Hello and welcome everyone to another chapter of Mikasa's Madness. Now I've received some suggestions how way on how to proceed with the story, most of which I had already thought of but there were some things I liked to consider. Anyways I'm not going to talk about it anymore so sit back and enjoy. Attack on Titan a.k.a Shingeki no Kyojin is property of Hajime Isayama and is licensed Madman Entertainment, Funimation, and Manga UK.


When a girl confesses her love to you, it can be one of the best feelings you can ever have. It's a warm feeling, knowing that someone you like cares about you just as much as you do about them. For Mikasa Ackerman, it was the most wonderful thing in the entire world. She finally had the one thing her heart desired more than anything in the entire world, more than the extermination of the titans, more than the becoming the strongest soldier in the military and more than saving humanity itself. She had Eren and that was the one things she wanted most of all. But for Eren, it was the most terrifying thing since facing off against Annie on his first expedition.

Eren cared about his sister. He knew that his attitude was a problem and that Mikasa would always suffer the brunt of it but never the less he truly cared about her. She always was patient with him, she always made sure he was safe, she always tried to help him with whatever she could and she never asked for anything in return. And yet, he would push her away. His pride stopping him from listening to reason and misjudge her kindness for pity. If he had just trusted her, if he had just let her help every once in a while, then maybe he wouldn't be so scared of her.

Nobody knew what to make of the situation. Some of the soldiers like Armin and Krista felt like they should help Eren in some way, while others like Connie and Sasha wanted to stay out of it and wait for it to blow over. But as much as they hated to admit it there was still the odds of dealing with Mikasa. Normally she would be found training but ever since the "incident" as the group like to call or "the incredible ass kicking" if you listen to Connie, Mikasa rarely left his side. There were times when they'd be seen together walking in the hall, Eren refusing to look anywhere but the floor and Mikasa holding his hand and smiling. It was as if she completely shut out Eren's fear and pain and replaced it with only what she wanted to see.

When they were apart it was different. Mikasa would seem irritated, wanting nothing more then be with her brother or beat the hell at whatever was in front of her while Eren would be so relieved he would actually start to smile again. Still, everybody kept their distance from the two. No matter how much they wanted to help Eren, the threat of Mikasa felt all too real to them and nobody was willing to test it otherwise.

Eren's mind replayed that day over and over again, and each time his fear would return. It was sad how he was reduced to such a state but there was nothing he could do. Mikasa was stronger, faster, and recently found out, crazier than he was. The only thing that gave him any sort of safety was being in the same room with corporal Levi and even then it wasn't as if he was truly safe from harm. He remembered Armin telling him that Levi yelled at Mikasa for sending him to the infirmary. He was unconscious at the time so he could only assume what Armin said was the truth. Although Eren felt relieved that the corporal was on his side, he knew the man was only doing so because the survey core would no longer have access to his titan powers if something happened to him. The only bright side was that that Levi would more than likely stop Mikasa from killing him, but that was as far as it went. For the most part, unless it was to call them for cleaning, expeditions, or punishment for annoying him, he left the soldiers to their business. Meaning Eren was basically fucked up the ass in terms of protection.

Going to the others for help was pointless too. Connie and Sasha would make up excuses and run away, Reiner and Ymir would flat out say no, Bertholdt would break out in a sweat and start panicking, while Levi told him to suck it up and deal with it. Hange wanted for him to turn into a titan the minute he regained consciousness so he could heal instantly but other than that she didn't have any useful advice. The only ones who were interested in helping him were Armin and Krista, and since Ymir and Reiner were incredibly protective of Christa and wouldn't let her near his psycho sister, that just left Armin.

Now Armin wasn't one for strength but he was smart and he definitely had a way with words. Eren hoped that he could try and talk some sense into Mikasa, but that plan didn't really work out so well. Armin had asked her to meet him in the hallway close to Levi's office, hoping that she would reconsider her actions should the meeting go awry. Eren had stayed behind a corner and watched the whole thing unfold. If he had joined in than Mikasa would have definitely ignored Armin and grab him to do god knows what. He could still remember the conversation, and how far south it went in such a short amount of time.

