummy? Thank you for coming back and spending my last few moments with me. You could of saved yourself, but you are more selfless than people give you credit for. I spent so long looking for you in life. I will look for you too in death. Please just give me a hint of where to look.

I love you Mum.


My dear Nadia. Of course I came back to spend time with you you are my beautiful baby girl. I wish you were never taken away from me, but at least Klaus was never able to get to you and use you as collateral damage. He may be changing into a semi decent person now through his obvious thing for Care Bear, but back then he would of hurt you. I don't know if I could of lived with that.

I wish I knew you turned. I would of started to look for you much sooner, I always had wanted to know what happened with you the day you were torn from my life. I wish I could tell you where I was, but I don't know.

If I could go back and change my actions with you I would. I love you too.