Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown.

Warning: Hints of homosexuality and sexual situations.

Jack drilled carefully into one of his Jack-bot's, trying not to make the same mistake he made last time. Fortunately, the screw fit perfectly, this time with no issues, and he shut the drill off.

He felt something brush against his leg, but barely flinched. Instead, he brought his hand down to lightly stroke the creature's head sweetly as he continued to examine the robot to make sure nothing was amiss before he powered it up. Chase purred and affectionately wrapped his tail around Jack's legs. Once the redhead was sure that his robot's screws were all in the right place, he flipped the switch, causing the Jack-bot to spring to life and hover in place.

"JB-416, check the underground labs for any remaining Jack-bot's and bring them back upstairs for an announcement."

"Yes, Master," the machine beeped in reply before zooming off.

Jack cast a glance down at Chase, tilting his head slightly. "Well, six months is almost up, huh?" he stated as he grabbed the Tongue of Saiping and activated it.

"Quite," Chase agreed as they made their way across the laboratory. "I have been plotting my revenge against Bean in the back of my mind."

Jack frowned suddenly and said, "Wait a second. If Bean had never cursed you in the first place, would we even be together now?"

This gave Chase pause.

For the last month, Chase and Jack began to talk more casually with one another. Chase honestly found that Jack was one of the first people in a long, long time that he could have an intelligent conversation with, but also cuddle close to whenever he felt like it. They gave each other elbow room, of course, but if Jack wasn't particularly busy with anything, Chase would hop up next to him and lay his head contently in Jack's lap.

What if Hannibal had never cursed him?

"Bean still committed a crime against me and he must be punished. Whether something pleasant came from it matters not."

Jack smiled at Chase's statement, still quietly reveling in the astounding fact that Chase Young was actually into him.

The two retired to Jack's couch, Jack laying on his back and Chase curling up next to him. The dragon's tail wrapped around Jack's legs and his arms around Jack's waist. Jack happily returned the embrace, laying one hand on Chase's head and the other still gripping the Wu.


"Yes, Spicer?"

"When we get you back to normal, am I gonna live with you?" Jack asked.

"I should hope so," Chase mumbled, nestling his snout in the crook of the evil genius' neck. "It would save you the trouble of traveling back and forth from here to my citadel every day and I wish to keep our sleeping arrangements."

Jack blushed hotly at the statement.

For the past month, Jack and Chase slept in the same way Chase had when he'd felt sick that one night. Jack, of course, loved the closeness and felt no need to argue with his companion.

"Cool," the redhead muttered as he nuzzled against Chase's face, a faint smile on his face.

"At that moment, JB-416 floated back into the room.

"Master, the rest of the Jack-bot's are awaiting your orders," the robot beeped as the other robots assembled behind him.

Without moving from his spot next to Chase, Jack explained, "Okay, guys. Here's the deal. Very soon the Shen Gong Wu we need for Chase is going to activate. To make sure we don't have any problems getting it, I have an actual plan…"

"Wh-wh-who w-would hide a Sh-shen Gong W-wu in the North P-pole?" Jack stuttered, his breath visibly seen in the cold artic.

Beside him, Chase was shivering slightly as well. "They've been everywhere else in the world, so your surprise astonishes me."

"Y-yeah, b-but I hate h-how one d-day a Shen Gong W-wu w-will be on a nice, hot b-beach and the next, w-we're in the middle of an artic t-tundra!" Jack complained, his eyes squinting as he tried to search for the magical item.

Before Chase could growl at the boy to quit his whining, he realized that they were not alone. He whipped his massive head around to see the monks sinking around in search of the Wu. "We have company, Spicer."

Jack followed Chase's gaze over to the Xiaolin warriors before gritting his teeth. "Shit," he cursed in a worried voice. "We gotta find this thing fast."

"Agreed," Chase pressed his nose down to the ground, trying to find the unusual scent that belonged to the Wu. He was grateful his magic still allowed him to track the magical item. Finally, he found it. "This way."

Jack dutifully followed him, trying to make sure the monks didn't notice them. For Jack's plan to work properly, they needed to stay inconspicuous for as long as possible.

They crept across the land until Chase shot his head up. The two were in front of a huge stone of solid ice. "There," he stated.

Surprisingly, instead of whining about how they were going to get the Wu out, Jack tossed a few discs that attached themselves to the glacier before he pulled out a strange controller from his coat pocket. He aimed it at the pillar of ice and pressed a series of buttons.

"And now we run," Jack said as he turned on his heel and made a break for it. "Move it, Chase!"

The dragon quickly followed his companion and until they were a safe enough distance away, there was an explosion that shook the ground. Chase turned around to see that the once strong mountain was now lying in basketball-sized chunks strewn across the ground.

Jack smiled victoriously and held the device against his chest. "I love technology," he announced happily, shutting his eyes.

"And I love your brain," Chase purred before dashing off to find the Wu.