"Why did you tell me to meet you here Armin?" Her emotionless facade still full in effect.

"I need to talk to you about Eren." Mikasa's face lit up at the sound of her brother's name. Her expression changed to a mix of anger, fear, worry, and probably sadness. Eren always got into fights and never won many of them so hearing his name made her paranoid.

"What about Eren? Is he hurt? Was it Levi? I swear I'll that rip that fucking midgets head off and put it on a fucking stick if he hurt my Eren." Her teeth bared as images of the corporals brutal death filled her imagination.

"Yes he's hurt but it wasn't Levi." Armin decided it best to take a step back away from her, hoping to at least try and avoid any incoming crazy actions Mikasa might do.

"What? Then who? What was it? What their name? What battalion are they from? Is it a girl? Is Eren cheating on me? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Eren would never cheat on me because he loves me and I love him, that's all that matters in the end right? Right?!" Mikasa face changed from an enraged grimace to a crooked smile that quite frankly scared the shit out of both of them. As he hid behind the corner he could see the insanity resonating from his sister.

"Uh...yeah you see thing about that is..."Armin wasn't sure how to tell Mikasa the truth, mostly because he was afraid how she'd react but also because she was his friend and that made it more painful to do. But he knew it had to be done. With confidence he looked Mikasa right in the eye and told her the truth.

"You're the one who keeps hurting Eren." Armin waited for any incoming attack but surprisingly none came.

"What? What are you saying Armin?"

"I'm saying that you've got to stop this now, your traumatizing Eren and scaring away all our friends."

"I don't know what we're talking about Armin. Eren and I are perfectly happy together."She didn't even seem bothered by the comment.

"Mikasa you can't-"

"Now listen to me Armin. You've been my friend for as long as I can remember. I feel like I can trust you with anything. I know what's good for Eren, and that's me. I'm going to love him, I'm going to take care of him, I'm going to marry him, we're going to have several children, and we're all going to live happily ever after, because I have put up with enough shit to fill a fucking stable Armin! I fucking deserve this!" she yelled. Mikasa's sadness, anger, desperation echoed in the hallway. The lack of yelling and threats meant that Levi was not in his office, cutting off any form of protection Armin and Eren had. If Mikasa lost it, then there would be nobody to save them and there was no way in hell Eren was going to jump in and be a hero if she went after Armin.


"You know I should thank you Armin. You were the first one who told me I had a chance, you were the only one who understood my feelings and helped me whenever I asked. For that I thank you. And this little talk of ours has given me a great idea. So thanks Armin, for everything." Her voice sounded so sincere and hopeful but both boys knew there was a far darker meaning behind those words. Before Armin could say anymore Mikasa walked away.

Eren was furious. Not only did he screw things up but now he made matters worse by giving her ideas to do god knows what to him later. Leaving his hiding spot Eren stomped over to Armin.

"What the hell Armin?! You were supposed to help me!" he whispered angrily. Eren realized that his shouting was basically setting off flare for Mikasa to find him, so he tried to avoid it as much as possible.

"Sorry Eren, but she took off right before I could say anything. You heard her right? She's insane!"

"No shit what tipped you off?!"

"Look we just need to rethink this and come up with a better plan."

"Damn it! I don't like this Armin, we need to figure something out fast or else I am going to be stuck in hell for the rest of my life." Eren face showed a look of pure fear and anger, like a terrified animal facing off against its worst predator.

"I know that! Look first things first I think you should try to find out what idea Mikasa has in store for you. In the mean time I'll figure something out."

"WHAT?!" he yelled. Armin walked off to try to figure out a plan leaving Eren seething in rage. He was angry yes, but Armin was the only sort of chance he had to help him. He was only thankful that Mikasa didn't hear that.

The rest of the day was spent hiding from his sister, hoping to avoid any "quality time" she wanted to spend with him. Having to endure the constant staring, the awkward hand holding, the back breaking hugs, the fear of being hit, and worst of all, the raping of his mouth whenever she wanted to. In the end he had to do whatever she said no matter how much he hated it. She was stronger than him and she was violent whenever he protested. He could still feel the remnant of his cheeks stinging after she slapped him for asking to hang out with some of the guys and the black eye from when she saw him starting at another female in the barracks. No matter how trivial the reason Mikasa wanted to make one thing clear. He was hers, now and forever until the end of time and there was not a god damn thing he or anyone else could do about it. It was all but a life of hell. Her madness drove everybody away from him. Even Jean was too scared to come near him. Once his rival saw what kind of person the girl of his dreams was he backed off indefinitely. The only other person that considered to care was Armin but even he could only help so much. For the first time in a long while, Eren truly felt alone.

It was noticeable how much he had changed since that day. His outburst were rare and his enthusiasm wasn't like it used to be. Although he still held his passion for murdering all the titans most, if not all his free time was spent caring to Mikasa's every need. It had already been one week, but to him it had felt like an eternity. It got to the point he was almost looked forward to going on expeditions, even if it meant several members of the survey core would die due to those beasts. Whatever it took to get his mind of her.

Eren walked to the stables to tend to the horses. He didn't like being out in the open with Mikasa looking for him and it was one of the few places that he could go to get some privacy. Cleaning the stables was one of the chores that was considered a punishment among the recruits. Cleaning the damn place took several hours and in the end you'd end up smelling like horse shit. But it didn't bother him, after all it was a small price to pay.

As he entered the stables he looked around for a shovel to clean out the messy stalls. It's not like he enjoyed doing this but it gave him something to do. Grabbing what he needed he went to the first stall, only to find it clean. It was a little surprising but still it could have just meant that the horse for this stall was out or had been killed as it sometimes happens. He decided to go to the next stall, only to find it clean as well. Confused, Eren went to the next stall and the next, checking each and every one, only to find them all clean. Admittedly he was a bit disappointed that he had nothing to distract his thoughts from Mikasa but at least he won't have to smell like horse shit for the rest of the day.

Walking over to one of the empty stables, Eren went in and decided to lay down on some hay in the corner. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to rest on but it was good enough. He felt so emotionally drained that all he wanted was to just lay down and rest for a little while. His body felt sluggish and eyes were heavy. Hopefully nobody would mind if he drifted off for a little while.

"Hello Eren." His heart nearly stopped at the sound of his sisters monotone voice. Eyes wide open, he frantically searched for her location, mentally praying that he was just hallucinating her voice. He didn't have to search long before he found her, standing in front of the exit to the stall.

"H-Hey M-Mikasa, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking." He turned away from her, too scared to look her in the eyes.

"Say Eren have you ever thought about having kids?" He was hesitant, not sure whether this question was one he wanted to answer.

"Um... no?"

"Well I would like to have them. I think it'd be nice if we had one." Mikasa slowly crept closer.

"Mikasa, I d-don't really think that's such a good idea." Suddenly the distance between them was gone. Mikasa was literally inches away from his face.

"Take your pants off."


"I said. Pants. Off." Before Eren could protest he felt Mikasa's hands grab the straps of his pants and undo them at lightning speed. Instinctively he tried to pry her hands off of him, pushing and swatting her hands away to at least attempt to stop her.

Mikasa started to get frustrated, without warning she grabbed his hands and twisted them around. She could hear Eren grunt in pain as she continued to bend his wrist. He should have known better then to go against her and now he needed to be reminded of who was in control.

Eren was starting to break, the pain was getting too hard to bear anymore. Desperately he tried to think of a way out but the increasing pain was making it hard to think.

Suddenly he remembered something. Something that happened back when he was recruited into the military.

In one quick jerk, Eren slammed his skull into Mikasa as hard as he could, stunning her in a daze. His head pounding from the headache he now had but it was now or never. Quickly he turned his hands around pushed her away, sending her staggering back.

He had a window now, he had a chance to escape. Eren bolted out of the stall, his mind screaming at him to get away. The exit was getting closer and closer with each step, he could finally be free from her torment if not for a little while.

But even though he was fast, even though he was using every bit of leg strength he had, he knew she would catch him, she always did.

He was about five feet away from the exit when he felt her hand on his shoulder. He could feel time slow down as she suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost, thrusting her knee into his gut and slamming her elbow down on his neck. He fell to his knees in agony, desperately trying to breath as he looked up to see her.