He scurried over to the blocks of ice, immediately spotting the Magic Endifier. Unfortunately, he came face to face with a rather disgusting roadblock.


The evil legume grinned maliciously from the other side of the Shen Gong Wu.

"Why, hello there, Young," Hannibal drawled. "How've you been? Well, I hope. I've been so worried 'bout you. As a matter of fact, I think I actually missed seeing your ugly mug every day. Oh, and I don't mean this slippery, little lizard form neither."

Chase growled fiercely, his animal instincts threatening to take full control. Without warning, the monks jumped in between the two Heylin members.

"Not so quick!" Omi shouted, messing up the phrasing as usual.

Raimundo tried to grab the Wu, but Chase was too fast. In the blink of an eye, the dragon had the magical item in his jaws and was running towards Jack who had watched the scene with wide eyes.

"Let's move, Spicer!" Chase snarled through his teeth as he rushed past the evil genius, the others already hot on their heels.

Jack obeyed as he ran after Chase, pressing numerous buttons on his watch as he screamed, "Jack-bot's, attack!"

The robots appeared out of nowhere as they normally did and began to shoot at the monks. Unfortunately, since Bean reverted to his small form, he made it past the robots completely unscathed. The legume chuckled evilly as he rushed forward, already chanting some sort of ancient spell that Chase instantly recognized.

"Spicer…" he rumbled warily.

"On it," Jack panted breathlessly, pressing more buttons on his watch as they ran.

Below them, it sounded as though an earthquake was about to occur. Suddenly, Jack's old worm-bot's burst up from the ground, knocking Hannibal clean off his…well, it knocked him up in the air, anyways.

The two Heylin hopped into one of Jack's latest modes of transportation, taking to the sky without a second glance. They sat without speaking for a few minutes, only heavily breathing from the sheer intensity of the event before Jack grinned triumphantly.

"We did it," he stated. "We actually did it! Yes, yes, yes! Woo! Take that, monks! Take that, Bean! Man, that was freakin' awesome!"

Chase kept the Wu in his mouth, deciding that it would be better to stay quiet, rather than make some snarky comment. He didn't want to anger Jack to the point that he might not change him back, if only to spite him for a little while.

Chase had waited too long to regain control.

"You ready?" Jack asked, standing on the far-side of the room.

Chase nodded, the slightest bit of doubt that this would work nagging at him.

"Magic Endifier!" Jack shouted, aiming the Wu at Chase.

The warrior felt the magic hit him hard and he could already feel himself transforming back into his human form. The process was slower than usual and that made it all the more painful. He let out a groan of displeasure and tried to fight the ache coursing through his very veins.

Luckily, he had original transformed while his trademark armor was on, so he did not have to feel uncomfortable on the lab's cold floor were he naked. It took him a few moments to realize that Jack was right by his side, holding him so that he could stand up and not fall flat on his face.

"Chase?" Jack looked at him warily. "How do you feel?"

Chase hesitated before answering, "…better. Much better." He could feel a smug grin already forming on his now human face.

"Oh, good," Jack breathed out in relief, still holding onto Chase, his head nestled in the crook of the warlord's neck.

Chase returned the embrace, placing his arm around Jack's shoulders.

"So, what're you gonna do to Bean?" Jack asked, his voice slightly muffled against Chase's skin.

"Oh, I have a few…ideas," the warlord answered as he smirked more broadly. "Bean has stirred up a great rage in me and even though it takes a great deal to invoke such wrath, when it is brought out—"

"It's deadly," Jack finished easily, nuzzling against his master's neck as he smiled peacefully.

Chase glanced at him, still smirking. "Well said, my love."

It took exactly three seconds for Jack to fully realize what Chase said. He pulled back, still holding onto him. "Wha…what did you say?"

Chase offered no verbal response, instead opting to gingerly grip Jack's chin and kiss him. Jack squeaked in surprise, but eventually returned the kiss.

The overlord let go of his chin and broke the kiss, producing a small, desperate whine from Jack as he did so. Chase gave a light chuckle as he grabbed the goth's hand and began to lead him to the bedroom they'd shared for the past few months.

"Allow me to reward you for your devotion, my Jack-rabbit," Chase purred seductively, enjoying the pink blush flooding both of Jack's cheeks.

Blinking in shock at the new pet-name, Jack allowed himself to be gently pushed onto his bed just as the immortal straddled his waist.

Finally, Jack smiled to himself as he whispered blissfully, "Whatever you say, my dragon…"

A/N: Here it is! THE END! Hope you all enjoyed it!

Oh, and I want to clear something up. I finished this story a long time ago. I posted these chapters in such a quick fashion because the story was done. It takes me a long time to post things because I take a lot of time with them. Please don't think that I can pump out chapter after chapter like nobody's business. It takes time for me to do a story and I never post one without finishing it. Some writers can do that, but I can't. I'm not mad or anything, but please don't think I write fast.

Anyways, I hope everyone liked this! I love you all! Review if you wish!