Mikasa loomed over her brother, clutching the hammer they used to fix horse shoes. The heavy blunt object ready to strike in hands for a solider Her brother eyed the object, frantically shaking his head to stop the immediate effect that was sure to happen, but Mikasa was in no mood for mercy. Eren had misbehaved and now he was going to have to suffer the consequences.

Raising the hammer above her brother, she smashed the hammer down on Eren collar bone, breaking it with a sickening crack. She saw Eren try to scream, but the lack of air in his lungs muffled any sort of noise above a tearful whimper. Callously she brought the hammer down on him again, breaking another part of his already damaged bone.

Eren tried to yell but his voice was lost. He could feel the tears falling down his face as the pain set in. He wanted to call for help, for somebody to come and save him. As he laid there kneeling on the ground in agony, Mikasa had decided to return to the task at hand. Turning the hammer on its side, Mikasa back handed her brother, once...twice...three times...four times, his blood coating the entire inside of his mouth. He could do nothing as he jaw fell open, making a small puddle of drool and red fluid.

Throwing the hammer in the corner of the room, she moved her hands along Eren's thigh, taking time to unhook all the straps holding his pant in place. He could feel the final strap come undone and Mikasa hands pushing him to the cold, hard ground.

Landing on his back Eren screamed as pain filled his body. His voice had returned to him, but he felt it pointless to call for help. The corporal was gone, the commander was probably with him, Hange was experimenting on one of her "pets", and everybody else was too afraid to try. He could only lay down as Mikasa ripped his pants off. Her eyes showed a hunger he had never seen before and she was staring him like a piece of meat. Mikasa grabbed the hem of his underwear slowly pulling it down, exposing his manhood.

She stared at the cock in front of her. She had seen it before when they were kids, but that was a long time ago. Now it was bigger, it was thicker, and it made her want it so much more. How many nights did she lay in bed and think about Eren? How many times did she watch him work out and imagine rubbing her bare chest against his own? How many times did she pleasure herself to the scent of Eren's clothes? She wanted Eren, she wanted him so bad that she could already feel herself ache with anticipation.

Carefully she grabbed her brother's member, mesmerized like she had just discovered something strange and mysterious. Her imagination was one thing but now that it was here, right in front of her, she had no idea what to do with it. She could feel her brother squirm under her touch, desperately trying to cover himself.

It was funny to see Eren like this, desperately trying to keep his modesty while his sister pushed his legs apart without a problem. It almost...erotic the way he tried resist her. It was fun how he tried to stand up to her, only to be smacked down in defeat. This feeling, this dominance she had over him was more amazing then anything she ever felt in her entire life.

But regardless to what anybody thought, she didn't hate her brother, on the contrary, she loved Eren. She loved his eyes that burned with a fire of determination in the face of adversity, she loved his bravery in how he always jumped in head first regardless how bad the odds were, she loved his body that was perfect for her in every way, she loved him and only him.

There were times though, times where she questioned if it was right to do these things. Eren had been her hero, her reason for living and her faith that not all the world was bad so long as you had people who cared about you.

But her brother had already changed long before she took control. The Eren whom she revered as a little girl was gone and was replaced with a man she didn't even recognize. A rude man, a hurtful man, a ignorant man who cared only for himself and his revenge. For her, this was a chance to get the old Eren back. Back to his normal, kind, loving self that always made her smile. He just needed a little attitude adjustment is all.

Mikasa lightly gripped her brothers shaft, feeling the soft flesh against her hand. Slowly she began to pump up and down his shaft, slowly feeling the soft muscle harden.

"Eren..." Mikasa cooed. Leaning forward, Mikasa softly pressed her lips against his. Unlike the others the kiss wasn't rough and it wasn't forceful. It was soft and gentle filled with kindness and consideration. But a difference in pressure didn't change anything. His sister had hurt him, she had broken his collar bone and broke his jaw, at the same time knocking some of his teeth out. She degraded him and humiliated him and now she was violating him and loving every bit of it. Quickly he searched the around the room, desperately trying to find something he could use, but still held Mikasa's kiss to keep her from noticing. There was nothing was around for him to use but still he couldn't give up. He never did in front of titans and he wouldn't do it now, although right now he would much rather fight the titans.

Pushing through the pain and taking every last bit of his courage, Eren swung his fist and punched his sister right between the eyes. It was risky and it would more than likely make things worse but he had to try. Mikasa coiled back, her eyes blurry from the inevitable tears. It hurt Eren to do this to her. No matter what she was still his sister and he still loved her. Even so he had to get away, by any means necessary. All he had to do was get out in the open. Using the tiny window he had, Eren kicked his sister as hard as he could in the gut and forced himself to his feet.

Mikasa clutched her stomach in pain, the shock of the assault barely registering in her head. Her eyes were still watering from the punch and the smell of blood filled her. Regardless though she was a soldier, one of the best, and right now she had a retreating enemy that was not about to get away. No way in hell would she let him get away.

Eren didn't get two feet before Mikasa recovered, he didn't even notice when she was gaining on him, and he sure as hell didn't turn to check. With the last bit of everything he had Eren jumped outside the stables, using blood to turn into a titan. The ground began to shake as the once teenage boy turned into a massive hulking monster.

Mikasa looked on in anger as her prize was ripped out of her reach. She was there, she was right fucking there! He was set up on a silver platter just for her, she had everything set up! Now it was gone, that moment, the one that she imagined ever since she first figured out how much she loved him, was taken from her because she was careless. It hurt her so much to have something so close that she could taste it be only to fail miserably.

"I am not going to you get away this time." she growled. Looking around Mikasa tried to find something that could help her, 3DM gear, rope, chains, anything that could give her chance to stop him.

But in the end she could do nothing but watch as her brother ran away from her. His strides making the ground shake as he fled. She knew it was pointless to go after him, what with him being able to cover more ground and he had the height of a giant. She didn't even have a horse.

Turning around Mikasa turned around and walked to the stables, circling around the back behind the building. There she found the man that had cleaned the stables, unconscious and barely moving. She didn't know the man, he was just some random recruit she had threatened into cleaning the stables so she could look for Eren. Imagine her surprise when she found out that her brother was hiding out there. Of course she had to take care of the recruit. All she had to do was stop him from leaving the area than ask him to come behind the building with her for a "reward." The pathetic piece of trash probably thought he was going to get some head or something stupid like that for his trouble. Like she would ever stoop so low. She almost enjoyed bashing his head against the wall. If only the smell wasn't so bad.

Mikasa mentally shrugged to herself. Even if the recruit remembered what she did she could always claim that he tried to put his hands on her. It was obvious the guy was new so it's not like it would be a surprise that he would try to do something so stupid. If that didn't work she could always just beat him within an inch of his life. But now her job was to hide the body. Picking him up with one hand, Mikasa quickly walked back into the stables and threw the man on the nearest pile of hay. There was still a chance he wouldn't remember any of it so at least this way he could think it was a dream.

Mikasa walked to where brother once was, watching the big foot prints that lead outside of the area. Her face blank of all expression.

"Where are you going Eren? What can you find out there?" Turning back she headed for the castle. Eren would be with her soon enough, all she had to do was be patient. It didn't matter how much distance he tried to put between them. He had no where left to go.

Hey everyone! It's me again finally finishing up another chapter for this. I bet you were hoping for a rape scene weren't you? NOPE! Sorry but I want to tease you guys just a little bit longer, add in some more graphic scenes later. For now I just wanted to set the tone of how far gone Mikasa really is. Still I would like to apologize for my long absence. Believe me that's not my intention. I usually start a chapter almost immediately after I finish one. I just lose creativity and take a break to work on something else. That something else turns into ANOTHER something else and so on and so forth until I forget. I'll have the word document open for a week before I actually come up with something. But that's no excuse I know. Anyways I thank you all for liking my story and I hope you find it in your hearts to keep reading.

Please review and comment on the story, it makes me feel better knowing I put out something interesting for you guys to read. Feel free to private message me if you want too. Alright I'll see you all later and I hope you all enjoy.
